Soul echo

Chapter 836

Chapter 836

The power of corruption went upstream, through the belief of the people of Japan in the "Three Artifacts", polluting every public who believed in the "Three Artifacts".

The influence spread quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the entire Japan was affected.

"Back to the ship! Back to the ship!"

The captain of a small team noticed something was wrong and shouted hastily, but before the soldiers could react, the captain's head was taken off his neck.

The headless corpse shook back and forth twice before falling to the ground with a bang.

"Close the team!"

The soldiers who landed on the land of Dongpu shouted in shock, calling for the captain, but at the next moment, they also lost their voices.

Huang Kingdom's two fleets landed in Japan from Hokkaido Island and the southern part of Honshu Island respectively. They are not fools, and they will not give up their advantages and send troops to land on a large scale.

But when attacking coastal cities, it is still necessary to send some soldiers to perform tasks.

However, now they are all dead!
A soldier knocked on the door of the flagship command room. After getting permission, he hurriedly opened the door and walked in, shouting anxiously: "Several generals, Guan Sheng and Li Jianyong have died!"

"What? Sacrifice?"

A high-ranking officer suddenly stood up, his eyes glaring, "Say it again! Who died?"

"Lao Li, Lao Li, sit down first..."

Someone nearby persuaded him, but the high-ranking officer turned his head and stared at him, hissing, "It's not your son who died, of course you don't care...Jianyong, Jianyong, he just got married and didn't even have a child..."

"Li Zheng, sit down!" The fleet commander shouted in a deep voice.

The officer named 'Li Zheng' glanced at the commander, sat back unwillingly, closed his eyes, and burst into tears.

The fleet commander took a deep breath, looked at the frightened soldier, slowed down his voice, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The soldier was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, nodded in a daze, and stammered, "It's just the fate card, and their life card suddenly, suddenly shattered."

Fate tokens are not cheap gadgets, but in this era there is no universal means of remote communication. They can only use Fate tokens to connect with the soldiers who landed on missions. As long as those people are not dead, Fate tokens will not cause any problems .

If the soldiers whose lives are bound to the life cards die, it means that they have encountered an irresistible force-at least such a message can be sent back.

Through the speed at which the life cards are broken, the fleet can roughly guess how powerful those soldiers are when they encounter the enemy.

"It broke suddenly?" The fleet commander frowned, "All the life cards? At the same time?"

"Yes, Marshal, all the life cards are shattered at the same time!"

Hearing this, the coach's face remained unchanged, and he waved his hand to make the soldiers retreat.

When the door of the command room was closed, the coach took a deep breath, looked around, and sighed deeply: "Everyone, trouble is coming..."

"The old man thinks that we should retreat now and then make plans."

The martial arts master who had been listening opened his eyes. Before Li Zheng yelled, he said in a deep voice, "I feel a little bad breath. It is similar to a national weapon, but it is different from a national weapon... Maybe it is a 'god'?"

The faces of everyone present changed slightly, and the coach couldn't help asking: "Senior Qian, your perception is not wrong, right? You just said... gods?
"Dongpu already has a national weapon, can it still have a god?"

Martial arts master Qian surnamed shook his head slowly, "You ask me this kind of question, I don't know, but I think it may not be impossible, because there have been two similar incidents in Dahuang before, one of which is that Qianji God, the second is..."

At this moment, the Tiger Talisman carried by the coach vibrated and roared.

The roar interrupted the Martial Dao Grandmaster's words, the coach frowned slightly, picked up the answer, "Tell me something!"

"Be careful of Shangguanyao! He has been corrupted, and now his consciousness has flowed back to the people of Dongpu through the power of faith, and the whole Dongpu—"

【I shall--】

"——They are all his incarnations!"

【--eternal life! 】

Shocking shouts came from outside the window, the wind slammed in, and the windows slammed. The shocked eyes of the officers saw the black air rising from the land in the distance through the glass windows.

