Slime Girl

Chapter 30b

This chapter starts when they spend their first night in the inn and goes till Chapter 30.


- Liqu -


We are really in a human town!
My first night in a room where I am allowed to stay.
Just for the two of us!

My Shari made it happen.
Those guards did inspect us, but that weird habit with the clothes truly worked to hide what we are.
And this strange powder too, which she applied on us.
Is this really all that it needs to come this close to humans?

But it was nice.
She spent time just for me to apply it.
Just for me!

I noticed something, but couldn’t actually believe it.
Her behavior around me becomes gradually more tolerant.
I didn’t dare to hope for such a thing to happen, yet it seems that she becomes accustomed to me.
She shouts sometimes when I do things she doesn’t like and maybe sometimes I made a mistake.
My plan with that Chris-person worked sadly not out.
And I can’t do much to change this.
But it ends with only the shouting.
This is something I cannot really process.

I mean I wanted it to work out somehow, even if I had no real idea what I was doing.
Some crude theories, applications, and the processing of the foundation, but if I'm being honest, I totally acted without having the slightest idea how it should work.
Not just the physical change, but the situation after that too.
I had a greater chance to shoot a slime bullet blind in the air, hoping to hit a bird.
But… I’ve got it all!
And more!

I couldn’t even imagine how it would be.
The things I see, what it is like when she does things for me out of her own volition.
When she makes it happen that I can have peaceful contact with people.
I feel happy! Just glad, joyful!
This time my Shari spends with me makes me feel "something".
Something more!
I can have more!

I always wanted her to like me.
She gives me a reason to be.
A point to orientate.
Something to bind my existence in this world.
That was the reason.

Now I feel something more.
I want "more".

But above all, I want to hold it.
This can’t leave me!

I won’t allow this!

My Shari shall be with me!
She shall be happy!
And I will make that happen!
Whatever it takes!

However, it's quite boring to spend the whole night doing nothing.
When I asked why we can't watch the town when there is so much to see, she answered that people are usually sleeping at night.
Only bad people walk through the darkness.
They are no real problem I think, but she said when we would go out we would also look like bad people.
It would look "suspicious".

She often uses this word, this concept.
As far as I understand it, it is a state where you pretend to be a normal person and others believe you because you try to look and behave like them.
I know that in combat it can be an advantage to hide your true strength, but completely pretending to be something else?
Her ideas are weird for a slime, but look how far we came.
This is the best proof that I should trust her on these matters.

Nonetheless, she is so important that I can’t afford to make the mistake and lower my guard.
I was perfectly ready to kill for example those guards or that group that Shari decided to accompany at any moment.
That she wants it to work doesn’t mean I will let any harm come to her.
But it works out, for now.




Now we are waiting for those adventurers.
Shari assured me that they would certainly come for their bag and because of this they cannot betray us.
Otherwise, they wouldn't get it back.
I don’t know much about "betrayal", but apparently humans don’t always act the way they say.

To me, that never came true.
The people I met were always honest when they ran away or said they want to kill me.
They never lied about their intentions.
But my Shari is concerned about such a thing.
And I shouldn’t claim to know more than she does about humans.

And there they are coming, true to their word.
At least two of them.

This group we met seems fairly calm by now with us and that is novel to me.
This Jacob talks to us as if we’re humans.
The little girl is for sure afraid.
I can clearly perceive it.
Yet she came still back to us.
The fact that they are coming back for us, without being hostile.
That would have been unbelievable for me, but my Shari made it happen.

One more thing that she gifts me.

Still, it is fairly special that we can talk like this.


"Good morning! Glad you made it." (Shari)

"You still have our bag. Those are quite expensive." (Jacob)


My Shari was right about the bag, interesting.


"Myra! You came back to me! How nice!" (Liqu)


I guess I like that small girl.
She has something calming.
Maybe it’s the impression of being easy prey I get from her.

Very soothing!
You know there is nothing to fear from her.
And it's also nice that there's always a snack close by to grab.


"Liqu stay put! You're scaring her!" (Shari)

"But we are friends!" (Liqu)


She has a very amiable emission to her.
My Shari is still better, but it is nice to have her around.
I know I said I wouldn’t turn her and I really don’t see how.
Alone preparing my body to get started took me three months of hard work and unbelievable amounts of energy for the specifics.
Also, now I just don’t have the leeway to act this free.
But if my Shari would be happier with a playmate…

Although, I don’t really want to share her, so rather not.


