Sorcerer from Another World


It was the lack of noise I noticed first. Then Maise’s silence.

Everyone and everything was still. Morgana with a raised up and open mouth. She was beautiful, and seeing her calmed my rising alarm. It was not the most flattering moment to stop for her with her tongue poking out and her eye awkwardly looking to the side.

The Kings of Gelts were frozen still too as was everyone else in the Great Hall.

Reality had come crashing to a halt; Time (and so space) had stopped.

I blinked and then I saw me.

My head swam and I swayed looking at his aura. I almost threw up. In terms of sheer magical aura, he dwarfed me. It was like comparing Jupiter to a pebble.

It wasn’t me the from right now.

He looked older for one, I had let myself look older at some point in the future. More like I was in my thirties - I almost looked like my father. I also had white hair, but it was purely cosmetic. It was my alien, entirely blue eyes that weirded me out.

He wore blue robes and a pointy wizard’s, both gleamed with bright stars. The effect was so realistic his clothes looked like they contained a galaxy. He carried a different staff to mine -

He waved, “Greetings me!”

I dipped my head to the side over my shoulders and stared at future-me with screwed eyes, “Hello?” I croaked.

He picked up my hand and shook it.

“Don’t you look crushed and dead inside.”

He spotted Morgana, “Dearest.” He kissed her on the cheek. “You are looking well.”

Morgana was still, stuck and time and still looking slightly silly.

He caressed her cheek, “I hoped I would miss you. I do. I didn’t know you would be here to tempt me, my love.”

He spoke with such sincere tenderness and care I envied him.

He looked at me. “You won’t know I am here. Take care of them, okay. I know you will.”

He broke off his strange conversation with her. He looked around spinning and spinning.

“Is this the Great Hall of Elkilbour?” He asked with far too much surprise. He was so expressive. Hardly like me at all.


“Have you built a city yet?”

“Soon hopefully I just got the legal right and agreement for it.” I explained.

His lips folded inside his mouth which bulged out his eyes like they were frogs eyes, “I may be a bit early then.” He shrugged and his face reset to cool, if zany, confidence. “Ah well.”

I wasn’t very handsome was I?

“You know. I never realised how good looking younger me was.” He sighed. “Probably too soon for you - no wait me, no let's stick with you - to see it though.”

His every word was giving me a headache.

He dropped a metal enchanted triangular block into my hand.

“Add this into the city’s generator. It will protect you.” He made a circle in the air with his finger. “And you all…” he rubbed his chin and then pointed down with both hands. “Well maybe not everyone here.” He made a circle with both hands, “But everyone in the city who lives there most of the time will be protected.”

Did I really talk that much with my hands? Do I just not notice myself doing it?

“Wait protect from what? Isn’t time travel dangerous, doesn't changing the future always…”

He put a finger to my lips, “I am stopping time travel nonsense from affecting you and your timeline. I’ve dealt with it once and for all after many, many failures by the millions of past versions of us. When you add this to the city, we will bubble ourselves out from the consequences caused by those idiots over at Zhou messing about in their version of the warring states period.”

“I don’t know what any of that means.” I admitted.

“You don’t have to. You are already under far too much pressure. Let your elder sort this one out for you.”

I nodded, “Okay. Just add this in.”

He nodded and gave me a thumbs up, “Yep, add in the Timey-wimey device.”

"To what?"

"To the city's foundation, it's power generator, it is a similar principle to your power staff just on a far grander scale. You'll do it soon enough and when you do add in the Timey-wimey device."

“If I don’t?”

“Would you rather make a deal with Cronus, get eaten and push your way out his asshole?”


“No, you don’t.”

“Whose Cronus?”

“You really should read up next time you're back on earth or better yet start asking Morgana or Amy about this world.”

I thrust my hands out in a stop gesture, “Wait, wait.”

Older me (completely different from storyteller me who is currently dumping his past into an astral memory bank), raised an eyebrow.

“I get back to Earth! Who is Amy?”

He shrugged with a guilty expression plastered across his face, “Spoilers.” He winked.

He clocked Maise, “Is this your first time meeting her?”

I looked at the pretty young woman and back to future-me, “Yes.”

“Huh, a monster is going to attack soon.”

He vanished leaving me with the Timey-wimey device, some surprising lore and a vague warning. I pocketed the device in my robes and watched as reality began to start again.

“You okay?” Maise asked.

“Uh-huh.” I said and nodded. “Just fine.”

My eyes were peeled and roving looking for this monster. But nothing happened. Maybe future-me had gotten the times wrong?

Morgana walked over shortly after and pulled me into a hug.

“We did it!” She quietly screamed.

I laughed with her excitement, “We did.”

She pulled me out of the hall. I waved Maise goodbye and she smiled weakly back.

I was glad to finally leave the hall. I would like to say I fucked Morgana, but honestly in all her excitement she fucked me. It was nice to lie on my back for once and ride the waves.

Still, no monster attacked.

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