Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 24 - : The existence of magic

“good evening.”

   The door of the villa was pushed open a gap, and when Chubby walked in from the outside, its voice rang in everyone’s ears.

   walked in, ignoring everyone’s watchful eyes, and walked directly to the front of Qicheng Chuancheng and sighed: “Qixiang didn’t expect you to be caught by someone else’s plan so simple, I was a little surprised.”

   “Oh, what do you think of Qiubi’s strategy?” Kawasaki’s expression didn’t change at all, and he looked at Qiubi and smiled.

Chubby rubbed his ears with his back, raised his head slightly and said, “Did I not say that Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan did not die at all, this man is their agent, and this time he intends to deceive all of you Going to other places, Witch Night will not come here in a hurry. She will directly follow the storm. The battlefield ambush plan itself is a scam. They want to swallow the results of Witch Night.”

Although Chubby’s words were not credible, she succeeded in making the magical girl suspicious of Peng Ju. Peng Ju stalled: “I don’t understand that, as you said, even if Homura and Yue Zhong are not dead, they can If you deal with the night of the witch, why do you have to do so many things? Just hide it and wait for the night of the witch to be eliminated.”

“This gentleman should stop misleading this set anymore. The ultimate goal of this series of events is to destroy our energy plan. The wry night of Witch Night is nothing but a weight to increase the winning rate. In this step, I will have enough time to sign a contract with Lumu Yuanxiang. At that time, even the big chance of winning will be zero.”

   “Lumu Yuanxiang?” The names of Chubby and Yue Zhong surrounding the battle first appeared in the ears of several magical girls.

“Well, the most promising girl I have ever seen, if she can sign a contract with her, she will be stronger than ever!” After saying this, Chubby hurriedly jumped off the carpet that was standing, and turned In an instant, the original precious carpet ignited a fire.

“I said, the strongest is always me.” Another voice came from the door, but the strong but full of aura, “Chubi, I seem to have said not to boast deer eyes round incense in front of me? Help you and She signed a contract to defeat her and show you.”

   The owner of the voice should have guessed it, and he has never been in contact with anyone.

   Speaking of such a hatred, almost offended all the magical girls present, but attracted him to Qubei, anticipating the occurrence of this scene, and quietly retreated aside.

   “It’s such a big tone, but it’s just a mouse hiding in the dark.” Qicheng Chuancheng’s mouth is not forgiving, and immediately opened the mocking mode.

   “You are the guy with green hair? There is a species coming in!” Ming Ying also jumped up and started clamoring.

Ba Mami and Kyoko didn’t speak, but their expressions were also very dissatisfied. There were very few people who bowed their heads to the magic girl. As for the slightly natural Irina, she was still watching the people who were trampled on their tails. .

“It’s nerve-wracking. In order to prevent you from ruining the plan, it’s still solved.” Chisao’s generation still didn’t show up, but as her words fell, not only did the carpet start to burn, but the entire villa was instantly burned. Swallowed.

None of the six people in the fire were ordinary people. No one acted in a panic in the face of a fire that could easily devour human lives. The magical girls were all armed and quickly escaped from the burning villa. Ning Ying did not sell teammates this time. Leaving Peng Ju also took him out.

   came to the yard, and everyone was surprised to find that all the surrounding walls collapsed, and all the bodyguards guarding outside fell unconscious. These things can give anyone in the room a little time to do it, but the terrible thing is that they have done all this for a long time, and they have not heard anything.

   The only target in the yard now is a girl in a dress with green hair. Qianzao Daidai looked at the six people who rushed out of the flames contemptuously, and even the transformation did not proceed, directly said: “Let’s go together, don’t waste time.”

   The five magical girls looked at Peng Ju unanimously. They naturally would not choose to fight a single person, or an opponent who was not armed, and the most suitable person to shoot was Peng Ju.

   Peng Ju did not flinch from this, anyway, he even bullied a small man like Ming Ying, and would not be embarrassed to face the enemies of the girl’s appearance.

“You are not a magical girl, I don’t want to kill you.” Qianzao Jiedai saw Peng Ju rushing over without looking at him, the land at the foot of Peng Ju appeared a large-scale collapse, and the five magics here were replaced by Qianzaojie. The girl had a diameter and immediately formed a deep pit. At the same time, a rock cage held Pengju in the center of the deep pit.

   “In the final analysis, you are just a group of fakes.”

Chizen Zaodai was talking while her body floated gently. A number of different-colored magic **** began to rotate around her body at a high speed. The dress on her body also turned into a dark-tone exquisite mage robe, behind which the secret was overlapping. The different law formations are layered one after another as the robes fluctuate.

“Relying on weapons to fight, there is no magic like this. Only me in this world is qualified to be called a magical girl.” Chizen Hayao in the air pointed out his finger and pointed to the gathering place of the five magical girls. There was a strong sense of anxiety, and along with the movements of the thousands of early generations, they jumped in different directions, and at the same time, a flash of lightning fell.

