Soul echo

Chapter 835

Chapter 835

After confirming that all daimyo and their personal guards had left the flagship, Maeda Hidemasa was ready to do it.

The emperor is not a fool, but his eyes and ears are temporarily 'blinded', sooner or later he will notice the changes around him, the later he takes action, the greater the possibility of accidents.

So, start early!
With the help of Xiao Xing, Maeda Yingzheng took off the heavy Chinese clothes, put on a martial robe, put a sword and a wakizashi in his belt, left his room, and walked quickly in the wooden corridor.

The boots creaked the wooden boards, and the doors of the rooms on both sides opened one after another as they passed by, and one after another samurai came out of them, following behind Maeda Hidemasa.

When they reached the corridor where the emperor's room was located, the blood had already flowed down the stairs, and the smell of blood wafted into the nostrils.

Hideo Maeda was stepping on a pool of blood to climb the stairs, and the ninjas covered with black cloth lined up in two rows, kneeling on one knee on both sides.

Xiao Xing, who was following Maeda Yingzheng, made several gestures to the samurai behind him, and the samurai all dispersed and walked into the rooms on both sides of the emperor's room.

The attendant who was caught by the ninja trembled, Maeda Yingzheng glanced at him, snorted softly, and turned his gaze to the door in front of him.

The door panel seemed to carry a wonderful magic power, which made him feel that he could be reborn, stronger and more noble after passing through the door...

After being threatened by Xiao Xing with a knife, the attendant swallowed hard, took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions and voice, and then yelled loudly as always: "Your Majesty, the day before yesterday, General Zuo Jinwei asked to see you!"


With his eyes closed, Shangguan Yao raised his deep eyes hidden in the shadows, tapped the armrest with his index finger, "Xuan!"

The attendant's mouth was covered suddenly, his eyes burst into disbelief, he was dragged aside by the ninja, and slit his neck open against the pile of corpses.

Maeda Ying's face remained unchanged, she pushed the door open with her own hands, walked into the room with her surname, knelt down, and bowed her head to the 'Emperor' who was sitting on a high seat.

"His Majesty!"

The sky light slanted into the room, reflecting Shangguan Yao's upper body, but hiding his face in the shadows.

Hearing a sneer, Maeda Yingzheng immediately heard a question with a hint of sarcasm: "The day before yesterday, General Zuo Konoe, I remember that no one is allowed to bring weapons when meeting the emperor, isn't it?"

Maeda Yingzheng was silent for a moment, buried his head on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the purpose of my coming this time is to ask you to let us go."

"Oh? Does the head of the Maeda family also want to escape?" Shangguan Yao couldn't help but pick up a little, "If you tell this matter, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by other daimyos?"

"No!" Maeda Yingzheng shook his head, straightened up, and looked at the 'Emperor' who was sitting on a high seat.

"The subject wants to fight to the death with the Huang Kingdom Navy!"

"Oh, a fight to the death..."

Shangguan Yao chuckled: "If you want to fight to the death, what do you mean by the warriors in ambush in the rooms on both sides?"

Xiao Xing, who had been following Maeda Yingzheng, opened his eyes, stood up and screamed, "Do it!"

After shouting, Xiao Xing pulled out the magic weapon he had disguised as a threat, and pointed it at Shangguan Yao.

The walls on the left and right sides of the room shattered, and the warriors roared, drew their swords and rushed out, rushing towards Shangguanyao.

The 'Emperor' was unmoved, Maeda Yingzheng knew that his small surname should be controlling the opponent, but for some reason, he could still see a bit of sarcasm on the face of the 'Emperor'.

"Is that all there is to it?"

The 'Emperor' opened his mouth suddenly, Maeda Yingzheng's pupils dilated suddenly, and he drew his sword and stepped forward.

But at this moment, time stood still.

All the sounds stopped, and the light was still in mid-air, and in the midst of this, Maeda Yingzheng saw the 'Emperor' stand up.

The skin on his face melted down like a candle, Maeda Yingzheng tried to open his eyes wide, and a face he had never seen before came into his eyes.

