So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 2: When Fate Meets Destiny



Much to her surprise, she was able to survive the Male Loudbear's attack. I was able to make it on time thanks to my Flash Step skill, I then let out a wind magic barrier formed in a convex shape to repel its roar. It seems to be effective since it always deflects its special attack in every direction except ours, hence why I've been using it this way

"...Works every time"

I smirked, as I looked at the cat girl behind me

"Do you have any serious injuries?"

I wouldn't bother to ask if she's okay, its already obvious that she wasn't!



"P-Please don't...kill me..."

"Kill you?"



She dropped, losing consciousness after

"Am I really that bad looking?"

I said, making me think that even in this world, I still have a scary looking face


The couple loudbears once again made a noise, trying to identify what just happened

"Wondering why your ultimate attack didn't work?"

Intimidated by my words, they let out a rampage, running towards us

"I could let these guys have a taste of my Steam Burst..."

...but that will raise chances of us attracting other loudbears...

"Feels like cheating every time I do this, but..."


Summoning a gust of wind, I then compressed it further into something a naked eye couldn't see. Formed into nothingness, I whispered softly the name of the spell


There was no visible projectile that was aiming aiming them, but the sharp sound that it gave was the determining factor that something was about to happen




...Once their cores inside were shattered, the couple loudbears suddenly stopped moving, falling to their death

"...I didn't want to rely on an instant death spell, but I had to get this girl treated soon..."

Jokes aside...I wonder why she thought I was going to kill her?

...Is it something related to her past...?


"What matters most right now is to treat her injuries!"

Without any hesitation, I carried her back to my home...




Thanks to my Flash Step, we were easily got back in a matter of few minutes. I then laid her inside the house as I left to gather some herbs in the herb farm...

...Yes, you heard that right, there were a lot of things that I've done in here ever since Master Shin left. First off is the house, which got bigger and wider. The materials wasn't really hard to get since we're in Myriad forest after all

I've also put some stone walls around the vicinity with the help of my earth magic spell. I also laid out some light in each corners with my fire magic spell. For some reason, even though my Mana is at level 1, my spells still don't consume mana. The more intriguing part here is that, the spells that I used to continuously have a light source around the area doesn't dissipate, meaning as long as I don't remove it myself, the spell will remain to do its own thing

With that revelation, I also built a water reservoir that continuously flows and cleans the water. I know I said that I don't want to abuse such powers like my Fatality spell, but if its for necessities and a contribution towards a higher civilization, then why not?

I had also built a storage where I can store food, materials, ingredients, and the like. I don't know if seasons exists in this world, but I've taken countermeasures to build it underground in case of any unforeseen circumstances. The underground storage's walls can be transformed into anything I want it to be. If I want to preserve the food, such as winter, if there is one, I would then transform its walls from stone to ice. Ice magic can easily be achieved if I adjust the water's temperature to its freezing point, the opposite of how I did it with fire magic

The next thing I've built is the garden at the back of the house. I planted the spices and seasonings that I can find here in this forest. It took me a month and a half to do it, but thanks to my efforts, getting those spices and ingredients that I need won't be too much of a hassle in the future

Lastly is the herb farm as well as the workshop next to it. No matter how hard I try, I can't always imagine how a healing spell would work, I've tried many ways to overturn as well as create a new method and mechanic for it, but the thing is, to heal ourselves or someone else, one must know how or what part of the body has to heal

I'm no doctor or anything like that, hence why I thought of another way on how a healing spell would work in my favor, if I can't imagine how a healing spell works from thin air, maybe I just need a medium?

...And thus, the solution I found, the herbs. The herbs that I collect serves as a "tool" that makes me able to imagine a part of a injury inside a target to pull it out. In simple terms, the herbs acts as a vacuum that sucks out any pain, injuries, or similar to it, meaning that, that part of the injury of the host, is transferred to the herbs instead

In my case. The herbs would tear apart if the host has fractures, other sign is the herbs would turn into red if the host has internal injuries. Another one is that the herbs would have a cut on it if it has external injuries. Intriguing one is that the herbs would disappear if the host has a lost organ or a limb. Lastly, the herbs would remain unscathed if the host has no injuries whatsoever, meaning he/she is in a fine condition

I've tested it out on a bunch of Madbits before, and each experiments and tests I've done was consistent. I'm confident that it will also be the same for that cat girl

"Now I'll just need that specific herb..."

