Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.11 Chapter 14: EX-Eternal War

[This is a new era that is still not ‘bright’. 】

After the war of sages that took place around the initial fire, the haze covering everything began to dissipate, the silent multiverse began to recover, and the future finally returned to the hands of all living beings.

Perhaps after thousands of years, the endless world that was once extinguished will once again be filled with the void, making the multiverse shine again, but now, everything is in the ascendant, the night has not fallen, the dawn has not yet arrived, and the day is still in the future-but everyone knows , They will come eventually.

[This is a multiverse that can’t be called “perfect” in a word. 】

In a huge fluctuation that swept across the multiverse, the infinite world was reborn from the emptiness, and countless races recovered from the darkness of death. They opened their eyes again from their almost eternal sleep and stared at the stars in the distance.

The absolutely perfect’end’ has indeed been forcibly used by a certain sage to use physical techniques, but the subsequent processing is still a headache-especially when these ethnic civilizations are revived, it was in the last moment before the extinction, how could it be possible? How to deal with these neighbors and predecessors who suddenly appeared in order to prevent these dead who were destroyed in the future sage plan from dying again is a collective problem for many civilizations in the entire multiverse.

[Of course, this is also a story that is getting better and better, more and more perfect, and is constantly ‘forward’ driving away. 】

There is no evil **** who destroys all civilized lives, and no sage who intends to dominate the future of all things. From then on, all beings have their own paths and choices. The souls of all things will judge themselves and determine whether they are themselves. The destruction will continue.

Even if there are new sorrows and despairs, it is only their own choice-and sentient beings are not like before. After things happen, there is no chance to reverse these sad things.

[In the far side, there is a ‘prayer machine’ that can rewrite everything. 】

According to legend, in the vicinity of the initial fire, where all things originated from all realms, apart from the three’stars of origin’ that created the multiverse today, there is also a star named’reversal’, which is hidden in Under the brilliance of the flame, to get there, you need to go through endless trials and countless dangers.

But even so, in countless civilizations, there are countless powerful people who have set the star as their goal and embarked on their own journey-because it is said that as long as they reach the bright and incomparably bright, like a mayfly, floating beside the multiverse’star’ Surroundings, you can forcibly distort the multiverse and create the “future” you want.

Of course, this distortion is certainly not unlimited, but if you just want to reverse grief, restore regret, or fulfill some unbelievable desires, then it is definitely enough. In the name of miracles and the future, this is called ‘ The star of reversal is the trophy for all beings in the multiverse to overcome the darkness.

——In short, everything is over.

The age of suffering and despair is over, and the age of light and hope has begun.

But ah, this is far from the end.

Because the ‘future’ is at a loss, because the ‘hope’ is hard.

“Future” does not only represent pure “happiness”, it is bound to be mixed with dazed suffering and unwilling hurt, and “hope” is definitely not as bright and perfect as sentient beings imagine, it is just like The princess, who is caressing and fussy, will never be able to see the truth if she does not meet all the complicated conditions.

Whether it is the future or hope, it is a part of life that must be experienced, so it must be full of challenges, obstacles, and all kinds of troubles and enemies.

These beautiful words are by no means as romantic as most people think. The future and hope certainly mean goodness, but more need to struggle, but struggle is a troublesome thing, so I have romantic illusions about them and feel like’victory’ You can’enjoy’ life at will. The more you move forward, the more you will feel disappointed. It seems that everything is the same as before, without any change.

But for the leader of disputes and the creator of miracles, whether it is joy or pain, challenge or enemy, it is what he wants.

Because what has always remained the same is ‘fight’.

The era of hope has just kicked off, and countless possibilities are waiting behind the curtain.

In the age when all the glory is being reborn, at the moment when faith and determination have not dissipated, the flames lit by the struggle of life will illuminate this multiverse.

This is what Joshua Vanradcliffe believes is the ‘best hope and the future’.

“——I said, where did the teacher go?!”

The Nine Heavens of the Three Realms, the world center of the Supreme Heaven·Divine Realm Moldavia, in the spiritual terminal, the whispered complaint made by Lisa, the Queen of the Ancient Dragon, can simply penetrate time and space, making Puri, the Immortal Shield, who is answering communications. Stir frowned, and subconsciously removed the terminal slightly from his ear.

