Soul echo

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

"Your Majesty, please sacrifice the clouds of the sky and kill those thugs who offend your majesty!"

A luxuriously dressed daimyo knelt in front of Shangguanyao, Shangguanyao was unmoved, and glanced at him, "General Maeda Zuo Konoe, please don't ask me to explain it a third time, once the clouds of the sky are used, eight The Chiqiong Gouyu must be taken back, and after the Bachiqiong Gouyu is taken back, the Huang Kingdom army will attack us immediately. At that time, you, me and the entire fleet will have no choice but to die. We only have one chance, that is, Waiting for them to use the national weapon to attack us, and then we use the Yata mirror to fight back, only in this way can we win."

Maeda Yingzheng looked up suddenly, "Then we can only endure the insults of those thugs here?"

"If you think this is humiliating, then I can only say that you don't understand the art of military strategy. As a sergeant, you need to learn to be patient-what you are facing now is not the small fights of your hundreds of people, but a A war!"

Even if he replaced the emperor, Shangguanyao still looked down on any country other than the Huang Kingdom. In his eyes, Dongying was just a small country, and a place as big as a palm dared to call it "the world".

Even the whole of Dongtu can't afford this title, how dare a mere Dongpu speak nonsense.

After scolding Maeda Yingzheng for a while, Shangguanyao waved him back.

If it was before, Maeda Yingzheng would definitely not have obeyed the order, but the emperor somehow obtained the method of making national weapons and made the three sacred weapons into national weapons.

Now that the emperor's three artifacts are in his hands, and the cloud of the sky hangs on his waist, Maeda Yingzheng will not dare to do anything wrong no matter how angry he is, for fear that he will suddenly draw his sword and chop himself off.

After Maeda Yingzheng left silently, Shangguan Yao lowered his eyes.

The door to the abyss that the King of Conspiracy made with the entire elf royal court was actually closed, which was beyond his expectation.

The reason why he wanted to replace Emperor Dongpu was to cooperate with the offensive of the gate of the abyss.

But I never thought that the gate of the abyss of that scale could be blocked... In the whole thing, it was not Zhong Ye and the demon who were really fighting, but the war lord who had given him the "gift" and the demon. The king of conspiracy!
It was precisely because Zhong Ye was carrying the 'Gift' of the Lord of War that he was able to arrive there before the gate of the abyss released a large number of demons.

The Lord of War wants to get Zhong Ye, so the curse he bestowed on Zhong Ye will lead Zhong Ye to one battlefield after another. Since they are all killings, why can't they be used to stop the invasion of the King of Conspiracy?

Even if he couldn't get it, the King of Conspiracy would definitely not want to get it—perhaps it was because the Lord of War had this idea that Zhong Ye was able to rush to the battlefield in time.

"Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye..." Shangguan Yao whispered the name, the strong malice and resentment could no longer be concealed, and it was beyond words, making his face grim.

Now that he was riding a tiger, even a fool would think that the Huang Kingdom would definitely not only have these navies surrounding their fleet now, and the Huang Kingdom must have sent other troops to attack Dongpu.

If Dongpu is eliminated, the national weapon in his hands is likely to be invalid. At that time, not only the plan will fall short, but even the Dongpu that he finally obtained will be lost...

He died once, and his strength has not fully recovered. If he wants to recover his strength as soon as possible, he can only rely on the king of conspiracy, but he does not want to completely reduce himself to the king of conspiracy. If he loses his will, he will serve the king of conspiracy wholeheartedly. If so, he might not know how he died.

Everything he has encountered now is all 'attributable' to Zhong Ye!

If it wasn't for Zhong Ye, he might have become a god long ago. Even if he couldn't become a god in the future, he wouldn't be able to appear here, waiting for the countdown to death.

If it wasn't for Zhong Ye, if it wasn't for Zhong Ye... none of these things would have happened!


"My lords, we have no hope!"

After Maeda Yingzheng left Shangguanyao's room, he came to a room on the bottom floor of the flagship.

