Special Years

Chapter 1236 - Will the new official take office without burning fire?

In the first few days of Zhuang Yan’s appointment, he did not intervene in the training in the camp.

At first, the soldiers in the battalion were a little worried about the three fires when the new officer took office, but as the days passed, they found that the battalion commander seemed to care nothing.

Let’s talk about morning exercises. After getting up and gathering, the staff on duty will report to the whole team. Zhuang Yan doesn’t even speak, and directly asks each company to start the training.

Those company officers were beginning to wonder if the solemn arrival would make the training so brutal that no one could stand it.

Good now.

Zhuang Yan seems to be deaf to what is going on outside the window.

This made all officers and soldiers feel like they were stepping on the air.

One morning, Niu Shilin knocked on the solemn door, sweating profusely.


Zhuang Yan raised his head from the desk and glanced at Niu Shilin.

“Come in.”

Niu Shilin closed the door.

Glancing at the door solemnly, he turned his gaze to Niu Shilin’s face and asked, “What’s the matter, mysterious?”

Niu Shilin is currently assigned to the 1st Company, serving as the 1st platoon leader; Xu Er is currently in the 2nd Company, serving as the 3rd platoon leader.

The reason why I was sweating was because I went for a five-kilometer run in the morning.

Before the reconnaissance battalion, the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion had more professional training in one year. The morning and evening are the physical training time, but the intensity is generally not large.

After all, they don’t need to use their legs like the scouts of other infantry units.

“Batch commander, why don’t you always organize training?”

Niu Shilin looked a little anxious between his brows.

Zhuang Yan said: “You look in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?”

Niu Shilin said, “You don’t even know what other people say about you.”

“How do you say me?” asked solemnly.

Niu Shilin hesitated, his lips moved a few times, but he didn’t say anything.

He said solemnly, “You say, I’m like someone who can’t listen to any criticism?”

Niu Shilin thought for a while before saying, “I heard the discussion that you are an embroidered pillow, and it is estimated that a related household was transferred here for promotion…”

Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Then am I?”

Niu Shilin quickly shook his head: “Of course not, I don’t know what level you are, battalion commander? If you don’t say anything else, this blue army brigade wants to talk about special operations and reconnaissance, and they can’t pick another one that can compare with you.”

Zhuang Yan shook his head with a smile, tapped his hand on the laptop on the table, and said as he typed, “So, you just need to know if I’m not.”

Niu Shilin said: “Then they say so, if this rumor reaches the ears of the chief…”

Zhuang Yan is still very calm: “If the chief doesn’t even have this ability to distinguish, do you think he is still a qualified chief?”

Niu Shilin is right when he thinks about it.

But he still wanted to say something.

In short, I just feel that Zhuang Yan doesn’t care about things in the past few days, and it won’t affect him well.

“But… this also has to organize training…” Niu Shilin said: “Just like when you came to our 4th Division after graduating from the military academy, the hands you showed on the first day stunned everyone, here Why don’t you do that?”

Zhuang Yan said: “The situation is different. This is not the 4th division.”

He stopped, looked at Niu Shilin and said, “Although the equipment of the 4th division was not complete at that time, it had 80% of it, what do you see here?”

He pointed out the window.

Niu Shilin looked along the solemn hand, and there was really nothing outside the window except for the large tracts of grassland and open space.

Zhuang Yan said: “There is not even a comprehensive training ground, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. How to carry out training?”

Niu Shilin was silent.

Zhuang Yan continued: “I’ve been busy with this for the past few days—”

He turned the laptop screen to Niu Shilin.

Niu Shilin saw that it was an application report, and the list listed above were all things like weapons and equipment, training grounds and facilities.

Zhuang Yan said: “I have discussed with Chief of Staff Yan, and the brigade chief will fully support the construction of our reconnaissance battalion. Also, I have prepared the training plan.”

With that said, he opened the drawer, took out a training plan, and handed it to Niu Shilin.

“Look, are you alright?”

Niu Shilin quickly started browsing.

After a few minutes, he roughly read the content.

“Yes, of course, the intensity is sufficient, and this progressive training method is very good and targeted.”

Nodding solemnly: “We are pioneering cattle, don’t forget this. This reconnaissance battalion is different from our previous amphibious reconnaissance battalion. You all came from infantry reconnaissance. Moreover, it is a reconnaissance unit in the form of a special detachment that simulates the Western army, which is much more difficult than you were at the beginning. Not to mention…”

“What’s more?” Niu Shilin asked.

Zhuang Yan said: “There is a shortage of cadres. I have talked to the chief officers of each company in the past few days. To be honest, most of the problems that have been answered are that the change of career is not correct, and the number of cadres is insufficient.”

Niu Shilin said: “Yes, we also lack cadres, and we don’t have a deputy company commander. If I didn’t make up for a platoon leader, we would still be short of a platoon leader.”

Zhuang Yan said: “I have been thinking about this issue recently. You see, the end of the year is coming, and the veterans will be retired. I will ask each company to send over the list of soldiers who are willing to stay in the team. I plan to cultivate a backbone team first, and then When new recruits arrive, the backbone can drive the entire company. There is also the problem of incomplete training facilities and insufficient equipment. For the time being, I am afraid that the transfer training can only stay in theoretical courses, give more lectures, reserve knowledge first, and once the equipment is equipped Issue it, and enter the practical operation immediately.”

He glanced at Niu Shilin again and said, “I found out now that I brought you and Xu Er here, otherwise my work would have been less effective. You are both old scouts, and you all understand a lot of what I have taught you. Therefore, I plan to ask you two to assist me in teaching, and the three of us will divide special operations and reconnaissance into one point, and one person will be responsible for several subjects, starting with theoretical knowledge.”

Niu Shilin said: “Their physical foundation is also very poor. I watched them run a five-kilometer armed cross-country run in the early days of the past few days. The collective time is about 23 minutes.”

In 23 minutes, even in the syllabus of the five-kilometer cross-country program, it was not even excellent. Even compared with the mechanized infantry of the 4th Division, this kind of achievement was a lot worse.

“My report and application have been completed, and I will send it in today. From tomorrow, I will have physical training during the day, all theory classes at night, and a theory test once a week. Before the equipment arrives, give me the theoretical knowledge first. They all filled up.”

Niu Shilin said: “Then this range of learning…”

Zhuang Yan rested his elbows on the table, twisted his palms together, rubbed it a few times, and said, “All.”

There was a strange look in Niu Shilin’s eyes, and he said, “There is something…”

“What’s the matter?” asked solemnly.

Niu Shilin said: “Instructors and instructors seem to be political cadres~www.mtlnovel.com~ Are they also included?”

Zhuang Yan didn’t even think about it: “Of course, including, when the war begins, political cadres should not participate in the battle?”

Niu Shilin grinned, with a meaningful smile.

Zhuang Yan looked sideways and knew what his smile meant.

“Let’s go out first, go find Xu Er, report to me a few subjects that you two are good at, and report them before noon today. I will draw up the class schedule tonight, and I will officially enter the full training state tomorrow.”


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