Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.11 Chapter 13: Burn all worlds with the fire in your heart, this is--

[Do you refuse? 】

Hearing this, the sage was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled in relief.

【what. Yes, you are ‘miracle and battle’, but whenever there is a choice of sacrifice, you will inevitably refuse. 】

Miracles are such things.

It’s like a certain place is in a disaster, rainstorms from the sky, and the ground is cracked and landslides, but at the end it is found that one person is still alive-this is a miracle.

It’s like a certain country is invaded. The army and citizens are fighting hard day and night, but they defeated the enemy without dying—this is a miracle.

——If the multiverse encounters an unprecedented crisis, and then countless people die for it, countless people do their best, countless people pay the price, and exchange all of their own’today’ in exchange for the insignificant hope of’tomorrow’, this It is worthy of the end of this crisis.

——Can this be called a miracle?

Do not! This is no miracle!

“Sage, I am a stronger man than you.”

In the infinitely burning flames, a hand stretched out, this huge arm pressed on the shoulders of the’Holy Light’, gently pushing away the dazzling light human form.

But one step forward, taking his place, facing the warriors who faced countless mayfly impacts, his calm voice resounded through the heavens and all realms.

“I have surpassed you-so, I can make a choice.”

“And I will choose, no one will be hurt, no one will die, and all regrets can be restored. The’future’ will not have the slightest haze and sadness of the’absolute victory’!”

——Clear the game with one life!

——A powerful enemy is defeated once!

Absolutely perfect ending! The final chapter without regrets!

And, the best future!

He practiced extraordinary ways, beheading endless chaos and countless evil gods. He fought and burned in despair, fought alone in the initial fire for 120,000 years-if’sacrifice’ can’save’,’sacrifice’ is If you can’victory’, what do you need to do with’warriors’ and’fighting’? !

He, Joshua, has fought so far, but he didn’t want to ‘sacrifice’ everything he cares about, loved ones, and everything!

And the sage who was pushed away showed a sense of astonishment for an instant, not only that, the’shadow’, the’element’, the’ether’, and even enveloped the initial fire, seemingly to completely envelop the initial fire’ The future sage’ also cast his eyes in shock, and countless thoughts circulated under the shining of the initial fire.

However, there is no communication.

The contradiction between the two parties does not require any communication at all. The conflict between the road and the road, the battle between right and right, this eternal ‘relativity’, even if a word is not spoken, is endless.

At this moment, instead of the sage, he was stuck in the infinite initial fire that was about to envelop the entire infinite initial fire. Joshua, who was on the last bit of the gap in the’Multiverse Mayfly Dyson Ball,’ stretched out his arms that opened up the world and slammed it open This rift.

And his will, even without words, can resound in the hearts of all the sages present, and even all beings in the multiverse!

——Sacrifice is a shortcut! ——

Through whom to give up what, pay the price, and fight against what, it is like a child acting like a baby to an adult… Victory obtained through sacrifice is simply taking shortcuts and cheating!

A true victory…A true and complete victory requires no sacrifice by anyone, and no one pays a price. It means’step by step, come steadily with the help of all the predecessors’, and then’one punch and one punch will make you stronger The incomparable enemy is arrogantly hitting the ground’-that’s it, through the strongest strength, the best talent, the hardest effort, and the best luck and opportunity! From the absolute darkness of the abyss, hit a glorious road to the sky!

That’s it, only such a victory is the most difficult, painful, glorious, and praiseworthy victory!

Yes, it’s hard, it’s too hard, but rather, how could someone do this? ! This is totally unreasonable and almost impossible to succeed!

But if you don’t do it because it’s ‘too difficult’, what else do you have to fight for? What are you still struggling for? What more opportunities and hard work do you need?

Destroy the Feng Yu Zhengrui, turn the tide in extreme danger!

All people, all lives, all are fighters, all are their own heroes! All sentient beings, all worlds, are born in this world just to fight against this multiverse where everything is ‘too difficult’!

“And I am the incarnation of all this!”

