Special Years

Chapter 1235 - Battalion commander is not good

After just one meeting, Zhuang Yan probably had an idea about the situation of this reconnaissance battalion.

By his own yardstick, the level of training in the camp today can be described in one word—poor.

Described in two words – too bad!

Although the reconnaissance troop and amphibious reconnaissance battalion of the tank division are both called reconnaissance battalions, they are very different in terms of professionalism, and they are even more different in terms of individual training intensity and skills.

Judging from the expressions of all the chief officers of the company who had deliberately mentioned a few weapons and equipment just now, it was estimated that they didn’t know anything except the reconnaissance instrument.

They don’t know there is a squad reconnaissance system, they don’t know the use of radar and detection instruments on the battlefield of reconnaissance vehicles, they don’t know there are such things as delta wings and paramotors, and they don’t know what climbing is, what is airborne…

Fortunately, this is a prairie, and Zhuang Yan did not mention underwater combat, otherwise everyone would be afraid that their eyes would fall to the ground.

After the meeting, each company quickly opened a sensation.

It is said that a new battalion commander has come, and he is extremely arrogant. He used to come out of the special forces, and it is said that he has also gone abroad and won awards.

The officer felt chills, and the soldier heard liver tremor.

To be honest, who wants to change majors in the middle?

Originally a good tank soldier, what is the tank soldier good at? It is the driving and operation of the tank, and the accurate shooting of the artillery.

The suffering of tank soldiers is different from that of ordinary infantry.

The new recruits get on the tank, the squad leader asks you to look at the meter, just sit there and stare at the meter for more than an hour, the space inside the tank is small, and the window is closed to death. all over the place.

Train out in the tank in summer, take off the tank boots, and the water can be poured out of it.

Driving in a tank outcropping, after a day of training, my whole body is covered with yellow mud and dust, and only two eyes are left.

When the weather is sunny, stepping on the floating soil in the tank field can drown the uppers of the shoes. When it is raining, it is full of thin mud, and the shoes cannot be pulled up when you step on them.

It is also suffering.

This is the suffering of the tank soldiers.

But not the suffering of the scouts, nor the suffering of the special forces.

According to the direction of seriousness to solemnity, solemnity must establish a reconnaissance battalion that can be comparable to the special group model of the group army.

Moreover, the two also reached a consensus on the direction of development.

The new blue army special reconnaissance battalion must be a new type of reconnaissance detachment based on science and technology. It not only requires strong individual soldiers, but also requires soldiers and officers in the battalion to be familiar with all modern reconnaissance instruments.

The concept of combat is no longer to use special forces as elite infantry, that is what low-level special forces can do.

The entire battalion retains only one armed reconnaissance company, which includes armed reconnaissance, armored reconnaissance, and airborne reconnaissance. The remaining two companies are one technical reconnaissance company and one UAV reconnaissance company.

When performing tasks, butchery, armored reconnaissance, airborne, technical reconnaissance and UAV companies can all assign personnel to form a comprehensive reconnaissance unit, infiltrate behind enemy lines and use high-tech means to monitor enemy communications, interfere with radio stations, discover and calibrate The enemy’s high-value targets, guide their own artillery and missile forces, and the air force to destroy, monitor the movement of the enemy’s troops, create false information, conduct psychological warfare, deceive the enemy commander, and cause their judgments to be wrong, etc.

It seems that there are not many people in the entire special reconnaissance battalion, but all the specialties are refined to platoons, and when needed, they can be combined modularly to achieve a high degree of synthesis.

It’s no wonder that those officers and soldiers who were originally engaged in tank reconnaissance felt weak.

Thinking that this battalion commander surnamed Zhuang has participated in various “Devil Weeks”, and has also studied abroad in special forces schools, whoever is not afraid is hell.

When the Blue Army Brigade was first reorganized, many of the soldiers were quite happy. They felt that this time the tank scouts became the scouts of the special reconnaissance battalion, which is said to be the special forces of the Blue Army.

Special forces!

Who is unhappy when they hear it?

Who doesn’t listen to the waist and keep the chest high and feel that he is a character?

But now, listening to those company commanders say this, the days ahead will be difficult.

The more you listen, the colder your heart will be.

