So, I got isekai’d

Vol 2: Prologue


3 months...


Its been 3 months since Master Shin left. It hasn't been that long, but it feels like its almost been a year since I've seen him...

...Seriously, he could sent me some letters or something from time to time!

But then again, how would he even send me those letters? *Sigh*...


Anyways, its not like I haven't done anything and just sat around as time passes. I've been doing many things a lot ever since Master Shin left to "pay" his "debts" to that guy...


"And now for the last one"




"Phew, this should be enough for today's and tonight's dinner"

I said, pretending to be exhausted, even though I wasn't

Using my wind magic alongside with water magic, I cut the Madbit, getting the meat out as well as cleaning it thoroughly...

"Oh right, I also need to gather its remains, especially its core and its horns..."

Right to where the Madbit's neck is, sometimes they possess of what I call myself, a core, an orb coloured in gray. Alongside with it, is the horns on its head. I don't know when they will be useful, but I've watched a lot of animes back in my world to know that I should stock on these kinds of items especially since they might have some value...

"Done, still makes me uneasy whenever I take out one of their body parts..."

I instinctively looked at the sky


...I've gotten pretty good at this despite its just been months since I've been on my own. The way I imagine things getting done as well as the speed on casting my spells had begun to improve further the day I started to live for myself

And throughout those days, I've also learned how to simultaneously use my elemental abilities as well as change into other elements quickly. I don't know if its because of my "Elemental Shifting" and "Simultaneous Chanting" ability, but it has significantly allowed me to experiment with my spells with more freedom than before

In my own understanding, Elemental Shifting seemingly refers to how fast I can quickly switch from one element to another, just like what Master Shin said. The only notable thing here is that alongside with Simultaneous Chanting, I can switch multiple elements to other types of elements, which was something that made me cheer like a highschool girl the moment I was able to do it

After a bunch of experiments, I then tried to make combos with those elements. Wind and Earth spell for example, which I use my earth spells as my projectile, while my wind spell as a force to create more power when launching my earth spells. Sure I can imagine it with just earth spells alone, but its more fun and challenging if I use two or more spells, right?

Another example is using Water, Fire and Wind. Water as the main base, fire mixing with water creates nothing 0f course, but with the help of wind magic, I was able to entrap fire and water inside, spinning it quickly, until I was able to imagine that fire evaporating the water, turning it into steam. I then compressed that steam that was inside of my wind magic, added more fire into it, then launched it to my target

As what I imagined, the "Steam Bomb", or so I'd call it, came into fruition, which I've yet used due to its exploding scale. Seriously, that Loudbear was nowhere to be seen, as well as affecting a small scale of the forest into a wasteland when I did that...

And yes. This is a new ability, which is "Elemental Merging". Self-explanatory, but its the ability to merge two or more elements together


After separating the meat and the items, I go on with my next routine

"Next is gathering of herbs and spices..."

If I remember correctly, 'that area' should be sprouting with herbs and spices now...

"But the problem is the Loudbears, I can deal with them easily, but killing them might attract more of their kind..."


"Well, if worse comes to worst, I can still get myself out of there pretty quickly"

I didn't master Flash Step for nothing...

...Yes, I learned Flash Step even though Master Shin didn't teach me of it. The only difference in our abilities is that, his Flash Step seems to be fast, but in reality, he uses big leaps to make it up for it. My Flash Step consist of imagining myself teleporting into that target area. I mean, what do you imagine when you think of the word "Flash", right? Surprisingly, I was able to did it with just a few hiccups

Although it requires a bit of my wind magic to be able to pull it off. The wind magic serves as a "lifting" mechanism when I'm about to do it

"Time to make my move then"

I said, as I abused my Flash Step to make haste...




Reaching the place I talked earlier, different sets of herbs and spices can be seen near the walls of the mountain

"There it is! Now I can finally add those last sets of herbs and spices into my garden, I'll definitely won't be needing to go out to gather for them anymore!"

But seeing the it on a broad daylight, out in the open, it was clear that something was odd

"There's no creatures here...not even a sign of a single Loudbear..."

Is this a trap...?


As if I took the bait, I walked out from the bushes, letting myself be seen



...After receiving no threats from my Spatial Awareness skill, I determined the area was safe, and I was just overcautious for nothing

"Still, its better to be cautious than letting my guard down, right?"

Letting out a sigh of relief, I slowly reached out for those materials that I need

"With gathering task is finally over!"

With just a few centimeters away from my target-


-Suddenly, my Spatial Awareness perceived something as a threat

"From above?!"

Before it was about to fall on me, I quickly escaped with my Flash Step, shielding myself in a wall of wind magic afterwards

" it just something that fell from that cliff...or is it a creature...?"

I said, waiting for the dust to clear up...


"...What the...?"

In front of me on the right side, is the couple Loudbears that are heavily injured. It wasn't clear if the big rubbles of stone were the cause of it...

...Until I saw on who's on my left side...


...It was clear as day that it was no Loudbear, or any creatures that I've encountered here in Myriad Forest. From my point of view, It was something more than a creature, but also not a human...

It was like something that came out from an anime. Like a human wearing accessories that can be seen in cosplay conventions and such...

Ears...similar to an animal I know well as a tail, both in purest colour of white...

"A Cat...?"

Its facial features as well as descriptions indeed resembled a cat, but what's more intriguing here is, its a half human-half cat, just like what you see in those isekai animes

"A Demi-Human?!"

I blurted out, realizing its obviousness later on...

...In a surprise turn of events, from my initial routine of hunting for food as well as gathering for herbs and spices, into witnessing something that I haven't encountered yet...

Just like the couple Loudbears, she is also gravely injured, fighting those two creatures at once


The Male Loudbear screamed, as he started to stand still, indicating his special attack was about to launch

She was ready to counterattack, but before she is able to, the damage that she took seemingly stopped her actions, falling down to her knees. She then splat some blood, as if her body's just now catching up to the pain she ignored



...Without any hesitation, the Male Loudbear let out his special attack, a loud echo that can instantly kill her...


Start of Volume 2

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