Joshua’s will, oscillating the flames, made the sparks around the initial fire tremble—at this moment, the light cone of the event that “bound” the shadow sage was smashed, and the evil of the element sage could be expelled. Now, the wind of destruction that’persecuted’ the etheric sage ceased.

And now, the warrior has replaced the Holy Light, blocking the direct impact of the “Future Sage”!

[What you said is true, sacrifice is indeed a shortcut]

The holy light that was pushed away, the sage who experienced Joshua’s power, began to repair itself. He stared at the warrior’s back, then smiled in relief and asked.

[However, to make a choice, one must bear the possibility of failure]

[Joshua, if this ‘miracle’ challenge is destined to be our failure-in the future of the multiverse, there will no longer be any independent intelligent life and there will be no resistance. The multiverse exists, but there is no mind to recognize it, and no mind to understand our resistance and struggle… We are like a blurred dream, we are forgotten when we wake up, just like a book after reading. Same, it won’t be opened after it’s closed]

[If we exist, but it is meaningless, just like the information transmitted in the endless mayfly]

He asked quietly.

[If so. Will you persist? This meaningless struggle and battle]

“Victory and meaning?”

All you get is a sneer.

“I just want to fight—victory, result, hope, courage—what does that have to do with me? Even if I must fail, I must be forgotten, even if my life is meaningless.”

“At this moment, we still have to fight. Even if it is with the future, with eternity, with all the ‘too difficult’ things, and even with the ending of this multiverse—”

Qiao Xiuya, without hesitation, crossed the place where the sage was before. He smashed the barrier of this layer of future mayfly and went to the depths of the initial fire, and the final will came out at this time.

“also the same!”

[——You are really a fool]

Freed from the ‘Cone of Infinite Events’, he started to move to the ‘Shadow’ where Joshua had gone to ridicule.

[——Just like us]

Get rid of the ‘most evil possible world’, start to set off, go to the ‘Element’ where Joshua went to make a mockery of himself.

[——Repeating meaningless things countless times, but expecting different results]

Get out of the ‘Wind of Destroying Existence’ and start to set off, heading to the ‘Aether’ where Joshua went to laugh.

[This is not a portrayal of us? 】

【This is】

[This is the will of miracle? 】

The sage’s gentle self-talking echoed beside the remaining flames. He began to set off to go to where Joshua had gone. What he saw along the way, the light of this blazing flame, was even more dazzling than the initial fire.

[But if you want to win, you must sacrifice. This multiverse has always been like this, and it’s no exception now]

He caught up with Joshua, who was constantly advancing, deepening into the mayfly cluster, and approaching the initial fire.

[Facing the absolute advantage of the future, even with you, we will at best maintain a balance of power-if the evil gods from the outside destroy all the multiverse, then even we will inevitably be defeated. To ensure victory, you must sacrifice]

“It’s never been so, right!”

Such a stubborn response, such a firm veto, the infinite brilliance of Qiao Xiu’s body, the power that is sufficient to control all possibilities and all the laws, swept away the surrounding mayflies-but the mayflies are also endless, they Carrying enough power to sweep the infinite world, rushed from the direction of the initial fire, and suppressed all the sages who followed.

The warrior felt the pressure before the Holy Light at this moment. It was the infinitely swarming ‘memory’, the infinitely oppressive ‘power’, the infinite rush of ‘information’ and the ‘will’.

[I want to create infinite parallel worlds, infinite possibilities in the future, and then above infinity, and then beyond infinity, from a diverse corner to a larger stage! 】

[I admit that I have the possibility of failure, but that is the price paid for the final victory, a small sacrifice]

In this area closest to the initial fire is filled with the deepest and strongest will of the future sage. He is wrapping and covering the initial fire, swallowing the source of this multiverse into his abdomen-and when he succeeds, he will It was the birth of the’Pan-Multiverse Mayfly’, the ruler of the infinite future!

——The cluster of infinite evil gods and the mayfly spreading from the initial fire are in fact the ‘future sage’, one and the two sides of this multiverse.

If other sages spend time to destroy the evil gods in the multiverse, the mayfly can take this opportunity to expand their advantages, wrap more or even all of the initial fire, and achieve their goals-in that case, the existence of the evil gods is also There is no need.