I saw the special forces one called Prestige on the TV news before, I thought I would be very prestige when I was, but no one thought about the meaning behind this prestige.

Now it’s my turn. I used to see that my waist doesn’t hurt when people move bricks, but now I’m going up to move bricks, and the taste has suddenly changed.

He solemnly returned to his room, took out the notebook issued by the army, and began to write down the training plan and his own work development plan.

The work development plan covers a lot of things. First, inventory the weapons and equipment of the entire battalion, check for leaks and fill the gaps, and list the required equipment and submit it to the brigade headquarters; second, check the venue, and report to the brigade headquarters for construction and construction if there is any lack of training venues; The third is to have a heart-to-heart talk with the cadres above the company one by one, to understand the ideological situation and the mastery of job transfer…

In fact, for the third point, solemnity is the most worrying.

As it was written, the confidential mobile phone placed on the table rang.

Pick up a listen, it is serious.

Serenity asked Zhuangyan on the phone: “How is the situation? After I left, did your meeting go well?”

After listening to Zhuang Yan, he smiled bitterly: “I’ve figured it out this time. Serenity, you’ve tricked me. You told me before that this should have been a reconnaissance battalion in the past. When I ask today, it’s not like that at all.”

Seriously laughed: “It’s really a reconnaissance battalion, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

Solemnly said: “Come on, you’re still pitting me. This is the tank reconnaissance battalion of a tank division, not the infantry reconnaissance battalion, let alone any special forces, two things that are completely out of line.”

Seriously continued to laugh and said, “That’s also a reconnaissance battalion. I didn’t say it was tank reconnaissance, and you didn’t ask, did you?”

Zhuang Yan can only admit it. He doesn’t care about tank reconnaissance and infantry reconnaissance. The biggest problem now is not these.

“Now I have a lot of problems to face. I need the full support of the head of the base and the brigade. We are old comrades in arms. I will definitely not frown if you let me be this broken battalion commander, but you have to Tell me, can my funds be guaranteed? Can my equipment be guaranteed?”

Seriously said: “This time the top has made the greatest determination. All of this is not something you need to worry about. What you need to worry about is to do a good job in training and exercise the actual combat capability of this unit. The rest, leave it to me.”

Solemnly said: “Well, I will write a report to you brigade chiefs later, but I have found a very serious problem now.”

“What’s the problem?” asked seriously.

Solemnly said: “The cadres are dissatisfied with the editor, and there are many vacancies. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd companies are all short of deputy positions.”

Serenity sighed on the other end of the phone: “You may not know that most of the chief officers of these companies have just been promoted…”

Zhuang Yan was taken aback for a moment, thinking that it is no wonder that the chief officers of the company looked relatively young.

Here, is there any reason?

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

Seriously said: “Tell me about the most realistic situation. This unit used to be stationed in T city, which is a big city. It was announced that they would be transferred here. The family members’ work was not easy to do. Many people even took advantage of this adaptation. It is proposed to change careers, so the gap is relatively large. There is no way to solve this problem for the time being…”

After thinking about it solemnly, I also understand.

Who wants to come to this damned place where birds don’t shit?

Everyone who comes here wants to do something.

But this is good, the sand is sifted away, and the gold is left.

But there is still a shortage of people!

“You still have to solve that person’s problem for me. I can’t bring so many soldiers by myself. It’s not easy to lead this team because of the lack of cadres.”

Serious and unambiguous, he said directly: “This is something you need to consider as the battalion commander, make up people, I’m sorry, I’ll answer you directly, it can’t be done for the time being, if you really want it, you have to wait for it to be resolved slowly, it is estimated that at the latest It will not be until the graduates of the military academy come down next year. Also, this kind of problem that cannot be solved temporarily, you need to find a way to solve it yourself~www.mtlnovel.com~ solemnly said: “How can I solve it? I can’t make a big difference to a living person, it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice! “

Seriously said: “Utilizing your ability as a former special forces gun king, there are always more ways than difficulties! I, the chief of staff/chief, will solve everything for you, and I, the chief of staff/chief, will let you do it.”

Zhuang Yan laughed and said, “You think I dare not do it? I really dare!”

Seriously laughed at the other end.


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