Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 20: Expected-(eight thousand)

Time and space turbulent, the void swayed, and the lightning released by the evil gods tore everything. It bloomed the moment it hits the giant, and countless weird energy streams were intertwined into a network, making that area shrouded in hazy light and mist, gorgeous, but full Dead silence.

A little aftermath emanated, extending towards the rear. A fortress was shaking with the Cthulhu family. They had no time to pay attention to the aftermath, so they were hit together with the enemy-and at this moment, everyone suddenly awakened as if they were mentally different for some reason. With ordinary abilities, everyone can suddenly be connected with other spirits. They are connected with each other and suddenly begin to understand each other. With this huge spiritual network, their strength and mind begin to condense, because they seem to be one in the first place.

Committed to resist the evil gods, fight the darkness together, burn themselves without spare energy, and move forward with the will to triumph-these beautiful, positive emotions fit the concept of cohesion, which makes the fortress People were sublimated, merged, and condensed into a flaming soul light group in an instant.

Psionic spiritual network, the mind is completely intermingled-countless psychic civilizations in the hopeless and unreachable realm are achieved in this instant, and the next moment, accompanied by stern roars and screams, this newly formed spiritual network, Everything in the soul light group was swallowed and condensed by something larger, and turned into a part of itself, while what remained in the real world was an empty nothingness.

Both the good and the ugly are just narrow concepts of intelligent life, and even more mammoth existences will never be constrained by them.

“The Vidal Fortress is completely silent…they sacrificed…”

“What kind of evil **** is that?! At such a distance, I actually feel a bit of chills!”

“This is just the aftermath-is the center of the battle? Has the observation circle not recovered?”

But the battle will not wait, and these people who are anxiously concerned about the battle situation in the distance will soon no longer need to observe the circle.

Because, from the mist of light, there was a hand stretched out, and the huge iron wrist was burning with silver fire. It only appeared, it distorted the sky, and the surrounding time and space collapsed into a deep well, which can induce everything to condense. , The light heading towards nothingness was actually burned, absorbed, and’condensed’ to become a part of other people.

But this is just a hand. It can be seen that in the other directions of the light mist, huge waves are swayed along with the mist, and three other hands protrude and turn into flying fists. With the traces of light, they crash into the dark void, shattering the path. All the Cthulhu family members, and then grabbed the three Cthulhus in turn.


There are bright and incomparable Φ-shaped runes appearing on the back of Feiquan’s hand. The silver flow of inflammation is like water that envelops the struggling evil gods and burns, burning them to death, turning them into black lines and engraving on the fist. on.


Wrapped in the deep well of time and space, the four-armed giant strode out of the mist. His three flying fists, which burned with flames, flew back. Accompanied by a deafening roar, they were re-embedded on the arm, which immediately made the silver giant. His light was more exuberant, making his whole person like a blazing fire burning in the void, an extremely bright torch.

——The torch that can be witnessed in the entire Belos Star River, no matter where it is.

But if Joshua is a fire, then all evil gods are fire-fighting moths-and in comparison, these moths are far beyond all orders of magnitude imagined in the ordinary world in terms of quantity and weight.

It can be seen that in the entire void sky curtain, in the silent void, all the evil gods have turned their directions. They have discovered that compared with the civilization of the entire galaxy, it is more permanent than any possible’eternity’ in the entire multi-galaxy. The bright flame is like a beacon, like a guide, so that all the existence of chaos can only see him.

Even in the pioneer fortress community, some strong men who were fighting against the evil gods suddenly discovered that those evil gods who were fighting with them in a life-and-death duel, actually ignored the attacks of all of them, and just turned their heads and left. At first, they thought it was the evil **** who had retreated, but soon they separated from the focus of the battle, and discovered the dazzling light in front of the strong men who knew the reason for everything.

