Special Years

Chapter 1242 - military order

It took the reconnaissance battalion over fifty minutes for the first ten-kilometer cross-country run, and the slowest one took about fifty-four minutes.

It’s not the worst.

Worst of all, four people didn’t finish the course.

The reasons are physical exhaustion, fainting, and collapse.

One of these four people is the instructor Conk Hai.

Kang Kehai didn’t expect his “basketball fitness” to be so vulnerable.

He had run the five-kilometer cross-country, but he did not expect ten kilometers to be so difficult.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to finish, it’s that he wants to finish too much.

Because of the serious presence, Kang Kehai could not lose.

As a result, in a hurry, the distribution of physical strength was not good, and the person finally couldn’t stand it when he ran to the place of 8 kilometers.

Several soldiers in charge of logistical support carried the instructor into the car and transported it directly to the battalion health center.

The solemn time was 36 minutes and 21 seconds.

When the finish line was reached, Xu Er, who was in charge of the card table, smiled more proudly than anyone else.

“Captain, the sword is not old!”

Zhuang Yan was actually quite tired, he took off his things and put them on the ground, and walked around the basketball court twice before he came to Zhan Yan.

Seriously: “I envy you.”

“Why do you envy me?” asked solemnly.

Seriously said: “If I play, I will definitely not be as good as you. It is estimated that I can run for 40 minutes and be very satisfied.”

“Are you deliberately modest?” said solemnly.

He shook his head solemnly: “You know I won’t do this. I also want to pat my chest and say that I can run to about 36 points, but I can’t. Now is not the time for the preliminaries at the headquarters. It was fine when the military academy first came out. Later After I went to the headquarters for two years, I stayed in the organization, and I had fewer opportunities to exercise. Later, I went to the grassroots level. It’s ups and downs. The military rank is getting higher and higher, but the physical fitness is getting worse and worse.”

“You don’t follow the same path as me,” said solemnly.

He shook his head with a serious smile: “You are purer than me as a soldier.”

The two chatted, and saw the security car quickly drive into the battalion headquarters playground.

Several soldiers carried the instructor and another fainted officer out of the car.

“Huh? Is it Kang Kehai?”

Serenity couldn’t help walking to the car, and when he saw it, it really was Lao Kang.

“What’s up with him?”

Seriously ask the security guards in the car.

One of the hygienists said, “Chief of Staff, the instructor has passed out.”

“Is there any danger to life?” Seriously worried, after all, Kang Kehai is 37 years old, and running so violently, it is really fatal.

The hygienist said: “Chief of staff, the instructor is fine. After the inspection, it is purely prostration. After transporting it, we will take it back to the clinic to suspend him, and it will be fine in a while.”

When the people left, Serenity said to Zhuangyan, “Look, this camp for you is like this, is there anything you can do?”

“There are always more ways than difficulties.” Zhuang Yan said, “I have led soldiers for so many years, and it is rare that I cannot lead good soldiers. Everyone has his own shortcomings and weaknesses, but definitely also has advantages.”

Seriously said: “I know Lao Kang, the old office is old, and people are tired in the office. I’m afraid I won’t be able to adapt to the grassroots. I’m thinking…”

“Don’t.” Zhuang Yan realized what seriousness was going to do, and quickly stopped him: “Lao Kang is a good man. I’d love to partner with him.”

Seriously: “Oh? Tell me, why do you have so much confidence in him?”

Zhuang Yan said: “In fact, he does not need to come to the reconnaissance camp, he applied for it himself. You said that he is either for his feelings or for honor. In short, he is a grassroots company for ideals and is willing to come to such a ghost place. Cadres are hard to come by.”

“You plan to train him? Lao Kang is 37 today, can you do it?” Seriously worried.

Zhuang Yan said, “The first day you met me? I was in the Eighth Company back then. How much did I weigh when I first came here? I’m just a fat man. Do you remember what he said about me, the second monitor?”