But in the same way, if the sages go to the origin of the initial fire to fight against the “future sages”, they are destined to be dragged down by the same “infinite” existence, and they can only sit back and watch the multiverse. On the outside, the Chaos Cthulhu, with infinite superiority compared to order, eroded the era and world of order little by little.

When all of the multiverse has been eroded, the initial fire is equivalent to being wrapped up by the future sage from a larger angle-the ending remains the same.

And when the initial fire is blocked by the power of the sages, cannot leak out, and keeps away from the many multi-element galaxies, and no longer breeds more multi-element galaxies, this means that the’chaotic evil god’ holds the’future’. On the’order’ side, it was destined to be destroyed by the other party in the’end of the road’.

From this perspective, the ‘future sage’ who holds the two major advantages of ‘ancient’ and ‘future’ is truly invincible.

For this multiple-choice question, there are no two options, A and B, you must choose one, and you can only choose one.

No matter which one you choose, it means failure.

[Understand, you are doomed to fail]

Even if the worst future cannot be visualized from the infinite parallel world, the most terrifying attack, the future sage who can only use his own “mayfly” to fight against Joshua, his will seems to be mocked.

[All your efforts are meaningless]

“But this doesn’t mean that we have to give up.”

“The meaning of my existence, the meaning of life, and even the meaning of’future’,’you and you’, is to crush all impossible.”

Qiao Xiu blasted a punch and went deeper into the initial fire. If this punch was in the outer multi-element galaxy, the negative entropy it carried was enough to overflow thousands of worlds, blasting out the prototype of a great vortex of creation, forming The’basic infinite loop’ creates a world galaxy, but here, it is just smashing some insignificant mayflies and destroying an infinite body of the future sage, not even as many newly created by the other party.

But at this moment, the sages, shadows, elements and ether are also added. The five sages join forces to fight against the oppression of the “future sages”. It is naturally no longer difficult, but even so, they can’t achieve the result.

I can feel that the future sages at this moment are also beginning to do their best. The original sages still have plenty of power to fight against the four sages, and they all use them to fight against the newly born sage.

——The battle between infinite existence transcends time, space, matter and energy.

Their existence and will can penetrate all the worlds and even every corner of the multiverse, and they can fight back in every corner of the infinite space at the same time.

As long as there is no one to stop them, they can create a time machine with multiple singularities, and move at will regardless of distance-whether it is information, logic, destiny, fate, cause and effect, or even everything that exists, for him, they will come. In other words, they are all tools that can be manufactured and can be manufactured infinitely.

Therefore, the war between infinity and infinity is at best a stalemate. The special of the future sage lies in the oneness and duality of the cluster between him and the evil god, and the purpose of the sages is not just to stand in a stalemate, but to prevent the future from fulfilling his plan. .

And the plan of the future sages is only a little bit close. The gap between the two sides in this regard requires the sages to pay a far greater price than the “future” to reverse this almost completed. Certain’established facts’.

This is why the birth of a new sage is just a stalemate with the future, leaving the multiverse and civilization of the outside world to be washed away by evil gods again and again, and the reason for the end of the era.

The stalemate of all sages is equivalent to waiting for the future to come, and for the ‘future’, this advantage is too powerful.

So, at this moment, how will Joshua turn around?

This is a question that all sages are thinking about.

The answer is also very simple.

That is naturally a miracle.

——Not alone, but a miracle bred by all existence!

“I declare!”

After entering the deepest part of the group of infinite ephemerals that was wrapped in the initial fire, Joshua finally felt the real brilliance of the initial fire, and finally, at this moment, in the future, the sage fell into and the five sages In the simultaneous battle, at the moment when there is no extra power to think about, the warrior makes an announcement, sending out a’change’ that can distort the multiverse!

【miracle! 】

[I, Joshua Van Radcliffe, give it to all beings in the multiverse——]

【As long as there is persistent effort and indelible determination; as long as the road comes to an end and set foot on the highest peak; as long as this is the case, no matter who it is, whether it is a higher intelligent life, or an ordinary jellyfish or a fish, whether it is justice Yes, evil, warlike, peaceful, lifeless, order or chaos, or all existence and chaos! 】

[I will bestow all beings, ‘miracle’! 】

This announcement of the impact of the multiverse is equivalent to giving the future sage a chance to think and perceive the power released by Joshua at this time. He did not ridicule, but only calmly responded.

