So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 18: Farewell, My Former Disciple


The very next day. As the creatures affected by the Rare Crimson Moon started to vanish rapidly, the sky, as well as the land and the entire forest return to its original colours, beckoning the end of the Rare Crimson Moon

"Its finally over huh?"

"Yeah. It was nothing like the past Rare Crimson Moons I've faced, but we we're able to fend them off. Not bad for your first time too"

He said as he washes his face like what just happened these past few days were nothing but natural occurrences

I then was remembered of what he will do afterwards

"'s that day as well huh?"


Master Shin was silent, but I knew that he was thinking of something to say that will lighten up the atmosphere

"Before I do take off, I want to take you to the place that developed my self"

"The place that developed your self...?"

He grabs his bag as well as his supplies before he made a sign to make me follow him after...


As we take a stroll further into Myriad Forest, it reminded me the days when Master Shin and I first met...

...To be honest, it almost as if it was yesterday when that thing happened...

"Its quiet again...too quiet"

I laughed at his statement

"What's funny?"

"Nothing, I just remembered that, that was also the line you said when we were going towards our home"


Master Shin's face doesn't show it, but deep down, I believe he also felt those times where we had our first few exchanges...

...Even though he was rough when I was under his training, it never felt to me like he was just some strict mentor, guiding me...

...He was like a father, teaching me not only how to handle a sword, effectively use it, but also the aspects of life...

How to to always be cautious about my making mistakes is part of building success...

...and how to survive in this world...

It wasn't too long nor too short that we have met, but I'm truly grateful that he is the first person that I encountered in this world. Without him, I've probably got exploited, manipulated, or even worse, get easily killed

"If I didn't took on being your disciple, I wonder what would've happened?"

"Probably got mauled by Loudbears after I kick you out of our house"

I laughed while Master Shin showed a slight smile on his face


After a few more steps, we eventually reached the place that Master Shin was talking about

"Here we are"


Right after the bright sun blurred my vision, I got a hold of what he wanted me to see for myself


It was a big lake that was bountiful of fishes, farther into it, a giant waterfall can be seen, enhancing the natural beauty of the scenery

"What do you think?"

"Its beautiful!"

"Right? That was also what I first said when I stumbled upon this view"

"How come you've never showed me this before?"


Without any answers, Master Shin took a step forward

"Lets go to that waterfall, you'll get your answer"

"Huh? Okay..."

Without any further questions, I followed Master Shin's lead...


"The view in here is even more amazing!"

If you're in the direction of where the waterfall is, you can clearly see the clearness of the lake. Deep and glimmering. The forest that is adding more greenery around it makes the place more lively overall

"That isn't the best part yet, try to sit in there"


He points at the stone in the center that was getting hammered by the waterfall

"But I'll get wet on that!"

"Just do it!"


With reluctance on my part, I did what Master Shin told me to, knowing that he won't going to stop bothering me unless I do it

"! Its cold!"

"Just bear with it"

I-I can't! I'm freezing here-


...wait...I don't feel it anymore...?



"Told you. I knew you'll get the hang of it"

With that uncomfortness out of the way, the continuous flow of the water surprisingly feels nice. I couldn't help but keep my eyes closed for more relaxation

While I was in that state, Master Shin spoke to me

"Rui. I want you to stick your hand out, and feel that coldness once more"


"Turn that coldness into the opposite. Just like what you did to turn wind into water, I want you to inverse it"

So he wants me to turn it into fire...


Oh right...I wonder why I didn't receive a notification of some sort in my head when I casted wind and water magic yesterday?

I should check my status...



Since when did I have this much passives?!

From what I can see, the abilities that I have right now is as follows:

Cold Resistance I

Earth Mastery - Max

Elemental Shifting

Mana - I

Mental Pain Immunity

Quick Witted

Simultaneous Chanting

Spatial Awareness

Stamina - Max

Swordsmanship - Max

Water Mastery - III

Wind Mastery - III


So that's why I don't feel any coldness anymore...moreover, because of my Mental Pain Immunity, my head doesn't hurt anymore whenever I acquired an ability...

