Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2349 - Your girlfriend

What Xiao Meiyan wants is not a heroic boy with a world of enthusiasm, or a handsome peerless man. She wants something simple, just a love that will never be abandoned.

Her life is full of misery and loneliness. The gray childhood and girlhood make her have no conditions or qualifications to imagine what her prince looks like, as long as there is someone who can treat her well and be able to stay with her forever. Surrounding is enough.

Pian Sheng is such a purely pursuing girl, but because of the ambition of a white-haired animal, he is involved in the world of despair and darkness. It seems that the beginning of suffering will end with suffering. The appearance of Yue Zhong is very important to her. .

Even without the endless hints and foreshadowing of himself before entering the space of time and space, Xiao Meiyan who met in this way could not escape Yue Zhong’s palm, the only difference was that they were all great.

Today’s step is also the result of Xiao Meiyan’s deliberate calculations. It was Qi Xiaomeng who was supposed to enter here. If he didn’t have himself, the first will would choose to let Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng come together. Play time and space.

The future panplane is still full of infinite possibilities, so why can’t the new first will have a husband?

It’s just that Xiao Meiyan is absolutely not allowed, so she wants to come in. Whether it’s robbing or occupying, she must keep her position closest to Yue Zhong.

It is not so important who Wang Yijie is now. He can only be an enemy now.

Because of his appearance, the world is a little bit more variable and dangerous. Xiao Meiyan now seems to be more adapted to this environment. The unknown enemy makes her have to hurry up and tighten the things she cherishes in her heart.

“Xiaoyan…I think.” Yue Zhong opened his mouth and found that he was dry, he didn’t move the water on the table, just stared at Xiao Meiyan’s bloodless but still charming lips. Swallowing saliva.

Who let Xiaoyan tonight’s sultry easily cross the limit of Yue Zhong’s patience.

“Not yet.” Xiao Meiyan said, don’t overdo it. “From now on, I can be your girlfriend, but can I only learn slowly?”

“Okay, okay.” As soon as Xiao Meiyan agreed to be her girlfriend, Yue Zhong was more obedient to her, “all listen to you.”

“I’m sleepy, but I don’t want to get up.” Xiao Meiyan snuggled on Yue Zhong’s shoulder. Today’s Yue Zhong has no taste.

“Well, it’s time to rest.” Yue Zhong realized, holding one hand around Xiaoyan’s shoulder and back, and one hand drilled through the nest between her big and small legs to hold the thigh, and easily hugged the airy Xiao Meiyan. Got up.

Xiao Meiyan buried her head in Yue Zhong’s chest with her head down, and Yue Zhong could not see the blush on her face.

Today’s self is indeed bolder, but Xiao Meiyan does not regret making such a decision, and does not say that Yue Zhong’s performance these days and the soon-to-be overflowing heart, even if it is just a big gamble with his last happiness Once the bet is placed, Xiao Meiyan will not regret it.

Yue Zhong, for the first time, hugged the girl for a while, but she also bumped the coffee table. Xiao Meiyan whispered: “You lightly, carefully wake up Xiaomeng sister.”

“It’s okay, she can’t hear any big movements when she’s drunk.” Yue Zhong smiled and hugged Xiao Meiyan and pushed open the door of the main bedroom.

Yue Zhong came out after two minutes. Of course he wanted to rely on it for a while. Maybe there are any benefits he can get, but he tried to kiss Xiao Meiyan’s forehead, and then his face was given by Xiaoyan’s feet After kicking, he had to run out gray.

Yue Zhong, who can’t sleep in bed, still tastes the smell of Xiao Meiyan. In a large villa in the same city, Wang Yijie, who is full of looks and handsome, is still wrinkling gently in front of the balcony of the white jade carved fence eyebrow.

As the son of the director of the Ministry of Education, he did not use the resources of his family to achieve his current achievements by his own struggle. It is also rare for Wang Yijie’s excellence to be put in the world.

In the eyes of others, he is dazzling and bright, but there is always a fear in Wang Yijie’s heart that he dare not face it.

Your success cannot be separated from the guidance of this voice. It does not always appear, but it will tell you what to do at an important point in your choice.

The arrogant Wang Yijie didn’t think about resisting this kind of puppet-like manipulation in the past, but no matter how he resisted, life seemed to be like a written script that could not be changed.

The more you disobey, the more detailed the voice will tell him what he will experience. Although the unknown is terrible, if all of his life is revealed without any accident, it is more terrible despair than terrible.

Only the voice that obeyed its heart will disappear with satisfaction, and let Wang Yijie return to the normal rhythm of life. Although he still doubts that everything he has experienced has been written by others, he does not Knowing the future, deceiving yourself for a while is better than the endless despair.

Under the guidance of that voice, Wang Yijie rose like a bright star, and now he hasn’t heard the voice for a long time, even thinking that it has left him.

Wang Yijie, who doesn’t dare to have any love, dared to like Qi Xiaomeng’s generous and out-of-this-world girl. Just when he tried to start a new life with his own heart and pursue his first favorite girl, just The voice appeared again because of a single conversation with Yue Zhong.

It just let himself say a word, Wang Yijie had to say, and had to cover up his panic and fear at that time with a wanton laugh.

Yue Zhong is different from himself, why is Wang Yijie not clear, but why should that voice let himself say so?

If that is really Yue Zhong’s secret, or even his secret relationship with Qi Will he be regarded as their enemy?

Losing the opportunity to pursue Qi Xiaomeng and becoming a rival with Yue Zhong, there is nothing Wang Yijie wants to happen.

Wang Yijie, who smoked cigars one by one, kept repeating: “What the **** are you…”

Unwilling to be controlled by something that is invisible even in existence, Wang Yijie is also constantly thinking about how to crack the current situation. Thanks to the guidance of the voice, Wang Yijie now sees everything much more thoroughly than others.

But no matter how you do it, as long as it echoes to your ears again, everything may be in vain.

Yue Zhong’s resume is what Wang Yijie cares about most now. However, he was born in an ordinary family, but he can assume the leadership position of deputy district governor at the age of less than 30 years. Will he have similar situations to himself? ?

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