Special Years

Chapter 1241 - Double spring?

Mo Yanhua thought things were too simple.

He had never tried to run a ten-kilometer armed cross-country.

However, Mo Yanhua is also a very confident person.

He came to the reconnaissance camp earlier than Kang Kehai, so he thought that his physical fitness was okay. When he tried the test in the division, as a company commander, he could also run a five-kilometer cross-country run in 24 minutes.

Of course, he would not be naive enough to think that he could overturn the solemnity.

At any rate, Zhuang Yan’s rich and brilliant resume sounds quite intimidating.

But you can’t do it yourself, the soldiers can!

The fastest soldier in the entire battalion can run five kilometers within 20 minutes. According to this calculation, ten kilometers can reach about 40 minutes.

According to Zhuang Yan’s brilliance, he will be 10 minutes faster than the fastest player in the entire battalion. That is to say, he has to run for 30 minutes before winning, otherwise he will slap himself in the face.

It was because he had knocked this little Jiujiu in his heart that Mo Yanhua ignored the solemn resume and dared to challenge.

No matter how awesome it is, it’s impossible to run 30 minutes in a fully armed cross-country situation, right?

Who to scare?

Soldiers are men, not gods.

Before the whole camp started running, a small episode occurred.

A serious car suddenly appeared in the reconnaissance battalion, and drove along the gate to the front of the battalion department.

The commanders of the camp went up to greet him, and Kang Kehai felt that something was wrong, but he still followed the solemn salute.

“Have I come to disturb your training?”

After getting out of the car seriously, he looked at the camp leaders in front of him with a smile on his face.

Solemnly said: “Of course not. We were just about to run a ten-kilometer cross-country run. Chief of staff, you are here just to be a referee for us. I have also issued a military order in front of them.”

Seriously asked: “What military order?”

Kang Kehai, who was next to him, answered first, “That’s right. Our battalion commander and the whole battalion made a bet that he would be more than 10 minutes faster than the fastest comrade, except for Niu Shilin and Xu Er.”

Serious eyes lit up, a look of surprise flashed, and his eyes turned to solemn: “I said solemn, are you serious?”

Zhuang Yan said: “Really, pearls are not so real. Every spit of a soldier is a nail. I said, I will do it. If I can’t do it, I will accept the punishment.”

Seriously: “What’s the penalty?”

Solemnly said: “Actually, it’s nothing. Everyone thinks running ten kilometers is very torturous. I mean, as long as their time with me is shortened to less than ten minutes, I promise them that they don’t need to train for ten kilometers.”

With a serious laugh, he raised his finger and pointed at Zhuang Yan: “Betting on the training content, if you lose Zhuang Yan, you will be criticized.”

“I am willing to accept all punishments from the brigade chief,” said solemnly.

With a serious hand wave: “Okay, then let you try it out.”

Zhuang Yan turned around and ran back to the commanding position of the team, and ordered loudly: “Everyone has it, five minutes, go back and get fully armed and gather here!”

The team disbanded, and the correspondent brought over the solemn gun, backpack, and carrying equipment.

Dressed solemnly and neatly.

Seriously asked, “How has your physical fitness been maintained over the years?”

Zhuang Yan will also answer directly, but just smile: “You will find out later, won’t you?”

Five minutes passed, and many soldiers came back one after another, but a few did not come back.

Looking solemnly at the electronic watch in his hand, his brows furrowed.

After everyone was brought together, Zhuang Yan asked the officer on duty to bring everyone to the gate and gather them together.

Here is the starting point.

The five-kilometer route here in the reconnaissance battalion was measured by car, and it bypassed three large and small bags in total.

After running ten kilometers, it takes two laps, and the end point is at the gate.

Serenity suddenly turned his head and glanced at Kang Kehai, and asked, “Teacher Kang, where are your gear?”

Conk Hai was immediately stunned, and subconsciously said, “Me?”

Seriously pointed to the officers and soldiers who were already on the roadside doing warm-up exercises, and said, “Aren’t you from the reconnaissance battalion?”

Conkhai’s face turned green.

Seriously, he said, “Go, get the gear, and you’ll run with the people from the battalion headquarters later.”

The Chief of Staff has orders, and Conkhai can only obey.

He turned and trotted towards the battalion headquarters.

Serenity shouted at the back: “Hurry up, do you want everyone to wait?”

Conkhai had no choice but to run with great strides.

He suddenly felt that Serenity’s appearance in the reconnaissance camp early this morning was probably not a whim, nor a coincidence…

Maybe Zhuang Yan and his old comrade-in-arms were singing double reeds, deliberately letting themselves be hooked.

But now there is no way, the chief of staff ordered, and he had to run.

Moreover, solemnly doing this is obviously to leave room for himself.

If it’s true, even if Majestic asks him to run with him in front of so many people, he can’t help but run.

Once you do that solemnly, your old face will be lost.

This 10-kilometer armed off-road was set off in units of companies.

Three companies, one battalion headquarters, and four units set out in the order of 1st company, 2nd company, 3rd company, and battalion headquarters.

The order is solemn. The reason why the battalion headquarters is not allowed to run first is because the battalion headquarters is estimated to be the slowest runner among all the units. It would be too embarrassing to catch up with three companies in the end.

The off-road test began, and by the first lap of five kilometers, every unit in the entire battalion seemed to have no problems.

After all, the five-kilometer thing, although the reconnaissance battalion is not doing well now, it is often run.

However, in the second lap, something went wrong…

Mo Yanhua couldn’t run anymore.

Entering the sixth kilometer, the comrade instructor realized that he had made a serious mistake.

From a simple arithmetic point of view, if someone in your company can run for 20 minutes on a five-kilometer moonlit night, then it seems that ten kilometers is double the time, that is, 20X2-40 minutes.

It’s just that it doesn’t actually run like that.

Just like myself, I can usually run down five kilometers with gritted teeth, but once I pass six kilometers, the situation is completely different.

Whether it was physical strength, speed or endurance, Mo Yanhua felt that he was on the verge of collapse.

He couldn’t lift his two feet, no matter how much he breathed, the rise in his lungs was like a dry spring, which could not meet his body’s needs.

“I…I’ll help you…”

“Give me the gun…”

A few good soldiers from the 1st Company came up to help him carry the gun, and some people took off his rucksack to help him lighten his load.

Mo Yanhua took off his rucksack and took away the gun in a daze…

People are relieved and feel at ease.

But a closer look reveals that something is not right.

I was relieved, but even a few soldiers with good physical fitness in the room came in and accompany me to finish the calf.


He stopped a few soldiers who were helping him carry things.

At this time, what Mo Yanhua wanted to save was not his face, but how to win.

Those soldiers were not feeling well either.

You know, everyone has never run 10 kilometers, so there is a problem of physical distribution.

Long-distance running pays the most attention to physical distribution.

If you run ten kilometers according to the physical distribution method of five kilometers, you will definitely finish the calf.

Now more than six kilometers away, the entire battalion of soldiers is on the verge of collapse.

Either cadres or soldiers.

The only one who stands alone is solemn.

For the first five kilometers, Zhuang Yan has been leading the way.

There are not many obstacles on the grassland, and the line of sight is good.

The battalion headquarters was originally the last to leave~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is reasonable to say that it should run behind.

The departure times of each unit are three minutes apart.

That’s one batch in three minutes.

But now, running at the front, the first company to set off found that its battalion commander was carrying a rucksack and a gun, and he was like a vigorous antelope on the African savannah. His eyes surpassed everyone, and then he jumped up and down into a small dot in his sight…


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