Sorcerer from Another World

Meeting the Full Cricle of Druids

Next on the list of tasks was a meeting with the Circle of Druids. How they organised it all so quickly I don’t know. But it seemed all the elites of Elkilbour wanted a meeting about my encounter with Treator and Mars.

However, we weren’t meeting this time with only a few senior Druids. No, we were in the wide open hall of the alcove space. At the centre was a large arch shaped table, hardly practical, but very cool. Small compared to the Great Halls used by the Gelt chiefs, but more than enough for a dozen plus Druids gathering to discuss politics and news.

Karn and Cindra were there as were other key figures in the Circle of Druids. Krotius the Tree Druid, Selin (bald) Druid of the Three Stars, Marpet the Marsupial (a koala bear who was in Albion for unexplained reasons), Thellycoat the mischievous Bogle, Terra the Witch of Fite, and so on.

Most noteworthy stranger was a handsome blonde-haired blue eyed man wearing a pristine blue cloak. A Prince Charming clone clad in blues, whites and armour: he radiated power and strength much in the same way as Làidir.

I caught a glimpse of Iris and she seemed to be talking excitedly with fellow Druids. I made to go over, by Morgana placed a palm on my chest and shook her head, “You’ll have plenty of her this evening, let her have a moment. It's been far too long for her.”

I nodded and Morgana stole a chaste kiss from my lips, “You’ve got me. Think only of me when I am by your side.”

I blushed and nodded rather meekly with downward facing eyes. Damn, she threw a curveball with that one.

A felt a twinge of jealousy to see Iris so happy apart from us, but that twinge was drowned out by gladness. It was good to see her smiling among new friends. It brought a sincere smile to my face.

Next, I spotted Donna and Tomlim among the mix of less senior Druid. Tomlim waved hello, while Donna huffed and looked away. My smile dropped.

She sure knew how to carry a grudge. The mere sight of her low cut-top revealing her bouncing bosom made me sex-crazy. She wasn’t even moving how - in the name of physics - was she jiggling?

Her huffiness didn’t stop dozen of porn-like situations flooding through my mind. First, in the dark corners of an empty room, my hands on her flawless jaw with my thumbs pulling her open mouth wider and then shoving my hardness down her warm, wet throat. Her heavy tits hitting my thighs, her purple eyes lovingly staring back at mine, my fingers running through her sweat soaked hair.

The last porn-like dream being pounding her arse here and now: soft tongue out and wet tears flowing down her pleasure-scarred face as I abused my magic to make her cum ceaselessly.

It was like my carnal desire to dominate Tulisa, but turned up 1000% percent.

Morgana placed her hand on my shoulder. I glanced at her and felt her support in her narrowed, green eyes. What lust filled vision fell over me seemed less compelling after Morgana’s touch and her encouraging gaze.

What had Morgana said - think only of her when she was by my side. I did just that, filling my thoughts with Morgana’s piercing green eyes, and sultry face. I conjured and bathed in the afterglow of her recent smashing of our delicate parts.

A small frown creased my temples, this second time I had been reeled back from Donna’s erotic charisma. I forced a sense of calm to wash over me with a trickle of magic. I didn’t like to manipulate my own emotions, it was a brutish thing to alter the body forcefully for mere connivence, but the situation was already wacky. What harm could adding a little magic do?

I waved back to Tomlin, but didn’t rush over. Perhaps I could have charmed over Donna, but I was as wary of the silver-haired beauty as I was attracted to her.

A druid I didn’t recognise guided us over to our seat at the arch shaped table. We sat at the curve of the Arch, but not at its summit.

Karn raised his hands and said loudly, then shouted down the general crowd of chatter, “Quiet…Quiet!”

Silence descended gradually as the gathered Druids turned from their own discussions to the matter at hand. Their eyes turned to Karn and to us.

Karn continued calmly and with a raised voice, “Our honoured guests have arrived. We can now begin. We have much to discuss, better to waggle your tongues after we have heard their tale with our own ears.”