   After the lightning emptied, the belated thunder came and accelerated the heartbeat of the five magical girls again.

  The various manifestations of the early generations are all to show that she uses magic, a power that is completely different from the general magic girl system, and purely relies on the element to perform a powerful mage.

   That lightning is like a signal, followed by elemental attacks from all over the sky. The pattern is complicated and the number is dense, just like a mixed mage unit.

   The other party’s powerful strength has exceeded the expectations of the five magical girls. If one-on-one, no one here will be the opponent of the generations. However, as the only one with long-range attacks here, Mami knows the weakness of the other party. The distance warriors must occupy an undefeated position. There is only one way to defeat her: “Close!”

The first cooperation of the new five-color team showed a tacit understanding. Irina threw away the epee directly, sprinted with a roaring fire dragon in her hands, and her white hair and clothes showed scorching marks; followed closely It’s the Kawasaki Qixiang who is hiding her body behind Irina. She can’t defend against this unreasonable strong crush. Only by using the path opened by Irina will she be able to play her. The high attack and high attack speed; followed by Kyoko, the spear in his hand was completely turned into a long whip to block the fireball ice cone wind blade and other attacks that are shuttled up and down and left and right irregularly, ensuring the safety of the three-person assault team . On the other side, the puppet costume worn by Ming Ying swelled up, and the not-intensive attack on the outer layer hit her. Although it will cause some damage to the puppet costume, it cannot temporarily attack the body of Ming Ying; Ming Ying gave up The sledgehammer’s full defense also provided a space for Ba Mami to output, and the fire bunkers spread out layer by layer behind them, tracking the position of Chisao Yudai’s position and launching an unbroken volley. After the bullets were fired, they hit him. Above the elemental shield, it was impossible to break through the defense, but it still caused her some trouble.

   “Huh, it’s quite tricky.” The enlightenment of Chihaya’s generation allowed her to fight with five magical girls at the same time, which led to the current situation. It was easy to unite each broken opponent together and exert a stronger power.

  The assault team approached slowly under their own bombardment, which did not have the ease of the previous generation. He reached out and grabbed a white elemental ball and began a mysterious chant.

   The most open-minded Bama beauty discovered Chisao’s action, and just after reminding the assault team, the white element ball in Chisei’s hand suddenly exploded: “Forbidden curse, heavenly arbitration!”

After the dark sky was blown up, the diffuse elements were dyed as pure white, and the sky that gleamed with golden light dropped a white streamer like a rainstorm. The whole world seemed to be forced back to the day, covered with a shocking speed. Here.

   can’t resist! The fighting instincts of the five magical girls clearly reported this information to the brain. After the distant attacks of Bama and Mingying suffered dozens of light rains, they escaped the coverage of the banned spell, and their clothes were smashed into holes. The blood oozing out spilled on the ground, and the three people in the center of the forbidden man could not escape at all. They had to shrink under the shield that Irina lifted toward the sky.

   But Guangyu’s attack was far superior to the fire dragon that Irina had resisted. Within a few seconds, the ice crystal shield began to crack, and Irina’s face quickly became pale.

   “Mami!” Kyoko hurriedly sent a call to Ba Mami for help.

  The giant silver-white cannon reappeared, and without a waste of one second, a huge light was blasted towards the Chisao generation.

Facing the strongest attack of Bamamei, Qianzao, who didn’t want to be injured, reluctantly gave up the guidance of the curse, and after evading the attack, UU read the book and looked at the five embarrassed opponents again. Reached another elemental ball.

  Thousands of the next banned spells I don’t know, but the five magical girls all know that if they let her lock herself up and release, she will only have one dead end.

   Desperate feelings began to grow rapidly in their hearts, and the nucleus was stained with dirt at a rate visible to the naked eye.

   Bang, Bang! The dull impact sound came, and the magical girls who had all started to lose their eyes looked subconsciously.

  I don’t know when Peng Ju, who escaped from the prison, is attacking Chisao’s shield with one punch, and Chisao’s generation, who is disturbed and unable to concentrate on singing, has not released the next banned spell.

  Because the shield has the property of flame, it is unclear how much damage Pengju’s attack can cause to the shield, but his hands have been blurred by the burning flesh.

   “Run, run!”

   Fireballs began to bombard Peng Ju’s body, his clothes were smashed, and his body was quickly burnt to a burnt color.

   The magical girls did not waste the time Peng Ju had fought for, and they tried their best to escape to the distance. The only one who had a fevered head and wanted to rush to rescue Peng Ju was **** with a ribbon by Bami.

   “Let me go! I’m going to save the uncle.” Ming Ying shouted.

   “If you don’t want to cherish the life your uncle gave you, I will kill you now.” Bama Mei, who was desperately running away, scolded.

   This hatred will never go unreported… Peng Ju’s way of dying finally won the recognition of the magical girls.

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