Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 23 - : New 5-color team

After spending a lot of money to buy Peng’s hands and feet, he only scrapped the other party’s jeep and there was no gain. Qicheng Chuancheng was furious about this, and the next day, he brought a natural face of Irina and a big ticket bodyguard to enter Takiaki The original urban area. As a part of the Chuancheng family is a gang, and still controls the gangs in half of the 11th district, Qicheng Chuancheng took over the Takihara underground gang with powerful personal force and huge power. She investigated Peng Ju’s information and seemed to plan to go underground with him.

Yue Zhong and Peng Ju, who originally planned to wait for the gang to relax, did not expect that the young lady, Chuancheng Qixiang, would violently intervene. After the day-to-day battle with the gang, You Yong, who did not have any advantages, had no advantage at the same time. Because of occasional **** clashes between the two parties, they were severely warned by the police.

After all, the magic girl and the witch are only a huge hidden danger to the police, but the impact of the open fire of the underground forces is real. If it is just a common gang, the police have already dispatched people to arrest people, only one of the two parties. It is a temporary worker of the police, and one is a gangster and magical girl who crosses the Raptors. Therefore, he first gave a warning and asked them to converge a little.

There are two magical girls who are right against themselves, Yue Zhong is a little irritated. He can think that this is by no means Qiubi’s last resort. Now, the four magical girls from outside have only one violent madman standing with him, far away There is no way to control the situation. On the night, after discussing with Xiao Meiyan, Yue Zhong finally decided to leave the war room and go to the headquarters of the bad boy in person.

Of course, Yue Zhong didn’t go out boldly, but after armed with Xiao Meiyan’s black technology, he put a layer of pseudo-muscular camouflage on the original ordinary figure, and changed his hair color and eyebrow shape, and then posted a legend. In leather mask. When the white man with a hedgehog head in the night appeared in front of the headquarters of the bad boy, the bad boy in the guard could not hold it.

   “Captain, don’t shoot, it’s me!” Yue Zhong shouted quickly.

   Peng Ju came out to lead the person, as soon as he entered the underground warehouse, Yue Zhong saw Ming Sakura jumping on the table and holding a beer bottle.

   “What is this for?” Yue Zhong was also in contact with Ming Ying for the first time. Although he got some information through the materials, it was obviously insufficient.

  Peng Ju smiled and said: “This little girl bet with others during the day that she can beat 50 people today and lose even five bottles of beer.”

   “She lost? Impossible, with the magic girl’s strength of one hundred is not a problem, I am a little student, don’t lie to me.” Yue Zhong didn’t believe it.

   Peng Ju explained: “It’s not a matter of strength. As long as this little girl leads the team, the other party doesn’t contact them at all, and ran straight away. She only throws bricks and hits a bad luck.”

Yue Zhong opened a chair silently and sat down, suddenly found that a group of people were bragging not far away, looked very familiar, a closer look was actually a group of bad boys who chased themselves last time, can’t see they still can Senior cadres in and out of headquarters.

Of course, Yue Zhong is not in the mood to find their trouble now, and directly said to Peng Ju: “The time when the night of the witch is coming is getting closer and closer. We can’t waste our time fighting with Chuancheng Qixiang. Is there any way to contact the other party to proceed negotiation?”

   Peng Ju thought for a while and said, “It’s time to get in touch, but will she agree to negotiate? Isn’t she just asking for trouble?”

“Chuancheng Qixiang is not a stupid idiot, otherwise how can she rely on personal force to seize the position of the family head. I think she is a fake, and it is true to fish in muddy water. Whether it is to wait for you to come to the door or master the gang and do us right, it should be All are premeditated.”

   “What does she picture?”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, Qicheng Chuancheng hopes to control Qiubi.” Yue Zhong said the speculation that shocked Peng Ju, and continued to explain, “Through the analysis of the collection of Chuancheng family data, I think Chuancheng Qixiang is a woman with a strong desire to control, even if her usual performance is very self-willed, but a person’s actions will more or less reveal some instincts. Before Kawasaki Qixiang became a magical girl, there was no discrimination in the family On the contrary, her elders took good care of her, but after she took the position, she cleaned up her relatives in cold blood and could almost think of something.”

   “Since this is the case, what reason are you going to use for her to agree to the negotiation?” Peng Ju doesn’t think there is any interest that can make Qiucheng Qixiang feel attractive.

  Yue Zhong didn’t speak, smiled and looked at the red cherry blossoms with red face, the little girl was okay, but the drink was too anxious to choke.

“Put Ming Ying to Chuancheng Qixiang? Absolutely not!” Peng Ju slightly excitedly rejected Yue Zhong. “This child has no heart, Chuancheng Qixiang will use her to death… You want to cheat, Take the opportunity to ambush each other?”

   “Chuancheng Qixiang is not so stupid.” Yue Zhong looked at Peng Ju without words, did his boss, the gold-level TV series, watch a little too much.

