Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 21: From beginning to end (10,000)

Condensing the Cthulhu——This is probably the name that Joshua just casually gave the other party dozens of minutes ago. This name comes from the fact that it is absorbing the energy and matter around it all the time, condensing the core of something, plus that just showing up will allow everyone in the Pioneer Fortress group to see the memory illusion and let everyone know it. It originated from a super psychic civilization, and that civilization died out because of the failure of the power to condense the entire civilization.

Therefore, Joshua called it the ‘Catholic God of Condensation’. This name is quite appropriate, quite satisfactory, and can well express its characteristics and power.

However, it now appears that this title may be biased.

Because Joshua, who was facing the galaxy diamond head-on, discovered that after the attack, the Cthulhu Cthulhu became stronger and stronger!

Cohesion! Fusion! evolution!

The huge black and white spiral stirs all the worlds in the entire galaxy, turning it into a giant diamond that can penetrate everything. In this short moment, its power and information disturbance make it the axis of rotation of this dead galaxy. ——And this huge drill bit is still continuously condensing matter and energy, it is still continuously fusing all existences outside of itself, and it is constantly evolving, evolving, and getting stronger and stronger!

If you have to say something, I am afraid that whether it is “Fusion Cthulhu” or “Evolution Cthulhu”, it is more suitable for it than the name “Condensation Cthulhu”!

Thinking is just a short moment, the material multiverse, the huge galaxy bit is like lightning in the dark, cutting through the endless silence, it gallops in, and it becomes stronger, bigger, and richer every time it turns. The impact force, the surrounding world star field was stirred in, the light was twisted into a parabola, everything turned into its fuel.

It is indeed very strong, but the existence as its target is also not weak!

It can be seen that in front of the extremely bright giant diamond, four arms stretched out from the darkness, accurately pressing the side of the giant diamond-the power of the spiral stirs time and space, turning its own rotating surface into almost Existence like a strange ring, but the four silver arms with black lines are extremely strong, stable like an eternal rock, a reef that will never be worn away.

Bang! The silver giant was hit by the drill bit and kept retreating, dragging a long and bright line in the void, but the four arms, they abruptly grabbed the Galactic Drill bit and forced it to stop!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The continuous sound of broken joints sounded, how huge is the angular momentum that condenses the rotation of Cthulhu? That is the power that can stir the world galaxy! The arm joints of the silver giant shattered hundreds of millions of times in an instant, but they were repaired and strengthened hundreds of millions of times. The fragments of the giant body’s body floated in the void, and the phantoms of the world appeared-and just in this billion Between ten thousand broken and reunited, among the phantoms of floating residue, you can see Qiao Xiuya’s hideous smile,

“I caught you!”

He roared, exploded with power, and forcibly shattered the outer shell of the galaxy diamond, but this also gave the opportunity to condense the Cthulhu. The diamond also exploded at the moment Joshua exploded and plunged into his body accurately. , Pierced it out of a big hole!

But this is not bad news-since the Gold rank long ago, the body of the transcendent has no so-called vital points, let alone Joshua, who has already reached the realm of the saint-the galaxy giant diamond smashed into the body , The soldier was not surprised and rejoiced, he roared again and forcefully, fixed his body abruptly, raised his arms suddenly, breaking the entire galaxy diamond!


In the void, there is no medium to propagate sound, but too violent energy vibrations can cause space-time tremors – and just now, there was a violent space-time tremor that affected the entire galaxy, making all living beings listen!

The galaxy diamond fractured from it, and its tip was stuck in Joshua’s body, but the second half escaped from the warrior’s grasp, and retreated to a far distance in embarrassment. Suddenly, the Titan and Cthulhu were both wounded, and they did not fight back for a while. Strength!

But Joshua didn’t care a little bit—everything was under control. Although he seemed to suffer as the defensive side, his counterattack could also severely damage the Cthulhu near the saints. At their level, as long as they are at the opponent’s level again It can be recovered before the attack, so it is equivalent to using the other party’s hole cards and attack information.

Generally speaking, in a battle of this level and intensity, it is even more disadvantageous to make the first move and show the card first. Joshua knelt halfway in the void, pressing her two right hands on her abdomen, the front end of the galaxy diamond was still stuck there, the power of the Cthulhu still controlled the drill to move, and wanted to turn again to completely shred the warrior’s body— —But a silver flame ignited from Qiao Xiu Yahun’s body, which gathered in his abdomen, igniting the giant diamond, and dissolving it.