The black air is inextricably linked, floating from the ground, rising into the air and then converging. From where they are now, they can't see the whole picture of the thing. They can only barely recognize that the thing formed by the gathering of black air may be A... 'head'!
The martial arts master reacted the fastest. Before the others could react, he pushed open the door of the command room like a gust of wind and ran onto the deck.

He stood on the deck and looked up. Although he could only see the side face of that head, he also recognized the face of that head through some facial features.

"Shangguan Yao!"

The martial arts master shrank his pupils, turned around and ran back to the command room, and said urgently to all the senior officers: "Retreat! Retreat now! Dongpu has fallen!"

Hearing these words, Li Zheng shook his body and raised his hand to press his face.

Originally, he planned to lead the team himself to snatch back the remains of all the sacrificed soldiers and see if he could resurrect them, but now, this is impossible.

His son is indeed dead...

Taking a deep breath, Li Zheng also stood up, only a little slower than other senior officers.

After a while, the fleet began to move away from Dongpu, and the huge head suspended in the air closed its eyes and concentrated, as if falling into a deep sleep, it did not stop them and let them go.


"Dongpu has fallen, and the power of an evil god has infected Dongpu, so we want to arrest all Dongpu people in the territory...?"

Delilah put down the notice in her hand, chuckled, called a few officials, assigned the task, and then got up and went to a medical center in the city.

"Doctor Han, is the medicine I asked for prepared?"

Looking up at the smiling Dai Lila, the old man sighed and took out the medicine bag from the drawer, "Master Dai, do you really want to take it?"

"I can't help it." Dai Lila picked up the medicine bag and smiled, "After all, my eyes have hidden dangers, and I don't want to die so quickly or be controlled by something. It's better to be blind than dead, isn't it?"

Just as Delilah was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked, "By the way, after using this medicine, can it really kill the nerves in the eyes?"

The old doctor nodded heavily, "I added a strong anesthesia to the medicine, so it won't hurt when I'm blind."

"That's good." Delilah chuckled, "If blinding my eyes is useless, I might have to gouge out my eyeballs!"

Hearing these words, the old doctor only felt horrified, and didn't know how Delilah could say these words with a smile.

Back at the Jingzhou government, Dai Lila went to decoct the medicine herself.

This medicine can blind people's eyes, and she doesn't want other people to suffer by accident.

Of course, it is impossible to expel the curse of the King of Conspiracy so easily, but this is the only way Delilah can think of to save herself.

It took several hours before Dai Lila decocted the medicine. She poured the concentrated medicine juice and medicine dregs into a bag, and then put on a thick glove. After confirming that her palms would not be burned, Dai Lila La took a deep breath, went back to her room, lay down on the bed, and put the cloth bag filled with medicine juice on her eyes.

The concoction is boiling hot, not to mention where it is placed or the eyes?
Taking a deep breath, Delilah picked up the cloth bag, and then put it down again.

Time passed quietly, and Delilah didn't know how long it had passed, she only felt that the medicinal juice in the cloth bag gradually cooled down, and all the heat dissipated.

Exhaling a hot turbid air, the elf's ears twitched, and his eyes slowly opened.

In front of my eyes, there was darkness...

Only at this time did she experience the sorrow of the cursed.

"Xiaoqin." Delilah called out the maid's name.

She didn't have a maid before, but she realized that the abyss was about to go to war with the world of Dan, so she thought of blinding herself, so she hired a maid.

The maid heard the call and walked over quickly, "Miss, what's the matter...ah, your eyes!"

Delilah turned her head to face the direction of the sound, a pair of empty eyes slowly turning.

"It's okay, I'm just blind. I hope you can take care of me more in the future." As she said so, the corners of Dai Lila's mouth slowly curled up.

The curse seems to have really subsided... Of course, it may only be temporary.

Although her eyes are blind and she can no longer see anything, it is better than being controlled or dying.

Compared with those magical eyes and curiosity, Delilah hopes that she can live well.

(End of this chapter)

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