So, I got isekai’d

Vol 1 Chapter 9: Destiny

The path...


There are many paths you can take in your life, the path I took, came from a normal, average path that anyone dreams of, that anyone can achieve with effort. I took on the path of becoming a knight, a knight of a certain kingdom

I've honed my swordsmanship. Day and night, I would keep practicing, mastering the basics, learning different techniques, learning advanced things, and creating my own style

Through those days, in those journeys, I've somehow met the person that changed my purpose in life. The person that changed who I am, and the person that I swore to protect...

It was a beautiful night, cold and breezy. I was training alone, away from anyone's sights...

...and far away from the kingdom, she, was in there...

...I met her, the most beautiful woman in my eyes, Ely, an Elf

Although Elves are supposed to be a different species, in my eyes, she was a beautiful woman, a human in my definition

That night, I knew it was destiny that I met her, not a coincidence, nor a mistake. Elves don't simply show themselves to any species especially humans, but for some reason, she showed herself to me...

...and that's where I learned that, she took an interest in me




"You're the Goddess' Emissary"


"The one who descends in this world, here for a purpose...or that's what at least she said to me..."

...? Who's 'She' ?


"I was here for a purpose?"

Master Shin looked at me, with a question on his mind

"Say, you're not here from this world, are you?"

"I believe I told you that I came from-"

"No you didn't, and I won't gonna believe that crap. Just be honest"


Master Shin had been a great help to me this whole time, so I guess its time I trust him a bit more and tell him a bit about me

"Yes, I am not from this world"

"That explains and answers my assumption. You're definitely the Goddess' Emissary then"

"But why? Why does that exactly make me the Emissary immediately? Couldn't I be just some other hero that was summoned by a higher being or something?"

Actually, I'm quite curious on who I am actually, except from being a otherworlder...

"Its because your power isn't the same as those heroes"

"What exactly do you mean?"

Master Shin shook his head, as if he wanted to try and avoid the question

"*Sigh*...Some people possess the skill "Reading Eye", this skill allows me to read and assess the overall power of my target"

"So you took a look in mine? Uh oh..."

I guess he already knew who I am from the start then...he was just playing along this whole time 

"What's with the concern? I didn't even get to take a look at it"

"Huh? Why?"

"I can't, my Reading Eye doesn't allow me to assess and see your power"

"I thought you can use it to see the overall power of your target?"

"That's the downside. I can use it to see your power and all, but if the target is stronger than me, I can't see it at all"

"What?! Then that means-"

"Yeah, you're basically stronger than me, in terms of raw power"

Seriously...? I'm stronger than Master Shin?

But about the fight earlier...we where clashing left and right evenly!

"I know what you're thinking. No, I was barely able to keep up with you earlier. The moment you were able to repel my attacks, I knew it was a battle I would lose"

"No way...I thought I was the one who's losing the battle"

"Its because you haven't fully utilized your own power. A raw power, when not utilized, is a waste. Like a knight who has a lot of potential, a prodigy, but lacks the effort to further polish their talent"

There he goes again with his lines...

"In simple terms, You're omnipotent. You can basically do anything if you put your mind, soul, and body into it"

"Omnipotent? Me?"

"You would've get injured earlier if you haven't found a way to stop my attack"

Injured? I think you meant "Died" Master Shin!

"Yet you did, and got adapted to the battle, becoming stronger than before"

"But this is all just a probability right? There's still no evidence that I'm the emissary right?"

"There is no concrete evidence backing that up, yeah, but She was never wrong in these things"

Master Shin said, while mumbling the last bit of his sentence

"What does the emissary even do?"

"That...I don't know, she never told me, nor I did ask..."

"I have to ask Master Shin, but who's this 'She' you're referring to?"




I looked at him, with a curious face, trying my hardest to make him answer my question

"My wife...Ely"

"Your wife...said that I'm the Goddess' Emissary?"

"She didn't specifically said who it would be, but she knew that one day, someone would"

"Sorry for doubting in advance, but I just can't seem to believe it"

After all, a foresight is just a foresight, especially even if your wife's the one who said it, it shouldn't be taken seriously

"I'm not surprised that you are, but in my case, I can't doubt her thoughts. Most of the time, she's predicted the outcome of many things. So many that when she starts to say something like that to me, I just can't seem to deny the possibility of it anymore"

"And you didn't thought that it could've been a mere coincidence?"

"It could've been, but that thought never even crossed my mind, because I knew what Ely is capable of. I knew who Ely really is"

"Who Ely really is...?"



"Ely, was one of the Ancient Elves that I met through destiny, as well as the one who changed my life..."


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