Special Years

Chapter 1233 - first meet

This chat actually lasted for half an hour.

The more they talked, the more excited they became, until Zhuang Yan suddenly exclaimed: “Oh! Look at my memory, Niu Shilin and Xu Er are waiting for me downstairs!”

Serenity was also startled, and immediately patted his solemn arm: “Let’s go, let’s settle your arrangements first, and come back to Deputy Commander Shi when you have time to talk.”

The two said their goodbyes and went downstairs.

On the stairs, he said solemnly, “Majestic, you are really a lieutenant general!”

Zhuang Yan said in disapproval, “How do you say that?”

Seriously: “Do you know how long Deputy Commander Shi has been stuck on this issue?”

Zhuang Yan said, “Isn’t it more than a month?”

“What!” said solemnly, “I’ve done the math, it’s actually been three months. This problem has been a problem from the beginning of the project to the present. Before, it was only temporarily avoided, but now it is unavoidable. We have to solve it before we can proceed to the next step, so I got stuck. Recently, the progress of the entire research team has been stagnant. This problem has not been solved, and everyone has no way to continue to work. Unexpectedly, your words actually reminded the masonry.”

Zhuang Yan was actually secretly happy, but he still didn’t dare to claim the merit: “I’ll just say something casually, it’s no big deal.”

“Anyway, I suddenly have an intuition…”

“What intuition?”

Seriously said: “I transferred you this time, it is the right one, I should have thought so long ago, but not long after I came here, a lot of things didn’t get sorted out, and suddenly I forgot to lean on Xianshan and didn’t go up. Ask for a good sign. At that time, the brigade commander also told me that he was worried that our soldiers were all tank soldiers, so how to convert them into scouts, now it seems that there is no difficulty at all.”

Zhuang Yan said: “Then you can’t say the same. If you want a good knife, of course, give me good steel. Listening to what you said, I think I jumped into a fire pit.”

He laughed seriously, and then said: “It’s okay, scouts and tank soldiers are not the same.”

Zhuang Yan said, “Why are they the same? Are you shooting guns?”

Seriously said: “Of course not, you see, our tank troops also have drivers, don’t you scouts also need talents in special driving subjects? Tanks can be driven, what’s wrong with driving your reconnaissance vehicle?”

This time, it was solemn’s turn to laugh.

Seriously said: “Now, the difficulty is not in the professional transformation of soldiers. There are not enough soldiers. After the end of the year, new recruits can come and make up. The specialties are different, you can train slowly, and you will not be able to train a group of good soldiers in two or three years. , you don’t deserve to say that you used to be the gun king of the special forces.”

“Okay, then I’ll make a selection first and select some backbones for key training. When the new recruits arrive, they can drive the entire company.” Zhuang Yan said.

Seriously said: “The most difficult thing to do now is the cadres.”

“Cadre?” Zhuang Yan asked curiously, “What’s wrong with the cadre?”

With a serious sigh, he said, “Hey, do you think everyone is as solemn as you? You have a good wife, and your younger siblings really support your work. People are competent enough and don’t need your care. But other Officers are different.”

Saying that, his face darkened.

“Is it an environmental problem here?” said solemnly.

He had been an officer for many years, and he could think with his toes about what was wrong.

For the officers of the army, although it is said that they want to give up a small family for everyone, this small family is also a family, and they cannot ignore the opinions of the people next to them, and the small family will have to be separated.

Seriously said: “Yeah, it’s still an environmental issue. You said that on this prairie, how would you let your family members follow the army? Sheep? If you want to talk about local resettlement, where? , just a prairie town, and other flags and the like, the economy is underdeveloped, and the resettlement will put a lot of pressure on the local government, it’s difficult…”

Speaking of which, he suddenly smiled.

“Fortunately, I’m a chief of staff/chief of staff, and I’m in charge of combat. The recent one of our political commissars is a headache…”

Solemn nodded silently.

Seriously speaking is the real situation.

In many film and television works, soldiers are portrayed as saints who do not eat human fireworks.

In fact, as sung in that barracks song, the men of the army also have affection…

They all eat whole grains, and no one has any emotions.

They are all raised by their parents, who has no family ties?

Everyone has a family, and who doesn’t have any conflicts between children and husbands?

Times are different.

Military families and marriages are of course different, too.

Before the reform, most of the officers performed well in the army and then offered to do it. The daughter-in-law they were looking for usually had a marriage contract in their hometown, or their parents ordered them to go back to their hometown to find them.

