Sorcerer from Another World

Sneaking out of Elikilbour

“We should sneak out. It will cause problems if the Romans know we left.” Morgana said.

“Problems for who?” Iris asked.

“Us if they chase us or attack the city while we are gone.”

I glanced at Morgana looking for her opinion, “They can defend themselves though they managed without us before.”

“Elkilbour is without the majority of their warriors, one of their strongest is with us and we three are among the most powerful beings in Albion thanks to you, my Champion. We matter for the security of Elkilbour.”

I frowned, but agreed with her, “That may be true and I have many abilities. Stealth is not one of them.”

Làidir said with a neutral expression, “Why not just kill any who dares to chase us? Works for me.”

Morgana’s eyebrow arched, “I don’t doubt it. But, you are not fighting alone anymore or for your own satisfaction. If I am to be Queen one day, I must keep my people in mind.”

Well, that was certainly more care than most rulers put into their subjects. Not that intentions mattered, the consequences of her leadership is what counts. A kind queen with a starving subject gets replaced, but a cruel Queen with a mostly fed, fearful population lasted.

Her ambitions aside, I could ensure that her people had all their ‘human rights’ given and protected. Well ‘people's rights’, I guess, in this place of a variety of species.

“We also don’t have any good hiding abilities.” Iris admitted. “It is why I had to call for Damian because we couldn’t hide from the Unseelie.”

“Are there any tunnels the Druids use that could allow us to leave the city undetected by the Romans?” Morgana asked Làidir.

She shrugged, “I don’t know.”

To be fair, I wouldn’t have expected her to. Morgana let out a frustrated sigh and rolled her eyes.

“Let’s go ask a real Druid of the Circle.”

If that was supposed to hurt Làidir, it didn’t seem to. I guess thinking of yourself as the most powerful warrior does wonders to your self-esteem in a society that honours battle courage.

We walked towards the Circle proper looking to find a helpful Druid.

“Làidir, Sorcerer it is so great to see you again.” Said a familiar, sweeter than maple syrup voice.

It was Donna. I was again instantly hardened, down under that is, upon seeing her again. I blushed from embarrassment. Was I really so simple minded?

I noticed, somehow being able to pay attention to them and not just Donna, that Iris and Morgana looked similarly entranced by Donna’s beauty and charisma.

Làidir, however, had a straight face. She sort of reminded me of Tara’s disinterest in all things sexual. Guess, Làidir is likely straight as a ruler or just obsessed with me or battle. Hells, if I know.

However, she saw my reaction to Donna. It is hard to describe the change that came over the burly, powerful warrior. Rage seems to be a gentle word. It was like death and hate clashed to form an expression of desperate hate.

Làidir drew her halberd and swung. She would have sliced Donna’s head off if I hadn’t instinctively bent the metal of the weapon to avoid the strange, stunning Druid.

Donna was still and wide-eyed in fear. The hairs stuck up along her arms and she took huge lungfuls of breath. Too scared to run much like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

Almost like dealing with an angry mutt, I shouted “Làidir, no.”

“She was seducing you.” She accused Donna (and perhaps me as well).

I couldn’t deny that, I was certainly feeling seduced. But, judging by the wild look in Làidir’s eyes, admitting the truth wasn’t the smartest path to go down.

Làidir wasn’t my first jealous, murderous woman. I had experience. Admittedly Umbra had been more rational and planned hers out. I breathed deeply.

I met Làidir face to face blocking her way to Donna, “If you are going to be with Me then you can’t just go around killing people. We defend ourselves and others. Never, do we kill because we feel like it. Do you understand?”

Someone had to have a conscience. My standards may be different, but I wasn’t going to abandon them because I was in a fantasy land with fantasy women. In fact, the more absurd my life became - gorgeous women fighting over me counts - the more doing what was right mattered to me.

I was glad I wasn’t inflamed with irrational anger over Donna. She made my head spin, heart pound and ‘wand’ hardened, but I kept my cool. Just.

“Don’t try and take what isn’t yours, whore.” Làidir spat. She walked ahead, but not out of sight choosing to punch a tree rather than vent her anger on the frail Donna.

Good girl. Cool off.

“We’re sorry for our companion. I have no words.” Morgana began her eyes glued to Donna’s plunging cut of her dress. Nip slip accident waiting to happen. How she got away with such revealing wear I don’t want to know.

I was happy to enjoy the view… perhaps too happy.

“No, no. Làidir is a friend I think with everything happening outside our walls must be weighing on her mind. I have seen it before warriors who lose their mind. I can only hope I am wrong.”

