Slime Girl

Chapter 216


- Felion Varros -


"I advise you not to scream, Lord Varros. It would be all too unfortunate, but I could reach you before any guard would even come close to the door." (?)


In the dim light, the glint of a metal mask is to be seen, rarely illuminated by the occasional lightning.
Their cloak, lying slick from wetness to their person, obfuscates their shape.
Though, I’m reasonably certain the figure is a woman, coming from their distinctly female tone.

Her cloak is open in the middle, revealing a greyish-blue plate beneath, which shows the image of a droplet that somehow seems to stretch its upper half to where it came from.
It resembles the one Captain Gareth told me about.
Apparently, it's the emblem of a newly founded order of knights.
One of its members now standing right in my bed chamber.

Just what is going on here?!
How could this person reach this place?
The wetness indicates they were outside in the rain, just shortly ago.
But we're here on the highest floor, and it's impossible to climb the even walls without equipment.
Especially, during a fucking storm!
She doesn't even seem out of breath, just looming there, next to the window.


"Wh-what i-is the meaning of this? Are y-you here to take my life on behalf of your masters?" (Varros)

"No! Why?! Such a thing! I'm merely here to talk about today's proposal. You know that we're royal agents, right? It's basically our job to solve problems within the country. So we offer our assistance in doing something about all the little issues that come up." (?)


She makes it sound as if she would leave me a choice in this.
As if.


"There's no need for this. Your 'assistance' isn't required." (Varros)


Could I call for my guards?
No probably not.
Even if there would be some close enough to hear me, the storm drowns every sound.


"Excuse me, but Ekoras is notorious for its lax administration. Everyone in the country thinks so. At this point, one can't speak about a simple publicity problem anymore. Your fief is in a dire state. So, in fact, our assistance is required." (?)


Still, it's my fief!


"This decision is mine to make! You are overstepping your boundaries, agent!" (Varros)


I think I might've intimidated her with this.
After all, my status still exceeds hers by far.
Yet she still talks with a disturbingly calm demeanor.


"Then please, dear lord, tell me one justifiable reason why you wouldn't try to regain control over this town. Is there a single thing you could say that wouldn't make you appear utterly incapable of governing the very place you're here to govern? Anything that wouldn't make you look either disloyal or utterly incompetent?" (?)

"How dare you! I'm still..." (Varros)


Suddenly she crosses the distance to me, stopping directly in front of my face.
I'm so startled that I almost fall to my butt.
The most off-putting was that there was no apparent movement from her body, aside from the general motion.
As if she didn't move at all, but just the world around her.
What kind of magic is this?!


"You'll listen now to me! You might be the lord of this place, but this title is a duty, not a privilege. You're only here because there has to be someone to get this job done. Someone is needed to contain the dangerous elements, maintain prosperity, and protect the people. And for now it seems like you're doing a terrible job at it, Marquis. A terrible job indeed. So, tell me, what else is someone in this kind of position, failing completely at it, but a dire problem for the country that has to be dissolved?" (?)


Oh my god, she drew a blade!
She's truly here to kill me!


"N-n-no, please not!" (Varros)


Wh-what is she doing now?!
She's dripping some liquid on it.


"You know, this here is a special little mix that once it gets into the bloodstream might cause quite the nasty effect. Shitting your intestines out, choking to death, a variety of things. Though one thing is for sure, it would definitely not go quickly. And all the more certain, not be pleasant. As much as it would pain me to make use of it, I worry my hand might be forced to do so." (?)


Torturing me to death?!
Is that it?
Just why?
This is too much.
Oh no, another blade!!


"This one, on the other side, contains a poison that would kill you before you could even complain about the pain. Might serve very well if you'd decide to scream and someone were to come. Still interesting though. To have those two options so close to each other." (?)


She holds both blades out to me as if weighing them as well as the options they imply.


"You can't do that! You can't! You, you just can't!" (Varros)

"Why? Because your life is so important? Because without you this whole place would go to shit? Because you're doing such a fabulous job at keeping it in a remotely presentable state? Is that it?" (?)


What can I answer to this? I know crime is rampant in the city.
I'm giving my all not to get swallowed by the different powers at play, competing like the direwolves over a piece of fresh meat.
I know that I already lost and nothing I say is going to change this impression.
They already made up their mind.