“I don’t know what is the agreement between Kawasaki Kazuka and Qiubi, and I don’t know what Qiubi will do next, but what if there is no more magic girl in this city?” Yue Zhongzheng looked at Peng Lift, “Boss, now I have a plan to bring all the magical girls to the big bomb traps that were arranged to deal with Witch Night before Xiaoyan, but you need to sacrifice the Sakura, are you willing? In this way, Yau There will be no chess pieces to play.”

   Peng Ju carefully looked at Yue Zhong, and found that he was not kidding or suffering from snake disease, only to say: “You have to do this two days ago, I will definitely accompany you crazy, but not now.”

  Yue Zhong said with a smile: “There was no magical girl taking this move two days ago, we could not let Xiaoyan do it. Boss, can you tell me why I disagree?”

“I won’t betray my friends. Yue Zhong, Xiaoyan grew up when I watched. A person who abandoned her conscience for her will be grateful, but she will not have feelings in her life. Young people always think that they can reap by touching. Love, in fact, is more likely to succeed if you choose what you want.”

“…I’ll just talk about it.” Peng Ju’s words made Yue Zhong’s mind a little clearer. These days, the crazy simulation layout has brought serious sequelae. Yue Zhong’s proposal just now is not a joke, if it is not hidden. The sentiment made him solicit the opinions of Peng Ju, maybe he has already started this plan.

   After the plan was re-formulated, Yue Zhong, with the help of Ming Ying, successfully found Bama and Kyoko, and asked Peng Ju to persuade the two who failed to form an alliance to agree to summon all the magical girls for a discussion. After that, he sent the magic invitation jointly produced by the three magical girls to Kawasaki’s hand. In the case of incomplete information, the other party temporarily misunderstood that there were already three magical girls here. After carefully considering the changes in the enemy’s pros and cons, Qi Xiangchuan finally agreed to participate in the negotiations, but she also did some small actions behind her.

   was renamed Yue’s plan for “The Disappearance of the Magical Girl”, and soon entered the negotiation phase the next night, with more than a week left before the arrival of Witch Night.

   The location of the negotiation was set in the villa on the outskirts of Kawasaki Kiyoshi. After the last destruction, it was repaired in a short period of time. The world of local tyrants is really terrible.

Participants at the meeting were Kawasaki Kiyoshi, Irina, Sakura Sakura, Bama Mi, Kyoko and Pengju, who is not a magical girl. Another magical girl also received an invitation for a long time, but did not indicate to come to participate , Seemingly uninterested.

   Six people sat in a circle on a luxurious sofa. There were no other people around. All the staff were asked to retreat outside the courtyard of the villa.

After seeing everyone here, Peng Ju said: “This time I invited several people to come, not only because of the little things such as underground forces fighting. Everyone should know about the Witch’s Night. I think we should abandon the previous suspicions here. And in order to avoid the battle process from reaching Takihara, I propose to you that you will be stationed in the towns around Mitakihara starting from today, and each will arrange their battlefields. When the night of the witch appears, who is nearby Whoever drags it on the battlefield, and others quickly go to support, gather all their strength to eliminate the witch night, and then consider other things.”

  Sichuan Kawasaki sneered: “I don’t want to be backed up when facing the night of the witch, how can you prove your sincerity?”

Peng Ju had already prepared for this issue and said, “Because I have limited threat to Witch Night, I will not participate in the battle of the day. You can send me to control me and believe that I am a hostage. Is it enough to show sincerity?”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you after I wiped out the Witch Night?” Qicheng Chuancheng asked with Peng Ju said: “I will bury bombs in every battlefield, one is to act The last method after your sacrifice. The second is to prepare for self-defense. The detonation device of the bomb will be under my hands. If my people find that I am dead by some method, it will immediately detonate the bomb. When I receive the night of the witch’s destruction After the message, I will be out of your control.”

  Sichuan Kazuhiro said again: “I don’t seem to have a reason to fight the witch night.”

   This question was explained by Sakura Sakura. The magical girls present are all interested in the special lamentation that the witch night will fall.

   didn’t have any opinions on the strategy of fighting against the witch night together, because in the city are monitored by the police every day, they also want to go to the surrounding towns to relax. As for the result of this temporary cooperation rather than alliance, Pamamei accepted it after thinking. As the guardian of the city, Pamamei could not watch the Witch Night invasion. Although the cooperation has the risk of being used, in the end It is also necessary for each, and this requires self-preparation.

   “We are all gone, what about the witch in the city?” Kyoko suddenly asked.

   Peng Ju smiled and said: “Don’t forget that there is a magical girl who did not attend the meeting. Her recent actions indicate that she will not let the witch leave her alone.”

  Yue Zhong’s plan was basically successful under the leadership of Peng Ju. There was only one untouchable generation left in the city. As long as this point is optimistic, Qiubi will not be able to do anything with the magic girl’s hand.

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