“I hear you are a stranger to our lands, Sorcerer. Our table may seem strange to you. It is not round like Arthur’s for his knights, each equal in honour, or a rectangle to place the most honourable Chief at the top of the table. Ours is the humble arc like the rainbow for good fortune.

“We are honoured to be here, gracious Druids and give thanks for your aid in our time of need. I promise to repay our debt twofold when the good fortune gifted by your kind hands helps lift us up from squalor to prosperity.”

“All in time, my dear.” Karn said politely to the agreement of many of the gathered Druids. “Now onto the matter at hand.” He gestured to Cindra and said her name.

Cindra spoke up, “It is good to see you all well.” She smiled, “Events overtake us, I have witnessed that everything our honoured guests say is true. Their tale is confirmed by a Truthseeker from Clan Macfae. The dragon Treator is dead, and the God of War fought and fled the field from the field of combat after duelling with Sorcerer Damian.”

That was one, technically true, version of events.

She continued, “I also bring news of the creation of a new clan that of Clan Penmagi with Morgana Penmagi, who was once Morgana Pendragon, as the chief of this new clan. A clan that is in mutual defensive and aid pacts with the major Gelt clans of Elkilbour.”

There was hushed discussion after that proclamation, on the matter of confirmation and assurances between the Druids. Not a single one raised any issue or protest about the matter. Just a few questions of clarification and queries on points of detail.

Cindra finished by saying, “Lastly, our guests claim a traitor is inside Elkilbour. This individual or group told the Romans of their quest. This is why in a day the Roman were able to ambush their party even after they had rushed out and left secretly. The Kings of Gelt agree and an investigation is being launched to uncover this spy and traitor to the end of putting their head on a spike for all to see.”

I gulped at the intense aggressiveness of his final words. Her mild, mature tones were replaced by a harsh growl with bared, fanged teeth and dilated eyes.

Her intensity was shared by the gathered Druids in agreement or disagreement.

“Some blackard among that fool of an Eastern King retinue.”

“A pretender lackey in that schemer of a Northern King’s pawns.”

“Lies, Penmagi clan must have made a mistake. They simply believe it to be true.” The Bald Druid said.

Marpet the Maripul leapt onto the table, never had I seen a Koala been so active, “Shut up and shove your stupidity back in your Cake Hole, Selin.”

Red in the face, Selin spluttered furiously.

Marpet kept going, there beady, black eyes pouring holes into Selin, “A proper bloke looks out for the little guy and that is what this Sorcerer has done. I did my own investigating. Now while he doesn't look after the animals which is a scratch against him, he ain’t cruel, and he does take care of many folk from babe to elder.”

What animals? There had been animals? Is that a fantasy world thing… Marpet is a talking animal. There is a talking cat from those kids' orge movies. Iris’ Robin doesn’t talk to me, but it does talk to her. I didn’t even think about it!

Future-me was right. I really don’t know anything about this world.

I did grasp the importance of how they looked judging by the other Druids' reactions. Where the Druid looked like a crotchety professor in his drab robes, Marpet wore the clothes of a warrior. The Koala had a long (for his size) burgundy cloak with a gold clasp at the neck, an armband and loincloth and for a weapon carried a knotted shillelagh.

Karn spoke up, “Regardless of the Sorcerer’s character and reputation. Selin you should know better. That’s not how Truthseeking magic works. It shows what is true both in intent and what occurred. It may not reveal absolute fact, but it validates what is said to have happened with physical events that did happen.”

Selin scowled and his following words seemed to be more out of spite than any kind of reason, “But what of his character! We aided the wizard Merlin, and despite his promises, did nothing to help Druids despite his place in Camelot’s court. You want us to trust this Sorcerer. They will abandon us as soon as it is in their interests to do so.”

“What tosh! I never trusted Merlin. I said he was sneaky. The grey-furred - could be a teddy bear internet sensation - Koala added, “A certain Robin who shall remain nameless does say his enthusiasm for a pash and a root is extreme, but so is his bravery facing monsters that could level this city to the ground. They all talk about Maradon, but he also slew his pet Yewam and saved Iris - one of us - from certain death when he could have walked away. Further he supported Iris when she took on the apprentice Samiya. I have been called a hero, but Damian Grey is a legend!”

