Sorcerer from Another World

Dragon Quest

I woke up to dawn’s light after a rather uncomfortable night's sleep.

The chill and dreariness of sleeping out in the open set me up poorly for the day ahead. I peeled myself off the ground and looked at the dead embers of my solitary campfire.

A spark of lightning ignites the remaining tinder and charred logs. These pseudo-halfing houses built underground were alright. Not sure I would want to make them my home.

I looked around and confirmed I was almost alone for the first time in days. I had given Tara the night off promising I would be safe.

Samiya would not let Iris go, and I was happier to let them bond. Saved me having to listen to her cry in her sleep and take care of her after she wet herself.

Perhaps, I was a coward for avoiding such parental responsibilities, but I wasn’t quite sure I was a father figure for her. Not in the same way Iris was taking over the role of adopted mother and mentor.

At least that is what I told myself, as I chose to sleep apart from them rather than help take care of Samiya that night.

Morgana, as far as I could tell, never went to sleep. She was buried in meetings about important things. It wasn’t easy ensuring just shy of a hundred people had spaces to sleep, food to eat and so on. She kept Tulisa and Bryette close by for help.

Meaning no hanky panky with Tulisa either: my sexy older maid.

So, I slept with just Umbra, and as pleasant as she was without my other women, I was moodier for it. Perhaps because Donna played on my mind and haunted my dreams. Wet dreams as it turned out. Washing off I berated myself for acting like a teenager around this beguiling stranger.

I let Umbra sleep and she would continue to do so for most of the morning which meant no morning sex for me.

My mood was further soured by having Làidir stand over me as I munched on some nuts for breakfast. Powerful, beautiful but she caused me trouble and saw me more as an object than a person.

“I don’t have time for a duel.”

That wasn’t strictly true, but I didn’t feel the need to accommodate her.

“I have been told to help you on your quest.”

She offered her hand and I took it. Her strength was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It surpassed Maradon’s, the Yewam’s and even that strange encounter at the Druid Cave.

I stood up with her help.

“Yes, Karn said you were to join us.” I replied.

Her eyes wandered across my clothed body and I tried not to puke from the unasked for attention. Well, ‘puke’ was a strong word choice, I was also rather flattered. My time as the handsome hunk had come and I was rather undecided if I liked it or not.

I was a sensitive, withdrawn sort at heart and my brooding alone time had just been disturbed to so she could leer at me. Perhaps the me from the past would have fawned over such attention. Now, it felt mostly uncomfortable, but a little pleased.

Yet, Donna had soaked in such attention like a rose to sunlight. Encouraged it. Does that make me a wallflower? Bloody hell, I am overthinking this.

“It means I am going to have to put our duel on hold. I have a responsibility to make sure the people of Ferisdarm have a home.”

I also couldn’t be bothered fighting her. I was starting to feel more like a Saiyan than a Sorcerer with all these epic one-to-one battles. First Maradon, then the strangely strong creature in the cave, Làidir wanted a duel and Mars was sitting outside baying for blood.

She snorted, an action fitting for a warrior, “They are safe here, but I’m not an idiot. I see the play of fates guiding your actions. I can wait until you are ready, but there will be no running when you are.”

“Fair enough.”

Beyond being a good person as soon as I got this land things would get better. More time for magic, more time for sex and making a safe space to live.

Maybe I could entice Donna to move away from the Circle? She seemed pretty interested in me. Then again, I assumed that all the men she met came away with that impression.

I wasn’t a smash and move on kind of guy. But, for her I was tempted to make an exception. Which was weird. I’m not sure I liked being that kind of guy.

“Let us go find the others.”

She flashed a smile, “Good the sooner you are done the sooner we fight.”

“Right, that was what I was thinking.” I lied. I pulled my staff to hand and set off.

She stuck close by and I found my eyes glancing her down as she had me. She was powerfully built, while not to my personal taste, I admired the effort it took to build such a muscular body from head to toe.

A body that through the influence of magic easily surpassed a strongwoman on steroids. For all that she was burly and strappingly built, she glided through the air with the grace and control of a gymnast.

“Don’t stare too much, the witch will get jealous.”

“That bothers you?”

“No, but it bothers you. Kind Sorcerer.”

Wow, I was getting read but a brawn for brains warrior.

“Is that a problem, do you think… kindness?”

She shrugged, “I’m not sure. I wonder how you became so powerful, but retained your goodness.”

Considering I had a cult, covered up murder, was trailing along obedient Tulisa for myself and had helped kill Bomdall - other things as well - could I be seen as good? Old me failed to engage in society. New me was building a growing list of crimes.

“I don’t see myself as good. I’m not sure who I am.”