Ancient PTSD? It was a nice thing to say. Morgana and Iris were melting under Donna’s gracious words. But, it was wrong.

I may be arrogant to say, but clearly Làidir was jealous. An extreme reaction, but Donna seemed to be the type of person who evoked intense emotions. For better or worse.

“Please can we start over. Are you friends with Sorcerer Damian?”

“Yes, I’m Iris, this is my love Morgana. Damian, well he’s my gift from the stars.”

Donna’s mouth was open with shock, almost too expressive, “The stars?”

“Yes.” Iris said with intense pleasure.

“How special, how I envy you Iris to be lucky with a love so beautiful and to be protected by a powerful Sorcerer. I imagine anyone would want to be in your place.”

“Gosh, you embarrass me.” Iris said with false humility. “I am quite lucky, aren’t I.”

I could tell her humility was false, by the sheer pleasure she seemed to be taking from Donna’s every word. She was buttered up with every lyrical syllable that came from Donna’s plump lips.

So, they chatted excitedly, if briefly.

“I hope we can meet again. I don’t have any friends anymore among the Druids.” Iris admitted with moist eyes.

What were we in a melodrama? You two have just met and you are on the verge of tears, Iris! What was it about Donna? She provokes such intense feelings.

Donna with a seemingly sincere smile replied, “It would be my pleasure. I hope you can count on me for any of your needs.”

“Well, we do need an escort out of the city…” Iris said with a bat of her eyes.

Wait, was she now turning the tables on Donna. The level of seductive mind games going on here melted my brain.

“Ah, the tunnels.” Donna replied thoughtfully. “That makes sense.”

Morgana explained, “We don’t want the Romans knowing we are leaving on a quest.”

Donna puffed out her chest with pride. The bouncing of her immense breasts caught our eyes, “You can trust me. I will lead you myself.”

“You will, I’m so happy. I knew I could trust you.”

You do? I’m of two minds. On one hand thinking with my dick and on the other primal shitting fear.

“She’s coming?” Làidir said sourly.

I shrugged, “We need an escort.”

Làidir sighed.

“What has gotten into you, my friend? You weren’t like this before.” Donna asked.

“You didn’t have ambition beyond your reach. Ambition on what is mine.”

Yikes. Danger.

“We have talked enough. Let us go. Donna led the way.” I said cutting them off.

We eventually did get to the tunnels.

Cool, refreshing air blew through my uncombed hair, and the screech of bats shattered the sound of silence shattered once every while. The mushroom lighting was far more sparse and faded dimmer and with fewer lights as we walked at a leisurely pace out the desolate backdoor to the homely Druid cave network.

Donna chatted about idle things like the recent weather and asking about what had happened at Ferisdarm. It got around to eventually where I asked her a question, mostly to save myself from having to talk more, as much as actual curiosity.

“How long have you lived in Elkilbour?” I asked Donna, genuinely curious about the beauty.

“A few summers ago, I came around the harvest before the fall of the Seelie Court. The Fae Lady Morrigan was my aspiration and guide.”

“Like Aisling is to me.” Iris added for my clarification.

“Exactly so, and my mentor was away visiting Tír na nÓg and must have passed away during the conquest.”

“I am so sorry to hear that, my mentor too died recently.” Iris told her with a soft warmth in her voice.

Iris’ words were more sympathetic than empathetic. She was forcing her own history and feelings onto Donna. Who took it as a matter of habit. But, I got Iris’ desperation to fit in among the Druids. Any similarity, no matter how awful, was better for her than indifference and distance.

“I’ve been lucky that the Circle has been so kind to allow me to stay since, and everyone else has lost their guide so I’m not alone. We are all surviving together.” Donna said, and I am not sure if I ever heard words so inspiring and positive.

Then again, along with her exaggeratedly feminine body, the deep impressions she left on me were equally inflated. Which sounds worse than it seems…maybe.

They spoke while I thought superficially to myself. Even Làidir was included, as the only one with a shared history with Donna, in their talks. Conversation from druidry, travel to clothes.

A conversation shifted when Donna asked me, “Do you mind if I call you, Damian?” She smiled as radiant as freshly picked sunflowers.

“Go ahead.” I allowed her.

“What about your family, Damian?” She asked with bright eyed curiosity.

Iris and Morgana’s attention was fixed on my answer. My prior silence to my past now blasted open. Làidir didn’t seem to care, instead playing with the ties of her clothing to make sure they fit perfectly for combat.

I thought carefully of my answer, but still was pulled to divulge more than I would have liked. A mystery is only cool for as long as it is hidden.

