Slime Girl

Chapter 217


- Shari -


Okay, down I go.
I have no idea if he's going to call the guards, but even if he does, I doubt that any alarm can travel faster than my current freefall.
And yes, I actually jumped out of the window and am at the moment on the most direct way down possible.
Naturally, I'm not going to get myself killed.
I would probably survive the eventual hit on the ground as I am, even if the resulting crash will probably completely obliterate my form and splash the pieces of me everywhere around the moat.
For this reason, I'm shifting out of my clothes and equipment, so they won't get as damaged by my body shifting inside them.
However, to even mitigate the small chance that my cushioning slime body in combination with my core-shell won't suffice to securely prevent damage, we have another safety measure in place.
The issue is, I won't like this part.


  • "I got you!" (Liqu)




Yes, that was the plan.
To avoid that I hit the ground too hard with my liquid body, we had to increase the cushioning effect.
And the best way to do that is more cushion.
In this sense, we had Liqu function here as my landing point, her much bigger body serving to catch me and breaking my fall completely.
Yes, it worked, but I guess I don't need to mention how much this irritates and grosses me out.

I need to completely regather myself.
The worst is how I'm not only scattered everywhere, but every little bit is also in some way mixed with Liqu.


  • "I think that's nice." (Liqu)
  • "Shut up, Liqu!" (Shari)


As I have to recover, I need some time before I can take stock of my situation.
First, I make sure that I and Liqu are physically fine.
There was not too much of a risk, as I adjusted my fall and Liqu was instructed to get her core out of the way, but you never know for sure.
Fortunately, everything seems alright.

Next, I check my equipment.
The cloak is still wet, but overall really good quality that survived the strain.
My chest plate came down quite hard, but I can't see any noteworthy damage.
The same goes for my blades which have kinda grown on me.
The next would be my mask, which... shit.
It hit the ground hard.
A part around the left eye got a bad fissure and there's a severe dent on the whole right surface.
Well, seems like I have to take care of this with another visit to my favorite shop for cosmetic articles.
Anyway, I need to proceed.

Just then I concentrate on the probably most important piece.
The very reason why I did this in the first place.
The container with the documents.
That one is something Michael brought with him at the end of the day.
It's more on the cheap side, but apparently served its purpose.
At least, I hope no slime went inside.


"Can you please hurry up? I'd like to leave here sooner rather than later." (Michael)


I concentrate my efforts on getting my voice back first.


"I need a moment! You might not have noticed, but I'm not entirely settled yet!" (Shari)

"I'm already back fine!" (Liqu)

"Maybe because you have more experience in getting obliterated?!" (Shari)

"That might be. Training is very important, after all." (Liqu)


Is she consciously teasing me or is this just Liqu being Liqu?
It's hard to tell with that slime.

Once I'm fully reassembled, I fetch my equipment that was strewn around and once I put my mask back on I look again somewhat presentable.
I have to adjust my face and fix the mask's surface in place with my slime, so it holds well enough for now.


"Are you done now? Great, then get going. It's only a question of time until someone shows up and sees us here. You can tell me everything on the way." (Michael)


I don't really like this guy very much.
He can be quite hostile once things get serious.
It's quite contrary to his cheerful fake persona.

But I nod and he leads us onto the path he prepared in advance.
An old water channel for the moat, that connects to the river.
Yet it also leads to other places.
One being an insufficiently guarded water reservoir in the southeast corner of the town.

Once we get in there and actually gain some distance from the crime scene, Michael visibly eases up.


"I hope you can tell me now. How did it go?" (Michael)


I'll honor him with an answer.
I'm slightly fed up that I had to do most of the work, but Michael came up with a sound plan.
Also, apparently he did something by himself on the lower levels of the castle, while I was up there.


"I did everything the way you told me to. Climb up the ominous stone castle, scare the shit out of the lord, threaten him with certain doom, make him concede to our cause, leave without a trace. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to climb that wall with all my equipment? During this weather?! So, are you at least happy?!" (Shari)


It truly was really an ordeal to get all the way up there by myself.
Not only did I have to cling to the wet surface during a storm, but also hold on to all my equipment.
Especially, the dampened cloak gave me trouble.
However, I couldn't show up as a slime in front of him.
That would've opened completely different issues than just convincing that man of a somewhat decent offer.
In my experience, people are more likely to be convinced if they don't just see you as a monster that is going to eat them.


"I will be happy once we are out of the area and can reap the results. Are the documents in there?" (Michael)


He points at the container.


"Yeah. I got him to sign and seal it. Do you think this will really work? I mean he could just feign ignorance." (Shari)

"Let me see it." (Michael)


I hand him the container, albeit with slight trepidation.
If this paper now falls to our feet and lands in the submerged ground, I'll be seriously pissed.

