Special Years

Chapter 1234 - scout in tank

The new battalion commander took office, and the entire battalion, including the above-mentioned chief officers, was present.

The small conference room was full.

In fact, the process for a new commander to take office is the same for any unit. The main company cadres are gathered together to hold a meeting, and the top commander of the unit will report the situation as a representative, and introduce the commanders of each company one by one.

Zhuang Yan had never seen Niu Shilin and Xu Er.

I don’t know where these two have gone.

Of course, the two of them are still the platoon leader for the time being, and they can’t come to this meeting.

The moderator of the meeting is of course instructor Kang Kehai.

It’s not a shame that he is a political worker. Lao Kang speaks in a systematic manner, completely unscripted. He recounts the current situation in the battalion and the various historical honors of the entire reconnaissance battalion, and then begins to introduce each company. Officers.

Zhuang Yan noticed that most of the company leaders of the reconnaissance battalion were still young, which reassured him a little.

The most feared thing for an external transfer officer is to meet a bunch of old haha ​​cadres in the original unit.

After being a soldier for a long time, there will be some oil, which is inevitable.

What’s more, he was transferred from a foreign military region, and in the eyes of native-born cadres, he was a foreign monk.

It can be seen from the eyes of those company chief officers that they have doubts about their abilities.

It is too young after all.

It is rare to see a battalion-level cadre as young as Zhuang Yan, of course, not including the serious one who has been sitting beside him.

Seriousness is an example.

After introducing the situation, Kang Kehai also decorated the facade for solemn decoration.

He seems to have done a lot of kung fu, and he doesn’t know where to inquire about the solemn resume.

The former gun king of the special team, the training graduates of the Naval Special Forces Academy of the T country, the champion of the martial arts competition, the champion of the first international scout competition of the E country, etc. are all on the table.

This made the solemn a little uncomfortable.

Although I know that the instructor Kang Kehai is propping up his appearance.

But this does not fit the solemn style.

Acting solemnly often pays attention to low-key, speaking with strength on the training ground.

He was looking forward to what Kang Kehai would introduce, but he wanted to know more about the professional composition of the soldiers and cadres of the entire reconnaissance battalion, the equipment and familiarity of the weapons and equipment, and what happened to the scouts from the tank soldiers to the mechanized infantry brigade. problems and difficulties.

These make it easier for Zhuang Yan to quickly formulate training plans and adaptation plans for existing problems, and bring the entire battalion into the role of scouts in the shortest possible time.

But in the end he didn’t say anything.

After all, it took Kang Kehai more than 20 minutes to talk about the glorious history and achievements of the entire battalion. It can be seen that it took a lot of time to prepare. If you ask him about the current equipment level and training situation of the reconnaissance battalion, Soldier professional and other issues, solemnly worried that Comrade Lao Kang would not be able to step down.

Because Lao Kang may not be prepared to talk about it, and he is still an instructor, asking him to talk about military matters seems to be crossing the line.

As an officer who has received many years of special operations training, solemnity is still very accurate.

From the tone, manner and expression of Lao Kang’s speech, including the look in his eyes, he can see that he should not have been a military commander at the grassroots level.

On the contrary, what made Zhuang Yan interested was the deputy battalion commander named Lu Wentao, who had been silent beside the instructor.

This man was black and thin. He didn’t say a word. It seemed that he brought a pair of ears to the meeting. Then he kept drinking tea with that mouth. After drinking a cup, the battalion correspondent was given another cup. Who.

Zhuang Yan likes silent people. This kind of person doesn’t seem to talk much on the face, but his heart is clear, and there is definitely not so much rambling **** when he performs tasks.

The serious time is very tight, Lao Kang talks too much, and before Zhuang Yan stands up and introduces himself, he is called away again.

Before leaving, he solemnly sent him out the door, and at the corner of the stairs outside the door, he solemnly told the instructor, Lao Kang, to go back first.

“Kang Kehai, you go back first, I will leave after a few words with Zhuang Yan.”

“Yes! Chief of Staff/Chief!”

Lao Kang’s execution of the order was true, he turned around and went back after saluting.

Seriously then said: “Do you see the doorway?”

solemnly said: “See the point.”

