Slime Girl

Chapter 30


- Shari -


"God, that went absolutely awful! How could you even consider coming to a place like this? The true surprise is that they were not occupied with cleaning the blood of their last victim when we entered." (Shari)

"He is simply the only one we can sell to. Cid’s organization controls most of the trade in the city. They force more and more of the smaller businesses under their control. Some say they are even backed by nobles." (Jacob)

"And you thought it was clever to stay silent about this because...?" (Shari)

"Because it would have been a problem if you two had a hostile attitude right from the start." (Jacob)

"Sure! Like this, it worked out so much better." (Shari)

"Don’t make fun of me. Normally he has more control over himself. It seems the success went to his head and he gets cocky." (Jacob)


I can understand him.
Even if he just let us practically basically get robbed there.
Retaliating with violence might sound pleasant and the right thing to do, but only when you have nothing to lose.
Jacob has a team he needs to think about.
Also, those workers outnumbered us.

The two alone would have had no chance and if we'd done something to help them, we would have gotten exposed.
At worst his group might get blamed for this and convicted by the guard.
But even without that situation, he has to consider how they make a living.
Without being able to sell they could just relocate to another city and that might be not enough if really nobles are behind this organization and they would offend them.

So I can’t blame him for his solution, as it might have been the best outcome, although not a satisfying one.


"At least we made it out there without a major incident. I mean what would have happened if he had targeted me?" (Shari)

"He would have been confused by the feeling, I guess." (Jacob)


He chuckles a bit at the thought.


"And dead! No one touches my Shari against her will. I try to avoid doing it like this but it would have been slow and painful." (Liqu)


Things you shouldn’t state like facts, with a smile on your lips.

Everyone is now looking at Liqu, who just reminded us that she's dangerous.
And me that she is dangerously obsessed.

However, it was interesting how she stepped in there.
She did it for Myra who constantly showed that she was afraid of her.
However, I don’t know what goes on in her weird little core and what kind of relationship she assumes to have with her.

Oh damn, I am curious.
Let’s just ask her.


"I know about me, but why did you help Myra?" (Shari)

"Isn’t she a friend? I thought you wanted them to like us, so I tried to help. Jacob said that people don’t like to get touched. And Myra looked like this is true. Did I do something wrong?" (Liqu)


I don’t know how to answer, since she wasn't really in the wrong, so I glance at our group.
I can’t blame her for something that I maybe would have done as well, even if her rash action almost escalated the situation.
Jacob seems to ponder the fact that he influenced her to act this way and whether that was good or bad.
Also despite the part that he is not completely sure about this, there's no chance he will go and confront the dangerous slime monster.
And I cannot really assess what Myra thinks.


"I think…" (Shari)

"Thank you!" (Myra)


Myra came out from behind Jacob and now gives a slight bow to Liqu.
This is surprising as she was always scared when she was next to her and hid behind anyone who might pose a barrier.
The part that she would turn her as well was a very effective way to support this dread after all.

But Liqu has also her good sides.
One would be that she can be very caring.
I don’t know if this only applies to me, nonetheless, I would assume that she simply likes Myra and protected her because of this.
However, to be liked by Liqu is dangerous in itself.


"Huh, you’re thanking me?" (Liqu)

"Y-yes! You helped me there just like this and that was very kind. And m-maybe I was a little unfair to you. Thank you!" (Myra)


That should have cost her quite an effort, but she really is a good girl.

Liqu looks as well pleased.
There is that little happy shine on her face, she looks friendly back at Myra, is smiling, and…
Oh shit, I know that look!!!


"This is so nice of you!!!" (Liqu)


And she embraces her.

I think Myra first wanted to scream out from the top of her lungs, but changed to something like a complete paralysis, while she gets tightly pressed into Liqu's chest.
I hope the cloak helps a bit, but at least the arms aren't covered while touching her.


"Liqu! We already talked about this and you said it yourself: Don’t just touch others like this! Release her!" (Shari)

"Oh sorry, got excited." (Liqu)


Jacob looked quite exasperated when it happened, but fortunately, he could judge that making Liqu angry wouldn’t help poor Myra, who is now completely finished.


"Ehm, sorry Myra, she can be a little overbearing. Are you okay?" (Shari)

"I-I-I th-think s-so! E-everyth-thing is s-still there, r-right?" (Myra)


I noticed before, but that stutter of hers is clearly linked to her fear.


"Yes, you are unharmed! She just hugged you!" (Shari)


It wouldn’t help her to increase her fear so playing it down might be better.
Even if she is now a little drenched on her sides.


"I-is that so? T-then I’m a-alright, I guess." (Myra)


Still nice that she tries to control herself in front of Liqu.
Maybe she is able to perceive that Liqu had no bad intentions.
As for me, I ask myself, why I am siding so much with Liqu in my mind.
Probably because I could be easily in the same situation.

Jacob takes the slightly trembling Myra by her hand.


"Maybe we should part now, as we are all rather tired it seems." (Jacob)

"I think so too, if not for the part where you own us our half of the profit!" (Shari)

"Ah, yes apologies. It just slipped my mind." (Jacob)

"Sure." (Shari)

"We have twenty-nine silver coins. Unfortunately, we have no change to split the uneven number." (Jacob)


This is a problem; as I as well don't have enough copper to pay for half a silver coin either.

But I have something else.


"So fourteen for both of us and for the last I have a suggestion. We would give you two damaged silver coins which we can’t really use in their condition. But I believe you have the means to get their value back. I guess that should make up for a half silver." (Shari)

"Why are they damaged?" (Jacob)

"Let’s just say one shouldn’t entrust money to Liqu." (Shari)

"Oh! Okay, if you are fine with this." (Jacob)


Like this, I hand the two mentioned coins to them and get my share of fifteen silver in exchange.


"By the way, where can I find you if we need something?" (Shari)

"We have our shelter at the barracks next to the guild, it should be easy to find in the east of the town, next to the center." (Jacob)


How nice that he actually shares their location.
But I highly doubt, he would still suspect us to charge in next to the guild and devour them all.
There is a limit to paranoia.
Well, with Chris I am not too sure about this.

Since they were already set to go they are departing and I notice how Myra is glancing back at Liqu.
I don’t think that this incident made her hate this slime.
After all, she is completely unharmed.

Now with our freshly expanded budget, there are some things I would like to go for in town.


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