So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Live For Myself!


" matter what happens...promise me that you'll live a happier life"

"Mom! Don't say such things! You can't leave me and Dad now!"

My Mom smiled at me as she warmly touched my face slowly

"Like how I found happiness in your father...I want you to find happiness for yourself..."

"You and Dad are my happiness Mom!"

She just smiled at me, letting me hear her last words

"I'm sorry...Mashiro..."

Her hands on my face dropped as she slowly closed your eyes 

"Mom! No! No! Noooooo!"

I tried to check if she was still breathing...only to know that there was little to no chance of her surviving



...Why couldn't we just live a normal, happier life...?


Uncontrollable tears started to pour down while I violently smacked my fists down the ground

"Mashiro! Run!"


I looked at my father, who was facing the person that killed our mom...

...Even with his intimidating stance and his glaring look, his tears couldn't be stopped from falling down

"I'll buy you some time! Get on your knees and run!"

"But Dad, what about Mom?! What about you?!"

"Mashiro, your Mom and I can't leave this place, we are bound to face the consequences that we did, but you can still have your own freedom. You must live Mashiro, you must not put our sacrifices go to waste!"

"Why?! Why do you have to leave me too?! Why can't we all just leave together?! Dad!"

Dad smiled, replying at my statement after

"I know this is sudden for you right now, but everything that your Mom and I had been doing, are all for you. Its because we love you that we had to do this, Mashiro. One day, there will be someone who will also do the same for you, and that person will probably be the one destined for you...not today, but it will happen someday"


Unable to let out my feelings, I left there standing, crying. My vision started to get blur with every tears in my eyes blocking my view

"Run Mashiro! You have to live for our sake! Run!"

My whole body started to act on its own, running as fast as it could to get away from that place... get away from that awful Empire... get separated away from my parents...


"Goodbye, Mashiro...I hope you find someone who will take good care of you..."

"Are you done celebrating your last farewell?"

The killer said, eagerly waiting to use his staff as he gripped tightly onto it

"Hold on now, maybe you're the one who's going to bid farewell here"

The killer laughed at the Dad's statement, knowing that the outcome is evident

"Heh, do your worst!"

With his usual stance that won him in every tournaments, he once again showed it to his opponent

"Demicat stance, 7th Form!"

As the rain poured down heavily, the battle between the two started...





 Oh...its already morning...

"Just how far do I have to go to get out of this place...?"

I said, contemplating what happened that time...

"Run Mashiro! You have to live for our sake! Run!"




Once again, tears started to fall down from my eyes. I then wiped it off, toughing myself up

"Mashiro be strong! Live for our self remember?! We can do this!"

Standing up on my own once again, I hunted for today's food...



...Eventually, I found another spot where that one funny looking creature always residing. It was easy to find since as long as there's water, there's always a funny looking creature like it

"These creatures are so delicious! Is this what those people eat everyday? I envy them a lot!"

I hunted for more, and then drank some water from it, and then hunted for more...

...until I was satisfied


After a few minutes of resting, I stand up to continue my journey

...Sure enough, I was starting to see something that wasn't like an endless loop of what I've walked on before


Is that...the exit...?

Getting excited, I rushed myself to it...

...My eyes got blinded by a bright light, trying to look at the view that I've never seen before


What I saw was like a big map of forests that are shrunk down, multiple creatures of the same kind flying in the clear, bright sky, and a breezy wind that I only got to experience inside the tents

"So this is the outside world..."


"I wished you had seen this..."

Toughen up Mashiro! Live for yourself! Live!

"Right! Live for myself!"


...But that being said...

"How do I get down from there...?"

I am in a high place, unable to continue my journey to get out of the forest

"From what I'm seeing here, it looks like I won't be getting out here sooner either..."

I wish I wasn't the only one here...

...I wish Mom and Dad were still here...


Suddenly, rustling can be heard from a distance


I looked back...only to see two big scary looking creature staring at me


I instinctively took a step back, as those two creatures take a step forward

...In a few moments, we were now facing side by side near the view

"What should I do...? Should I fight back? But what if I can't defeat them?"



...It shouldn't matter if I can defeat them or not!

I just have to live!

With all my might, I tried to fend off against the two big scary looking creatures with a plan in mind...




In a certain empire, in a shady looking place, there can be seen a businessman, counting off his profits, while setting aside the paper works

In a few seconds, a shadow figure can be seen from outside his window, conveying a message

"Sir, I'm here to report"

"Go on"

 "Target not found, presumably dead"

The businessman gripped his hand, throwing the cash at hand

"HUH?! Presumably dead?! You have not found a single evidence of it dying, yet you puppets presumed it dead?!"


"Why do I even pay you guys for?! Its been 3 months yet none of you has found a lead! Useless! All of you!"

"...I'm only here to send a report, Sir"

"Tsk! take your stupid report somewhere else! Next time, bring me a good one!"

The shadow figure took a few moments of silence, and then finally replied after



It then disappeared into nothingness

The businessman then sat down once more, looking at his piles of paper works

"I had loss quite a profit when your parents died, but once they find you, I'll be getting back what I lost!"

Shifting his emotions, he took a big laugh, thinking of his payback in this investment he did to find the missing "Entertainer"...




"Guh! They're strong!"

Thanks to my in and out plan, I was able to fend off against these two creatures, but their bodies are so tough, its almost hard to get a good strike at them

"I'm almost about to reach my limit too..."

Whenever Dad has time, she would always train me because I asked him, but up until now, I can only do simple attacks and not his stances. My Dad never taught me how to do it, that's why I can only fight these creatures with the basic attacks I know...

...It doing something to them...but I feel like what I'm doing is a bad idea...

It was then, that the other creature, started to scream




...It doesn't hurt...? 


Suddenly, One of them started to get even more bigger



It then started to launch an attack on me...

...I took the blow, which send me pretty far away from them


For some reason, the creature that hit me just now, has gotten stronger...

"...Could it be that...its scream enhanced the other creature?!"

Right after I realized it, that creature took the initiative to land an another attack


I took a step back, but suddenly, the ground between us, started to crack, making us fall down deeper...





Now that I think about it, I remembered Dad saying that we, Demicats, are physically stronger than most of the species...

...So I guess that's one of the reasons why I was able to...endure that fall...



"Oh no! Those creatures-"

The immense pain started to kick in immediately


Was it from the fall I took? Or was it from the blow with that creature...?

...Or maybe...both...

...I then fall down to my knees, unable to bear the pain




" matter what happens...promise me that you'll live a happier life"


"One day, there will be someone who will also do the same for you, and that person will probably be the one destined for you"


"Run Mashiro! You have to live for our sake! Run!"


With all my might, I tried to break the limits...

...but to no avail...


I guess this is far as I can live...huh?

...I'm sorry Mom, Dad, I can't live longer!


...Waiting for my end, I watched the creature's final attack...


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