Seriously clenched his fist and smashed it on his chest: “You and I say you are a subordinate, but you are brothers and sisters. I know your abilities. You can do it with confidence. If you need any support, find me.”

Zhuang Yan nodded vigorously: “Okay!”

After Serenity left, Zhuang Yan stood there and thought for a while, and recollected Serenity’s words.

It seems that the staff officer/chief comrade knows something, but he has no time to say it.

Seriously go, take it down and see yourself.

Now, Zhuang Yan is the top military commander in this battalion.

When I got to the conference room later, it seemed that Lao Kang couldn’t let Lao Kang continue to talk about history. He asked himself clearly about the situation and quickly entered the work. To enter the work, you must know the real situation.

Re-entered the conference room, solemnly returned to his seat and sat down, looking around.

Kang Kehai took the lead in applauding: “Welcome our battalion commander to speak.”

Everyone woke up like a dream and applauded.

Zhuang Yan cleared his throat and said straight to the point: “Since the instructor has introduced my situation to everyone just now, I will not introduce myself. That’s right, I have been in the field army since I was a soldier, and then in the special forces. , followed by the reconnaissance battalion of the amphibious combat force. In this line, I consider myself an expert, and since I have come to our blue army brigade, I will do my best to build our reconnaissance battalion in strict accordance with the deployment of the superior chief.”

“According to the tasks given by the superiors, the blue army brigade will be established according to the combined force model of foreign forces. I would like to ask everyone, do you know what a combined force is?”

Zhuang Yan actually wants to see if there is a complete concept of what the concept of “Blue Army in the Prairie Base” is among the people here.

I had a detailed talk with myself before being serious.

The Blues trained in Prairie are unlike any previous Blues in a Red-Blue confrontation.

This is a blue army that imitates the Western military powers in composition, but simulates any force on the earth far away from the firepower configuration.

In serious words, this is to create a “Blue Star’s strongest blue army”.

The commanders of the various companies that were working were whispering to each other.

Solemnly waited for everyone’s answer.

However, apart from whispering, no one answered.

Solemn is a little disappointed.

He asked: “I have seen the information of our battalion. Many of the members were originally the reconnaissance unit of the tank division. Hasn’t anyone studied the concept of this combined unit?”

Still no answer.

Kang Kehai rounded up the field and said: “Brigade commander, we used to be the reconnaissance unit of the tank division, which is different from your special forces and amphibious reconnaissance battalions. There is a big difference in the reconnaissance mode… You see…”

Zhuang Yan was a little disappointed.

But today is my first time hosting a meeting, so I can’t keep people off stage on the first day.

He planned to bypass this problem, so he said: “Well, since I’m not clear, I’ll introduce it.”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Wentao, who was sitting next to Kang Kehai, took the initiative to speak.

“Captain, can I say something?”

“You know?” Zhuang Yan was a little surprised: “Tell me about it.”

Lu Wentao said: “Combined troops are also called synthetic troops. In every micro-battle, a single arm will not fight alone in principle, but seek information support and firepower support from brother units, and strive to annihilate the enemy at the least cost. , or exert a powerful systematic strike force on the enemy in the face. In this regard, the world’s number one military power, the United States, is at the forefront. more effective in improving combat efficiency.”

clap clap clap-

After listening, the rest of the people didn’t react, and solemnly took the lead in applauding.

Kang Kehai didn’t expect Lu Wentao to answer the solemn question accurately, but fortunately, he finally saved some face.

Zhuang Yan said: “Deputy battalion commander Lu is very accurate. This is the concept of a combined force. Of course, we all know the concept, and it takes a lot of effort to do it. Not to mention, the composition of our battalion needs to be reformed. Deputy battalion commander-“


“After the meeting, submit the roster of the camp’s personnel to me as soon as possible.”

Come on, turn around and ask Kang Kehai: “Instructor~www.mtlnovel.com~ How many armored reconnaissance vehicles does our battalion currently have? How many delta-wing reconnaissance equipment? How many squad reconnaissance systems? How many handheld digital reconnaissance instruments? Are these things full?”

When Kang Kehai heard the words, he suddenly lost his mind.

“This… this…”

He suddenly saw Lu Wentao pointing to the side like a rescuer.

“I think you should ask Lao Lu directly about this issue. Military matters… I’m not familiar with it…”


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