“Teacher has said it clearly. He will definitely take me and Syndicate to see the original fire during the recent period! I also want to pay homage to the remains of the three great sages! This has been delayed for many years. At the beginning, the teacher promised well at the banquet, but the result was pigeons again and again!

“Hush, you silly girl, keep your voice down! This is the center of the Three Realms and Nine Heavens-it’s not good to let others hear!”

With a long sigh, I don’t know how many multiple etheric isolation circles were laid. Priest communicated with the spiritual terminal and said helplessly: “His old man was at the’Sage’s Banquet’ last time, and he was not quite interested. Say, as soon as I have time, take me and Ivan to the “outside”? As a result, you see, let’s not talk about the time spent exploring in the new multiverse. Recently, I lived in God’s Domain for 20 years, and I was almost caught by Sur and Bran. Ni has been fed into pigs, hasn’t she left yet?”

“I’m also complaining… the teacher has stopped guiding us recently, and the AI ​​in the big arena hasn’t been updated for decades.” Lisa’s rather depressed voice came, as if she was worrying about something: “I, Syndicate and No.1 are both worried, teacher, will he…”

“The teacher really doesn’t have time-to fine-tune the structure of the multiverse, and to reshape the countless ruins in the silent void. It is rare to come back once, and to accompany Ms. 3 to optimize the core structure of the’Multiverse Magic Net’, and The gods chat, even if they have free time, various old friends will come to visit and have a banquet. Last time I talked with the Lord of Nostradamus and the Seven Gods for a long time… Our business is not important, just wait Wait. Besides, aren’t you already close to the saint? Go back to the origin of your own, and look at the original fire.”

“I want it too.”

From the mental terminal, a very frustrated and helpless voice came from the near saint: “But the last time the teacher advanced again…seriously. I don’t know how his old man did this. Anyway, he just did it. Together with several other sages, they closed the void around the original fire and said that they would modify the “initial fire” and change it to something called “infinite almighty engine” or something else.”

“According to the teacher, this is a huge change beyond the epoch change, but the specific change, I guess my strength is too low and I haven’t noticed it, but this initial fire is getting harder and harder to approach-the impact of the magic wave is getting stronger. Surging, not at the sage level, or close to the peak of the sage, I am afraid that it will not be close at all… I even doubt whether the demon sage is going to be resurrected, otherwise this great demon wave can last so long. …”

It’s really hard to tell… Priest said in his heart. He didn’t know if the Lisa Syndicate family, who was wandering at the end of the multiverse, had heard of this. Some time ago, the triple veil of the world of stars seemed to have detected the abnormal changes of the psionic bug-the sage’s Passing away, of course, is irreversible, but the so-called truths of the multiverse and iron laws are basically made of jelly in front of his own teacher. He swallowed it in one breath.

Priest was about to tell Lisa his guess, but just as he was about to speak, Priest heard a distressed male voice from the mental terminal.

“Fucking child, stop talking, come and help me see how the exploration part of the plot line of the expansion of’Dispute Continent: World in a Shell’ should be done for fun and education, so that children can also relax. Understand? Chuhao said that he had no experience in raising children and could not give any advice.”

“No, the child is his father, let’s not talk about why you asked the first name of the omnic assembly, the expansion of the’world in a shell’, I remember it is not a 25th prohibition, and it is strictly forbidden to purchase by minors? You? Ready to use this stuff to educate and play? Educate other people and our children?!”

“Sorry, the idiot at home has a problem again… I’ll go see the situation first.” Priest heard Lisa’s voice drift away, and finally, he could vaguely hear a reprimand: “You are crazy ??? The teacher gave you this part of the plot to trust you, not to mention the other plots, you, how did you make Fatrolvi motherhood?!”

“You are also in the first issue, the soul puppets are not yours, don’t wash them so white…Wow, I’m so angry! Kneel me down!”

“I heard that it’s been hot recently… People in peaceful times like to do this…”

“Zizi Zizi, 滋滋滋滋滋 Zizi ……” (actually is not it, I thought a rare encounter a similar mechanical Chi ……)

“As a part of history, set an example for me and respect history!”

The gloom of the past has dissipated, and peace and entertainment have become the mainstream of this world.

The tampering and entertainment of past history may be the norm for people born in the bright generation. They have not experienced the pain and darkness of that era, so they always think about everything too easily and cheerfully… But even so The move is wrong, but if you see that the residents of the multiverse in the new era can live so stress-free and relaxed, just as they had imagined, then the pioneers who fought for this in the past are probably Angrily reprimanded a few words, and then sighed with a chuckle.

