Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 185 - Love

Outside the original Cabinet House, Yue Zhong walked out of the house with Ba Mami and Sakura Kyoko, making the atmosphere of the crossbows outside suffocated. I am afraid that even these special capable girls themselves did not expect Yue Zhong to dare to come out and face their questions. Right.

   “Pity sauce, do you have any questions?” Yue focused on the name of the pity in the Yuancheng Temple. At least this sick girl would not embarrass herself too much, right?

Yuancheng Temple’s pitiful physique should not have been involved in this parade where armed conflict would occur at any time, but everyone considered Yue Zhong’s scheming and asked her to go all the way. With the presence of this prophet, Yue Zhong’s None of the strategies will work.

   “Why do you want to bomb the nationwide meeting place, do you want to kill us?” The round city temple’s pitiful question is not too sharp, at least a lot more gentle than other excited girls.

Yue Zhong stepped out of the army’s defense line and faced all the angry mahjong girls: “I have no idea of ​​killing you. It is indeed my order to bomb the national meeting place, but I just want to give it in a way to prevent the national competition from proceeding. The Earth Federation caused trouble. At that time, the situation was urgent and you had to make a decision. If you have the patience to listen to me, please come in and take a rest. The conflict with the new government will make it difficult for me to do.”

Yue Zhong’s position is extremely high now, and girls with powerful abilities can easily kill this elusive politician, but not everyone is as murderous as the Big Devil, anyway, Yue Zhong and they also fought side by side. Together they achieved the liberation of the 11th district. After the secession from the Earth Federation, the 11th district economy was gradually recovering. They soon no longer had to eat hard-to-eat relief food.

“I know you want a statement, but I don’t want to deceive you and I can’t deceive you. If you choose to confront the new government, only the Earth Federation and some conspirators will benefit. I think you should understand that not all Politicians consider them as fair as I do, because I don’t have a political party.”

“Did you almost kill us?” said a voice from the mahjong girl. It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with Yue Zhong’s understatement. “Don’t use the country as your shield. At least you have to pay the price. It is.”

Yue Zhong looked directly at the eyes of all the mahjong girls. He did not go to the person who asked this sentence, which would have a bad influence. He said confidently: “What price do you want me to pay, life, or wealth?” , I have stated in advance that I don’t have any money on my body, and I don’t have any bank accounts. I eat the same as you every day. I haven’t received the salary from the new government until now, because I’m not full One week.”

“I know that some people want my life, but I can’t give him to them now, so here I have a proposal, every contestant in the country at that time can ask me to do one thing unconditionally as compensation, But it must be within my ability.” Yue Zhong made such a seemingly solemn commitment that was painless and itchy, and suddenly took the opportunity to announce a major event, “The national competition will be restructured next year and return to the tradition of four years ago. Mode, any honor is no longer linked to the use of authority, the privileges of the special ability are all cancelled, and any behavior that violates the law and discipline will be severely punished! In addition, the temporary government will only last one year, and I will not participate in the elections next year, no matter what In this way, I am not a person in this country. After completing the mission to subvert the Earth Federation, I will give up all the power.”

After two hours of negotiations, Yue Zhong temporarily quelled the anger of the special ability. After Yue Zhong made the announcement that he would leave after one year, even those who tried to seize power within the Kamikaze Congress did not have any more. Continue to carry out the action, they all know that the new government’s rule is not stable, and the counterattack of the Earth Federation will come at any time. At this time, letting Yue Chongding on the cusp will benefit them. The real rule is in the election one year later. Let’s compete.

The girls were not interested in visiting the Cabinet House. Yue Zhong returned to the army’s heavy protection and gave a long breath. He smiled and said, “Sister Xue, did I just have the kind of tiger body that shocked you, and the domineering domineering of everyone? what?”

  Ba Mami patted Yue Chong’s cold sweat and said: “The tiger’s body was shocked. I think your feet were shaking when you came back. Are you worried about someone secretly attacking you?”

“One thing, but after I made a promise, the inside of the Kamikaze Fu Parliament should be settled down. The strongest force of the Earth Federation in Tokyo is Miyazaki, and she seems to have disappeared with Saki.” Yue Zhong quite Worried, “The mahjong girls have no big intentions. Although they will not continue to stand with us after this, they don’t have to worry about stabbing them in the back. The only thing I want to know now is Saki Where did it go.”

   Yue Zhong walked all the way back to his office in the Cabinet Office, where he accidentally saw Xiao Meiyan who was passing by himself.

  Xiao Meiyan’s expression was very haggard, her purple pupils were slightly loose, and she looked very poor. Yue Zhong hurried over to sit on the sofa and said: “Xiaoyan, why are you doing this?”