It was a passionate speech, one that received enthusiastic applause. It was cheapened for me because of the accurate slight against my character and the fact it was heralded by a Koloa of all creatures.

Iris said something, but her words weren’t heard over the chatter of Druids reacting to Marpet.

“Quiet! Iris wishes to speak.” So said Morgana, ever the aid to her love.

“Thank you, my love.” Iris said first. “Damian has never let me down. Morgan trusts him and so do I with everything I am.” She said in my favour. While her speech was short, it was heartful and meant much more to me than the flowery words of Marpet.

The people in the room took her words in, chewed them over and talked amongst themselves.

“Are we all in agreement then?” Cindra asked.

They were, Selin too, that our words were trusted and me as well.

“What are we to do about this traitor?” Kroitus the Tree-Druid asked.

Karn spoke up, “We have reason to suspect it is one of our Druids…”

A cacophony of questions, protests and exclamations met Karn’s words.

“Hear us out!” Cindra shouted. Losing her cool.

I spoke up, “Are you sure? You Druids have been nothing but kind to us. The Kings of Gelt gave us the task, it would not be strange if one among their followers heard something…The Eastern King certainly doesn’t like us.” I speculated.

Voices from the hall raised up in agreement and in protest of what I said.

Cindra listened and replied, “I hear your concerns about the Eastern King. Even the Western and Northern King are not above suspicion. However, your rush to complete the quest gave everyone little time to set spies on you. However, any one of our Druids could easily tell you had left from our tunnels and then sent a message to the Romans without being detected.”

“Why?” Morgana asked.

Selin answered, “I doubt they are loyal to the Romans considering the Romans are without mercy to our people.”

“I sense a but.” I said.

Kroitus answered, “But, the Unseelie are bold and reckless. They want you dead. Clavile will personally not rest until the one who slew his Master is dead.”

“This is all very honest of you all. Why tell us, surely it would have been smarter to keep it a secret?” Morgana asked.

Karn answered that question, “We are Druids, not scholars, Morgana Penmagi. We live in desperate times, we chose to trust in truth and clarity. But, we are not certain it is one of us, but we are suspicious.”

“There is a good chance.” I finished.


“Thanks for your honesty.” I complimented, unwittingly echoing Morgana, “I hope you find this traitor. We have enough danger with Mars. Living in fear of sabotage or more leaks turns the heat up when we are already close to boiling.”

“As you say, Sorcerer.” Karn replied to general agreement.

“Anything you know to help will be most welcome.” Cindra said.

I did know something, I couldn’t place what.

I watched Cindra die before a ‘erm’ could leave my lips. Her womb and guts spat out. Chunks of flying organs followed a wave of blood soaking and smacking us with her innards.

In the wake of death kicked a dark shadow - ruthless and red.

The creature was some kind of massive, monstrous boar. Humongous, blood stained, tusks protruded excessively out its jaws and its overly developed, long legs were akin to a horse’s. The beast was closer in size to an elephant than a Grand Old Boar of the woodlands.

We were all stunned.

Tomlin laughed maniacally, a great hole in his chest from which the creature no doubt spawned from. How he was alive, or the huge creature fit was beyond reason.

Donna was waling and running away, she slipped on slick blood, fell and then crawled towards the entrance.

The boar’s tusks roared for blood.

The creature charged. Druids dived out of the way. One, closer to a teenager than a young man was caught and had his sides gouged out. He fell to the floor splashing into a well of his own blood.

The creature, berserk and raging, hit into the cavern walls with such force and ferocity as to cause a cave in. Boulders crashed to the ground and blocked the exit out of the hall.

It was either extremely bad luck for us in the room or a cruel tactical choice. Either way there was one vicious monster locked in with us and no clear exit.

Rather than a name drop, I would have preferred a clearer warning about this. ‘Monster attack’ Give me more information, stupid future me!

The boar feasted on the dying teenager. The bobbling was a starving, ripping kind of biting, crushing bones and swallowed organs whole.