In the Mycroft Civilization Defense Zone, the gods of love and decay stared dignifiedly ahead, their strength reached the limit of the legend, and the Cthulhu [Chaos], who had surpassed the combined power of the several true gods, had just suffered the combined blow of their seven gods. Leaving from the encirclement, it did not have the slightest nostalgia, even a little counterattack, no retaliation, so it left directly, and flew towards the direction of the light group.

“Catch up!”

“Don’t let it interfere with Joshua!”

Without any extra words, the shock of the divine power in the body caused by the previous joint attack was slowed down for a while, and the seven gods quickly turned into light, chasing after the chaotic evil god, and continued to fight with it.

As for the defense zone more fringe than Chaos Cthulhu, a powerful Cthulhu who was raging in the defensive zone and was fighting an extreme powerhouse from a different civilization legend suddenly paused for a moment, letting the opponent slash it down, splitting half of its wings.

This is a very beautiful appearance. If it weren’t for the chaos aura that was too strong, it wouldn’t look like a Cthulhu at all. It was full of light golden brilliance, and it looked like a sphere wrapped in countless pure white wings. , And now, the strong man cut half of his wings off with a single knife, but he didn’t have any joy of getting the result. Instead, his complexion changed suddenly and he retreated quickly.


The Winged Cthulhu suddenly sang, accompanied by the light golden divine light spreading, it was originally wrapped in clusters, and all the closed wings were unfolded, revealing the innermost twisted halo under the innumerable wings—very old and very long. The breath of sigh came, and at the same time, there was also the surging divine power that burst and spread like a sea tide!

“Pure divine power!? How could it be possible!” The face of the strong man who has also studied the gods is extremely ugly. He can find that in this extremely ancient and primitive divine power, there is not even the slightest shadow of later generations-which means, this At the time of the Cthulhu’s accomplishment, perhaps even the psychic energy does not exist!

And looking at it this way, can it be said that it was actually not a shot before, just passively withstanding its own “harassment” and instinctive counterattack?

Unlike the Seven Gods, he can barely be regarded as fighting this evil god. Before, he just entangled the opponent to prevent it from advancing, waiting for reinforcements to come and destroy it. Now, this evil **** shows his full strength, and he can’t delay half a minute. I can watch this evil **** whistling away with a weird singing.

At this moment, the entire sky curtain is like a disc, and countless dark flying stars are spinning and falling toward the center of the disc. In the center of the disc, the four-armed giant is interacting with the condensed light. Round of battle, fierce offense and defense made the surrounding void scream, forming a circle almost like an event horizon.

Many Cthulhu family members and even Cthulhus can’t even get close to this circle. They are blocked by the aftermath at the periphery, but the flying Winged Cthulhu is different. It releases the brilliance enough to overwhelm the light of the surrounding galaxy world, with rapid light traces. In a flash, the space-time circle, which was so strong for other evil gods, was like a piece of paper to it, and it was easily surpassed.

However, a fist suddenly blasted out of the space-time circle, and slammed into it head-on, pressing the flying winged evil **** to the spot, and stopped directly!


The weird chanting sounded again, but this time, no matter who it was, anyone could hear the weakness. The wings of this strange **** of evil spirit fell, and countless feathers were ignited and turned into silver sparks, and its body was firmly grasped. Turning into a burning flame shield, Qiao Xiu placed the Winged Cthulhu in front of him, blocking the Condensed Cthulhu from another full blow.

“The Cthulhu that controls the divine power? This ancient aura… Is it one of the Cthulhu prototypes made by the opponent in the era before the psionic sage after the black hand behind the scenes?”

Although the Evil Wings is indeed of great research value, Joshua doesn’t have the energy to analyze the origin of the other party now-and what if it is analyzed? It was nothing more than being more familiar with how the black hand behind the scenes made the evil god, and it couldn’t affect anything.

After all, what is in front of him is a ‘near holy evil god’!