  Maybe knowing that the following conversation is not suitable for him to listen to. Asami Kanako, with a face of gossip, left the office and left space for the two to be alone.

“Yue Zhong… Xiaoyuan, she still took this step.” Xiao Meiyan finally put down her last defense without outsiders, and her long black hair blocked her eyes from tears when she dangled her head. “Am I, useless at all?”

After pouring a cup of hot water and handing it to Xiao Meiyan, Yue Zhong did not see her for a while, and the mood was a little excited, but after seeing Xiao Meiyan’s lonely look, he suppressed the excitement. : “Don’t deny your efforts, can you tell me what you did after Madoka forcibly completed the contract, and I will see if there is any way to recover it.”

“I want to find her, but there is no news of Madoka in every place, except for those who completely gave up their resistance to the profanity that was desperately praying, and found nothing.” Xiao Meiyan took Yue Zhong’s hand and wiped her eyes with a tissue , Wucuo said, “I know this is not fair to you, but I still came, Yue Zhong, can you help me get Madoka back?”

  After a moment of silence, Yue Zhong asked, “Do you want me to go back with you?”

“I’m sorry…” Xiao Meiyan knew that her request was difficult for a strong man. Yue Zhong had his friends here. Really counting, that Gong Yongsaki could do more for Yue Zhong than she did. Even Xiao Bayan’s contribution, Xiao Meiyan also thinks that she can’t compare with it, so it seems that she has no reason to ask Yue Zhong to pay anything for herself.

“Xiaoyan, you know that you did everything to be good to Madoka. She carried out an endless reincarnation journey for her original words and was willing to withstand the disappointing despair. Is it just because Was she grateful that she saved you?” Yue Zhong didn’t immediately answer whether she would give up Gong Yongsaki and go back to help her find Madoka. Instead, she asked a new question and then asked herself: “I can’t be replaced by touch.” Love, you like Madoka, not because she saved you, but because she was strong and optimistic at the time, kindness and bravery made the cowardly you admire, this is the reason for your love… And I am, really I am grateful to the elder sisters for all they have done for me. I am grateful for trusting me before the resurrection. Until now, there has been no change. But what I like is always the courageous and tenacious Xiao Meiyan. Only she makes me admire. what.”

   “So your request, I unconditionally agree.” Even if this disappointed Saki.

   Yue Zhong looked at Xiao Meiyan with a smile, maybe he was infected by him. Xiao Meiyan did not continue to cry, and swept away the haze on her face in a sudden gesture: “Yue Zhong, what do you think?”

“There is only a 20% chance that you can bring Madoka back. The greater possibility is that Madoka really becomes a conceptual god. At that time, only you will remember her, I am afraid not even me Xiaoyuan will definitely be remembered again.” Yue Dada squeezed the paper towel to wipe away the tears that Xiao Meiyan’s eyes had not wiped, and then continued, “I’m afraid that you will embark on a devil’s road at that time, you can Promise that even if I lose, I just put Madoka in my heart and not go to extremes? Believe me, even if I fail, there will definitely be a better chance to find Madoka in the future.”

   “Well.” Xiao Meiyan hopes and realizes how painful she will be when she loses Madoka, so her answer is very serious, maybe this will also be the beginning of a new tragedy.

“We went back to find Kawasaki Kiyoshi and took Qiubi away from her hands to personally control the profanity of Warcraft to defeat Madoka’s divinity. Maybe she can turn her back into a normal magical girl, but in Before that, we need to kidnap a person.” Without doubting Xiao Meiyan’s determination, Yue Zhong made a bold plan and started playing the pitiful idea of ​​Yuancheng Is there such a person? “Compared with the state of independent commitment to everything, Xiao Meiyan, who found her reliance, temporarily lacked that strong stance. She used to think that Madoka’s prophetic ability was already very strong, but now a more perfect prophet has appeared.

“There are always unknown surprises in the world waiting for people to discover. How can I deceive you.” Yue Zhong sorted out his equipment. He knew that once this operation was launched, it was completely broken from the mahjong girls. If you have a chance, be separate from Saki. There is no one here. The already established plan for the destruction of the Earth Federation will also be implemented in the hands of Croit. The only regret is that I may not see it. One day, Gong Yongsaki, who has realized the wish to change the world, will be the violent but unbelievable devil? This character appears only for change. I am afraid that it will disappear after the change is realized. Miyagi will also become a natural black genius mahjong girl, right?

   The sound of a clear phoenix sounded outside the window, and the clean and snowy phoenix slowly floated into Yue Zhong’s office from outside the window, and a new anomaly appeared somewhere in Tokyo.

Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan glanced at each other. They did not intend to join in the excitement. Perhaps this opportunity could be used to take away the Yuancheng Temple readers to visit and read, The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all available at u003c/au003e

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