Of course, the most basic respect is still necessary-joking is not nonsense, and change is not random making.

“The teacher is really gone.”

Hanging up the communication with Her Majesty, who was busy educating members of the family, Priest contacted several acquaintances and friends, such as the group of old teammates in the squad who are estimated to be still online in the “Earth Abyss”. The members of the first team that held the food contest on the space tour, as well as a certain captain who has been entrusted by the teacher, and is now in charge of educating the “weapon fairy, the battleship fairy, the castle fairy” and the “planet fairy” and many other fairy common senses. His Lady of Amos Battleship-but the answers are consistent.

Teacher, really disappeared.

With Priest’s current strength, naturally he would not worry about this kind of thing. To be honest, as an adventurer whose thinking logic is closest to that of a warrior among many disciples, he has already guessed similar ideas…There is indeed no existence in this multiverse that can make the teacher feel excited, after all, even a virtuous person. There are also strong and weak teachers, and the teacher who seizes most of the power of the future sages, after such a long time, I am afraid that he has reached the incredible step long ago.

“Should it be…”

This is not surprising.

Long ago in the “Sage’s Banquet”, when he summoned all the top-ranked strong men in the multiverse, the teacher said that he was the most original, and may not be the existence of this multiverse. He can descend into this multiverse. , It’s all because of pure’miracle’. In fact, because of the existence of the teacher, the phenomenon of’crossing’ in the entire multiverse has greatly increased. Now it can even be regarded as a kind of’non-empty-class civilization’ to contact other world civilizations as the initial channel, which can be said to be greatly enriched. The diversity of civilizations in the multiverse.

Now, he has completed all the contracts in this multiverse and fulfilled all the promises in this multiverse.

He had already killed all the evil gods and eliminated all the chaos.

The warrior who made a covenant with steel and fire burned all the darkness and evil. Like a torch, he reversed despair and brought light to this multiverse.

All the chains of cause and effect have been broken, and all the heavy responsibilities have fallen off. At this time, the warrior is unprecedentedly free.

“Could it be that the teacher really…”

And just as Priest frowned slightly and fell into thinking, outside of the “Three Realms, Nine Heavens, Infinite Universe”, the “New Karlis World” in the multiverse axis world.

“My Joshua, my Flame Rekindled…”

The silver-haired lady of Duanli, Carliss’s will groaned out to the communication array: “You have completely lost the information for three hours. The child on the 3rd has already begun to use the magic net to scan the many multiple galaxies… if you didn’t take it away. Hotaru and Rin, oh yes, and black, she might be even more angry.”

“No, it’s not right, it’s because you took them and they didn’t take her, that’s why she was very angry! I said, you fellow, is it possible to leave without saying hello?!”

This was accompanied by complaints, nervousness, and inquiries, and it was delivered to the other side where the signal did not seem to be very good. On the other side, a man felt inexplicable voice sounded: “What did you say, Karlis, I will go out.” It’s just a walk, why don’t you leave, I’m not an otaku, I always go for a walk, right?”

“I’ll go home in a while-tell No. 3, help me prepare, I will accompany her to the Maelstrom to see the world when I go back… Well, next time I will take you out for a walk, it might be a bit dangerous .”

“Is this a dangerous thing?” Carliss sighed, and the originally elegant lady of Steel Python rubbed her hair: “This multiverse can’t find your trace and cause and effect anymore. Tell me this is going out. go?”

“The entire multiverse is my home. What’s so strange about me walking around… OK, I won’t take a long walk. Maybe I will be back later this year. Don’t wait for me.”

A natural tone sounded from the other end of the communication: “Don’t you all PTSD, you think I will sneak away if I don’t see it-listen up, I’m not staying because of the responsibility and contract, or for you. In this multiverse.”

“I want to stay, so I stayed!”

——This is a choice that has nothing to do with any cause and effect, any compassion, any responsibility and belief, just like a miracle does not require a reason.

After all, is it possible that a person believes that a place is his home, and still needs to explain to others why it is not? He wanted to see who would dare to question, and in terms of reasoning, a certain fighter in this multiverse really hadn’t been afraid of anyone.

“…You have started counting time in years…”

For a while, he didn’t know how to refute, and Karlis didn’t have the energy to ask any more. She was silent for a while, then smiled and shook her head.