“My family is far away, I would see my parents again if I could. Recently, I heard news that gives me hope…but I don’t think I will get the chance to see them again soon. The chance to say I am sorry for leaving.” I admitted, far too much, but her presence and my desire to please her drew out my life story in an oversharing mess.

Donna brushed her silver locks out of her eyeline and behind her ear revealing - anew - her divine features. Her long, thin fingers caressed her hair down cascading over her neck to the back of her fingers stroking the top of her immensely full breast before coming to rest by wide hips with a final wrist flick.

The action seemed deliberately sexual, but the confusion innate to desire made it hard to tell when I was sexualising and when she was flirting. If the two were separate at all between us or complexly mis-laid over one another so it could be either or depending on the situation.

She broadcasted over my revelation, “You miss them, your parents. I’m the same. I am all alone in this world. An orphan, in fact, even as my father lives far away and lives a brutish life. I’m just another discarded child of his. Nothing I've done was ever enough, and no matter how similar we are, what does a cloud care of a drop of rain?

There was something wrong with how she had responded to me. It tickled something in the back of my mind, but from what she said my heart bleed with sympathy.

“My brother is the same. A brute. Go and talk to that guy and then her, he likes to order me. They see me as an object. A tool to get others to do what they want, and they always do.”

She didn’t look particularly sad, more like she was annoyed. Irritated. I had no idea what her father’s and brother’s perspectives were, but that didn’t matter. Listening to hers was the empathetic act.

“If only I was Iris, and I had a strong protector. Someone who really listened to me.”

Donna’s eyes were like whirlpools, and her voice a siren’s call.

Iris, however, was my earplugs. She grabbed Donna’s hand and pulled it to her heart. The two big breasted women were now touching breast-to-breast with hands clasped. A giggle and a boner bubbled up at the humorously, needlessly erotic pairing.

“You don’t need to be like me. And Damian isn’t mine alone. I’m just the lucky first.”

I wonder if Umbra would agree.

Morgana muttered something to herself, but I was too dazed to catch what she said.

Iris continued to compliment Donna, “You’re so beautiful and nice. Anyone decent would be happy to help you. I know he stands out, he is decent and kind and attentive. He’s super powerful, but doesn’t let it all go to his head.”

Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing? Stop! The embarrassment is going to kill me.

“He’s the best in the bedroom…”

Morgana placed a hand on Iris’ shoulder and gently pulled her back, “That’s enough, Iris. I think you’re going to kill him.”

I was rather woozy at that point. Donna’s charm, Iris and Donna’s combined sexiness and then the barrage of compliments.

Iris bounced over to me, her face leaning in close, wonderfully near, mine, “You okay? We can go back and rest. It has been a hard few days, my gift.”

Hands behind her back, I got a delightful glimpse of her plunging cleavage.

“Tempting.” I said with a smirk and pointed stare at her tits.

She winked, knowing exactly where I was looking, “If you’re not too tired later….” She tailored off suggestively.

“See how we feel after the dragon.” I said with a dark chuckle. A darkness in tone with the now barely lit tunnel almost pitch black lit by a single mushroom. We walked on.

Nothing says disaster like my first time confronting a dragon with a demand. A selfish demand at that by the Kings of Gelt. Hells, I’m a middle man after days into my isekai, a few caring harem members with me and post having slain a big, bad, evil guy.

Iris through nothing more than sincere kindness distracted me from Donna’s moves. Iris’ gaping need to belong was of equal importance.

For me, Iris alone was enough. A lie. But, more was better. Would I choose one woman or many? I don’t think I wanted to entangle myself too deeply with Donna. I didn’t want just one, how delusional, and yet relevant wish to my circumstances. Donna…

That will of hers, that I could see glimpses of underneath her words and through her actions, was superhuman. You could cast her in the middle of the ocean and she would stand steady onto the water.

And she was after me. Determined pressing for my attention, and unearthing of my life’s details. Unlike the clumsy aggressiveness of Làidir. I don’t think she had my interests at heart.

Without knowing her plans, and wary of her sheer charisma, I knew it was better to keep Donna at arm’s reach. Close enough to see what she was doing, but not too close so she could mess and wound me…us.

I wanted Donna, and I was willing to accept the risks to have her. I was already gambling with danger keeping Umbra around, rather all my women except Tulisa who I hadn’t bedded yet came with danger. I was less sure about Làidir perhaps time would inflame me towards her.

Natural daylight heralded the end of her short journey in the tunnel.

Donna sadly (but perhaps) for the better had to go. She gave her regretful farewells and Iris hugged her in turn. A bit of the wonder left with Donna, and while Làidir had no care, Morgana was as bummed out as Iris and I.

Duty, however, comes before pleasure. How pleasant she was.

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