Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2348 - Hot girl love

“Are you different?”

How can I be like you…

Wang Yijie’s words seem to have a strange magical power that generally haunts Yue Zhong’s mind and never dissipates.

But before Homura came to my world, did I ever try my best to find out which girl’s heart I wanted? No, there should be no, no matter what you think.

Even if it is Xiaoyan, I help her all the way to find the way home, and there is no intention to set up obstacles to let her stay with me forever. Yue Zhong can be conscientious and can face Xiaoyan calmly.

That’s why, why does Wang Yijie’s words make him feel so uneasy and frightened, as if he is really the same person as him, then where did he do this kind of thing, except Homura? Who deserves it?

No, but it really seems to have…

Wang Yijie’s remarks made Yue Zhong muddled and wondered when he would return home, while Xiao Meiyan waited for him in the living room until midnight.

After the door opened, Xiao Meiyan stood up and saw Yue Zhong standing at the door in a trance. After his eyes reflected Xiao Meiyan’s shadow, he finally got a little radiance.

“Yue Zhong, what’s wrong with you, why didn’t you answer my phone?” Xiao Meiyan was both worried and said angrily, but her heart softened when she saw Yue Zhong’s pitiful appearance. “What happened?”

Yue Zhong shook his head and sat on the sofa. Xiao Meiyan got him a glass of water and sat next to him.

If Yue Zhong kept saying nothing, Xiao Meiyan seemed to be planning to wait. She was accustomed to this silent waiting. She would choose to wait for Yue Zhong to go home. She would be scared because he had no news, and Xiao Meiyan could never again. Avoiding the fact that Yue Zhong already exists in his heart.

What should he do if something goes wrong?

Fortunately, he is back. As long as he comes back, what does it matter if he doesn’t speak?

Under the light of Qingning, the half-open window sent a gentle night breeze, flicked Yue Zhong’s eyebrows, and then flicked Homura’s hair. Yue Zhong’s mood slowly calmed down with the company of his beloved. , It’s just that the picture in my mind kept flashing, and the picture was still beating like a flame from time to time.

It seems that this is not the first time I have met Homura. In the clips flashing in my mind, there has been Homura’s figure, and of course I have my own.

The dream Qi Xiaomeng said, Yue Zhong finally realized it today. She didn’t mean to count because she relied on herself so she didn’t need that, but in this world, she didn’t have to face the biggest. Rivals of Lumu are fragrant.

But this is obviously not something that Wang Yijie can investigate, so who the **** is he really just Qi Xiaomeng’s suitor?

Perhaps the world is not as peaceful as you think. When you continue to move to a higher position because of Homura, those unexpected things and people will slowly appear beside you.

“Is she already asleep?” Yue Zhong asked softly.

Xiao Meiyan, who finally waited for Yue Zhong to speak, yelled, “I went to bed when I came back, and I didn’t drink any sober soup.”

“That’s good…” Yue Zhong let out a breath. “Xiaoyan, do you believe we’ve ever met?”

“Ah?” Xiao Meiyan was confused by such a sudden problem, but thought it was most likely that Yue Zhong was an important reason for his abnormal behavior tonight, “How can I say that?”

“Maybe we don’t remember it, but when I last met, I tried to **** you away from Xiaoyuan.” Yue Zhong was very worried about what Xiaomei Yan would do after hearing this, Watching her every expression change nervously.

Xiao Meiyan’s face was surprised and confused, but she didn’t mean to be angry. It seemed that if there was such an encounter, Yue Zhong would do what she did: “Is it?”

“Using some less glorious means may make you break up with Madoka.” Yue Zhong whispered.

“What about the last one?” Xiao Meiyan was only curious about the final result. She still didn’t show the irritability in Yue Zhong’s imagination, but her eyes had an unquestionable longing in her eyes.

Maybe she just took this as a hypothesis?

Or, Xiao Meiyan wanted to prove something.

Yue Zhong told Xiao Meiyan the fragments that flashed in his mind completely, and even with Wang Yijie’s words that made him unrestrained, he had no reservation at all.

Xiao Meiyan listened to Yue Zhong’s words quietly, and didn’t speak, but moved her feet from the slippers and rolled her legs to sit on the sofa.

Her body was trembling slightly, so she had to curl up to give herself a sense of security: “Yue Zhong, if everything is true, would you do this?”

Yue Zhong was very afraid to answer such a question, but he couldn’t pretend he hadn’t heard it, hesitated for a long time and struggled for a long time, he couldn’t bear to let his lies into Xiaoyan’s ears, he could only say ambiguously, “Maybe?”

Such an answer seemed to finally make Xiao Meiyan feel at ease, so she decided to say something about Yue Zhong that she didn’t know about Yue Zhong. She didn’t want to let Yue Zhong discover the weakness in her heart before: “Yue Zhong, actually That day, after you watched my cartoon with me, I was thinking about one thing, that is, is there a place for me in Madoka’s heart.”

“I thought for a long time, and guessed for a long time, but I couldn’t guess anything.” Xiao Meiyan laughed miserably. “I don’t know what it means for Madoka. She can have many, many friends, but I can only have one of her. As she said in the animation, I can only be her best friend at most, and I can never be her only.”

Xiao Meiyan’s mind also flashed a scene described by Yue Zhong, feeling the sorrow and feeling moved by the empathy, and the words he spoke were no longer considered, and the last point of restraint was put down: “You account for I am cheap or treat me as a child, I naturally lose my temper to you, I am not happy to see you and Xiaomeng talking and laughing, I heard that you have so many girls like it, I will feel worried …”

“I ask you if you want to leave everything and follow me, go to the world where you can’t see hope, and I ask you if you can only have me in my heart, and everything else can make concessions for me.”

Xiao Meiyan said, her body had naturally leaned on Yue Zhong’s body: “But who do I care about so much, and what kind of suffering do we have? Maybe we have seen it before but forgot, you should not be The first encounter in my life was Yue Zhong, so I might be different from you.”

“But I’m thinking again, if you’re just cheating and coaxing me, like other men, what should I do if I don’t cherish it once I get it? I have nothing to lose.”

Yue Zhong said flatly: “No, I will never cherish Homura.”

“What if you are just cheating on me?” Xiao Meiyan said How could it be…” Yue Zhong was half dumb, because Xiaoyan never cared about what he said. Commitment, but something you really do.

“Don’t worry about what Wang Yijie said, you are different from him.” Xiao Meiyan boldly took Yue Zhong’s hand and said incomparably, “I will still have doubts before, but now I can Sure, even if I get angry, I will leave you, but Yue Zhong has never been willing to lie to me.”

Yue Zhong’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, Xiao Meiyan’s initiative far exceeded his imagination.

“In fact, when you said those pictures, I already believed them, because I was like walking through those pictures in person.” Xiao Meiyan said softly, “Yue Zhong, I actually don’t want much at all. “

Her words, hot in Yue Zhong’s heart, were so rich and so hot.

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