...the only problem is that I no longer know if I acquired a new ability because of it...

...Another thing in mind is this "Elemental Shifting" and "Simultaneous Chanting"...

Like what Master Shin said yesterday, using them without any caution might cause a stir for other people and the empires...

Best to keep that thing in mind...

"Are you perhaps struggling?"

After getting sidetracked for a moment, I was remembered of the task that Master Shin gave to me


From what I've learned in my class, making a fire needs some sort of fuel as well as oxygen in a high temperature...

...If I take those complicated things out and just make it simple, then maybe it would work...

...but how would I make it work?


High temperature...

...that's it! Like what Master Shin said, turning the coldness into opposite of it!

Meaning, if the temperature is lower, I just need to make it higher!


I took a deep breath, relaxing my whole body, as I imagine the area surrounding me starting to feel hot...


With just sensations, I can feel the waterfall itself turning some of it into steam, indicating that the temperature is starting to rise

Now I just need to make it pass through the boiling point!


A few more minutes, from its past boing point it has reached to a more dangerous temperature rates...

...but still, it was in the stage of where the area around me is still like in a cauldron, just continuously boiling...

I need something to ignite it!

...A spark!

I then thought of my body, imagining it releasing a large flame out

...It was then that I was sure that I was success of developing a fire the moment I heard it kindling

Now I just need to take control of it and transfer it to my hand!


As if it was some sort of heat transfer procedure, I was able to slowly imagine my whole body in a big flame, compressing, transferring it into my hand...

...Until when I opened my eyes, I found out that the transfer produce went without a hitch

"! I did it! Look Master Shin-"

-I turned around, only to see no one, but a note lying on the ground

With my excitement slowly vanished, I walked out of the waterfall, reaching out for the note in question

I then read the contents that he left...

"Rui. I know this is a bad way to say goodbye to you, but I felt like this was the best gift I could give to you before I leave.

Alongside with our house, this waterfall has served me wonders. It was the place that developed me because this is the place where I trained every single day. This is where Ely also took a bath, and sing as she waited for me here to watch me train. This is also where I take a breather and vent out my feelings after Ely had died. This is the place that keep me sane every time I think I'm always lost and couldn't find the right way.

Together with the new element that I knew you haven't yet unlocked, I hadn't thought of a good farewell gift. Nothing crossed to mind except me sharing you the place that I always go to.

The reason why I haven't shared this place to you before is that I thought you would be the first to leave from this place before me, but as time passes, you had slowly shared sentimental value to that house. I remember that time when I was about to take you out of that Loudbears and go somewhere far away from our home because of my indecisiveness and uncertainty, yet instead you showed me that there's no option but to retaliate for what's dearest to us.

And now that I know that you and I share the same feelings for what's precious to us, I'm once again entrusting you to take care of this wonderful place. This place that I called 'The Waterfall of Dreams'.

You might beat yourself up because you haven't got a farewell gift for me yet, but I already got your gift before I even left. Thanks for the memories over these past few months Rui. I'm glad that I met you as well as making you my disciple. You're the best disciple that I could ever ask for, and I really mean it.

- Shin"


That's're really unfair...even in times like this, Master Shin

I said, while tears in my eyes began to drop in the note


After a few minutes of consolidating myself, I wiped the tears that ran down on my face

"...Rest assured Master Shin, I will take care of what's dearest to us!"

I said, as I quickly try to cast the fire magic that I recently learned into my hand. I then made it disappear the moment I was able to do it, looking at the vast scenery once more

"...So its up to me from now on...huh?"

This is probably the last time I'll see Master Shin, but I believe that we will meet again...somewhere...



"We will meet again someday!"

Reaching my hand out in the sky, I finally found a new resolve to uphold

...To live and survive in this world...

...To protect what's precious to us!

And to reconnect with you once more!


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