Yet he handles it quite dexterously, quickly scanning the contents.


"Yes, that looks good. Don't get me wrong, we're far from being in the clear. However, this provides us with a bit of security." (Michael)

"You really think so?" (Shari)

"I'm as well skeptic. I seriously don't understand what you humans find with your words and papers. It's not like they hold any substance." (Liqu)


I'm so sure she means their dissolving value.


"Oh, let me tell you, this holds quite a bit of substance. The Marquis would have to go to quite far lengths to explain how his signature and seal came to be on this paper without his knowledge. It's his binding will. Not to forget, we're talking here about an act of bringing order to his realm. If he'd go to such an extent as to go back from his word, he could as well declare himself unfit for his position, his reputation being down the gallows." (Michael)

"Okay, what now?" (Shari)

"We need to bring this to the right people, so Lord Varros will truly be unable to retrieve it. If we manage this it will put enough pressure on him to force him into committing to our cause." (Michael)


That much is clear.
If he does this raid and through this actively thwarts the slave trafficking of the opposition, they won't look amicably on this.


"Does that mean we're going now back to the capital?" (Shari)

"No, I'll be going. You two will remain here." (Michael)

"What!? Why?!" (Shari)

"Because they might be looking for you now. I, on the other side, can be quite a bit less conspicuous. Not to speak of that we still need to pinpoint the routes along which the slaves are transported. It will serve our purposes better if you remain here." (Michael)


He can say what he wants, but I'm sure there's another reason.
A fairly simple one.
If we stay here and are attacked by the lord, this will show his alignment.
Also, if this happens, we might as well annihilate the whole town.
It's basically a final test before they send their loyal soldiers to this place.
Yet I can't really argue all that much against this.
Especially, as I have quite a lot of business still going on in this town.
Yet I'm not so cheap as to allow someone to take advantage of me like this.
No, I'll make it cost them.


"Five gold, please!" (Shari)


I say so while extending my slime hand to him.


"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" (Michael)

"Well, you're still the one handling all our expenses. But if you go now, you would take all the money with you. It sounds just right to me that we would receive enough to still make a living here." (Shari)

"I understand where you're coming from, but five gold is ridiculous." (Michael)

"Really? I'm well aware of the things Liqu and I did in the past few days." (Shari)

"I helped!" (Liqu)

"Yes, yes you did. Sigh. Which is why we, both, deserve to get compensated." (Shari)


I return my attention back to Michael.


"Consequently, we deserve our payment and at least enough money to spend on things we might need. For example, Jacob's team. I would like to be able to pay them if they return. It's not asking too much to receive a fair share. Especially, as you are just going to return. If you want we can note every bit we spend money on. I'm sure the queen is going to be generous." (Shari)


At least, I hope so for her sake.
But I suppose it would be good if we could stay here for a while with all the things I still have going for me.
Like my potioneer apprenticeship, for example.


"Are you seriously going to stall now? In this situation?!" (Michael)

"Five gold, please." (Shari)

"I can't believe you!" (Michael)

"Five gold, please." (Shari)

"Grmph. Here. I'd say 'choke on it', but that doesn't seem to be feasible." (Michael)


He procures the money from his stash and hands it over.
I let it simply slip into my body.
While I'm quite sure that Liqu and I are currently getting exploited by the royals, I'll certainly not allow this to happen for free.
They at least owe me payment!


"If this will be all, I'll split up with you here. Please stay ready and, if possible, try gathering more information." (Michael)

"Sure. Bye." (Shari)

"Sigh. I wouldn't know of anyone else who kept me as busy as you. Goodbye, you two." (Michael)

"Bye, bye!" (Liqu)


With this, we separate.
On our way back to our place I am slightly paranoid about encountering any guards, but for once it seems that luck is on our side.
Once we're back I think we should establish an emergency exit that only works for slimes.
If the guard shows up, we’ll be able to disappear without any traces.
Already a hole should suffice.
The same goes for most of our equipment.
We just have to store it underground and can fetch it later.
I don't intend to do the royals the favor of fighting the whole town in their stead.

However, coming from my impression of that man, I doubt that the Marquis is going to take the risk of challenging a potential assassin who already proved to him that they can enter his bed-chamber without issues.
I guess things are working out.

It's around midnight when we return to our shop.
Where suddenly, a visibly distraught Okin is running at us.


"You are here! Oh my god! You're here! You, you need to help!" (Okin)


The rest is a jumbled mess of exclamation I can't really figure out.
However, it must be pretty serious if he goes as far as begging the slimes for help.


"Please, calm down and tell me slowly what is going on." (Shari)

"It's Nia! She, she collapsed!" (Okin)




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