Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 50

I've thought about this moment for a while now. Today Ryan gets a New Theme, a New Hero, and a New Power. I had covered my plans for the powers much earlier because I thought we'd get here long before now, but I got sidetracked with the Aldecaldos. A happy accident. So we wouldn't go over that again, but for the new theme and hero we are going to stick to the three universes we already have going, this time. Or two if you subscribe to the theory that Warcraft and Starcraft happen in the same universe. Or have they cleared that up? Maybe I should check.

I have to now explain something about the Company Rules that Ryan himself will never be explicitly told. Any faction he has access to, cannot be used to summon nonnative organic sapients, with some exceptions, I.E. Heroes, Trees, and the like. Thus AIs are fine, Spirits are fine, Treants are fine. Kaldorei (Night Elves) and Khalai (Protoss) are not. If he rolls a Human faction he can indeed summon humans. The reasons for this will remain unknown for now, though I might reveal them to yall later. Just know that the Company is very strange and operates on an Omniversal scale. They also mistook Humans for Squirrels for over a hundred years due to a malfunctioning translator.

Yes, summons will always view Ryan as some form of leader in their society. Executor, Commander, Lord, and so on.

So yes, I am going to roll the new faction I made a few charts for it. Note that I have included Cyberpunk factions, including Gangs and Corporations in the charts, they will be extremely rare rolls, because that would cause all kind of problems and chaos. However, what is life without a little craziness?


(If you haven't, please read the Author's Note above it is important for you to understand certain things, that Ryan himself will never be told.)


I wandered over to Meadran, to use my tokens, especially the Hero token. My thinking was that he would be able to help me talk to whoever showed up.

'Meadran which do you think I should use first, the Theme token or the Hero token?' I honestly wanted his input because I was really worried this would derail some of my plans.

'A new faction might allow for a broader selection of heroes. However, I can not foresee it making much difference at this stage.' As calm and peaceful as always. It's good to have someone so grounded for advice, close at hand.

Hmm. I reached into my pocket and just grabbed the first thing that I could. The Theme token. If it just adds a new faction why is it called a "theme" token? Also how do I use it?

It seemed to vibrate between my fingers.

[ Do you wish to use Theme token? Y/N ]


[ Rolling result... ]

[ You have obtained faction, Lordaeron ]

"Who or what the hell is Lordaeron?"

'Hmm, a faction of humans that lived across the sea on another continent. I remember them as being haughty and rude, also later they were broken under the might of the Legion.' His pain was immense, I could feel the burning of Felfire and smell the scorch remains of my... his kin. Terrible deep sadness.

"I'm so sorry Meadran." I tried to send thoughts of peace and comfort.

'It is alright, Young One. The past can not easily nor safely be changed.' An image of giant winged lizards, oh right, dragons, with sandy colored scales. The feeling that they played with forces they shouldn't have one too many times.

A box had appeared resting on the ground, it was 2'cubed and seemed to be made of smooth grey stone.

[ Please place box in desired location to start using this faction. ]

"So does this help us? Will they be useful?" Magical Humans, maybe.

'I'm uncertain what we'll gain from them, but I do remember they had priests and mages, and built well with stone and wood. But I worry that you can't use them at all since we seem unable to summon the Kaldorei or the Khalai.' Doubt filled his mental voice.

"Built with stone and wood, so low tech then? Well there might be some advantages with that. Less likely to be detected for one. Would we be able to arm them with modern... no Khalai weapons and armor? Hmm." Well no sense in counting my chickens before they hatch. I might get nothing out of this.

My hand reached into my pocket to grab the Hero token.

It began to buzz in my hand.

[ Do you wish to use Hero token? Y/N ]


[ You have Obtained the Hero James Eugene Raynor ]

"Howdy, Commander."

He just appeared, a stocky well built guy, a little shorter than myself, with dark hair and eyes. Older than me, but I couldn't tell how much. He was in plain looking clothes, and some type of armor was laying beside him, also a long ass rifle of some kind. He was holding out his hand.

I shook it, "Call me Ryan, I don't feel like much of a commander."

He nodded, "Takes a big man to admit it. Name's James Raynor. Call me Jim." I could tell he didn't smile much. This man had seen some shit.

"Well, Jim, I don't know what info you have about our situation, but how about I give you the rundown and maybe you can tell me how you can help?"

"Ha. Sounds like a plan." He almost grinned. Very grim fella this Raynor.

I started on my story, I figured it was best to hold nothing back. He just listened stone faced for the hour and a half it took me to get through everything. He lit up a cigarette at one point, it looked hand rolled. Honestly, I couldn't tell a damned thing about what he was thinking.

When I was done he ask, "So this is Terra... Earth, or a version of it anyway?" He seemed amused. I think.

"Yeah, a pretty shitty version, but yes." I nodded.

"Imagine that. Never thought I'd step foot on the ol' homeworld of Humanity." He almost chuckled. "Way I see it, I can help with raiding and keeping any troops you have in line. I might have some idea about defenses, once I've seen them. Lastly Hoss, I can tell you I've been there, but you ain't alone in this fight, not anymore."

My BTC started shaking

[ You have been awarded a gift. Do you accept? Y/N ]

"Uh, yes?"

[ You have received the Power, Mana Sink. ] ( AN: Hahahahaha! Sometime random rolls end up being really funny. It is a little broader scale than I wanted, but come on this is hilarious. )

Mana Sink a power that let me ground hostile spells, or excessive magic energies. That seemed... really pointless. Me, Lumi, Meadran, Faergin and the Wisps were the only users of magic. All magic on this planet came from here. Why would I need to ground out hostile spells? A dud, I guess.

I tried not to be too disappointed, after all I didn't have a power at all a moment ago. Somethings better than nothing right?

I spent another few hour showing Jim around the Valley.

"Well, the Protoss tech looks like the stuff Tassadar used, different from Artanis's army. I never did learn too much about either one. So can't help you much there, and the magic and nature shit flies right over my head. But I can tell you need an army fast, and the Protoss don't do fast, leastways not with building. So I'd say it was time to to see what this other faction... What did you say their name was, right, Lordaeron looks like."

Hmm. Maybe it was time to start building outside the valley.


Remember these characters and factions are from Alternate Versions of their Universes.

So, yes in the version of Azeroth that Meadran comes from, the Burning Legion won the Third War. The Company scooped up many of the survivors before the Legion could kill or enslave them.

However, this faction of Lordaeron comes from yet another version of Azeroth.

Of course, this Raynor is slightly different as well.


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