[Release the power now, it’s too late. If you release the power at this time, you can certainly maximize your’change’, but again, this just gives me the opportunity to use your power to resonate the initial fire, faster goal achieved】

It is almost impossible to see that the progress of ‘Dominating the Future’ that was originally ‘99.8%’ has been reached. At this moment, it has advanced to ‘99.9%’! Obviously there is one more sage, but the future progress is still increasing unstoppable!

“is it?”

However, Joshua laughed without fear: “Let’s see who gave him the opportunity!”

“Let you see, the ‘possibility of victory’ that you sacrificed, what a heavy bitter fruit will be brewing now!”

Then, the soldiers continued to declare!

[Let the dead be resurrected, let the regretful things come back again, so that people who are never able to touch the supernatural can also touch the supernatural! 】

At this moment, the outside multiverse, all beings at war with chaos, and the Order Life Alliance fighting with the evil gods, discovered in amazement that a very simple and easy to understand’resurrection technique’ appeared like the original’repairing the beam of light’. Up!

Similarly, a divine tool that can reset all human powers and states and exchange them with another extraordinary power. The ‘Mirror of Truth’ also appears in the center of a multi-element galaxy!

[Let chaos separate light and darkness, so that the world is no longer monotonous and ordinary-light will be born on the dark abyss, and day and night will appear! 】

The infinite power is correcting this multiverse on the basis of all the predecessors and all the sages!

After that, even in the most remote corner of the multiverse, the most silent world, even in the market world where the Great Demon Tide can’t infiltrate, a power called’miracle’ will come and revive all flames. , Bathed in the light of’extraordinary’!

And after that, even in a world that is not infiltrated by the Great Demon Tide, a power called a miracle will come, resurrecting everything extraordinary and bathing in light!


Even the emptiness, which does not exist and has nothing, has changed because of this!

Above this eternal emptiness, eternal silence, and the ‘ocean’ that carries the heavens of all realms, the tide begins to churn! From then on, even in the void, because of the random surging of endless time and space storms, without the need for the initial fire, ‘being out of nothing’, giving birth to a whole new world!

That is a world that does not require the initial fire, and is completely opened up by another infinite force called the ‘miracle’, a brand-new multi-universe basis!

It was dead for a long time. I don’t know when it started, and the multiverse, which has stopped expanding and expanding, was finally ignited at this moment with a trace of ‘flame’ again!

【Pointless! The more you declare, and the more you change, the easier it is for me to resonate the initial fire and complete my plan…Look! My plan has been achieved, and I have all the information in mind! 】

And the “Future Sage” is naturally dismissive of this. He doesn’t care about anything Joshua does. As long as he can achieve his goal, everything in the multiverse is under his control. At that time, whether it is to wipe out Joshua’s influence or absorb other sages into himself, it is all things that can be decided at will.

[‘Control the future progress, 100%! ’】

It can be seen that at this moment, the future sage’s **** plan has been completely successful-he has completely remembered and engraved everything about the existing initial fire, and is about to…sublimation?

[No…Why didn’t it succeed? !】

An incredible will came, and he was thinking in astonishment, but he couldn’t get the answer. He once again concretized the progress of his plan. It was indeed ‘100%’ right!

No, it’s not right, it’s not just ‘100%’… Just now, he saw that the progress of his plan has actually become ‘100.000~01%’? !

At this moment, Joshua finished his’change’ to the multiverse. He laughed loudly, the happiest and most bold smile, and blasted all the surplus of the future sages with his own power. !

In the multiverse, the battle of all six sages heated up in an instant, and everyone was unable to think and could not do anything other than ‘fight against each other’!

However, many things are about to happen now, and even have already happened!

——Even if the initial fire is completely obscured, the plan of the future sage reaches 100%, then, after that, a brand new 101%, 102% will be created!

