Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 52

9/20/24 Went back and fixed a few things here. Shocked I didn't catch them before. Guess I was tired that day.


It didn't take long to find several dozen farming bundles in the CStore.

It came down to what kind of farm I wanted, and how much I was willing to pay. More than anything I wanted some decent beef. There were three options available. A Eversong Dairy, a Varagian, and Stormhollow Cattle package. Diary sounded wonderful and I would come back for it later, but I wanted a damned steak, or a rack of ribs dripping with BBQ sauce.

Ah, I made myself hungry. Curses. Never go shopping when you are hungry.

I picked the Varagian Cattle. It was a blind choice and I hoped it would pay out. A wooden crate appeared again 2' cubed. A repeated pattern. 500 CPoints down. 3300 left.

Next, I looked through staple crops. Potatoes, corn, rice, wheat, and various beans. I settled on Loch Modan Potatoes to start. Another crate and another 400 CPoints spent.

I knew there was decent wheat out there somewhere so buying here was a waste of CPoints. I was torn. Corn or rice, both were very useful lots of versatility. Eh, I went with the Westfall corn for no particular reason. 400 CPoints invested. 2500 left.

Ah right, feed for the cattle and probably rations for the people. I could have them just eat fruits and berries, maybe even eggs too at this point. But I didn't want to tax the trees of the Valley too heavily in the future when the population grew larger. So don't make it an option now. They'll stay treats and rewards for my troops.

I found a subscription service for the feed. 200 CPoints for a daily crate of top quality feed, supposedly enough for up to 30 heads of cattle. The service was renewed monthly. I could just have Probes deliver the crates from here to the farm everyday.

I also found another service for rations. 100 CPoints for a similar deal. Yeah, I guessed people were cheaper to feed then cattle. The Lordaeronians should have plenty to store for later.

I called over a few Probes to haul the crates out to the Town Hall, then headed over to the Forge to queue up some more bracelets.

The need for an assistant or at least a gopher was rapidly becoming apparent. Maybe more than one.

Okay, next order of business. Levels. I pulled up my XP: 8362.

Hmm. 3 levels of Warp-Smith, 1 level of Druid of Renewal, Then I'll look at the options at the Town Hall. If I liked any of them, I could increase it to level 4 right away. I liked the symmetry.

[ Warp-Smith has reached Level 4

You have gained Psi Technique, Open Warp Portal

You have gained Psi Technique, Power Psifield

You have gained Psi Technique, Empower Constructs

You have gained +6 Psi Resonance

You have gained +3 Tech

You have gained +6 Free Points ]

Now those are some interesting abilities. Open Warp Portal allows me to link two separate points under the influence of a Psifield for a number of seconds equal to my Psi Resonance plus the Techniques level. Power Psifield allowed me to act as a Pylon for a number of minutes equal to my Psi Resonance. Empower Constructs allowed me to increase the abilities of anything I personally had a hand in designing or making for a number of minutes equal to my Psi Resonance.

Of course, I spent several moments just writhing on the ground in agony as several decades worth of knowledge on Khalai technology was unceremoniously shoved into my brain. Was it as bad as the first time? No, nowhere near as bad, but I still wanted to claw my eyes out.

Once I regained control of myself I went to Meadran and added a level in Druid of Renewal.

[ Druid of Renewal has reached Level 4

You have gained spell, Nature's Blessing

You have gained +2 Spirit

You have gained +1 Will

You have gained +2 Free Points ]

Nature's Blessing was a spell to enhance all natural properties of a subject for a number of hours equal to my Spirit. (AN: This ability is every bit as broken as your gamer mind thinks it is, but Ryan isn't a gamer.)

Okay, why was it soothing to get new spells and the knowledge therein, but Psi Knowledge fucking hurt? Was there a way to fix that? Please.

I felt so much better. A quick Regrowth, a Cleanse, and then I cast Nature's Blessing on Myself, then on Meadran. Oh, nice, that felt amazing. Like a shot of adrenaline laced coffee, without all the side effects. I could get used to this.

'Ah, thank you, Young One. That makes my branches feel lighter.' His chuckle of amusement was all the thanks I needed.

Yeah, I'm casting this spell on all my friends.

I didn't even mind the walk back to the Town Hall where I received a pleasant surprise.