"Just keep your distance!" (Shari)

"Are you perhaps jealous?" (Liqu)


In the end, I want those expressions of hers all to myself.


"Just stay put!" (Shari)

"Pfft! Okay!" (Liqu)

"Sorry! She is troublesome." (Shari)


After that, I didn’t pay much attention.
Something about "ripping".
While I assume I can do this if I get the right hold on someone and pull, I don’t understand why they're talking about something like that.
I thought that humans are avoiding such topics as mutilation.
At least most of the adventurers I overheard didn't like it if one of them started such a topic.
But it doesn’t seem to be very interesting, so I focus on other stuff.
Like the town, or how great my Shari looks.

After the greeting is over we move to a strange house.
The inside is full of plants, most of which I encountered before.
There is also this weird woman.
It seems she and this Jacob are shouting at each other, but since I need to watch out I am ignoring most of it.

Shari said she wanted to make money by coming here.
I have seen humans use it before, but never understood why they are all so keen to acquire it, as it is not edible or in any other way useful.
Yet, it seems to be important for interaction with other humans, so it's increasing our options and that is something I can understand.
I trust Shari on this matter!
But now something seemed to trouble her.




She has this bad condition to release mass when she feels bad as if it would help.


"That is a really bad habit! To waste your precious matter like this." (Liqu)

"It’s not like I wanted it. Haven’t you heard her? People drink this stuff!" (Shari)

"You did too!" (Liqu)

"That doesn’t help in the slightest!!!" (Shari)


I don’t know what’s the problem.
The slime is absolutely clean, so what is there to dislike?
And if I devour humans, there is no reason to deny them to drink the mass of slimes.

Sounds fair to me.

But now it seems that we got exposed because of Shari’s expelled slime.
So I make myself ready to kill everyone here if it becomes necessary.
However, Shari said I shall wait for her approval before I do things like that.
And as there seems not to be any imminent danger I can wait for it.

And Shari talks to her.
Something about a proposal.

Yet I would like to enforce to this woman that she can’t make any claims on my Shari or I will become displeased.


"You are a very strange girl, my dear." (Tamarah)

"She isn't yours! She belongs to me!" (Liqu)


Only I am her "dear" and she's mine!

But it seems I worried over nothing before as my Shari is not really reacting to that comment of hers and just proceeds on with whatever they were at.
It turns out that if we give her our dead matter then she will give us the money Shari wants.
That sounds like something Shari should be glad about.
But her look says different.
The woman, named Tamarah if I heard right, seems quite nice and even praises my little Shari for what a fine slime she is.


"You are for sure the most interesting specimen of your kind I ever saw." (Tamarah)

"You think so too? She is a great slime, yes?" (Liqu)


She has a good judgment that much I give her.


"For god’s sake: I AM NO SLIME!" (Shari)


And there is again that phase of denial she sometimes gets.

It is not the first time.
Sometimes when she leaves her rest mode she needs some moments to realize her own looks and needs time to figure out how to move her own body.
It can even happen that some tears flow.
Nothing big just some minutes at most and it slowly gets better.


But then there are moments like this when she audibly announces it and actively positions herself against reality.
This is less favorable since it will not help her in the long run.
I don’t want to be cruel, but allowing her to give in to those delusions is far worse for her.


"Didn't we settle this already?" (Liqu)

"No, we haven’t! I don’t want to be referred to as a slime! I don’t want to be treated like a monster! God, I had no word in this whole matter!" (Shari)

"Me neither!" (Liqu)


It’s not like I was ever asked if I want to be a slime.
Not that I could imagine being something else, but I believe that the difference is not so far apart.


"Argh! I just don’t want to be labeled like this!" (Shari)

"I can understand that you don’t want to be chained to your background. It's not nice to be treated badly for reasons one cannot do anything about." (Liqu)


It is not like I feel much when they call me a monster, but those attacks on my life are not nice.
And in the end, it comes all down to the point that I am a slime, and attacking me is fine.
The only one who can truly understand me in this regard is my Shari.

After that my Shari explained to her how we met.
A time I really enjoy thinking back to.
It was so nice and led to so much good for me.