No matter how the progress bar floats, there will always be more and longer waiting distances! Even if all the existing information and all the truths are memorized, then there is still more and more unknown waiting to be explored!

——Even if there is no road ahead and all beings are stagnant here and cannot make progress, then open up another path to lead the world and move forward again!

“This multiverse is not your self-proclaimed’future’, it can be described using a mere ‘100%’!”

“Today is stronger than yesterday, tomorrow is farther than today, every time is more mature than last time, every moment is more perfect than the last moment!”

“The future of the multiverse, how can the possibility of all living beings be described by such an arrogant ‘100%’!”

Beyond 100%, beyond impossible! Beyond all stubbornness, everything that everyone does not believe, thinks impossible!

——And this is a miracle!

[Today, I will exercise my miracle, so that the dark circle that covers the multiverse, this sad reincarnation, turns into a bright day and a hopeful tomorrow! 】

[I am the representative of all things fighting for the future, the king of miracles, the lord of armies, and the ‘ruler of the air’! I don’t need to choose A or B. I don’t need to choose both, because I will create C, create D, create Alpha and Omega, and create infinite miracles! 】

Faced with panic, retreating, and not knowing where his progress will go, the warrior’s will seemed to burn out his strength and shouted: “This is the battle between man and fate, and this is the battle between man and the future. Fight, the light released by this burning heart is my soul!”

——Burn up all realms with the fire in your heart! To declare the multiverse!

[Not necessarily! There is no eternity! There is no infinite! I deny the absolute in the name of absolute! I will grant everything the possibility of turning everything around! 】

[In this multiverse, since then, there are no things that cannot be done. Everything has a glimmer of life, a glimmer of opportunity, even if it is evil, chaos, and the ‘future sage’, you yourself have the opportunity to reverse everything! 】

All sentient beings, mortals, strong men, and gods who are fighting against the evil gods, have felt everything. It is a feeling of being broken, a feeling of being liberated from some kind of bondage… It’s just like it is. , Is there something’absolutely impossible’, suddenly there was’a trivial turning point’!

Of course, the possibilities that need to be grasped for this turning point are almost ‘impossible’.

However, the most important gap between impossible and possible has been opened by someone!

[This is the worst, most disorderly world, everything will be forgotten, nothing can be remembered——]

In the future, the sage is still roaring, and his power at this time is still sufficient to suppress the sages, and can stand in a stalemate with the five sages of Joshua, the sage, the shadow, the ether and the element.

[The so-called ‘order’, what you want is such a ‘future’ that is more ‘chaotic’ than ‘chaos’? ! 】

“That’s just your order, your chaos!”

And the same roaring warrior, without hesitation, put his power forward: “I just let everyone become the protagonist of everyone themselves-as long as they can remember everything about themselves and open up their own future, then Will suffice!”

“There is no destiny to be dominated anymore, there is no plot doomed to happen, after it has not been opened, it is forgotten; after the record, it is a closed book!”

[This infinite persistence, how can you reverse it! 】

So angry, he will no longer speak in the future, he is silent, and then with all his strength, he will try his best to surpass the realm of ‘100%’ and above! He is the first sage, the strongest sage, even now, he has a powerful existence of ‘absolute advantage’! It’s more than 100%, he can do it!

“Of course! Because it’s not just us-there are more, the ‘us’ of the ‘future’!”

And Qiao Xiuya didn’t care about it, and continued to fight with the sages in the future.

——Don’t you understand? Life doesn’t need you to go over and over to remember, we thank you for never forgetting, but this does not mean that we can not choose to pass away silently, choose to be forgotten by everyone, choose the right to belong to ourselves, eternal freedom.

——Don’t you understand? The rapid and short-lived fluctuations of my life, the flames burning for decades, even if it spans 120,000 years, are so small and humble for the entire multiverse-no matter any life, any civilization This is true for the entire multiverse, whether it is civilizations and individuals that have stretched for tens of thousands of years or longer, they are so short and insignificant for the invincible eternal void.

Compared to the infinity named ‘Future’, all of this is like a glorious fireworks in a flash, like sparks floating in the sky.