Three farms had already been built. One designated as a ranch with little calves running all around. There were feeding troughs, a pond and a barn structure next to the ranch house as well.

The other two Farms had about 5 acres of green shoots already sprouting from the soil. There were two new farmers out weeding the fields, which after looking at them for a while already had irrigation channels dug out leading from the outflow troughs.

Damn that's fast.

By the Town Hall, the Builder and Laborer now had two new companions to help as they were putting up a Warehouse while Probes carted over lumber and stone.

Raynor and Dughan had a group of ten peasants, training with simple wooden shields and really basic looking swords.

"Damn Jim, I didn't think I was gone that long." I was shocked.

"You weren't, but things seem to work a mite bit faster here." He seemed a little less grim as he went back to yelling instruction at the trainees.

Dughan saluted me as I passed by to touch the Town Hall.

I selected Choose Class.

[ Mage of Transformation

+2 to Will

+1 to Cool

+2 to Intelligence

A Mage that specializes in transmutations.

Starting Spells: Change Color, Alter Minor Property ]

[ Paladin of Nature

+2 to Body

+1 to Cool

+2 to Spirit

Bring righteous fury upon those who would despoil Nature.

Starting Abilities: Smite, Aura of Thorns ]

[ Priest of Fertility

+3 to Spirit

+2 to Cool

A Priest that worships Growth in all its forms. Aids in keeping Humans balanced with Nature.

Starting Spells: Bless Crops, Bless Livestock ]

Now that was a conundrum, but I really wanted something to help keep me alive. Only one class offered that.

[ Paladin of Nature has reached Level 4

You have gained the Prayer Smite

You have gained the Aura of Thorns

You have gained +5 Body

You have gained +4 Cool

You have gained +5 Spirit

You have gained +8 Free Points ]

The pain this time was much more physical, it felt as if every muscle was being torn apart. I contorted and shook in spasms for several minutes.

When I snapped out of it. Everyone was gathered around me. Raynor was holding me still, after seemingly rolling me on my side.

"You alright there Hoss? You were flopping about like a landed fish there." Raynor master of finding humor in horrible things.

"Yeah, just give me a moment to figure this out." I gulped air for a moment.

Smite was a Prayer. It literally called the Wrath of Nature down upon enemies. The further from a natural path they strayed the more damage it would do. (AN: How much damage to Adam Smasher do you think?)

Aura of Thorns was a field I could call up around myself that would return a portion of damage dealt to me. Interesting.

I got up and stretched. "That hurt." I went with the deadpan delivery.

Raynor chuckled, "Looked like it."

"Do you need a priest, My Lord?" Dughan seemed very concerned. Not that you could tell by looking at him, no it was just a feeling.

"No, I'll be fine. I was just leveling up real quick."

That got a bunch of blank stares, other than Raynor.

Oh, can the rest of my troops not level. Only me and Heroes? No that didn't make sense. Meadran levels and knew about leveling? Lumi and Alina as well.


Another issue to look into.



[ Name: Ryan Crestwood

Class: Druid of Renewal / Warp-Smith / Paladin of Nature

Level: 4 / 4 / 4

XP: 362

Race: Human (Terra 213,451)

Stats - Body: 10 / Reflex: 4 / Tech: 11 (+1 Modifier) / Intelligence: 7 / Cool: 7 / Will: 7 / Spirit: 17 (+2 Modifier) / Psi Resonance: 9

Nature's Blessing effect: + 2 to all Stats, increased energy

Abilities - Sense Mana / Ley Line Sight / Shape Mana

Skills - Rituals: 3 / Concentration: 4 / Firearms: 2 / Bargaining: 3

Spells - Regrowth: 4 / Blessing of Nordrassil: 1 / Growth: 2 / Entangle: 1 / Cleanse: 3 / Nature's Blessing: 1

Psi Techniques - Convert: 2 / Repair: 3 / Open Warp Portal: 1 / Power Psifield: 1 / Empower Constructs: 1

Prayers - Smite: 1

Auras - Aura of Thorns: 1

Free Points: 16 / Company Points: 2200 / Tree Points: 671

Weapon: Omaha, Damage: 9

Armor: Trench Coat, Armor: 4 / Armored Vest, Armor: 5 Shield: 10 ]


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