All the people in this room are daimyos, and they followed the 'Emperor' to leave Dongpu in order to occupy a place in Huangguo.

But as soon as they set out to sea, before landing in Huang Country, their illusion was shattered.

Just a fleet trapped them at sea, unable to move, unable to leave.

Obviously they already possessed the real 'artifact' and possessed the same power as the Huang Kingdom, but they still had nothing to do with the Huang Kingdom... It shouldn't be like this!
"Your Majesty, he refuses to use the clouds of the sky..." Maeda Yingzheng said in a deep voice.

If the grass shaving sword is used, the barrier supported by the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu must be canceled. They will inevitably be hit immediately, but the Huang Kingdom fleet will definitely choose to attack the flagship. As long as they abandon the flagship, they will be able to win.

However, the 'Emperor' didn't like this risky plan, because the artillery of the Huangguo fleet was enough to destroy their entire fleet, and if the Huangguo fleet chose to sink all the ships instead of just attacking the flagship, they would be finished.

When Maeda Yingzheng made a request to the 'Emperor' for the first time, the 'Emperor' refuted his plan in this way.

"How can we win without the clouds in the sky?"

"Why don't you surrender to the Huang Kingdom, after all, it is our suzerain country, as long as it is sincere enough, it should forgive our offense..."

"That's right, surrendering now is the best choice!"

Listening to the discussion of a group of daimyo, Maeda Hidemasa seemed to see a group of shivering rats.

Maeda Yingzheng couldn't help shouting angrily: "Stupid!"

His angry shout interrupted the conversation of the daimyos, causing many dissatisfied eyes.

"General Maeda Sakonoe, if you are smart enough, please propose your plan!"

Hideo Maeda took a few deep breaths, glanced over the faces of those disdainful daimyos, and the gloomy color slowly climbed onto his face, "If His Majesty doesn't do it...why can't we do it?"


A daimyo sneered: "Let's do it? You have the power..."

Halfway through speaking, he realized what Hideo Maeda was trying to do, his face became terrified, and his voice trembled: "Maeda, General Maeda Zuo Konoe, what do you want to do?"

The other daimyos also seemed to have realized something, and there was a little more panic in the eyes of Maeda Yingzheng.

"Masters, don't worry, I never thought of killing Your Majesty!"

Maeda Ying had a gloomy face and a low voice: "The reason why your Majesty would not do that is because he loves the soldiers. If the barrier of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu is removed, many soldiers will definitely die. If this is the case, then let us Come and take the blame for him!"

Hearing this sentence, the daimyo in the room couldn't help but gasp.

The meaning of Maeda Hidemasa's words is clear to everyone present - the next is the upper!

But this kind of thing has always only happened among the daimyos, and no one has ever had this kind of thought about the emperor—even if they have, they will not say it, they will only hide it deep in their hearts, and will not let others know.

"General Zuo Konoe the day before yesterday, do you know what you are talking about?"

Hearing this, Maeda Yingzheng turned his head to look, and smiled coldly: "Of course I know, and you can rest assured, my mind is very clear! It is because of my clear mind that I can say such words!

"If you don't want to act with me, I can do it by myself, but please don't do unnecessary things!"

"You guy..."

Without waiting for anyone's answer, Maeda Hidemasa left the dimly lit room, leaving a group of daimyo staring at each other silently.

Soon after, they also left that room, and went to other ships by boat, without staying on the flagship.

Maeda Yingzheng said that he had never thought of killing His Majesty, but what if His Majesty died not at his hands, but at the hands of the Huang Kingdom Navy?
What if he left His Majesty on the flagship, and after he seized control of the 'Three Artifacts', he canceled the protection of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu?
The flagship will definitely suffer a major blow. At that time, those who still stay on the flagship will definitely die without a burial...

Maeda Hidemasa is really a vicious man, no wonder he has the nickname of 'Hungry Wolf'.

——Wild and unruly, sinister and vicious, isn't this the true portrayal of him?

(End of this chapter)

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