“Really… worrying guy.”

Yeah, he always does, always does.

——He always likes to do something earth-shattering.

-And these things will change the world.

-Then, what will happen.

——That is the story afterwards.

“Come back early.”

“No problem, the goal chosen this time is quite interesting. It is estimated that we can continue to modify the’Almighty Engine’ when we come back.”

The communication hangs up.

Outside the multiverse.

The man with a black dragon lying on his shoulders holding two weapons, raised his head and looked into the distance.

It can be seen that outside of the’pan-infinite multivariate derivation axis’, there are endless gleams of light in the time-space that is absolutely nothing for ordinary multiverse life.

Among them, there is a “world tree” that has multiple roots, controls infinite possibilities, and controls everything, and it is a vague reflection of each other. In another “twin multiverse”, the abyss is the branch and the abyss that penetrates the infinite world. tree’.

He has all knowledge and omnipotence, knows everything, and shapes the “Lord of the Horizon” who loves stories one after another in the reincarnation of sentient beings, and the “Fatalistic ruler” who uses fate as a tool to control everything in the multiverse.

Soaring in the realm of non-real, immortal, immortal, immortal “phoenix”, living in the eternal heat and silence of the plural “devil of entropy”, with the gods of all worlds as the core, collectively rule the infinite world of the “order god” Eat the’end’ and nurture the’Omega worm’ of the’initial’.

Moreover, the entire multiverse itself is like a huge brain. As a whole “world group brain” of unified will, it is like weaving, weaving the “multifaceted textile machine” of countless destinies and worlds, as An absolute truth, which runs through endless time and space, even the “balanced scales” of plural multiverses, and time is retrograde. The entire multiverse is born from destruction and returns to the original origin, and repeats this cycle of “reincarnation time melting pot” time and time again. .

These are extremely powerful, surpassing infinity, above the multiverse, and even the sublimation of the multiverse itself, the powerful existence of their bodies, all appeared in his eyes.

In other normal multiverses, most of them have not yet appeared in the supreme dominator, and there are naturally sages among them, and they are fighting against each other openly and secretly in the multiverse.

“If the sages succeed in the future, then our multiverse may become a part of the ‘pan-multiverse mayfly’ and become one of them.”

Joshua talked to herself like this, but he greeted the complaints from home weapons.

“No, Master, do you think there is any difference between you and the future sage? You see, they are all looking at you!”

“I’m also looking at them, what’s so great, don’t be too nervous, Hotaru, I have already said that outside the multiverse is also very exciting.”

“This is a bit too exciting, Master. Look at the darkness, it’s trembling.” A faint voice sounded, but it was quickly rebutted by the black: “Nonsense, I am shaking with excitement!”

“I didn’t say it was afraid.”


Qiao Xiu had never cared about his own weapons and mounts’ mouth fights. He smiled, and then felt that those other extremely powerful beings, with the will to transcend time and space, were coming towards him~ King of Miracles] [Lord of Hosts]… Just like Joshua could understand their name in an instant, they also understood all the meanings of Joshua in an instant.

“I should really thank the future sages… Otherwise, I am afraid that many sages will not work together as they are now. The best way to unify a large group is indeed to have an enemy.”

Although he seemed to be thinking about something, in fact, Joshua didn’t think about anything.

Because at this moment, he saw that there seemed to be some ‘blue cloud light’ flickering beyond the remote ‘pan-infinite multivariate derivation axis’.

It was a cyan cloud, spreading infinitely, and an expanding multiverse was emerging in his body-obviously a ‘stranger’, but it gave him an unexpected ‘familiar’ feeling.

“This guy…a bit familiar.”

“The Transcender” and the “Blue Cloud”? The name is interesting.

——The story is not over yet.

——The road is still very long.

——The meaning of birth, the meaning of death; the meaning of transcendence, the meaning of fighting; the meaning of hometown, the meaning of returning; the meaning of time, the meaning of reunion——

In this endless super-university, it is still a long time to reach the point of true omniscience and omnipotence.

But so what? The scenery along the way and the battle in the middle are the most interesting, but the most important ‘meaning of existence’ and ‘meaning of happiness’,

The battle is over, and a new battle may begin again.

Squinting his eyes and smiling, the soldier waved his weapon and smiled friendly at these ‘transcendence’ and ‘infinity’.

“No, no one can fight.”

All EX-end.

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