It was like burning steel in a blast furnace, the originally extremely strong galaxy diamond began to gradually melt, and was gradually swallowed by the giant god.

Soon, both the wound and the front end of the giant diamond disappeared, as if it was swallowed by Joshua, and on the other side of the galaxy, the figure of the Cthulhu condensed violently trembled once, without a doubt, It suffered a severe damage that was temporarily irrecoverable.

Part of its body, and all the information in it, was ignited and swallowed by Joshua, which fundamentally wiped out a part of its essence!

But just after the Condensed Cthulhu was hit hard, in the Dead Silent Galaxy, the other Cthulhus that were catalyzed by it began to roar and rush towards Joshua-these condensed Cthulhus, by means of agglomeration, merged all the power of the entire world. The Cthulhu created together is completely controlled by the Cthulhu. It can even be said that as long as it is necessary, it is part of the Cthulhu. At this time, in response to the order of the body, they began to launch a violent and deadly self-destructive attack on Joshua.

I can see, light wheels, dark nebulae and even weird flesh and blood monsters and aggregates, like shooting stars across the sky, and hitting the giant who is half-kneeling in the void to recover-and just halfway through, these The Cthulhu self-dissolved and turned into a torrent of pure chaotic power, drowning Joshua.

This is a complete harassment battle, and it does not even give Joshua a chance to capture one or two Cthulhus to burn and recover. Even if they don’t have the wisdom, Condensing Cthulhu has discovered the enemy’s ability to restore power by killing the Cthulhu.

The battle was at a stalemate. Although Condensed Cthulhu suffered more damage than Joshua, Joshua’s recovery speed was slowed by other evil gods. Compared with the two, Joshua was actually slightly slower.

“Fortunately, I am not alone.”

Lifting his two left hands, propped up the Twisting Space-Time Shield to block the wave after wave of Cthulhu’s impact, Joshua turned his head and looked in the direction of the Belarus Galaxy. He could see that dozens of light streams were shining. , Leaping forward in the direction where he was-after Joshua took away and eliminated a large number of evil gods, the pressure on the pioneer fortress community was greatly reduced, and many powerful men encircled and suppressed some of the remaining evil gods and chaotic families. The strongest group set out directly in the direction of Joshua and Condensed Cthulhu.

They also understand very well that the collapse of the fortress community is irrelevant. It can even be said that it was originally prepared to collapse, and it was simply a delay in time-but if Joshua loses, then the multi-galactic river of the second near-sage cannot be taken out. I’m afraid it is about to usher in the end of the era.

Soon, without asking Joshua to wait long, the first light stream with the fastest speed came to him. The warrior raised his head and was ready to thank the other party, but when he found out the identity of the other party, he couldn’t help but eat. Startled.

“Goliath? It’s you?”

The first one rushed to Joshua’s side and guarded his existence. He was actually the Lord of the Sixth Abyss of the Lost Galaxy, Demon King Goliath, a real legendary great demon. I’m afraid no one would have thought of this. : “Thank you very much, it’s really fast!”

“It’s me, no thanks.” Goliath didn’t say much, he stopped drinking, and then the huge demon body spread out, turned into a sky full of shadows, and merged into the defensive barrier supported by Joshua-and just in the other side. At the moment of his own barrier, Joshua found that his power began to blend with the new shadow power in the entire multiverse. The chaotic torrent of countless evil gods blew up, and most of them were brought by the shadows brought by Goliath. Power, transferred to the shadow subspace!

Yes. The transformation brought by the Shadow Sage has benefited the most from the group of abyssal creatures who are also demons with him-and the power of the shadow is indeed the shallowest power system that Joshua has mastered. Goliath relies on the shadow Subspace’s rush came first, just to make up for his weakness.

It was extremely dark, and the event horizon shield like a black hole blocked countless evil gods from attacking, but Goliath himself was uncomfortable, although most of the attacks were tilted to the shadow subspace, and the remaining part was also by Joe Shua blocked it, but this was after all the battlefield of the near saints, and the ordinary legendary limit could not last long, let alone Goliath a legendary high? Even if he has made some progress recently, he is definitely not strong enough to face the impact of countless evil gods.

