So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 13: Turmoil in the Empire


Back to Sol Empire's internal affairs, A few important guests as well as empire's officials were present. In the center of the meeting, is where the 300th king, Druel Tremsworth is sitting. Listening to the quarrels, findings, and complaints from both sides of the table

"That's why I said its inevitable! We can't let them take the advantage on us! We should strike immediately!"

"We understand your complaints, but as where we standing right now, we won't be able to achieve that. The empire's forces are simply not enough to counteract their forces"

"Its just numbers that we're at disadvantage of! Our empire boasts of powerful army no?"

"But that doesn't mean each of them can take on a few enemies at once!"

"If they're skilled enough to take on the battlefield, then they shouldn't have any problems of handling at least a hundred of the enemies' soldiers alone!"

The Sol Empire's Commander was about to make contact with the prideful noble with his fists, but remained composed out of respect of the king's presence

The king then raised his hand, signalling the end of the endless debate

"What the other side wants is a reasonable one. Do we really have not enough manpower to take the initiative?"

"With all due respect your Majesty, I regret to inform you that even if we head on to the battle immediately, there is no guarantee of success that we will win"

"Preposterous! Already foreseeing the outcome without trying! Is this what the Commander of Sol Empire's army had become?!"


The king then raised a suggestion

"What if the Five Pillars also went to the battlefield?"

"That would be a tremendous help, but still, won't be enough"

The representatives of nobles was about to fit a rage, when suddenly the king intervened

"Why do you think that is the case?"


Struggled, the Commander looked at the king with worries in his eyes

"The empire Altan had forged alliances with the Euna Empire"


The nobles, other officials, as well as the king, had shaken up after they heard the news

"What?! They forged alliences?!"

"Is your information valid?!"

"Our inside intel confirmed it. They went into diplomatic relations"

"Now...that is something troubling..."

Confused and frustrated, the king struggled to make a move

"Why shouldn't we just seek a truce and enter in a diplomatic relations as well Father? I can help you with that"

"M-My! Miss Elena! You're back!"

Elena Tremsworth, who had suggested a truce, entered into the scene. The nobles we're pleased of her appearance, but the empire's officials had other things to worry about, as well as the king, who was about to reject Elena's suggestion

"Elena. I don't doubt your political and negotiation skills when it comes to these matters..."

"Then I should-"

"But you must know, our issue at hand isn't as simple as calling it off a truce"

"But I still can-"

"Your highness, with all due respect, The Altan Empire has no plans to stop this war. Surely you also know why"


"Enough of that discussion. Elena, what are the results of your negotiation?"

Elena stood with proudness as she stated what she achieved

"Went smoothly Father. That town agreed to an exchange of various of goods, including the ore materials that we need in exchange for military aid as well as relief goods to their town"

"Excellent. You never fail to deliver me such good news"

Elena bowed down with elegance to his father

"That is reassuring, but your Majesty, what is our next course of action regarding Altan and Euna Empire's alliance?"


Just as the king had enough matters to take in his own hands, another matter was about to be brought to light

"Your Majesty! I, The Pillar of Light, Hikari, wishes to seek a meeting with you"

"Hikari...? You may enter"

As the doors opened, there can be seen Hikari, with a heavy atmosphere looming around him

"Ah! The Pillar of Light! Surely he has good news to bring!"

Aside from the singing praises of the nobles, the Empire's officials showed wariness under their expressions. The king raises his hand once more to silent up the place

"Hikari. State what you want to address in a quick and concise manner. We have a meeting going on"

"As you wish your Majesty"

Hikari then looked directly at the king, stating the issue at hand without any delay

"Saint Elysia has confirmed that the first ever demon lord, has been born"

"What?! A Demon Lord?!"

Once again, the Nobles and the Officials went through a series of emotion right after Hikari dropped the news

"Your Majesty! A Demon Lord classifies as a Calamity Threat! We cannot ignore its existence!"


"Hmph! I-its just been born! Surely its still weak and can be ignored for now. What we need to focus on right now is the Neighboring Empire! Our lands will be taken in by the enemy if we don't act now!"

"But a Demon Lord is still a demon lord! Its existence cannot be ignored! Our Empire's rules states that unless its a calamity threat, the Sol Empire would act immediately to eradicate it!"

"Most of the citizens don't know it yet right? Then it shouldn't be a problem! Unless someone spreads the news, no one will be able to realized it!"

"Tsk, you nobles only think about your land and your selves! We're in a grave situation here!"

"This is a grave situation! Once Altan Empire and Euna Empire starts to attack, we don't have a choice but to fight back don't we?!"


The Commander tried hard to refute the Noble's Representative's claim, but realized that the Noble has a point

"Your Majesty, now that we have given out our comment, I believe its best that we should take the initiative to end this war"



Elena, held the king's hand, as the king tried to take in all the information

In the amidst of the issues and arguments of both sides happening at once, the King didn't take any longer to make a decision

"I have decided!"


The meeting once again, went into silence, waiting for the King's final decision

"As conflicted as I am right now, I think it is best for us to-"


The door opened one more, directing everyone's attention to who had entered. It was one of the Commander's subordinates, grasping for air as it hurriedly whispered another news to the Commander


"...?! What?! Is your information true?!"

"Yes Commander. Our intel has verified its credibility just now"

"What a mess this is..."

Before the Commander was about to broke down, the King got curious

"Something the matter, Gideon?" 

Gideon, the Sol Empire's Commander, faced the king with a dreadful expression

"Your Majesty...the Rare Crimson Moon is about to come"


The Nobles and the Officials went into another state of bewilderment as yet another matter had occurred...

...and once again, the Empire has gotten itself into a series of troubles...


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