There are a different sets of herbs in Myriad Forest, but the only herb that was working well and always consistent, is the herb that looks like a 4 leaf clover, but the difference is that its a 3 leaf herb in a shape of a diamond


...After grinding the herbs and merging them into one big leaf, I then headed inside to where I left the girl...


...As I entered, there she was sitting, looking around the house, with her mouth open, she stiffened up the moment I interacted with her

"Oh, you're finally awake! feeling better now?"


She quickly jumped out of the bed, creating distance between us

" you want from me?"

"...? What do you mean?"

"Y-You know what I mean!"

I clearly don't...

"I-If you think y-you can intimidate me with your aura, t-then you're making a big mistake!"

She said, clearly shaking her thighs violently




Just like my first encounter with Master Shin, I was reminded of my aura, leaking out without any care in the world. I didn't bother to suppress it last time because it doesn't affect the creatures, but I guess its also a mistake that I didn't bother to supress it on my part since Master Shin was already used to it...

"Believe me, but I have no intentions to harm you"



Like taking a deep breath, I "inhaled" my aura, containing it deep within me



"Do you trust me now?"

"...Just because you hid your aura, doesn't mean you wouldn't land a surprise attack"

I'll take that as a no then...


She instinctively touched her sides, indicating signs of injury

"Lets put aside your suspicions about me for now, I'll have to treat your injuries first, will you please take a seat?"


Looking at what I had brought, she obediently sat down on the bed

"Now lie flat on the bed"

"...Are you sure you're not gonna do anything to me?"

Why are you even asking me that?!

"My intention is to recover the damage you suffered. Nothing more, nothing less. Your fight with those two loudbears earlier caused quite a blow on your body right?"

"'re the one who saved me...?"

"You don't remember?"

"I only remembered a shadowy figure saving me..."

"I see..."

"Are you perhaps...the one my Dad has been talking about...?"


...What did she mumbled just now?



I then applied the big leaf on her body, as I slowly remembered what I've practiced


The big leaf glow brightly, affecting her body in the process


Particles started emitting inside her, moving from her body to the big leaf...

...Slowly...until none was left

Right after the process ended, the big leaf changed its colors to red

"...So its an internal injury"

"...Thank you..."

She said to me, with a warm blush on her face. She had a cute face that was complimenting her silky silver hair. Her silver eyes was beaming at me while her pure white fur, especially her tail and ears, were expressing emotions of happiness. Its probably because she got relieved from her injuries, but I couldn't help but get attracted from the way she acts

I cleared my throat as I try to regain my composure

"Don't mention it, I've always wanted to try using my healing spell on someone other than a creature, but I swear that I wasn't using you for any other reasons"

"I-Its fine! You did treat my injuries after all..."

She said, looking away in the process

"I'm Rui Hanzawa. What's your name?"


Mashiro? Was it derived from the word "Masshiro" meaning "Pure White" ? Because her fur's white?

Either way, that name had a delicate and caring sound to it, fitting of her character right now...

"Nice to meet you, Mashiro"


Mashiro's rather that I thought of it, isn't there a saying in my world that "To get someone's heart is through their stomach" ?

I'm pretty sure I got it wrong, and was probably meant for a more romantic sense, but the phrase gave me an idea to break the ice between us...

After wrapping up the red big leaf, I headed for the door

"I'll go out and prepare something for us to eat, you should rest and wait-"

"I-I'm going too!"

"-or you can also go with me..."


Nodding her head happily, she instantly get out of the bed

"Take it easy for now, you aren't fully healed yet"

"? But I don't feel anything"

"No slight pains or similar to it?"


She said, as she did something similar to calisthenics just to prove her claim



I don't know if its because of her species that she can recover easily, but if its because of my healing spell...

...then maybe I can even use it for near death situations...

"...Rui sama...?"

"Yeah? -Wait, 'sama' ?"

She looked at me with a curious expression on her face

"No need for formality or anything Mashiro, you can just call me Rui"



"You're probably my destined one...My Dad said to show upmost respect and affection towards the person I'm destined with..."

"Did you say something?"

It was long mumble of hers that I wasn't able to hear, but I guess its something that she can't say to me directly

"N-No can do!"


Shaking my head, I shrugged it off and thought of her inner monologue as nothing of my concern...


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