But the demon lord did not let out the slightest howl of pain, even though the flesh and blood that he had turned into a shadow was melting, and the originally divided body was annihilated by the power of chaos, but the eyes of the great devil were still extremely firm, without the slightest fear.

Soon, Joshua felt that he had recovered enough to cope with these attacks on his own, and did not hinder his continued recovery, and Goliath was almost exhausted, so the giant raised his hand and caused the black shadows to gather in his hand. After the severely wounded Demon King had condensed, he threw it abruptly and sent the opponent away from the battlefield.

Before leaving, the two looked at each other without any words. They just nodded slightly, then the soldiers turned their heads and continued to fight.

At this moment, the Condensation Cthulhu has also recovered a bit. The two sides once again confronted each other half a galaxy. The terrifying aura shook the heavens and the world. The many powerful men who are rushing, fortunately, have not made a leap, they are making a leap. No matter what method is used, they are directly shaken out of time and space and are severely hit-and seeing this scene, everyone knows that at this moment, they are no longer needed, and they will not be in their turn. Continue to rush to help.

Thanks to Goliath’s arrival in time, Joshua recovered faster than the Cthulhu, after a breath of relief, he shook his body and exhaled.

His body was pierced by the galaxy giant diamond just now, although it seemed to recover immediately and swallowed the front end of the giant diamond, in fact, there was still a mess inside, and the front end was only melted, and it had not been completely digested.

But now, he has roughly recovered, and the front end of the drill bit that hosts a part of the Cthulhu body has been completely absorbed and analyzed. The giant who has obtained the precious information of the enemy spreads out his arms, and he can see that the giant world barrier-level armor scales are all around him. Shocked, the heavy armor quickly changed its shape, and then bursts of incomparable silver light lingering around it.

At that moment, half of the silent galaxy was covered with silver, and even the Belarus Galaxy at the other end could be seen, and there was a flash of light like a supernova coming from the other end of time and space.

It was so strong that it couldn’t be transformed, enough to drown out the power of steel in many star regions!

But this is far from the end—this silver brilliance turned into a **** light in the next instant, and then transformed into a bleak chaos—the three-color halo changed and changed one after another, the power of steel, Divinity and chaos are in a trinity, constantly condensing, constantly deriving.

Suddenly, even the legendary powerhouses surrounding them were a little unclear about which side was the Cthulhu-in terms of the majestic and daunting characteristics of the momentum, the two sides were exactly the same.

But in fact, when it comes to courage and strength, Qiao Xiuya dominates – not to mention, now that he has grasped the essentials of the Cthulhu, and has found a way to kill the opponent!

The former Cthulhu of Death itself was the condensing of countless Cthulhus, and was then used by the sages to use the power of the debilitating Cthulhu to transform into a super-monolithic world, and this time the Cthulhu Condensation would naturally condense and save a lot of effort. Cthulhu will die, and it takes a little help to condense the Cthulhu. Qiao Xiu can just turn the Cthulhu into a normal power, and he can help the other party.

The tricolor light flashed violently, and Joshua began to stride forward.

It can be seen that in this too shining light, the image of the four-armed giant is blurred, and only a huge and incomparable silhouette can be seen leaving burning footprints, rushing forward in the flames.

There are two brighter lights on that huge profile head, Joshua’s eyes are blazing, the crimson divine light shines through the void, a strong aura of destruction and warfare spread from it, dazzling and terrifying, and down In an instant, two points of scarlet divine light brought a straight line in the void, and Qiao Xiu rushed towards the Cthulhu Condensed, and directly slammed into the world star cluster and other clusters of Cthulhu and dependents with him.

The Cthulhu Cthulhu is still resisting. It is turning and struggling. It wants to slam Joshua and get the distance away from both sides by hitting Joshua-but this time, the warriors who have experienced the same method will not let it work, just At the moment when the Cthulhu condensed the power, Qiao Xiu grabbed its core with one hand, fighting against this arm, and forcibly twisted the direction of the core’s emission to the other side.

