Slime Girl

Chapter 218


Okin rushes up the stairs, gesturing us to follow him to where apparently his sister lies.
I follow as quickly as I can, almost collapsing my slime legs through the anxiety.
He's leading us to the door on the left.

There she is, lying on Michael's cot, which we obviously didn't bother taking with us on our way to the lord's fortress, and Michael was too much in a hurry to packup.
She... doesn't look great.


"Hey, Nia! Wake up! I brought help!" (Okin)

"Urrgh." (Nia)

"Nia? How, how are you?" (Shari)

"Wh-what? Where..." (Nia)

"If she doesn't make it, can I have her?" (Liqu)


I throw that slime a glare, yet stop it after realizing that it's pointless.
Okay, scolding Liqu might be a necessary thing, but not the most important on the list right now.
This girl is burning up.


"Nia! Can you hear me?!" (Shari)

"H-hello? Ooh, i-it's you. I, I d-don't feel so g-great." (Nia)


Damn, her voice is barely more than a whisper.


"Please! You can help her, right?! Please! Do something!" (Okin)


Okin is crying his eyes out over his delirious sister.
I need to get control over this situation.
First, I need to know more.


"Okin, please, tell me what happened. But only one thing at a time. Even small details might be important." (Shari)

"She, she's already been like this for a while! After she was done with the shop for today she got tired at first. Then she wouldn't wake up for a while, and now she's like this! I don't know what to do!" (Okin)


It seems to answer me calmly and clearly was demanding a bit too much from a child.
The issue is, I have no idea what to do either.
My knowledge isn't as advanced as that I could even tell what is wrong with her body without insight.


"Liqu. Do you have any idea about her condition?" (Shari)

"That human's sick." (Liqu)


Oh really?!
Thank you, Miss Obvious!


"Duh! I was hoping for a bit more than this." (Shari)

"I can't really tell. Human bodies are so fragile. It's hard to tell what tips them off balance. They collapse from the simplest things. Poison, injury, critters." (Liqu)


Wait a moment, poison?
Maybe not poison, but something else.
On one of the first pages of Tamarah's compendium, it mentioned something like that any medicine in the wrong dosage could turn into poison and the other way round.
Was it maybe the stamina potion?
Or rather potions?
Is it maybe dangerous to drink too many of them?


"Okin, how many stamina potions did Nia have?" (Shari)

"Potions? Did they do this to her?!" (Okin)

"Okin! Answer the question!" (Shari)

"I, I don't know. Maybe three? It's hard to tell. She drank some of the wares too. I wasn't supposed to tell you, but..." (Okin)


Did she think I would charge them?
Well, depending on how much they took... But this is not the right time for this.
It could very well be that she poisoned herself.
Yet not every poison is the same.
Coratis grass might help, but if this is a potion overdosage I might make things worse by giving her more.
It could even be that just the one potion I gave her was already too much for the child’s body to handle.
I'm not sure about what to do!

I just don't know!
The book didn't say anything about this yet, and I don't have the time to study all night.
The girl could be dead by then.

I need help!


"Shit! Liqu, come with me. We need to be quick!" (Shari)

"What!? Where are you going?!” (Okin)


Along with his cry, the boy desperately clings to me.
I need to give it to him that it's quite brave to go as far as grabbing my arm, although terribly misplaced at the moment.


“Please! You can't abandon us!" (Okin)


Can't I?
Honestly, I don't even know why I care so much.
I barely know this girl, and it's just crazy to think one could go around saving everyone.
Everybody who thinks so is a fool.
However, the people in my reach...

Somehow I feel like I would regret not doing everything I can to save that girl.
Because it's the right thing to do.
Because I promised!


"Listen! We're not abandoning you! I simply don't know how to treat her right and need to bring help. So don't make this difficult now and: Let! Me! Go!" (Shari)

"But..." (Okin)


Suddenly a small hand grabs the boy's sleeve.


"O-Okin. Let them. Just... don't go too... please..." (Nia)


The boy looks at his sister before returning his gaze to us.