"You, you don't need to do this. I'll give you everything you want! Money! Status! Power! Just say so!" (Varros)

"Lord Varros, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep. You don't even have power in your very own league. You gave it away to the kind of individuals who shouldn't have it. Besides, I'm not even remotely interested in this. All I care is about who is in charge of this city. Or rather, who should be in charge." (?)


The city?
She wants my position?
Or at least it to open up?


"I, I can just leave somewhere else, far away from here!" (Varros)

"That won't be necessary." (?)

"Wh-what do you mean?" (Varros)

"Our job means that we're solving problems for the country. As such, it involves removing incompetent people from their position. But you aren't a problem, am I right?" (?)

"I, I don't understand." (Varros)

"It's simple. Because you'll do the raid, just as we suggested. Only an incompetent person would allow for crime to fester as much as it does in this city. However, this was all an elaborate ruse of yours to make them lower their guard and take them out all at once. Truly ingenious, marquis. A brilliant plan indeed. And for this simple reason, you're going to accept our proposal and deliver the decisive blow, isn't that right?" (?)

"Wh-what?" (Varros)

"You can stop playing dumb now, marquis. I know you are a loyal subject to the crown. Someone who performs his duties with all his heart, right? You were confronted with dire problems and did your very best to solve them by yourself. However, let me tell you, this isn't necessary at all. Such a loyal man as you can naturally count on all the support that will be necessary to solve the issue. That much we owe you, isn't that right?" (?)


What is she talking about?
Wasn't she here to liquidate me a moment ago?
Now she's offering me a way out?


"This means, if you need more men for this endeavor, we will gladly provide them on your behalf. Just make the request. Or even better, write it down. Right there, at your desk. If this is given, we'll directly deliver it to the right instances. You might even be rewarded for your loyal service." (?)


She's pointing to the desk in the corner of my room.
Actually, I rarely retire to my office nowadays.
It's much more convenient to take care of the smaller things in privacy.
For this reason, I have paper, ink, and my seal over there.
Everything they'd need.
Everything aside from my signature.

If I do this, The Pact will take offense.
At worst, they'll see this as me choosing the other side.
In the end, it will likely bring me into direct conflict with them.

But what choice do I have?
I don't want to die.
If I don't give in to that agent's demands, they'll kill me right on the spot.
I don't have any doubt that they're capable of this, while I'm barely in shape to swing something as heavy as a sword around.

I move slowly to the desk and reluctantly write everything as they want it.
It sounds almost innocuous.
A simple request for assistance to help me deal with the abundant crime in my realm, by sending a couple of men.
I don't even know who I'm addressing in particular, she won't tell me.
This way, it feels more like I'm confessing my ineptitude.
In the end, I create a legally official document, which I can be held accountable for.


"Here it is. Satisfied?" (Varros)


She looks over the contents.


"Very much obliged. Thank you for your cooperation, Marquis. This was a very wise choice." (?)


I'm not sure about this.
I'm not even sure if this was a choice at all.
In the first place, this was to ensure my imminent survival.


"What now?" (Varros)

"Now? Well, the obvious. I expect you to keep your army prepared for when the time comes. Maybe sorting out any disloyal individuals to get rid of them before it gets critical. I'm sure Captain Gareth is the perfect man for this job for you to rely on. Meanwhile, we'll be on the way and get you the help you need. Everything is going to turn out well for you. I'll excuse myself now. Bye." (?)


The agent stores the document within an apparently priorly prepared container.
Then she turns and walks away.
Can I truly let this happen?
Maybe I could apprehend her and reclaim the writing?
However, instead of the doors, she's heading for the window.


"Once again I thank you, Marquis. The talk was very comfortable. I'll now take my leave with your permission." (?)


My permission?
As if she truly cares for something like this.

Wait, what is she doing there?!
She turns back to me.


"Just let me tell you, Marquis. I utterly despise dishonest people who go back on the very word they gave. If you decide to betray us, I'll continue with you right where we stopped a moment ago. So remember this, please. With this, I hereby take my leave, Marquis. Goodbye." (?)




She just jumped!
We're here in one of the highest rooms this castle has to offer!
So why?!

Immediately I rush to the window.
However, when I look outside, there is no trace of her.
Just the storm and the moat below.

She's gone.
The document as well.
Just who was this?!

While I can't answer this question, one thing is for sure.
I can forget about getting the document back.


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