Of course, one arm was turned into nothingness by the attack of the Cthulhu in the state of close range and zero defense, but Qiao Xiuya still has three hands-if necessary, he can grow six, eight, and a thousand later. It’s not impossible, and the full-strength attack of the Cthulhu can’t be released again in a short period of time, so I can see that two of Qiao Xiuya’s three remaining arms firmly grasp the light wheel and prevent it from escaping. The remaining left arm clenched into a fist, with a burning silver flame, bombarding the core of the condensed evil god!

boom! Flames flew, sparks scattered, and in an instant, all the chaos and darkness of the heretic gods and dependents that were catalyzed by the evil gods were all boiled-the ocean of countless dependents was instantly ignited into a sea of ​​fire and turned into ashes, and the evil gods and the rear The place where the aftermath was small was also hit by the aftermath of Joshua’s all-out blow, like a wave, tumbling and spreading in all directions.

Then, even more intense flames burned, covering the area where Joshua and the condensing evil gods were fighting. For a while, no matter who it was, even the powerhouse at the limit of the legend could not cross the light and see what happened inside.

“What path is he going to take?”

One of the seven gods who hurriedly came, the **** of wisdom and choice frowned slightly. The robe of the old man’s deity was a bit damaged, and the staff in his hand was also pitch black. It looked unclearly corroded by chaos, but he The reproduction is still clear: “Can we help him?”

No one can answer this question, because it’s really not the time for them to intervene, or make false claims to help.

At this moment, the former Pope Iger has also come to the forefront-most of the strong men who dared to come to the vicinity of the battlefield near the saints are mostly old or consciously reaching the limit. They are more concerned about breakthrough opportunities than life. The group of “old immortals” or avengers who are not afraid of death at all, but simply want to fight against chaos, even if they can only cause a little damage.

The seven gods are the latter. They have come for revenge, and they have been entrusted with a good inheritance. They are naturally fearless of life and death. And the old pope is in the middle. He feels that he has no regrets in his life. If death can add a bargaining chip to victory, he will not have nothing. Hesitate to give it, but if it can go further, it will naturally be better.

At this moment, on the side of the Holy Light, he even went farther than the gods, but he saw more than the **** of wisdom and choice. Eagle subconsciously clasped the staff, he said solemnly : “I saw the chaos, it was burning… the flame! It is the power of the soul burning king!”

“However, the power of the Soul Burning King can even have such a good effect on the Heretic God?!”

The old Pope’s tone was shocked, but his doubts were not without basis.

The so-called Soul Burning King is nothing but the ability to burn souls and chaos to restore the world’s existence intact. In other words, he is the patron of the world and the natural messenger of the power of steel. This power is precious, but it is not a big deal. In the past, Joshua rarely used this authority after he achieved the body of the steel god, because he could do everything this authority could do with the power of steel.

He himself is the world, even the giant who surpasses the world.

But now, this power is very different from the past, the flames are blazing, even if the Cthulhu touches it, it will roll in pain, desperately extinguishing it.

Between the conversation and the thinking, an inexplicable fluctuation began to spread around the area where Joshua was fighting with the Cthulhu. The vast majority of people were unaware of this fluctuation, and could not perceive it at all, but The powerhouses from Mykrov, especially the Seven Gods, those who grew up with the sages and witnessed their progress towards the supremacy, their gods shook slightly, as if they evoked ancient memories!

“The power foundation of order transformation and chaos is becoming solid…I can feel that the essence of the’King of Soul Burning’ is strengthening!”

The **** of protection and progress, Yizhe restrained himself from rushing forward to help Joshua’s impulse. The dwarf **** stared, panting, and said in a low voice: “The old sage guy can’t use it. It’s just ordinary ether spells and life energy-ether controls the direction of restoration, and life can revive matter, and the two together can lead the soul to repair the body and achieve resurrection!”

“The so-called archetype of the holy light, in the final analysis, is such a simple thing. It can heal, kill the enemy, and naturally purify it… But then, I don’t know when it started. It has been strengthened and turned into three completely different holy lights,’Healing’,’Healing’ and’Judgment’…The power used by that guy will become stronger as that guy continues to grow stronger!”

And today Joshua seems to have this trend too! Regarding the King of Burning Soul, there has been a strengthening trend that is no different from that of the sages of the past!

Although it is still unclear what path Joshua is taking, there is no doubt that he is indeed walking on the path of a sage!