"Please come back! (Okin)

"We will!" (Shari)

"You, you'll absolutely come back and help her, right?" (Okin)

"Yes, yes! I promise!" (Shari)


Okay, we can't waste any more time!
We walk as quickly as possible through the streets, minding any guard patrols we could encounter.
For a long distance like this, it's convenient to be a slime, as we can maintain a constant, decent pace.
Although, I would like to push my speed a little harder than I can.
It's vexing to be mindful of my limits.


"What are we doing, Shari?" (Liqu)

"The girl might have a potion overdose, or a poisoning, or whatever. We need to get someone who can help her!" (Shari)


Even if not, someone with medical knowledge could at least know more about her condition.


"No, I meant, why are we doing this. Is the girl in any way important for your plans?" (Liqu)

"No, but that doesn't matter Liqu. We'll help her anyway!" (Shari)

"Why?" (Liqu)

"Because it's the right thing to do." (Shari)

"Why? What does it matter if there's one more human? The other humans don’t even seem to care about those two. Why do you?" (Liqu)


"Liqu, how do you feel when people call you a monster?" (Shari)

"Indifferent? I mean, it's just what humans call me." (Liqu)

"Let me tell you, I don't like it. I don't like being called a monster. I don't like seeing myself as one. So please, let me prove to myself that I'm not one." (Shari)


It might not be flawless logic, but monsters don't save children.
I want to at least display some humanity, even if I am not.


"Yes, yes." (Liqu)


Okay, that was a kinda weird reaction.


"That's it?" (Shari)

"Sure. I only wanted to know why you're doing things." (Liqu)


Sometimes I forget I'm talking to Liqu.

Anyway, at least we're finally getting to our destination.
The only address I'd know that could help us.
It doesn't take long for a hole to be dissolved through the lock and the next instant we're inside a certain alchemy shop.


"Tamarah!" (Shari)


Yes, I know this is rude of me in the middle of the night, but a life is at stake, so I think it's justified.


"Tamarah!" (Shari)


At my second calling, I perceive the telltale vibrations of movement.


"What the fuck are you doing here at this ungodly hour?!" (Tamarah)

"Tamarah! I need your help!" (Shari)

"You come here, break into my home in the middle of the night, startle me out of my bed, and still have the audacity to request my help?!" (Tamarah)

"Please! There's a girl about to die!" (Shari)

"So what?" (Tamarah)




"I, I thought..." (Shari)

"What? That I'm some bleeding heart, desperate to save every single lass around town? I have my own business to attend to!" (Tamarah)


So much for displaying humanity.


"Please, I'll pay you if I have to. Just help!" (Shari)

"Hey, Tammie. Is something up, my dear?" (Bokkan)




"Ehm, what?" (Shari)

"Oh, hi! You're Tammie's assistant, right?"(Bokkan)

"Wha-wha-what?" (Shari)

"Do I need to spell it out for you, or am I allowed to have a modicum of privacy?" (Tamarah)

"You... and... Bokkan?" (Shari)

"Tsk. Any problem with that?" (Tamarah)


I would lie if I'd say I'm not at least confused.
I mean, that guy looks like he's at least about twenty years older than her.
And that's a cautious estimation.
Okay, last time he had this long robe on, and now... I'm seeing more than I would like to, which tells me he's surprisingly buff below it.


"Ehm..." (Shari)

"I already told ya, he can enhance biological processes. Also, do you have any idea what kind of stamina a dedicated nature mage can muster? That man can last the whole night!" (Tamarah)

"Well, at least a few hours." (Bokkan)

"And with the right potions one can even add to the experience." (Tamarah)


Stop talking!
I seriously didn't want to know!
Also, I came here for a completely different reason!!!


"I really need your help. Please, I'll even pay you." (Shari)

"No matter what you're willing to pay, it's in the middle of the night! Different to you, I require sleep." (Tamarah)

"And I need to save that girl!" (Shari)

"Shari, I could just take her with me for you." (Liqu)


I'm almost inclined to take her up on this offer.


