Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 51

The Chance of getting Raynor was something like 1 in 10,000.

Basically any Figure from any of these Settings I really like, was set up to be super rare.


Only going to be two chapters today, sorry.


We exited the cave and looked upon the Badlands. I had brought Jitters and Buzz and a dozen other Probes, whose data stores had been updated with the new Pylons. I was hauling the stone box.

I spotted something going on far off in the distance, involving lots of vehicles. Well mostly I saw the dust they were kicking up. I wondered what it could mean. Well as long as they stay way over there, it was probably nothing to worry about.

Raynor actually chuckled, "Doesn't look too different from the Diamondback Wastelands. Spittin' imagine of a dozen tired old frontiers. The more you see the more things seem the same."

Yeah, he'd really been around the block.

I had the Probes, start warping in the new Pylons. I had handed Raynor a brass bracelet embedded with crystal circuits, this would let friendly units operate inside the Pylon's field without being tricked by it themselves.

For some reason, I didn't yet understand, I didn't need one. But I didn't want to take the chance that Raynor did.

About half way down, I laid the box down on a gentle slope just to the side of the Northern trough.

[ Do you want to use box containing Town Hall? Y/N ]


A large image of a building appeared in front of me. I could control it with my mind. Neat! I played with it for a while before settling on a final placement.

The building itself rested on a raised foundation of stone blocks. Stone steps led up to the main entrance, which I had face the west. A tall clock tower was tucked in next to the entrance, it was made of stone with almost decorative wood bracings. The small windows I could see were made of glass, with heavy shutters. The front door was thick iron reinforced wood. Interesting. Everything about this building spoke of durability and basic security.

After seeing Night City it was a breath of fresh air. Simple.

A man walked out of the building. He had brown hair in a kind of flattop with a mustache and a strip of a beard. He looked hardened, a fact emphasized by his armor, some form of plate mail. He was also carrying an oversized spiked mace. His blue and yellow, likely supposed to be gold, tabard was emblazoned with a heavily stylized letter. Supposedly an "L" but it really didn't look like one to me.

"Where the devil am I? Where did everyone go? Probably some cursed Mage playing a prank again."

Oh right, guess the Pylons had finished while I played around.

"Here take this bracelet." Waving one at him. Didn't work, so the cloaking field mitigated sound. Good to know.

I slapped the bracelet on him before he could react. Which was good, because my shield ended up deflecting his mace's head upwards after he struck at me.

He blinked. Stared at us for a whole minute, sweat popped out all over his forehead. Then he knelt. "Sorry, My Lord! I didn't see you there!"

"It's alright. That's the point. Please stand up. I'm Ryan and you are." I waved it away.

"Marshal Dughan formerly of Stormwind, now in service to Lordaeron and yourself, Lord Ryan." He performed a quick salute with his right fist over his heart. His armor rang with the impact.

"Do you know your purpose here Marshal?" He was way too uptight. this would get old quick.

He went still for a few minutes. "My lord, I am to assist in the running of this town and see to it's defense."

"Yeah, that's what I need you to do. Welcome aboard, Dughan. We have a lot of work to do." Walked over and touched the Town Hall.

My BTC shook.

[ Adjusting... ]

[ Town Hall has been added to the Great Tree Network.


Choose Class

Raise Level

Summon Peasant (Builder)

Summon Peasant (Farmer)

Summon Peasant (Laborer) ]

I queued up one of each type of Peasant.

A few minutes later three people came out of the Town Hall. Two men and one woman. Simple homespun clothes covered them. I had Buzz put bracelets on them.

They looked around in confusion and wonder. Then they saw me.

They knelt low to the ground. "Milord. We are here to work."

I sighed. Who ever wanted this shit? I had things to get done, I didn't need people fawning all over me.

"Stand please. Good. We need Farms. Tell me what we need to get started." Really going to get old quick. I could hear Raynor actually laughing behind me somewhere.

"Wood and stone, milord." One man said.

"Seed and stock animals, milord." The woman said.

"A warehouse, quarry and lumbermill, milord." The other man spoke up.

Jim took the opportunity to step forward, "Ryan how 'bout you let me handle this. I've worked a few farms in my day. Even worked on a settlement or two. You mosey over to the store and get some seed stock as well as some animals and feed. Oh and bring more bracelets."

"Alright, better than me getting in the way. Jim I leave them in your hands. Marshal Dughan please take direction from Jim when I'm not around." Yeah, I'd have to learn about it all later, but right now I was sick of being lordified. Is that a word? Well, it is now.

Dughan gave me another ringing salute, "As you wish, My Lord." He turned to Raynor.

While I was walking away I heard them already chatting like old buddies. Was it an soldier thing?

As I started the long trek back to the Company Store, I couldn't help but wonder what classes the Town Hall would give me.


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