So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 17: Adaptation of Elements


Few more days had passed. Signs of creatures can be seen drastically lowering each time

Does this mean that the Rare Crimson Moon is already ending?

Master Shin didn't said anything about signs of a Rare Crimson Moon ending, so I don't have a clue...


...Moreover, back to where Master Shin spouted something about a "Mana Manipulation without Mana"...

...Am I really capable of casting multiple spells without mana?

If that is the case, then where is the source of my spells coming from?


Deep into my thoughts, I didn't notice that Master Shin came back from hunting

"Got a good haul from a lake, although its just one kind of fish"

The fish that Master Shin came with was quite big. its appearance is quite similar to a smallmouth bass, but the only difference is that, it has a blueish colour all over its body

"Is that safe to eat?"

"This? You've been eating some of it already since day one"


As I recalled, I have never eaten any food that has a blueish colour on it...

"Its blue body might have caught you off guard since its your first time seeing one raw, but this is the same fish that you've been eating alongside with that other fish, the Metarout"


"The small looking fish that you always see me cooking remember?"

"Oh! The fish that turns into brown when fully cooked?"

"Exactly that one. That's what also happens in this fish, the Trollfish. They turn from a blueish colour, into a brown coloured one when fully cooked"

"Interesting...that's the first time I've heard of it"

Especially when there's an indicator for what food is fully cooked too

"But Master Shin, I don't see that other fish with you right now. Are these the only ones that are in that lake?"

"Well yeah, but actually not either"


"Metarouts usually hide when a Rare Crimson Moon happens, but Trollfishes don't, although they are not, they are more vigilant when its a Rare Crimson Moon"

"I see"

"Less talking and more cooking. Start preparing the ingredients"

"I'm on it"

With the main ingredient in hand, it was time to start prepping for our meal...




Back in Nirvana, Divina, The Goddess of Origin, stood there, enveloped by the mist, as she looked at the oracle, showing Rui Hanzawa on the other side

After a few seconds, Tenma, The Goddess of Justice, knocked on the door three times. After hearing a response from Divina, she let herself in

"...Yellow mist again..."

"What brings you here, Tenma?"

"Divina sama..."

Even with a pale expression, Tenma can feel the happiness within Divina

"I have brought the reports for the latest findings about the Rare Crimson Moon"

Divina then thoroughly reads the report on the fly

"...Signs of creatures appearing more than usual?"

"Yes. The other Gods and Goddesses believes that this unusual occurrence is due to the emergence of a new threat"

"The Demon Lord..."

"Yes. But as far as what you ordered us to do, we won't be making any further actions"

Divina nods with satisfaction, mentioning one more matter

"I assume 'she' already did her part?"

"Yes. As she should be. Right after your orders, she waited for a few months to relay the information"

"Good, that makes things easier..."

Divina looks at the oracle once again

"...So, how is Rui, Divina sama?"

"He's progressing farther than I imagined, learning his first element with full control of it. The Earth Element"

Tenma couldn't let out a surprise, but rather let out an expression that says "I should've expected it"

"Does that man know?"

Tenma pointed out the man beside Rui

"He doesn't know how, but he knows it isn't created from mana"

"...Manaless Incantation..."

"Its only natural for Rui to be able to use it"

"I know Divina sama, but still...that's fast..."

"It caught me off by surprise as well. He skipped through the fundamentals, methods, techniques, and the application of it...with just his own imagination"

"But that means...he's...!"

Having a sudden realization, Tenma couldn't help but to get a confirmation from Divina

"Yes. That's why there's no one who bears that title here"

"...Divina this really wise?"

"I have said it many times, and will say it again. Rui Hanzawa is the man that will help us"


"He's a man with a good sense of responsibility on how to use his abilities. Just like what he did earlier just to protect that man"

Suddenly, the mist changed colours

"?! Pink mist?! Divina"


It was faint, but Tenma could see a slight smile from divina's cold expression

It was the mist's changing colours that Tenma finally concluded Divina's perception of Rui Hanzawa...