After getting married, they usually stay up to the age of 35, and when they are promoted to the deputy battalion level, their wife can join the army.

According to the practice of the year, a “peasant-to-non-agricultural transformation” was generally carried out according to the policy, and the young daughter-in-law in the countryside turned into a “city person”.

This is strictly controlled by non-agricultural household registration. This benefit alone is worth the officers’ hard work in the army to change jobs without blinking an eyelid.

After the family members join the army, they are arranged to work in the local government near the station. If there is no arrangement, they can also be arranged in the army’s family factory, such as a mineral water factory or a pharmaceutical factory. It’s an income anyway. Even if the troops are moved to defense, the family members can “marry chickens with chickens and dogs with dogs” and follow the officers. In this regard, the family members at that time did not have much pressure on placement work.

Now the band has changed.

Most of the officers are college graduates, and most of them looking for a daughter-in-law will not consider their own personal future as before.

The former childhood sweethearts have no guesses, but now she has become the same tablemate you used to be.

If the spouse is from the city, and the place of origin is good, after changing jobs, according to the policy, he can still settle with his wife.

In the past, the daughter-in-law relied on the soldier, but now it is the other way around, the soldier relied on the daughter-in-law.


It has long been of little use. In today’s urbanization, many urbanites in many places are eager to convert their once regarded as a high-level urban hukou to a rural hukou, and fight for land acquisition compensation, how much nourishment?

Therefore, some of the “welfare” of the policy of accompanying the army in the early years has already been exhausted in the passage of time.

What’s more terrible is that the long-term peace has brought about the prosperity of the places where the front-line field troops were originally located. Some of them have been gradually urbanized and included in the scope of cities or business districts. The officers of the army have also learned to live at home. In addition, the welfare of the army has been improved repeatedly over the years, and the daily life has been prosperous. I suddenly changed the station and went to a remote area. The stability of the original family was hit hard, and many family problems occurred. .

Take the Blue Army Brigade as an example. It was originally stationed in T City, which is affiliated to the Beijing Military Region Theater. Because T City has a high military status, local girls like to marry soldiers. They used to say that soldiers are too hard and their wages and benefits are not good. Now it is different. It’s not the best, but it’s definitely not bad either.

Okay now, it was announced that the troops were going to be split up, moved to a place called “Prairie Town” on the prairie.

Prairie Town?

Many family members heard this name and didn’t even know where the place was. Many people heard of such a place for the first time.

So it was immediately blinded.

The first sentence I asked the soldier’s husband was: “You’re gone, how will you live in the future?”

Yeah, how’s it going?

There are families and children.

The family can still take care of them here, not counting the local girls in the T urban area?

Working alone with kids?

The pillar of the family is gone, a woman living with a child?

How is this different from being a widow?

But follow along, what are you going there for?

The people in the city didn’t say whether they could live on the grasslands, but they said that when they went, where could they be arranged?

Originally, it was a big city in T city, the job was good, the income was decent, and the schedule was regular, so I went there and started again?

A family member turned over the map and looked westward along the railway in City T, and finally found the ghostly place called “Prairie Town”.

This place is just a small point on the map, and there are not many cities around it. It is located in a small town on the border of Z and Mongolia. To get there, you must first go to the capital, then take the train to Jining in the NM Autonomous Region, and then take a 180-kilometer bus ride. bus……

If you take a plane, you have to go to Hohhot, and then take a 160-kilometer bus to get there…

this day!

No way!

Seriously told Zhuang Yan that among the first group of people who came here, more than ten couples whose relationship was not stable had already broken up and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their divorce certificates.

Reality is not a film and television drama, reality is often so cruel.

The reason why seriousness praises Lin Qingying is that Lin Qingying is really perfect and excellent.

Zhuang Yan has been running around for so many years, tossing from home to abroad, Lin Qingying just kept silent and managed a small family with great taste. For this alone, it is difficult to find it all over the country with a lantern!

Originally, this Blue Army unit was deployed here~www.mtlnovel.com~ It was established to fight against the Red Army troops, that is, to ruthlessly abuse the Red Army brigade and let them taste the taste of failure.

But now that the army has just been built, and no work has been completed, the people in the army have suffered a severe blow in their lives and fought a painful “family defense battle”. How can this not make the morale of the army low?

Zhuang Yan smelled an unusual smell from his serious mouth.

This time, the battalion commander said that he was promoted from deputy to regular. It looks beautiful and cool, but it’s really not easy to be the one!


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