I could see that in the blazing fire, the power of steel was devouring the chaos, and in the hazy outline, I could see what the three-armed giant was tearing. The action was violent and full of destruction. He smashed his fist and smashed his fingers like claws. Tore, the soldier even opened his mouth wide, bit something directly, and then chewed it up in the flames and swallowed it wholeheartedly.

This kind of madness, this kind of determination, no one else can express it so naturally.

The aura of the Cthulhu is gradually weakening. In the flames, its power cannot be used at all, and it seems to be completely restrained!

——There has never been any kind of power that restrains chaos so much… Even if it is order, it is the later light and shadow, but the side can restrain the spread of chaos and deactivate the other party. In general, Even the category of mutual restraint.

After all, chaos is a force of possibility, and order is only a kind of possibility—all supernatural powers are created without knowing its existence. After all, if you really encounter chaos at the beginning , The vast majority of civilizations will be destroyed, not to mention waiting until the sage is bred-so one side overwhelms the other, it depends on the amount of each other, under the same magnitude, no force can restrain it.

However, now, in this multiverse, there seems to be one.

The power of restraining chaos, restraining the evil god, restraining the so-called ‘future’ and ‘possibility’ is now being born.

“What kind of power is that?!”

The **** of love and decay is puzzled. Through Joshua’s character and the few words left by the shadow sage, he guessed that the other party might be walking on the road of “war” or “destruction”. After all, whether it is ‘Fighting with everything’ or’destroying everything’, perhaps a similar effect can be achieved.

But as a god, his instinct tells him otherwise.

——Destruction and battle itself are just one kind of possibility. Joshua herself knows very clearly that if he wants to rely on pure battle and destruction to defeat the evil god, he can only rely on ‘quantity’ to suppress the opponent.

But no matter whether the gods want to understand it or not, they don’t know exactly what power it is, and there is only one thing to do.

“No matter what power it is, it should be on.”

At this moment, the light that enveloped Joshua and Condensed Cthulhu, supported by the two sides, has weakened. It seems that one of the two parties has begun to weaken and is about to lose—and this time, everyone knows who is about to lose. , Therefore, in the entire Silent Galaxy, those Cthulhus and family members who have not yet died and have not yet dissipated madly and without hesitation charged in the direction where Qiao Xiu was.

Even if it was a tiny bit, they had to interrupt Joshua’s offensive and save—or rather, prevent the Condensed Evil God from being burned and destroyed.

And everyone present came just to prevent their success.

“Can’t let you bother him.”

A deity took the lead to step out, the power of steel that is almost the same source as Qiao Xiuya, the metal dragon god, the dragon of ten thousand steel shows its prototype in the void, a huge head that can stir space and time with just a small move The long and slender silver dragon-He let out a long roar, and then set off a storm in the void, stirring up the boundless waves, and blocking the impact of the evil god.

And the one who almost shot with the metal dragon **** is a strong man from a different civilization. He looks like an ordinary black iron ball. In fact, he comes from a mechanical civilization, and he is The only and strongest war unit in this civilization. This time, in order to fight against the evil god, he carried the entire civilization and even the high-end arsenals of many other civilizations. At this moment, his smooth spherical shell cracked, countless The huge muzzle, condensed crystals, guided antennas and even a large number of ultimate weapons that God knows what to use, all unfold, turning him into the most terrifying’hedgehog’ in this multiverse.

In the next instant, the strong opened fire, and the sound of the world shattered came from countless artillery fires, countless beams of light, and even tangible and intangible psychic attacks. All the etheric shocks were sent out, mixed with the space-time storm stirred by the Dragon of Ten Thousand Steel. In an instant, the Cthulhu cluster at the forefront was impacted to disperse and repulsed.

However, there are a large number of Cthulhus. Whether they were created when the Cthulhu and Joshua were condensed before fighting against Joshua, or came from the quiet void afterwards, the number of Cthulhus and their families always surpasses all existential imaginations, and that dark wave is the first. The momentum of the wave was indeed destroyed, but there was a second wave and a third wave, almost endless.

But similarly, although there are not many orderly strong men present, it is not difficult for them to join forces to block the aimless and uncohesive impact of the Cthulhu and his dependents-the former Pope Igel lifted the pure white in his hands. The rod, with endless blazing light shining out, shrouded a darkness. In that domain, the seven-colored bubbles floated and disappeared, merged and dissipated.

