Slime Girl

Chapter 191


- Shari -


This might be one of the most stupid things I ever planned to do.
I'm currently so extremely unsure about my course of action that I'd gladly take any bad excuse to call this off.
Also, a certain someone isn’t helping me feel any more secure about my decision.


"Just so I get this straight, you're saying you're acquainted with this group of adventurers. And they knew your secret without handing you to the authorities." (Michael)

"Well, yes." (Shari)

"But you had this falling out with them after you killed their teammate in a messed up situation in a way that could be seen as self-defense." (Michael)

"Yep!" (Liqu)

"And now you intend, after months apart, to suddenly show up at their door, hoping that they might be willing to help us. Did I get all of this right?" (Michael)

"That's the gist of it. Any issues with this plan?" (Shari)

"If they didn't sell you out yet, it's unlikely that they'll suddenly change their minds now. However, I need to say, you have to be quite brazen to pull off this kind of thing." (Michael)

"Yes! My Shari is so brave!" (Liqu)


I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant like this.


"Look, it might be worth a shot. At least, I think I know them well enough to be sure that they wouldn't side with criminal slaver scum. This is better than nothing." (Shari)

"Hey, I didn't intend to talk you out of this. Sometimes it works out in this line of work to not give a damn. If it works, who is going to judge?" (Michael)


Damn, why couldn't he talk me out of this?
Eventually, we reach the barracks.
The man standing guard in front of it might be the same one as the last time I was here.
However, I'm not good with faces, as facial details are apparently the kind of random information my core doesn't like to be imbued with.
On the other side, I might just act as if we're best friends.
You know, as a strategy.


"Hey there! You still know us?" (Shari)

"Oh damn." (guard)

"Was that a 'yes'?" (Shari)

"It was more of a: 'What the heck are those responsible for the greatest uproar of the town in years doing here?!' If you get where I'm coming from." (guard)

"Well... Is Jacob here? I'd like to talk to him. You know we are acquainted, right?" (Shari)

"I'm not entirely sure if that would be in his favor." (guard)

"You could at least tell him. Then he can decide if he wants to meet me." (Shari)

"Alright, alright. I'll see what I can do. Just don't kill any nobles or other high-ups while I'm not looking." (guard)


Guess I have to take this.
So he moves down the barracks corridor, and a short time later a wide-eyed Jacob comes running.


"You!? For real?! What the fuck are you doing here?" (Jacob)

"It's nice to see you again as well, Jacob." (Shari)

"Nice to see you!?" (Jacob)

"You're welcome!" (Shari)

"You know that I didn't mean it like that! What in the celestials' name brought you back here?!" (Jacob)


Does he have to be so loud?


"Ehm, what would you say if I told you that I have a tiny little request?" (Shari)


Damn, his look distorts quite a bit.
Also, the fact that he isn't answering immediately is concerning.
Though, maybe it's positive that he's at least giving it a thought?


"Seriously... After everything that happened back then." (Jacob)

"If I'm right, we both agreed that wasn't my fault." (Shari)

"Maybe, but this doesn't change what happened." (Jacob)


I guess it's not as easy as saying: "Hey, can you forget about everything that happened between us, like me killing your comrade, and again work with me?"
Aside from fault and responsibility, there's still a rift between us.


"Would you at least ask us inside and hear us out?" (Shari)

"Damn, fine. But... Myra was supposed to show up for a team meeting. You know, she'll probably not be too happy to see you again." (Jacob)


Well, I killed her childhood friend.
I can probably consider myself lucky that she's not on a vendetta against me.


"That hopefully won't be an issue. Please, just hear me out about my offer." (Shari)

"Fine... Howard, I'd like to take those two inside. They won't stay for long. And... By the way, who're you?" (Jacob)


I need to admit that our master spy does a good job at not drawing attention to his person if Jacob just noticed him now.


"The name's Michael. Glad to make your acquaintance!" (Michael)


If I wouldn't know that this all is just an act, he might actually make the impression of an amicable guy.
Unfortunately for him, Jacob has some experience if it's about judging people.


"Sure... Shari, who is this?" (Jacob)

"He's basically our babysitter on this mission. We got a peculiar but hopefully rewarding employment, but they are still somewhat apprehensive of us, as you might guess." (Shari)

"Well, that you made this happen is already enough of a miracle. Fine, come in." (Jacob)


So I enter once again into the room of Jacob's team.
However, once I get a proper look there's a certain detail that stands out to me.
Why are there two beds?
Not only that, but I can tell at first glance they're both in use.
Back then it was Chris who used the second one, but for obvious reasons, he can't be the current occupant.
And as far as I know, the rooms are still allocated to the respective teams for privacy reasons.
One wouldn't leave all the team equipment and savings with effective strangers and even the guild knows this.
Especially in this town.

So the only explanation is that they have a new teammate.
Someone I don't know.
And more importantly, he doesn't know me.
This could become crucial if he's a racist.
Or specist?
Whatever, it could spell trouble.
But how do I go about this?
I wouldn't like to start with: "Hey, who did you replace the guy I killed with?"
Maybe I should be more roundabout.


"Ahem, good to see that you are still in business. How did things go for you after we left, Jacob?" (Shari)

"It was rough, but the savings helped to pull us through. We might've even fared better than most of the other adventures after that little crisis you two caused. We were able to consolidate, found a new member, and get started again." (Jacob)


This is my chance.


"You brought someone else in?" (Shari)

"It's not like we were the first team to ever lose a member. That's part of what the guild is for. To act as an intermediary between members in such cases. They're not keeping all those lists for fun." (Jacob)


He sounds a bit rough while talking about this topic but not directly hostile.
I'll take that.


"That new guy... How is he?" (Shari)

"Peculiar, I'd say. A pseudo noble who emphasizes a bit too strongly on what he calls 'noblesse oblige'. Though, I guess he's alright. At least he does what he's told without complaining. But may I ask again what you're here for?" (Jacob)


I guess I can trust Jacob's assessment.
In general, he's a good judge of character.


"You know, there's this mission that would profit a great deal by the insight of the locals. I..." (Shari)


Suddenly Michael moves back to the door.


"Someone's coming this way." (Michael)


Liqu looks in the proclaimed direction, even though she doesn't need this for her vibration sense.


"He's right. Certainly our way." (Liqu)


I scan as well and feel the telltale vibrations of steps.


"Ahem, before you fall back to extreme measures, that might just be our teammate." (Jacob)


Not like this is really soothing me.
Things just got more complicated when I really could've used some serenity to explain everything.
A few moments later the steps reach us.


"Hey, Jacob, I brought the food for the team meeting!" (Lorel)


He enters and looks quite surprised at the current situation.
Wait, do I know this guy?
I feel like something crucial happened so I should remember him.
If I could just find the memory somewhere in my core.
Yet before I can unbury it his gaze settles on me.


"Hey, I know this one!" (Liqu)


So even Liqu remembers him?
That's an issue, as I know for a fact that she usually doesn't remember most people she meets.


"Ehm, hello, I am..." (Shari)

"The domestic offender!" (Lorel)


Oh, right, that was it.
Now I know again why I sealed off that memory.
What did I say about things getting complicated?

You got me good again, world.


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