But even so.

A fleeting flame can also illuminate everything in an instant, illuminating this dark multiverse!

——Psionic sages have blocked the possibility of ‘future’ continuing to rely on the destruction of civilization, creating evil gods on a large scale, and breaking the balance of the remaining order. This is the initial light!

——The sage of the demon gave the foundation of ‘everything is transcendent’, the ‘infinite wave of demons’. This is the day that descends in the multiverse!

——The sage of life placed the foundation of the ‘eternal cycle of the world’ and ‘being out of nothing’ at the place of origin. This is the endless world born from the void!

The three sages who admitted that they had failed are the breeders of today’s “reversal”! All successful mothers! Their passing is for the sake of a better victory for the latecomers!

And the others, sages.

——Shadow Sage, brings all the elements of victory, can quickly gather together in a short time, so as not to be dragged down by the enemy of ‘time’! He is the way to victory!

——Elemental sages, who make all beings prosper, are the foundation for the nurturing of all beings in the multiverse universe today! He divides all things, indicates the order brought about by classification, and allows the logic of order to penetrate into all living beings! He is the outline of success!

——The sage of the ether, who gently supports everything, conceives the possible foundation of all the ‘life’, ‘magnifies’ all the insignificant, incomparable light, and then spreads it infinitely! He is the foundation of accomplishment!

“Finally, the Holy Light, the sages, the people I am chasing all the way-the banners and beacons he raised, guiding my arrival! He is the leader of reversal!”

“And I will bring and redeem all sacrifices, all regrets, a complete, tangible victory!”

“Do not seek eternity, do not seek to be remembered, what I want is that all beings can achieve themselves, and all things are possible ‘miracle’ in the ‘now’!”

“This is my path, my request, I will order this multiverse-reverse, start!”

With the announcement of the warrior, at the far end of the eternal and endless remote multiverse, where all the orderly multi-galactic rivers are, the final battle of Armageddon begins. The light can be resurrected, become stronger through battle, and can increase the possibility of the “Army of Order” by destroying the chaos and begin to march toward the infinite darkness!

The endless Cthulhu group, in front of the army that is small but can ‘infinitely become stronger’, begins to retreat little by little, and then it collapses and defeats! And if Cthulhu is annihilated, if there are other sages interfering with the future sage, it is equivalent to the future sage itself being weakened!

Even if it is an era of jihad in heaven, the almost eternal war may only regain one percent, or even less than one percent of the future-but since there is one percent, it means that there is still a hundred in the future. Two percent, three percent! And the endless follow-up!

In the case of the Cthulhu being suppressed by the psionic sage to be born! Under the circumstances that the world is endlessly spawned by the sage of life and Joshua! In the extraordinary power in addition to the future, all the sages work together to continue to spread and popularize! The dawn of victory has arrived!

Just like a future sage, a progress bar representing’hope’ began to appear. In front of it, the power that hazyly enveloped all living beings, the chaos that brought despair was shattered, and replaced it. , Is real, the real “hope and future”!

——If the future is dragged down by infinite memories, it will stagnate in place.

——And if infinity just stays in place and does not advance, it is just a symbol.

“Destroy the Feng Yu Zhengrui and turn the tide in the extreme danger.”

Joshua Van Radcliffe’s voice resounded through the multiverse, and his will, his beliefs, and even his soul began to blaze!

——Everything will never be destined to be remembered again.

——Everything has finally regained the right to open up the ‘future’ and ‘memory’ from the hands of the ‘future’.

——Ah, this multiverse that continues to be lost and forgotten, sorrow and hope!

——Finally, you can move forward again!

“With the fire in my heart, burn all over the world–”

Facing the expanding and expanding initial fire, relatively speaking, the future sage who is constantly shrinking and retreating—and the real future that is extending and becoming more and more shining, the warrior moves forward. Laughing towards the dark endless mayfly, he threw the last punch!

“This is the soul of burning steel!”

——Volume 20·The Soul of Burning Steel·End!

——The third part, Soul of Burning Steel·Knot!

——The whole book of “The Soul of Burning Steel”, end!

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