“Besides fertility and drastic changes, there are other near-holy evil gods. I’ve thought about this a long time ago, but even me, I didn’t expect you to appear so soon…”

The silver giant stared calmly ahead, the core of the rotating light wheel was continuously condensing and releasing, like birth and death, expounding some truth… In fact, it is indeed the truth of a certain way. An evil **** is equivalent to the basis of all the possibilities of a civilization, and it is the aggregation of the highest achievements of this civilization. If a person with psychics only sees the true body of the condensation evil god, he may really understand what powerful cultivation methods are.

But that is wrong, and it will definitely be a dead end, a dead end — in other words, it will inevitably be disturbed and cannot move forward.

“[Condensation] Cthulhu, after the psionic sage, there is another existence based on psychic energy that almost came to that point.”

Raising his hand, turning around, the twisted time and space naturally turned into a shield, blocking every weird lightning fired by the condensed evil spirits. As an existence that had already seen the essence of evil spirits, Joshua could see the source of all evil spirits at a glance: “I have speculated before that a road can not only have a sage, the latter can deduce that road to a whole new level-but now it seems that this is not going to work.”

“Because, compared to these’latecomers,’ the man behind the scenes is the one who has taken this path to the extreme after all the sages.”

As long as the black hand behind the scenes still exists, the original road will be completely sealed. No matter how amazing it is, if you want to go further on the existing power system and become a sage, you will definitely be darkened by the black hand behind the scenes. Hand strikes, eventually degenerating into a near-sage evil **** like Condensing Cthulhu, becoming a tool for the opponent.

Only by opening up a brand new one and going beyond the original ‘possibility’, can possible dangers be avoided.

“If I didn’t leave the customs, look like this, after about half a year, the Condensed Evil God will arrive at the front of the fortress… much earlier than I thought, and much worse.”

Because this means that there may be more than one near-holy evil **** coming this time.

Just in the gap of thinking, the Cthulhu Condensed God has completed a cycle, along with the whisper of time and space, one light pattern after another appeared after Cthulhu Condensed, and at the same time, Joshua clearly felt that the opponent’s output power Even though the countless light mist was blocked by Joshua, the aftermath also destroyed a lot of fortresses in the rear. Other Cthulhu family members and even Cthulhu, those powers were condensed and became part of the Cthulhu.

This is its ability-no one knows what the limit of condensing the Heretic God is, and perhaps it has never encountered the existence that brought it to its limit.

——Can’t continue to fight here.

At the moment when the thoughts turned, Qiao Xiuya got up and left, not only to better protect others, but also to prevent the Cthulhu Condensed God from having more opportunities to become stronger. He directly leapt through the silent void, letting his own light shine. , Went to another dead world galaxy, and countless evil gods just chased Joshua away, leaving behind although there are still a large number, but there is no family of evil gods in the Belarus Galaxy Fortress.

While the Cthulhu condenses the chase naturally, it does not have any thinking, nor does it have any intelligent response. It is like a tool, a weapon that will automatically attack, completely destroying eligible targets-and now, it can see, As it continues to condense the Cthulhu family and weak Cthulhus around it, the Cthulhu Condense is constantly expanding on its own. At the core of the wheel of light, which is much larger and many times larger than the ordinary world, there are black and white cores that are condensing and reversing. , Absorb and release.

And with the silent vibration, it seemed to be to prevent Joshua from continuing to leave, the condensing black core at the core of the Cthulhu suddenly closed—it looked like a huge ray of light lost its pupil—and then, After a few seconds, the white core blossomed, and an endless dazzling rain of light flew out from it, and it sprinkled toward Joshua and the time and space around it.

Every bit of light rain is a thick beam of lightning. They penetrate the void and set off a chaotic space-time storm. These raindrops fell on Joshua’s body, and even the ripples were owed, at most it was a little slower. Speed, but every raindrop falls on the world, then no matter the world is big or small, the raindrops will explode.

It can be seen that there is a cross-shaped light piercing through the world, deep into it, countless raindrops falling, so that countless worlds are inserted into a cross-shaped light frame, like tombstones on countless tombs-then, the light shrinks, cross-shaped One end of the light frame deep into the world was drawn out, and merged into a small aperture that seemed to condense the evil god, and the world that was hit shattered in the tremor, the world barrier shattered and turned into dust.