"I see. Yes, most of these cretins aren’t able to realize the magnificence your existence is posing to our understanding of life itself." (Tamarah)

"Yes, my Shari is wonderful, right?" (Liqu)


I feel so proud when she is praising my dear!


"Am I right that you could repeat what you did, Liqu?" (Tamarah)

"I could, but I don’t want to. My Shari is all I need! I don’t want anything that could change what I have now!" (Liqu)


I only need my special one and fear that any change could be unfavorable to my relationship.
After that is settled I can also praise my Shari, because she hunted that beast we are selling now so well.
It is nice to see her developing like this.

Then we are speaking about this deal about taking our matter for money.
I wasn’t really sure if I can deliver what they want, as I released mass before into this strange waste disposal structure of the humans.
But she doesn’t want mine, but Shari’s.


"Your blue looks far more appealing for the customers than the green." (Tamarah)

"Yes, right? She is absolutely gorgeous, isn't she?" (Liqu)


Sigh! It is a little sad that she says this about my color, but I know myself it isn’t pretty.
However, she has good taste when she is able to realize how beautiful my Shari is.
Who strangely doesn’t seem too flattered by this turn of events.
I don’t know what was wrong, as this woman wanted to give her that money she did want, and just for mass which she had to expel anyways.
I still don't really understand what is so great about these hard pellets, but everyone here seems to like them, so it appears to be a good thing to accumulate more.
Very strange to give us something for our dead mass.
And very strange to be troubled by this.
In the end, it works out smoothly and I believe my Shari could attain everything she wanted.

So we leave this place to visit the second place where Shari wanted to make money.




We arrive after an extended walk.
The building is a huge yet hollow structure.
Inside are a bunch of people working.
They are all rather big and I can count at least twelve right now, yet maybe there are more.

They make an expression as if they are used to violence, like most of the adventurers I met, if not for Myra who looks rather unused to it.
But what is distinguishing those people here from them is the malice I can see in their eyes.

You can see the aggressiveness of a monster through the eyes to anticipate their behavior.
And this oozing I perceive in those people is so close to it.
Yet, it’s not the same.
It's far more twisted and cruel.
If they would have a core it would be of an extremely dark color, like mine.
You don’t need much experience to notice something this obvious about their souls.

And as if to prove my thoughts Shari seems to have noticed too, tells me her gaze at them.
While I am asking myself why we are at such a place and if this is maybe a surprise for me to become full again another person comes to us.
I haven’t noticed at first, as he seems far too weak to be registered as a threat by me, but the way they talk to him indicates something different.

Have I misjudged him?

But I didn't notice any noteworthy energy from him and with that body, he doesn’t even fit as a snack, much less a threat.
So why are the others so tense?
Although they're reacting so weirdly, Jacob initiates some kind of negotiation.


"We have the pelt, bones, spikes, and if you are interested a good pound of the flesh of a rager." (Jacob)

"What!? He is going to give our flesh away?" (Liqu)


Giving our sustenance away!
What else shall I take in?
Shari said I can’t devour the people!


"Liqu! Stop now and stay quiet!" (Shari)


If my Shari says so.
But I am troubled.
Without the flesh, it seems I need to hunt soon to replace it.
After that, they continue to talk with that strange small little creature.

What’s so strange about him?
It's his maliciousness.

He is by far the worst of all the people here, albeit he doesn't have the physical ability to act it out.
That's a strange combination.
However, everyone is tense because of him.
Could it even be that the other, stronger people here listen to him?

Just because he is more evil?
That is a weird way to select a leader.
Yet, with every word he speaks the malice is oozing out of him.
As if his small frame cannot contain it all.
His words fill the room, containing something like a sickly sweet smell.


I don’t have a problem with cruel deeds in general.
I know it's not nice to do things like causing unnecessary pain or hunt and kill when you're already full and don't need more.
But everything can be justified with the right reason at hand.
Pain can be a weapon in a fight and I like to make sure that I'm full.
To pursue your objectives despite opposing factors like morality helps one to advance.
Brings one closer to one's goals.

It brought me to my Shari.