"Well, let's go." (Bokkan)


That came from an unexpected direction.


"Are you for real?" (Tamarah)

"It seems like it's pretty serious. Also, it's for your assistant. I know you like to play hard to get, but she's basically begging you. Just charge her the usual hefty sum later on." (Bokkan)


Why do I feel like my just replenished finances are about to receive a devastating blow?


"Okay, okay. Damnit. I'd rather walk on my own two feet before I get slime-napped. Just give me a couple minutes to fetch my equipment." (Tamarah)


Now she's inventing words for this?
It only happened one single time, that she knows of.

Wait, did she just...


"Slime-napped?" (Bokkan)

"Oh, did I forget to mention that the two you're about to accompany are monsters?" (Tamarah)


She seriously just exposed us!
The upset look on my face should be sufficient for her to read my thoughts if I wouldn't wear a mask.
Though, she should still be able to notice that I don't appreciate this.


"If you can barge into my house I can at least do this!" (Tamarah)


Maybe she's disgruntled.
But I still need her, so I won't retort.


"Hello! I'm Liqu!" (Liqu)


And she extends her hand...
And he shakes it!?!


"Glad to make your acquaintanceship." (Bokkan)


I'm totally perplexed.
It seems to be fine, but that's not the reaction I expect from most people.
On the other hand, we're talking about Tamarah's... urgh, apparent lover.

Meanwhile, the person in question is rummaging for her stuff.


"Ehm, okay..." (Shari)

"I can guess your question. Well, if Tammie isn't concerned about your presence then I suppose there's no reason to worry. Also, maybe it's my affinity with nature magic, but I hold a certain sense of respect for most creatures. Though, what influences what, that's more of a philosophical question." (Bokkan)

"Could you please stop this stupid nickname?!" (Tamarah)


I'd like that as well.
It gives me the creeps.


"So, you two are slimes." (Bokkan)

"Wanna see?" (Liqu)

"With passion." (Bokkan)


And she removes her mask.


"That fine?" (Liqu)

"Magnificient. Your size is already impressive, but it's fascinating how incredibly advanced you are." (Bokkan)

"Thanks!" (Liqu)

"So, you're friends with Tammie?" (Bokkan)

"She occasionally harvests our body for her potions." (Shari)

"Hah, that's just like her!" (Bokkan)

"Great, you're all acquainted now. Can we now get going so you can cease your mindless bickering?" (Tamarah)


At least she looks ready.
She has a bag and several pouches attached to her belt.


"Thank you." (Shari)

"Just don't. I'm doing this mostly so I can escape from this situation." (Tamarah)


Maybe we can still make it in time.
I somehow just don't want this girl to die.
I know, I already tried to save her.
I owe her nothing.
There's no obligation, no reason forcing me to.
But still, I want to.
So I'll at least give it my all so I don't have to regret it.

Let's go!





"Halt! Who goes there?!"


This just isn't true!
Now there's a patrol!

World, you can't be for real!!


"Hey, you there! Identify yourself!" (officer)

"No! Just no!!!" (Shari)

"N-no?" (officer)

"Ahem, Shari. Are you sure this is smart?" (Tamarah)

"No, I won't bear with this! I've had enough! You can screw yourself, world!" (Shari)

"E-excuse me?!" (officer)

"No, you're not excused! Look at this! This emblem says that I'm a royal agent! So you will fucking get out of my fucking way right now or deal with the fucking consequences! Believe me, you don't want this!" (Shari)


I expand my body, adjust my stature to look more intimidating, and maybe some slime seeps through my mask, while a bit of dissolving gets started.




"Eh-, you, but..." (officer)

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" (Shari)

"Ehp..." (officer)

"Let's go, guys!" (Shari)


Some soldiers aren't fast enough on the uptake and look at their officer for help.


"L-let them through!" (officer)


Wise decision.

I look behind me and see that the others are all staring in my direction.


"What?!" (Shari)

"Nothing." (everyone)




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