In that realm, the color of the spectrum is like an unstable pointer, swiftly moving between many extremes. The people attacked by this, even the Cthulhu is slightly distorted, the body surface is cracked, and it seems to have been traumatized, and the Cthulhu The family members were completely annihilated in the first place, and the changed law was shattered to ashes.

But this area is not large. Although the power is terrifying, the range of blocking is too small, and there will always be evil gods who will pass it. At this time, there will be gods taking action. The **** of life raised his hand, and a pure white-winged butterfly took off from his fingertips. It danced in the void, spreading countless scales-and all the chaotic families and even the evil gods covered by this scales began to suffer. The howling of worms, and not long after, large swaths of worms burst out of the bodies of the chaotic family members, gnawing on the dark flesh and blood.

Soon, these worms also grew into cocoons. Although many cocoons were crushed by the aftermath of the battle, and many cocoons were not successfully bred, and were completely corroded by chaos, some of the cocoons were successfully transformed into butterflies and transformed into new life. The butterfly dances in the void, spreading its offspring.

“Be careful, don’t let your cuties get out of control.”

The dwarf **** picked up his thick iron book and walked forward unhurriedly, and when he heard the words of change, the expression of life nodded solemnly-the butterfly of life he created is far more than usual Void behemoths, even the more terrifying transcendent creatures of the Chaos family, can even be said to be part of his own derivation. This is not easy to lose control, but if it is faced with Chaos, especially in the face of a large amount of Chaos erosion, it may be lost. Control, and even lead to the backlash of the butterfly of life.

But there are other powerful people taking care of it, so this kind of backlash is almost impossible, and the **** of protection and change, known as the strongest of the seven gods, is also officially taking action at this moment.

He lifted up his book, and his immense divine power was lodged on it. Yi Che seemed to be chanting some spell, but he probably only knew it. It was just a simple nagging belonging to the old man.


He said this, and then his arms shook, and he threw this seemingly heavy book like a meteorite-it was so fast, and the divine power lodged on it was so heavy, it looked like an aurora on one end. Generally, the evil **** composed of colored halos seems to want to stop this book. It leaps up and hits it, but is directly knocked into the air. A huge, constantly broken hole appears in the torso composed of light. Was directly hit hard.

In the end, the book fell in the center of the Cthulhu and the many dependents. It opened automatically as if there was life. On the seemingly blank pages, thousands of pictures and images condensed by divine power suddenly appeared. Lines-the pages of the book are flipped in the dazzling divine brilliance, and are scattered, like fallen leaves in the wind, but when it hits the ground, that is, the moment it touches other evil gods or family members, the page is in an instant Expansion, turned into a small world of miraculous simulation, shrouded everything around it.

To protect oneself is to guard, to imprison the enemy, and to guard – in a flash, all the pages of the book are scattered in the thick and incomparably pasted scripture, which means that all the savings accumulated in the past thousand years have been exhausted, but with it In contrast, there are thousands of simulated divine power worlds rising at the center of the enemy cluster, and the evil **** with many trees is imprisoned in it, becoming a target for other strong men and gods to attack, and is easily eliminated.

In the silent void, there are still new Cthulhus, new Cthulhu family members, constantly coming because of the light that Joshua revealed before, but the same, on the other side of the Belarus Galaxy, because the center of the Cthulhu army has shifted, their pressure Suddenly, more powerhouses are coming, and Silent Galaxy soon becomes another battlefield, where countless powerhouses and Chaos are clashing, giving each other annihilation.

But everyone knows that the real core of this battle is not here.

In the center of the battle between Joshua and the Condensed Cthulhu, the place where the flames are the most flaming, accompanied by the hazy outline of the giant, he stops moving, he is not slamming, biting, or tearing the body of the Cthulhu, can see, the fourth of the giant. The arm began to regenerate, and the silver light in the void converged into the shape of an iron wrist. Noting this, all the strong on the civilized side of order couldn’t help holding their breath.

Being able to regenerate his injuries, being able to take the initiative to stop the attack…What does this mean, it is needless to say.

“The Cthulhu Condensation has been suppressed by me!”

