Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 184 - Divine

“I’m sorry, Homura, you must be disappointed with me, but I can’t stand the innocent people’s continued sacrifice for me happened again, and now it seems that I don’t know which timeline I am asking for you. Excessively, for my cowardice to force you to such a path full of pain and loneliness, so it is time for me to take responsibility.”

“I know you have been guarding me all the time, so I have to force you away with this method. That Yue Zhong who likes you asked Uncle Peng to take me out to find you, and I took this opportunity to accept what I should bear Everything is ok, if it is a god, should it be able to deal with that terrible monster? The magic girl now has found a new way out, but all mankind has suffered a devastating disaster, and I have a reason to fight for it, It’s worth fighting.”

Standing on an unnamed hill, the deer-eye round incense will be put into sleep by the body of Peng Ju, which was affected by the power of prophecy. After closing his eyes like listening to the concerto of heaven and earth, the light of the cherry color is in the hair. The flames ignited more and more, gradually lighting up the whole world shrouded in darkness, spreading from the insignificant little prairie.

  All the will that was terminated, respond to my wishes again!

The collapse of the disordered source system is only because it has acted completely independently from the fate of being artificially modified and controlled. The magic girl now still has its own power, and the unrealized contract of Lumu Yuanxiang is also hidden in this world. It silently affects everything.

The blasphemer shape Warcraft mastered by Kawasaki Kiyoshi itself exists in the unpresented world dominated by the theory of the ring, and being able to continue to appear in the new world after the disordered source system melts itself means the ring. The existence of rationality is not something that can be recreated with its own power by Chuancheng Qixiang or a controlled Qiubi.

The glory of Sakura Light reflects the stars hidden in the dim daylight, and as Lumu Yuanxiang reopens her eyes, when the amber sacred pupil looks at the fragmented world, whether it is day or night, the sky shines The bright starlight, as if responding to the most dazzling miracles, declares here that hope will never end.

   “Yuan Shen is born.”

Far away from the Louvre Museum, Qicheng Chuancheng was accompanied by Irina on the roof, watching the miracle of cherry blossoms coming to the whole world, and Qicheng Chuancheng clenched her fists fiercely: “You can’t let her do whatever she wants.” There should be a **** in the world, but the blasphemy who departed from the grace of God is endless. Now I have enough power to kill the gods!”

Countless blasphemous World of Warcraft all over the world have issued obscure words, and the stereotyped face is constantly conveying an inexplicable enthusiasm, like polluting the **** who has just arrived with its own blasphemous power, trying to put that high above. Existence broke into the dust and became a gift to these new masters of the world from these fanatics who turned away from the light.

The world that had just seen the divine light was once again covered with a shadow, but the round **** who had expected everything did not choose the first time to deal with the curse of these blasphemers, the first person she wanted to save, It is Xiao Meiyan who is regarded by her as her best friend. This magical girl has rushed to the killing of humans with the consciousness of death.

The most beautiful rose flower blooms on the quaint wooden bow. With the flaming pink flame silently fluctuating, the killing arrow pointing at Wei La suddenly fired, which supports the desire to save all mankind. Beyond any known attack intensity, he ran towards Mera’s chest mercilessly, and the nature of the must-kill will make it impossible for the target to escape at any faster speed, because this is the rule of the **** of the world. One arrow does not have any room to escape, and will definitely penetrate your heart!

Just seeing Xiao Meiyan coming to the door and showing a conspiracy smile, Wei La suddenly changed color. She clearly realized that her footsteps were bound by invisible theory, and she could not escape the light from dozens of miles away. The lock of the arrow, the crisis moment hurriedly reversed the blade of the sword, trying to defile the glory of God with the power of blood pollution enough to pollute all the roots.

   “Come on, it should have been a blow left to Sayaka. It is a pleasant surprise to let the so-called round **** experience it. As for Sayaka, there are so many human beings that can be killed!”

The rotating light arrow wrapped around the flower tail accurately collided with the tip of the blade, and the destructive momentum directly annihilated the metal of the blade to the first-level atom. At the same time, he also entered into the blood stains absorbed in the blade, and then quickly decayed. It deteriorated, and finally became a black light.

“Xiaoyuan, how can you do this!” Xiao Meiyan, who witnessed everything, did not accidentally fall to the brink of mental breakdown. She has been working hard to avoid letting Lumu Yuanxiang participate in the battle, and it is impossible to let She once again became a conceptual god, because in this way, her previous oath became a lie, her efforts in countless reincarnations also became a useless joke, and more importantly, she will lose her favorite person what!

   It turns out that the pure and kind Madoka in my heart can also deceive people…

Yuanshen’s second arrow was fired again. This time it was Willa’s head. The blood-stained power hidden in the bark really could contaminate everything, but in the face of a long-range strike, contaminating a light arrow would not help, And now, Vira has no way to stop the killing arrow of Yuanshen, and the blood-stained power that he has deliberately obtained can only play a role in extending his life for a few seconds.