Not only that-if there is civilization and life in that world, the condensed light mass will even transform into a true evil **** embryo, which will be gestated quickly.

——Release is for better cohesion.

Qiao Xiuya stopped, he did not want to affect other lives, but this is already the deadliest galaxy he could find. Compared with the Cthulhu army, the condensed Cthulhu has been absorbed and strengthened all the time. It is still in this relative emptiness. The place is more suitable for fighting.

Buzzing-the light ball after the destruction of tens of thousands of worlds, like raindrops flying upside down, gathers toward the condensed evil gods, and the evil **** embryos have completed their transformation in turn, and began to wander among the stars. After an attack, The power level of the Cthulhu condensed further rises.

But when he came to the battlefield of his choice, the giant also turned around and began to counterattack. Qiao Xiu’s expression remained unchanged. Those evil gods chasing his own light, those evil gods catalyzed by the condensed evil gods, are his best raw materials. With a quick grasp, he could catch a newly born evil god, the chaotic breath spread in his palm, and then burned as the lines on the giant god’s body surface changed, transforming into various weapons and illusions, shields and armors.

–boom! !

Another world shattered. It was a large world with a star cluster rotating in it, but because the battlefield of Joshua and the condensed Cthulhu arrived here, its world barrier melted as if there was no existence, and the halo and The giant rushed into it, releasing his power wantonly, making the stars dim and time and space distorted.

It can be seen that most of the time, it is the light wheel carrying out repressive attacks, condensing all kinds of powerful beams and visions, but the four-armed giant has repeatedly attacked those lightning, light wheels, beams and other messy attacks. The methods are all broken.

Even as the stars of a three galaxy were drained, the gun body was forged by the force of steel, and a long gun with a length of 3.5 AU was formed in this way. Three black holes were condensed into three sharp points on the tip of the gun. It revolved, creating a space-time depression that lasted for an indefinite length, shattering the light waves from the condensing evil god, and then it was thrown out like this.

But Condensation Cthulhu is not afraid-black holes are just a kind of matter condensed, and they can also be easily manufactured. The spear forged by the force of steel is knocked off by it, and the spilled power is absorbed by it, and the black hole is also controlled and incorporated by it. In the black core of Cthulhu.

This kind of airborne attack was of no use to both parties. Upon discovering this, the giant did not hesitate. He stepped on the flames and rushed towards the condensed evil god. He wanted to expand at close range and was not so easily deflected. Absorbing the attack, but the Condensing Cthulhu always maintains a relative distance. No matter whether Joshua moves forward or back, turns or rises, it will always maintain a stable relative distance and cannot be overtaken. The energy level gradually rises, and its attack becomes more powerful.

The star clusters are being shattered. The battle between Joshua and the condensed evil gods is not just the aftermath of full force, which can spread the entire large world. It is not the world of stars, or the world of the infinite single world, which cannot be used for them. Battle field.

The world collapsed and collapsed into a chaotic flowing halo, and they returned to the void again, but at this moment, the condensed evil **** completed another condensed reincarnation and became stronger.

On one occasion, Joshua condensed the strength of steel spear in the void and threw it. When he wanted to penetrate the condensed Cthulhu, a strange lightning that was far more dazzling than before smashed the spear in the middle.

It grows faster than imagined.

——Each evil **** has its own unique power. That is their original body, the power and possibility that those dead civilizations gave them.

Condensed Cthulhu didn’t think about anything, and it didn’t think. The light pattern behind this powerful tool spreads, even spread across the entire star field. It constantly releases lightning, creating a blockbuster in this deadly galaxy. Time and space are trembling, and many worlds are shattered in this turbulence, turning into the tiniest debris and steel particles, and the storm rises, causing these particles and debris to rotate into a huge storm that is also visible to the naked eye in the void.