——Taller, more handsome, and more 'divine' than the 'Emperor'!
There is a round of 'black sun' inlaid in the white of the dark yellow eyes. Compared with the radiant sun, those eyes exist to attract attention. When they really appear, everyone's eyes are blocked. Those eyes were locked tightly, unable to move away.

Is this a... 'God'?
Maeda Yingzheng's body trembled, because he suddenly found that he was not as brave as he imagined. When facing an irresistible force, all he wanted to do was to bow his head and surrender, begging to deal with it and bypass his own life.

Apart from this, there are no other thoughts and thoughts in his brain.

"Are you worried that there are other people around me who are secretly protecting me, that's why you have prepared so many samurai and ninjas?"

That clear voice reached his ears, and Maeda Yingzheng felt as if his brain had been blasted by thunder, and it became blank.

He stared blankly at the samurai who held their swords high, their bodies gradually bent, their knees knelt down, and their heads touched the ground.

Looking at the actions of those people, for some reason, Maeda Yingzheng felt a feeling of 'jealousy' in his heart... yes, it's 'jealousy'!
He envied that they could bow down to the god, but he couldn't do it-if it went on like this, he would die!
"You can rest assured that those guys have been dealt with by me." Shangguan Yao chuckled.

There will definitely be hidden guards around the 'Emperor', but those guys are too in the way, preventing him from taking over this identity, so before that, he has already eliminated all of them.

"By the way, do you know why I suddenly chose to abandon the identity of 'Emperor'?"

Suddenly, Shangguan Yao asked this question.

Everyone's bodies were trembling, because in their view, this would definitely be a huge secret. Generally speaking, everyone who heard such top-secret information... would die!

"Because I found out that I was being manipulated by him."

Shangguan Yao asked and answered with a smile, raised his finger and pointed upwards, "If I don't get out of his control, just like you want to get out of my control, I will fall into a real dead end, and I have to Ask him for help, ask him for forgiveness, only in this way can you escape your life—just like you are doing now!"

Maeda Yingzheng watched a round of 'black sun' approaching him, met his eyes, couldn't help holding his breath.

He dared not breathe his own breath into the face of the 'God', that would be blasphemy!It is an unforgivable felony!

"Very smart!" Shangguan Yao nodded in satisfaction, "If you dared to breathe out into my face just now, I would definitely crush you to death."

It sounded as careless as crushing an ant to death, Maeda Yingzheng's face turned livid.

"However, He is Tzeentch, the ever-changing evil god, the master of tricks, who understands fate and the changes of all things in the world, and possesses wisdom that surpasses all things in the world. How can we escape His control?"

Shangguan Yao laughed, paced around the room, and then danced, "Of course that means transcending everything in the world! Becoming a true 'god' is the only way I can transcend!"

"So, how do I become a real god?"

The smile on Shangguan Yao's face faded instantly, and he became extremely calm.

"The answer is very simple, and it has even been placed in front of me..."

While speaking, Shangguan Yao took out the Yata Mirror and the Kusanagi Sword, and then stretched out his hand, and the Bachi Qiong Gouyu also appeared in his hand.

Maeda Yingzheng was taken aback when he saw this, if Bachi Qiong Gouyu was here...

The artillery fire outside shook the sea again, and the waves rising with the wind shook the ship, making people's hearts tremble.

"Integrate my soul into it and follow the power of faith to everyone who believes in this legend. Will they not be able to provide me with the power of faith and make me a real god?"

Shangguan Yao raised the 'Three Artifacts' high, stared at his hands with empty eyes, and laughed heartily: "I will transcend, I will become a real god, and I will regain myself!"

In an instant, Shangguan Yao's body disintegrated into countless light spots, which slowly dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, those rays of light shrank suddenly and crashed into the three utensils, causing them to float in midair and burst into divine light.

clack clack...

Maeda Yingzheng was horrified to find that his mouth was suddenly out of his control, and he was, was, was... talking!
"I shall--"

Everyone present made an extremely excited voice:

"--eternal life!"

(End of this chapter)

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