So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 14: Graduation


Apparently, when the herbs around the Myriad Forest starts to wither, it is the sign of a Rare Crimson Moon happening. When Rare Crimson Moon occurs, creatures residing Myriad Forest go berserk, stronger than they usually are, but because they are more stronger than before, they drop more items, and sometimes rare items, depending on the circumstances.

According to Master Shin's knowledge, Rare Crimson Moon happens randomly, and usually lasts a few days, or worse, a few weeks.

He doesn't know the origin of Rare Crimson Moon, why it happens, and the conditions for it to happen other than the signs of herbs withering

With that information in mind, we were back in our house, preparing for the worst

"How many times did a Rare Crimson Moon happened?"

"As far as I lived, I've only encountered it thrice"


"Hence the name 'Rare'. Although it only happened thrice for me, whenever it happens, its always a chaos to deal with it"

I can feel Master Shin's heavy words after that statement. Every word of it felt like he had struggled even when he's strong...

...If he was having difficulties that time, I wonder how I would fair...

I gripped my hands tight as I thought of the worst outcome

Suddenly, Master Shin patted me on the back

"You're stronger than me, surely you won't have problems with your first Rare Crimson Moon"


 I can see Master Shin's slight smile right after as he stood up

"...Rui, right after this Rare Crimson Moon ends..."


"...I want you to take care of our home"

"Its almost as're saying goodbye to me..."

"Its because I am"

"...Are you don't know if you'll come back alive...?"


Master Shin then turned his back on me and said-

"...Who knows?"


He then turned once again

"Now that I know Ely is still here, protecting our home, as well as having you around here, I have no more worries to go somewhere. You see, this home is my everything ever since Ely died. This is the only last thing that I can protect. Because you're here, I can finally leave things to you, and take revenge to that Executioner"

"Master Shin...I-"

"No. This is an issue between me, Ely, and that bastard. You cannot come with me"


Master Shin then put his hands over my shoulders

"I know its only been months before we met, but I know I've already taught everything to you. I am confident that you can now survive on your own. I've done my part, so I hope you do me a small favor..."

"What is it?"

"Whatever happens, protect our home, protect what Ely and I have treasured. Protect the memories that we share in this house. Protect it at all costs"

Man to man, Master Shin was finally able to say what he wanted to pass on, as he slowly releases his hands from my shoulders

"I don't break promises, but I'm not certain if we'll ever meet again. But let me just say this once to you, not only as a man, but as your Master"


"I'm proud to have a disciple like you. I'm grateful that I met you, Rui. I don't know if Ely was the one who brought us together, or the gods and goddesses above, but ever since the day I met you, I haven't regretted a single decision I've done"

Feeling awkward, flustered, and embarrassed at the same time, I kept my cool and tried to replied with composure

"W-what are you saying M-Master Shin-"


Mixed emotions within me suddenly disappeared when Master Shin broke out of his natural character and went full commando mode. I couldn't help but laugh at his grand announcement

"What the hell even is that?! hahaha!"

I can see a hint of embarrassment from Master Shin, but at the time, it was clear that he meant every single word of it

"Finally calmed down? That's better. Because its about to start..."

"Yes I did. Thanks a lot Master Shin, but let me also say this just once"



I said as I bowed down gracefully 


Master Shin couldn't help but look away from that statement

"W-Why you little! Now you're making this more awkward!"

"If anything, that just broke down the tension between us! hahaha!"

Once again, Master Shin and I looked eye to eye, as we smiled and bumped our fists with each other, completely erasing my worries of the upcoming predicament

"Just because you graduated from being my disciple, doesn't mean you get to slack off, we have a big thing about to go on in a few minutes!"

"Right back at you! I hope you can still keep up with your former disciple!"

Master Shin replied back with a slight smile, as we looked outside, waiting for it to happen...


...A few moments later, patches of grass started to change colours from green to red, slowly making its way to the trees, its branches and leaves, until it completely reached the sky, turning it into crimson red...

...signalling the start of the Rare Crimson Moon...


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