"Tsk, we've ran out of water again. I forgot to bring more earlier"

"I'll go and get some more then-"

"No, its fine, I want to get more Trollfishes as well"

"Alright then"


Right after Master Shin left the scene, I gone back to look at the food we had just cooked...

...It wasn't anything special, what we just did was grilled the fish, seasoned it with the ingredients we had, laid it out flat on the table with the leaves on top of it, and considered it done

"...But the only thing we don't have is some drinks to wash it down..."



...I wonder if I can also do Water spells?

"But unlike Earth spells, I don't know how water forms..."

I looked at the small puddle of dirty water that Master Shin and I used for cleaning

"Most of it already dried out..."


Dried out...


"If water vapor condenses to form into clouds and then precipitates back...then maybe I can do the same to the wind and water vapor?"

If I know how it works, then maybe I can create my own method of how it would work!

"Can't know till I try then!"

I breathe in and out and closed my eyes, as I started to imagine gusts of wind, slowly circling around me

"Now if I just imagine this wind...slowly turning into water vapor...back into parts of water molecules...and then back into liquid..."


...I wasn't able to see what's happening around me, but I can hear the noises of the wind, slowly losing its gusty sound...turning into somewhat of a sound of flowing liquid


Without any hesitation, I slowly opened my eyes

"O-Oh! I was able to do it!"

What I can see was continuous flow of liquid around me, moving in a clockwise direction

"But still they're in a form of droplets, not a long liquid..."


...What if I think of it as a liquid spaghetti or some sort?

As if my brain heard me, the droplets suddenly formed into multiple lines of thin liquid

"Seriously?! What if I think of something like a cylinder?"

The shape of the liquid changes again, forming into one block of cylinder that formed around me

"...Turns out, I can really create stuff as long as I can imagine how it would look like..."

...Then what about turning water...into little stones?


The liquid matter quickly changed into a solid matter

"This is awesome! I want to try turning it into air now!"

The solid matter then changes into a form seemingly to gas

"Glad to know how I can change one matter into another matter then!"

I said as I tried to create a ball of water

"Master Shin will be surprised once he saw this!"

"I am right now"


My concentration dropped, just like my ball of water, when Master Shin reached out behind me

"What the?!"

I didn't detect him again through my spatial awareness!

"? I thought you already knew"


"Well, considering that you already had a good control of your Earth Magic, I shouldn't be surprised that you can also control Water Magic"

He says as he put down more Trollfishes he caught, as well as a big jar full of water

"You're quite fast, considering you had that on you"

"I used flash step to go back and forth, still tires me out a bit"

"Flash Step?"

"Its a technique so you can go from one place to another quickly"


With that vague explanation, I can't even imagine how I would do that...

"Anyways, to be able to use Water Magic, one uses mana to form it, I assume you also did the same?"

He asked, while he reaches out for the food

"No. I used Wind Magic to form it into Water"

Master Shin dropped his food the moment he heard my reply

"Wait...let me get this straight, you used wind magic, and then turned it into water magic?"

I nodded with no hesitation

"Hahaha! That's the first time I've heard of someone doing it that way!"

"Why? did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't, but what surprises me is that you were able to do it"


"Rapidly changing of elements in such a small amount of time...I've heard that researchers from the empires are actively studying on that possibility...the possibility of Element Shifting"

"Element Shifting?"

"Most renowned mages in this world, even the ones I've fought with, usually takes time to switch to another element that they possess. The reason why is that it takes time to reprocess the fundamentals, methods, techniques, and applications for that particular element"

"But I don't usually take that long though?"

"Its because you skipped the process. You're doing it all at once, and I don't even know how. Basically speaking, you're probably the only one fastest on switching elements, as well as using them all at once"

No way...all of that just because of my imagination...?

"With that reason, I suggest that you hide your abilities when you meet anyone outside of this forest. They will surely hunt for you when they find out"

"I can't have a peaceful life once that happens..."

"Exactly. Now lets eat"

I looked at the food, almost about to be devoured by Master Shin

"Hey! Save some for me at least!"

"Not my fault that you keep talking!"

We both laughed at our exchange of conversation as we happily ate under the Rare Crimson Moon light...


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