Amidst the fluctuations that seemed to be enough to cause the Galaxy to collapse, a black crack appeared. It stretched endlessly, like a wound in the sky that tore the Galaxy torn apart, shattering everything and everything.

And these overly condensed energies can even distort time and form an attack similar to a peculiar point. Every time Joshua resists, it seems to be slow for a moment, like an ordinary intelligent life approaching a black hole. He resisted countless times. He even lost the time to react to the next attack. When he was still in the past, the attack from the future had already condensed.

But even so, Joshua still has room to think.

“It seems that this may be the reason for the formation of the Void Maelstrom in the past.”

Between the near sage and the near sage, even if it is just the aftermath, it can smooth out the tens of millions of star fields in the world, shatter countless worlds, and turn into steel particles-if it is other evil gods, after a long time, these The particles of steel may still have a chance to reconsolidate the world, but this time it is the Condensation Cthulhu. It condenses and absorbs things all the time. Those broken world debris and particles of steel are just its food.

It is also his food.

——No mercy, this is war.

“Compared with the ultimate sublimation polymer, you are a little weaker.”

The whole body was shocked, the time and space of the event horizon was distorted and unfolded, and all the attacks of the evil **** were flew away. The four-armed giant began to expand, and his body was rapidly growing and becoming more and more magnificent. In an instant, a layer was comparable. The world of stars, even the stronger’world barrier’, turned into a scaly armor, covering his body surface.

Compared with the “world of stars” without self-will, Joshua, who is able to take the initiative to defend, can naturally withstand more powerful attacks-it was not in vain for more than ten years in the creation of the Maelstrom, and the triple curtain took the world of stars. The world data and low-level information of He were handed over to him, plus the super-monolithic world information left by the sages in the previous rebirth plan, his body surface is covered at this time, but the barrier of the’super-monolithic world’ level.

Condensation Cthulhu doesn’t care whether the enemy becomes stronger or weaker. It continues to attack. Since the previous attack is ineffective, change to another one. Face a solid armor and go through it-the black core is reversed. Bai, a dazzling cone of light formed in the void, without any unnecessary actions, the cone of light galloped and pierced towards Joshua’s head. It pierced through time and space, spreading the blazing aura.

But at this time Joshua grabbed another evil god. In his hands, the eternity of death is disintegrating, and the endless possibilities are being burned and decomposed. He has never felt pain, and has never felt the painful evil **** in it. The palm of the palm trembled and turned into nothingness, or liberated from eternal confinement, like the spontaneous fission of huge atoms that were forcibly piled together. Everything contained in the base of eternity was restored to the normal multiverse at this time. .

In this liberation process, the huge energy released was just used by Joshua and transformed into her own power.

Facing the striking cone of light, he raised his head indifferently. The energy was also condensed in the eyes of the giant god, and the light was released, turning into two beams of light to fly, knocking the striking cone of light into the air, exploding in the void, and releasing Shine the flash of galaxy.

At this moment, everyone else was fighting at the Belarus Galaxy.

The appearance of Joshua and the appearance of the Condensed Cthulhu were only a short-lived shock. After they left, there were still endless Cthulhu family members and other later Cthulhu attacks—compared to caring about the wars of the strongest in the distance. Care about the life and death of the moment.

The battle is still going on, shouting and battle crying still appear, the fleet shuttles between the dependents, and the giant void beasts swept across a star field…Compared with before, the battlefield has not changed.

However, there will still be fear.

No matter who it is, look up at the void, the dark and silent void of the past has turned into a twisted sky, like a starry sky, the lights of countless evil gods are flashing, and the stars of the sky are distorting the time and space, depicting gorgeous and terrifying in the void The future picture.

——Those are the coming chaos, the destruction that is bound to come.

——Fear——Throbbing——Weakness——Despair——These emotions are no more normal, whether it is self-defeating or abandoning, or breaking the jar, it is normal.

However, the strong people who can stand here and take the initiative to come to the front line of the war from the stable rear are not a normal existence.

“Calm down, it’s not time for you to do your best!”