“You’re a Sorcerer, are you not?”

“I wasn’t always a Sorcerer and even if I had been it is just one role in my life. Am I a coward or brave? Useful or useless? I am trying to get a sense of my new self. Everything has changed and I haven’t found my centre.”

“You hold back too much. The slayer of Maradon calling himself a coward, what will the bards say?”

“I never wanted to fight. I defended myself and it almost cost the planet. If I don't hold back, the consequences are beyond what you can imagine. Not that I know. Not truly.”

She didn’t reply. Something about what I had said sent her deep in thought. It seemed to be hard for her, but I had caused some kind of internal reflection. If only a ripple in a stagnant pool.

We found Iris, Samiya, Tulisa and Tara first.

Tulisa danced over and threw her arms around me. Soft, warm pillows pressed against my chest. My mood instantly improved, moreso from Tulisa’s free intimacy, of course.

Tulisa looked exhausted, so I sent a burst of energy her way through our touch. It wasn’t as good as a night’s sleep, but it would keep her going until she had the chance.

She gave me a wide smile and mouthed the words, ‘Thank you.’

I nodded in response with a shared, if smaller, smile.

Samiya’s crying and clinging to Iris, drew my attention. They really had grown close in a day. Iris was trying to gently pass over the older child to Tulisa.

Iris gave me a weak smile, “She wants me to stay.”

Samiya grew a little quieter when she spotted me. I didn’t have much experience with children, but I doubted that reason would work when she was desperate for comfort.

But, it was all I felt I could draw on in that moment. Maybe an attempt at empathy.

“Of course, it is important Samiya feels safe.”

”It’s safe here.” Samiya argued defiantly.

“It is not.” I replied in a rather harsh challenge to one so young. “You are upset, you’re scared to be alone and want to keep your mentor close. I promise you, Samiya. When you are truly safe there will be no need for tears and tantrums. I want to make that place where you and Iris will be safe. Don’t you want that?”

She didn’t answer and instead chose to stubbornly look away from me.

I picked her up off of Iris, and Samiya didn’t resist but nor did she cling to me, “I need Iris’ help if I am going to keep everyone safe and happy.” She was just a small child. Back on earth she would have only been a few years in school. “Tulisa will play with you and Tara will protect you. My Oathsworn protector. I will protect Iris as I am sworn to do. Is that okay?”

She didn’t answer. I passed her over to Tulisa. I may as well have been speaking gobbledygook, but she did wrap her arms around Tulisa.

“We’ll be back. See you soon.” I said to them all warmly.

Tara looked annoyed, but a pointed stare by me sent my intentions loud and clear.

Iris kissed Samiya on the forehead, “I’ll miss you, don’t cause too much trouble for Tulisa.”

Samiya sulked in silence. Her frown was breaking Iris’ heart.

I held her hand and pulled her away, “I know. But we have work to do. For her sake.” I said.

Làidir said when we were away. “I don’t know why you bother. Is an apprentice worth all the hassle?”

Iris smiled in response, “Even if she wasn’t, yes it is worth it. Hard as they are and not for everyone I am happy with my choice to take her in.”

Làidir scoffed, but it was a subtle gesture.

Morgana was in a meeting with Druids. All looked as tired as the others. Byrette walked over to us, but she saw my stare and turned around. She whispered into Morgana’s ear, who looked over to us.

I waved at her to come over. If I was going to have to face a Dragon I wanted my strongest people with me. They were my treasures, one of whom I was a gift and the other a champion. It was a small risk to leave everyone else behind.

Morgana did not look herself. She had ‘working all night’ stress, rather than ‘fucking all night’ exhaustion.

“We going now?” She said pausing after each word.

Iris pulled her into a hug.

“Yes as soon as I find out the destination.” I said.

“Oh, you’ve overworked yourself, Morgana Pendragon.” Iris said with thick concern. I don’t think I’ve heard her say Morgana’s full name before. This felt dangerous.

“I can guide you, I know the area.” Làidir said.

“Yes, we are going now.”

“I need more time.”

I grasped her and pulled her into a kiss. She’d done enough, and there was more to do.

I sent energy to my raven-haired treasure through our kiss. Again, not as good as sleep, but damn better than caffeine.

She looked more human than ghoul. Though still more battle-witch than village woman.

“You have done good work. But you are needed elsewhere. Bryette can hand over what needs to be done next to Rebecca. Got it?”

Morgana nodded in obedience, her cheeks burning crimson. It was actually alright being a taskmaster. Now and then, when they weren’t taking care of themselves. Hotter still that Morgana was the one who usually gave orders.

We left as soon as they sorted business. Important business, but not as important as our quest.

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