The rest of the Druids hurried away, in a mess of limbs, in as wide as a semi-circle as they could manage without crushing one another to death.

The handsome, blonde, blue-eyed man rushed to attack with violent impulse. Conjuring some kind of water-based sword he slashed across the blood-dribbling face of the monstrous boar.

How it squealed!

The stranger’s action snapped me into the fight. Palm facing the roof, I thrust my hand forward and threw my staff with magic. Sparking the electricity contained within the trapped storm at the head - the staff stuck the beast stunning the beast with force and shock.

The stranger’s action also awakened Morgana. She slew Tomlin in a bounding step and a single punch erupted his head like a watermelon going boom.

The stranger hacked at the beast's face, while it was stunned, with his water-blade, a blood-spotted sword.

I held the electricity back for fear of shocking him. For fear of harming the honour guided warrior.

Eye slashed apart, fleshing split and skull showing - the beast grinned. A wide, abyssal-like parting revealing huge chomping teeth.

Reckless hate drove the boar raging, more sure than a punishing whip, barreling through the stranger it charged straight at the Druids… one, two, three, four blew apart before Morgana reached and slowed its tracks.

Not slowed enough, another two Druids were crushed by the force colliding between boar and Morgana.

Too many deaths. One death is too many. Many… not again. Can’t repeat Ferisdarm.

My eyes seared, momentarily, blue. I drew on my greatest power and produced from my finger a thin, lazer-like, beam of pure magical energy straight at the beast.

Steel would melt and diamond peel away under the power of the attack.

The boar, winded, shrugged off the direct magical attack.

I winced from the drain of concentrating such lethal quantities of mana with each second I held the attack. I stopped. Pure magic wasn’t enough to kill.

When I faltered, the beast dashed for me.

Morgana, with a scream, lifted the boar up through telekinetic might, killing the beast’s momentum. Long legs kicked in the air. Veins popped across Morgana’s forehead and her muscles bulged with the effort to hold the rampaging beast.

The brave stranger committed to an entire dance of slashes. He beset the beast like a torrent from the deep.

Like me, he hurt the beast, blood sprayed and bone shown. Like me, he struck skin deep. It wasn’t clinging to life, rather it was bruised instead of broken.

The beast roared and raged to kill. But, Morgana held. The beast jutted open its mouth and out of its open maw slithered a pair of two-headed snakes. Deadly stalkers, these snakes were as long as two metres and thicker than car wheels.

Worse they breathed fire onto Morgana. The stranger beheaded the first pair, but the second two-headed snake roasted Morgana.

She lived, but with an anguished yell she let go of the boar. She was alit, burning and screaming all the while. It was a hollow truth that I knew she would endure and live.

I screamed myself in fuming anger, and out of my open palm I constructed the sharpest metals to pierce through its hide, muscle and deeper still. I bled it, stuck and skewered until in a rabid fit of rolling it shattered the brittle metal I had made in flash.

We couldn’t seem to kill the damn thing.

The beast I could kill eventually and somehow. But there were so many delicate people trapped here, and Morgana was hurting. My mind turned inside out trying to think what to do.

“Chains!” Morgana demanded. A command while burning alive.

I rushed to answer her call, conjuring durable links together into nigh unbreakable chains. I made them as if I was going to keep Làidir, the strongest of the strong, imprisoned. As soon as they were fashioned I cast them to Morgana.

Morgana, burning, bound the beast. Closing its mouth shut with the chains. She lifted it high, it wriggled and shook but my chains held unbroken.

Morgana slammed the creature to the ground like it was a hammer. She lifted it again and brought it down again. The ground trembled from her strength; a mix of physical and magically empowered might.

On the fifth slam, its skull cracked and blood leaked from its eyes, the ground beneath it parting into a crater. On the last and twelfth slamdown the beast impaled. Its own tusk bent and bore through both eyes.

It gave a final pained groan and thus laid coldly the tomb to the dead druids' hopes.

The monster was vanquished, the immediate perpetrator dead and no more clues were left to explain what just happened.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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