Wielding a huge sickle, joy and sorrow are like dancing, cutting off a part of the twisted halo of the chaotic evil god, declining to nothing, weakening this powerful evil **** a little, the light on his body is blazing, and the illusion of withered heart flashes, But on the other side, the God of Life screamed and awakened the God of Love and Decline who seemed to be immersed in the battle: “Your death must be left with a greater meaning. Now, converge a little!”

“……thanks for reminding.”

As if waking up from a dream, Yue’ai stopped the scythe in her hand, and then watched her partner join forces to annihilate the chaos and evil spirits. The fairy goddess raised her head, looked at the bright spot of light that suddenly bloomed in the distance, and then turned her head to look at the splendid and twisted sky above her head.

He recalled the past, the battle between sages and fertility, and recalled the past, which was also an overwhelming abyss, chaos, and evil spirits.

——Yes, indeed, the enemies are endless.

But what happened then?

The enemy is already here-do you want to flee?

“I have died once, and then I was resurrected…”

Holding the sickle in his hand, the calm deity nodded to his other companions. They still have to fight, and there are more defense lines to support. Now is not the time to rest.

【——So, I can die again, with my own wishes.

For what I love, the world I want. 】

At this moment, in the deadly galaxy.

The Cthulhu Condensation Cthulhu failed to break Joshua’s defenses after trying many methods, which seemed to activate some of its underlying programs, so it slammed backwards away from an extremely long distance, and then the entire glowing light wheel was reversed. For the sake of darkness, it turned into a dark cave and began to condense endlessly.

And Joshua, who finally waited for this moment, lit up.

Near the Saint Cthulhu——This is the first time he has actually confronted a near-sage-level Cthulhu. The previous battle was nothing more than a simple temptation. He increased his strength little by little, and observed the Cthulhu’s self-liberation. Until now, it is about to launch a full onslaught to destroy the powerful enemy.

Joshua does not intend to dodge. The enemy’s full attack is the best time to understand the enemy. This is the entire multiverse may not have several combat experience. He must try to out the enemy in the next hit. His ultimate output, the nature of his ability, and the various details of his application-only in this way can he completely solve the opponent after he knows himself and the enemy.

In the shattered star field, countless time and space storms are raging, the particles of steel whizzing and whistling in it, and when it calms down, it is the embryonic form of a void maelstrom—but now, the time and space storms are beginning to tilt involuntarily, like being After the hurricane dragged away, a dark cave is condensing and turning, it is grinded in it and turned into a huge spiral black light and the pure white light, With the reversal and reappearance of the core of the condensed Cthulhu, just the aftermath of this attack will spread to the surrounding star fields, causing the worlds in these star fields that have been broken or luckily intact to collapse and maintain All the energy of their existence is directly absorbed, and turns into fly ash by themselves.

All the heavens and star regions are collapsing and disintegrating. The reason for everything is just because another behemoth is ‘condensing’.

Finally, release.


A black and white two-color spiral turns into a galaxy giant diamond that turns endlessly. It compresses and condenses the energy and matter of countless worlds, and even condenses the Cthulhu itself as the base of this drill. At this moment, the breath of all things is destroyed. The surging blows away all time and space storms, all time and space turbulence, because there can only be one’direction’ in the void at this time, that is, the direction in which this giant diamond is about to gallop away!

“It’s scarier than smashing the entire galaxy…”

Even so, the giant moved forward without fear, and Joshua greeted him with a smile. The world barrier on his body became heavier, but it became more transparent, and he could even see that under that huge body, there was A river system surrounded by a super-large black hole is turning. It is the prototype of a single super-large world—the warrior’s four arms are raised, and the space-time distortion like the event horizon is filled with light like stardust, and every bit The scattering of light particles can shake time and space, causing ripples in the void.

The galaxy diamond roared and galloped, surrounded by misty and weird lightning, and the four arms faced it head-on, seeming to want to stop it abruptly.

The two huge figures collided like this.

Then there was a roar.


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