After thinking about it seriously, he suddenly laughed: “Hahaha, yes, I remembered, the second squad leader said back then that with your training level, the next team can only go to raise pigs.”

Zhuang Yan smiled and said, “He’s right. I went to raise pigs for a while, but then I fought back by myself.”

After a pause, he said, “It’s precisely because I was able to practice that way back then, so I don’t believe that there are still things that can’t be practiced, only the difference between willing and unwilling.”

Nodding solemnly, agreeing with the solemn view.

“How are you going to train them?”

Zhuang Yan said, “I sent all the reports, didn’t you read them?”

Seriously said: “There are so many things during this time. I am overwhelmed by the construction of the hardware facilities of the base, and the composition and firepower equipment of the entire brigade have to be adjusted. I am busy. What did you give me? “

“Of course it’s an application report.” Zhuang Yan raised his hand and pointed around: “Look, I don’t have any training facilities now, how do you want me to train?”

He looked around seriously: “Okay, this matter will be arranged in a unified way in the brigade, you can’t be in a hurry, our troops are not only one unit of your reconnaissance battalion, there are several combined battalions in the groping stage, and there are a lot of troubles to worry about. deal with.”

Zhuang Yan said: “Well, I know that the base is busy now, but can I do this? I’m really busy. You can send me an engineering team here. I have ready-made drawings of the training ground. As long as I provide enough materials, I can make the camp. The soldiers here help, build it early.”

After thinking about it seriously, I think this is also a way.

“Okay, I’ll go back and discuss with the brigade commander.”

“That’s fast. I’m here waiting for the rice to cook!” said Zhuang Yan.

He walked towards his car with a serious smile, took a few steps, and then turned around: “Zhuang Yan, do you know that you have a lot of responsibilities? If you don’t do well, I will accompany you to be criticized.”

Zhuang Yan was stunned, and suddenly understood the meaning of the serious words.

The transfer of himself, Xu Er and Niu Shilin was not that simple.

Seriously transferred the three of them over, and definitely took the responsibility.

“I know, since you and I are both tied to a rope, I want to make another excessive request,” said solemnly.

Seriously turned back and returned to the solemn side.

“You said.”

Solemnly said: “Don’t say that I have a lot of requirements. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. Now I want to train the entire battalion in the shortest time. I have to have a few requirements.”

“Tell me, don’t shoot empty cannons!” He looked at his watch seriously: “I’m still in a hurry.”

Zhuang Yan said: “I have written all the other things in the report, including some equipment and facilities, as well as the application for security funds. I would like to add two requirements temporarily today. First, the three companies are all short of adjutants. The officer is not familiar with special reconnaissance subjects. I asked Niu Shilin and Xu Er to be promoted to the deputy company commanders of the 1st and 2nd companies. They have been platoon leaders for more than two years, and they are qualified; It is equivalent to being reborn, since this battalion has been transformed into a special reconnaissance battalion, it must have a name, and I ask for my own code name.”

“Code name?” Seriously surprised: “What code name do you want?”

The code name is nothing more than that of the Red Arrow brigade.

This thing really can improve cohesion and enhance the pride of soldiers in the army.

Solemnly said: “Lightning. Lightning Special Operations Battalion, I will assemble a commando subordinate to the battalion headquarters in the form of a commando in the battalion~www.mtlnovel.com~ This will be the most powerful expert special force in the entire blue army brigade. Combat Commando.”

He stared solemnly at the solemn, and did not speak for a while.

Suddenly, he turned around and walked towards his car, without turning his head, he just threw a sentence: “Okay, I promise you, but solemnly remember, if you don’t do well, I will personally come down and stab you in the bridge of the nose and curse your mother! “

Seriously got into the car, Zhuang Yan saluted beside the car, and said loudly: “Okay, I can’t do it, I’m too embarrassed to be in the blue army brigade, you can poke my nose and curse as you like!”

The SUV, painted with camouflage paint, quickly left the camp, and a cloud of loess rolled up from the back of the car, and soon disappeared into the distance.


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