The loud and heavy voice sounded, and it spread throughout the galaxy in an instant. Everyone present heard it, and all the evil gods and family members also heard it. They didn’t understand what this sentence was, but they could sense it. Peimo can be regarded as an incredible power, just like a tsunami, coming from the body of the giant who is holding something in his hand just after the flame has just been extinguished.

Qiao Xiu raised his head, he scanned the galaxy in front of him, his eyes were burning with scorching silver light, and at the bottom of the silver light, there was a red light shining. Just staring at them, countless chaotic family members burned with flames and turned into nothingness, and the common evil god, the evil **** who did not reach the limit of the legend, was completely suppressed by his gaze, and then rushed forward to shredded by other orderly powerhouses. Suppression, and then was completely wiped out.

At this time, Joshua was also full of scars. His chest and arms were full of wounds eroded by chaos. He has not healed until now…Even if he has the power to restrain the evil gods, he has even analyzed the condensing of the evil gods. Weakness and the nature of strength, but in the face of the near-holy Cthulhu who’the more condensed and integrated, the more evolved and stronger’, he still cannot achieve the imaginary one-shot lore, no matter how weak he is, he will condense Cthulhu. It can always condense an attack that can damage or even severely damage him, even if the cost is to burn his own essence.

But no matter how difficult the process is and how thrilling it is, everything comes to an end at this time-the black and white core of the Cthulhu that will always rotate, condense and release, is held in the hands of the giant at this moment, Joshua Hold it high and show it to everyone to watch.

All the gods and the strong are staring at the pulsating core, with a dark glow lingering on it, releasing an incomparable aura of horror-there are some weaker existences, just witnessing them. Feeling the terrifying information intrusion and erosion of the near-holy evil gods, temporarily losing their combat effectiveness, and even beginning to fear the possibility of condensing the evil gods out of the control of the giant gods and beheading all of them. But more powerful beings saw that this core was firmly controlled by Qiao Xiuya, and there was no possibility of getting out of trouble.

The entire galaxy was silent, because of the shock and emotion, no one knew what words should be used to evaluate everything that Joshua did.

Just advanced to the near saint, he killed a near saint evil god-this kind of feat is unprecedented, even if you count the sages, even if you count all the pioneers since ancient times, this has never been done. The thing-even the sages of the past may have advanced to the sages for hundreds of thousands of years, and his battle with the evil **** of abundance almost caused the Lost Galaxy to collapse, and the abyss was beaten to ruins.

Among them, of course, Joshua has absorbed the experience of all the forerunners and received the help of everyone, but naturally it is also because he is really strong. After all, the sages at the beginning can be said to be the most holy ancestors at best, and they are a teaching. The psionic sage was just a scientist at The demon sage didn’t seem to be born in a combat career. Although they were amazing and brilliant, they could even open up their minds, but in terms of their mentality , I am afraid it is not as pure as Qiao Xiuya.

Because only he has no other extra thoughts from beginning to end, nor any other extra identity.

Joshua Van Radcliffe has always been a soldier, past, present, future, and always.

“The condensed evil **** will fall here.”

Qiao Xiuya looked around the silent void. Today, the sky is still shining with twisted light. There are still countless evil gods coming from far away, but close to the direction of the multi-galaxy, there are no evil gods and dependents now. He smiled and nodded, and then on the upper right side. His right hand held high the core of the Cthulhu, above the arm, Φ-shaped runes lit up, black lines spread, and the dazzling silver fire ignited, directly burning on the black and white two-color, continuously spiraling core.

In the next instant, Joshua gathered five fingers together, as if some cracking sound resounded through the stars of the galaxy and ten thousand realms.

Nearly endless flames lit up here, spreading, and the deadly galaxy was illuminated. The previously destroyed world, the broken steel particles began to recondense, and all the wounded and injured, even those that were nearly mortal. The strong, when bathed in this light, all repeat life.

The light was bright, it even crossed the edge of the galaxy and galloped towards the boundary of the silence and void. The Belarus Galaxy Fortresses, all the warriors who have been fighting for a long time are bathed in the light. This light is warm and gentle, and it is indescribable to bathe it in words. Feel the goodness.

The Cthulhu that destroyed everything and everything was destroyed, and its corpse turned into flame fuel, everything was revived because of this, and the world was resurrected as a result.

Just like the dawn of a new world.


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