The light arrow passed through the skull, and Wei La still maintained a shocked expression on her face. She could not understand why the power of blood stains was not passed on the wooden bow of Lumu round incense, and did not let this glorious **** taste. To bitterness.

   “Master… I let you down.”

  After Vilam was shot, Xiao Meiyan turned back subconsciously to Lumu Yuanxiang. She needed an answer, even if it was only a deceptive answer.

  Me, why did you work hard now?

   “Homura, sorry, there are more important battles waiting for me, maybe we can’t meet after that.”

Yuanshen did not give Xiao Meiyan any answer. She has saved the life of Xiao Meiyan with precious time to save humanity, and she can’t afford to delay it a little, otherwise the curse of blasphemy of Warcraft will really take shape, even God will fall. .

   The majestic and divine armament of the gods disappeared into the sky along with the kind girl, and maybe they disappeared together, and the concept of human-like deer-shaped round incense.

  Xiao Meiyan kneeled down on the ground, holding the communication device in her hand. The communication request from Yue Zhong was densely recorded on it.

   “Why don’t you let me protect Madoka again?”

   Until now, it is no longer meaningful to ask Yue Zhong if she intends to make Lumu Yuanxiang become a god. Even if it is true, Xiao Meiyan cannot find a reason to blame Yue Zhong.

   This is not a fatal blow to Xiao Meiyan, who has long been used to being strong. If you have to become a demon to get Madoka, what is the point of becoming a demon? What’s more, there is now a new force competing with Madoka, and he still has time to save everything!

In Brussels, during the intense collision between the cherry-colored light and the gray curse and the heavens and the earth, Sayaka also successfully slashed countless forging blades. The dragon-shaped positive momentum sword whose temperature has exceeded the core of the sun killed Jin Peiyan and burned it directly. Turned into ashes, she put all her attention to the battle between God and blasphemer.

“Mr. Madoka, did you take this step after all? But the guardian of this world is not worth you alone, I won’t let you take the limelight alone!” Sayaka couldn’t find a way to participate in this battle, but she Seeing the Warcraft in the distance whispering the gray curse, as long as these evils are wiped out, there will be no problem!

  After learning about Xiaomei Yan’s presence from Peng Ju after waking up, Yue Zhong let out a long breath, even though his current situation is not very good.

The special girls who ended the individual battle of the prefecture contest gathered in front of the Tokyo government to confront the fully armed army and special teenagers. They needed Yue Zhong to give a reasonable explanation for the bombardment of the national venue. Not in it. After she defeated her sister to win the championship, she disappeared silently.

“Am I being reckless? As long as Homura is fine, but things here should be settled as soon as possible, I can’t be relieved over there.” Yue Zhong stood up, and he planned to go out to face the angry special girls Them.

The two super-powers sent by the Earth Federation to the magical girl world have almost broken down. In addition to creating an opportunity for Kawasaki Kika to compete with the magical girl, Yue Zhong and Mahjong girls are also barely accidental. The gains, but this is definitely a failed operation for the Earth Federation, but Amoz sitting in Antarctica is very indifferent.

“Are you all dead, Lumu Yuanxiang, Mizuki Sayaka, I’m more and more interested in you.” There are two groups of flames of different colors floating in front of Amoqi, this is the dead Jin Peiyan and Wei The relics left after the disconnection between La and the Analytic Drive Amochi didn’t feel sorry for the sacrifice of two hundred-percent development talents, because of all their special powers and permissions Both have been recorded, and just finding two people will be able to regain two powerful combat strengths.

“Try to combine the abilities of both of them, maybe my new favorite can defeat Lin Luoqing.” Amoqi’s side has no personal adjutant, he is talking to himself completely, “More than half of the countries have participated in the so-called anti-federal front, but soon you should know, what will be the end of my resistance, the inheritor of civilization? A group of wild people who have just moved from the wild era to the edge of civilization are also eligible to create civilization. If so, civilization is too cheap!”

Amoki waved the two groups of flames together forcibly, he has a powerful combat capability in himself, and he has a systematic combat capability in the Raiders, far from being driven by disordered source systems and alienation The strange combat power created by the tower can be compared. At least in terms of application methods and actual combat experience, Amoqi can occupy an absolute advantage, and the use of energy is his strength.

  Under the analysis drive tower, countless old armored mobile units are standing by. The thorough array and the murderousness of the sky have given this army an invincible posture. They have just retreated from the void battlefield to recuperate. For them, solving the small anomalies in this world is almost the same as recuperating. In the event that his mobile unit is losing ground, his special task mobile unit is not enough to deal with world-wide wars, so he transferred a front-line unit back to prepare to crush everything with irresistible force.

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