Nonetheless, I think this individual is not just cruel when it's about reaching his goals, but rather commits evil deeds for their own sake.
And this is far less justifiable.
And the way he acts towards us makes me a little twitchy.
He becomes more and more aggressive and haughty and his acting reeks of audacity.
Just then he starts to touch little Myra.
He is touching her cheeks and soon changes to her breast.
There is not a single drop of positive feelings in his behavior.
Just lust and malice.
I have seen some beasts who aren’t too different from this.

Everyone looks troubled, especially Jacob.
Wasn’t he the one to tell me that it is not right to touch someone without his consent?
Yet he is not reacting at all.

Well, it seems like it's on me to do something.
At least, I am quite fond of this small girl.
So I won’t let her become prey to someone else.
Like this I engage, take his hand, and make sure he can’t proceed with his actions.


"Humans don’t like it to get touched like this!" (Liqu)

"W-who are you?" (Cid)

"I’m Liqu!" (Liqu)


Yep, that’s my name!


"What is this? Why are you so strong?" (Cid)


Maybe because my mass is not bound to such small matters as the likes of tendons and muscles.
All I need is enough density and mass to prevent movement.

How else would I hunt?

When I let go of him he falls down and glares with this troubled look.
It is nostalgic how he is squirming and I have this desire to devour him, especially as I am not full.
Right now the other people in the room are coming in our direction too.
That means more for me!

The problem is the number of people.
It would be difficult to make sure no one escapes, while this room has more than one exit and I think that Shari wouldn’t want this.

I could turn into a puddle and cover the ground.
If I can grab their feet like this and damage them they couldn't move as fast and I can take my time.
That would be a solution, but it would damage Myra and Jacob too.

Still, it's a solution.

However, before I can make a move Jacob speaks up and somehow everyone stops advancing on us.
Hmm, words seem to have more use as I initially gave them credit for when I developed this ability.
Like this, the situation ends and we leave without a fight.
So I stay empty.

Somehow I'm a little disappointed.

After that, we are gathering out of that building.
Shari is shouting a bit at Jacob and I can understand why.
I dislike getting into situations where I lack significant information.
Such a disadvantage can kill you.
But it doesn’t seem like she wants me to dissolve them for this and lets it slide.


"At least we made it out there without a major incident. I mean what would have happened if he had targeted me?" (Shari)

"He would have been confused by the feeling, I guess." (Jacob)


This isn’t funny!


"And dead! No one touches my Shari against her will. I try to avoid doing it like this but it would have been slow and painful." (Liqu)


As if I would allow that critter to act like this.


No one harms my Shari!


"I know about me, but why did you help Myra?" (Shari)


Weren't you the one to tell me that I have to be nice to them?


"Isn’t she a friend? I thought you wanted them to like us, so I tried to help. Jacob said that people don’t like to get touched. And Myra looked like this is true. Did I do something wrong?" (Liqu)


You should protect those close to you, as they are all you have in times of need and if just as emergency sustainment to save my Shari.


"I thi…" (Shari)

"Thank you!" (Myra)


What was that?
Was there really a human saying something friendly to me?
This is novel!


"Huh, you’re thanking me?" (Liqu)

This never happened before.
Someone who acts friendly towards me.



"Y-yes! You helped me there just like this and that was very kind. And m-maybe I was a little unfair to you. Thank you!" (Myra)


This makes me actually happy!
I mean, I am glad!
And I am sure she is honest about this the way she says it.

Okay, change of plan!

Myra is not to devour!
As long there is any other option left that is.


"This is so nice of you!!!" (Liqu)


We are now friends.
I am sure about this.
 And there is no greater joy than hugging someone you care for.

And because of this, I do so.


"Liqu! We already talked about this and you said it yourself: Don’t just touch others like this! Release her!" (Shari)


Whoops! I forgot that humans have this problem!


"Oh sorry, got excited." (Liqu)


This is a little disappointing.
I can see that she is trembling all over and her words aren’t coming out as they should.
That touching problem seems to be more serious to humans than I assumed.

Who would have thought?

And she isn’t even hostile.
I know how hostility looks and that’s not it.
Humans are just so fragile creatures.
But maybe she doesn’t need to stay one?

Certainly, I should watch out for her too, since Shari seems to like her as well.
That could be nice if we get closer to her.
At least we can work on this weakness against touch.
That is something I need to take care of.

Might need a bit of work.

The things one does for a friend.


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