Special Years

Chapter 1330 - 1 Everything is under control

Zhang Dabao was very excited.

Xu Xingguo was even more excited.

The facts seem to prove their judgment and ability.

The blue army’s brigade finger is indeed in the No. 2 area.

I didn’t make the wrong bet.

Before, Xu Xing’s inner pressure was not small at all.

According to the stable play method, even if the previous reconnaissance groups were captured by the opponent, as the reconnaissance battalion commander of the Red Army brigade, he must continue to exclude other reconnaissance groups.

What’s more, the exercise has already started, and the attack has already started.

Now, Brigade Commander Zhang Dabao needs more information to make reference for his judgment.

Moreover, infiltration and attack, reconnaissance, this is the role of the reconnaissance battalion.

Xu Xingguo did not continue to send, but sent technical reconnaissance and drone teams to areas close to the front line to support the main attacking force. As for the commandos and but detectives, he still held them in his own hands and did not send any of them.

He is gambling.

He believes that the Blues’ brigade finger must be in Area 2.

It’s a psychological premonition.

Now it turns out that he was right.

He held the photo in his hand and looked at it and looked at it.

In the photo, the solemn face is clearly visible.

This is not the most critical.

The most crucial point is that in one of the photos, a military rank can be seen through the gap of the guards.

Although the face of the “protagonist” chief squad leader who got out of the car was blocked by the guards, he could see a military rank on the collar of the camouflage uniform.


How many colonels can the Blues have?

Regarding the intelligence of the senior officers of the Blue Army Brigade, Xu Xingguo had already made it clear and clear.

Xia Chenglong is a colonel, the political commissar of the Blue Army is a colonel, among the other deputy brigade commanders, only one is a colonel, and the rest are all lieutenant colonels.

However, definitely not the deputy brigade commander.

The reason is simple.

If it is just a deputy brigade commander, is it worth his solemn protection of nearly two platoons of elite guard soldiers?

This mysterious colonel must be Xia Chenglong.

Xu Xingguo quickly calculated in his heart.

The two platoons of people who were solemnly treated, plus the people who were on guard around them, counted as one platoon, that is, a whole company of troops was protecting the brigade finger.

Under the blood!

Xu Xingguo suddenly felt that he was absolutely right that he did not send out both his commandos and Butei.

Majesty is not a master to deal with.

To launch a surprise attack on them, you must be surprised, and you must achieve the effect of a surprise attack.

The correspondent came over to report: “The battalion commander, the brigade commander is online.”

Xu Xingguo turned around and walked to the radio station, reaching out to pick up the microphone.

From the other end came the voice of Zhang Dabao: “Xingguo, your judgment is very accurate, the information has been obtained, what should you do, do you have any idea?”

“I already have a plan!” Xu Xingguo said with confidence: “But I need your support, Brigade Commander, and I need the cooperation of the Army Aviation Unit.”

“Okay! You said, I’ll send you a plane if you need it! You can go to the airport to assemble right now, and I’ll call their captain.” Zhang Dapao said, “It’s not too late, no one knows how long Xia Chenglong will be there. , you’re going to move fast!”

“Yes, the mission is guaranteed! Please wait for my good news!”

After finishing the call and putting down the microphone, Xu Xingguo turned to the deputy battalion commander and said, “Go, tell the 1st and 2nd companies to assemble immediately!”

Five minutes later, the two companies had all assembled in the dark.

After Xu Xingguo clarified the airborne implementation plan at the battalion headquarters and several company commanders who participated in the assault operation, he dropped the pen in his hand.

“See all clearly? Divide into two teams and attack from both ends. I am in charge of leading the commandos, penetrating from the side, and your two companies attract their firepower from east and west.”

Before he finished speaking, a report suddenly came from outside the door.


Xu Xingguo and several company commanders looked back, all showing a somewhat surprised expression.

There were six people standing at the door.

These six soldiers are all members of the three reconnaissance teams previously captured by the Blue Army brigade search force.

Everyone’s faces were covered with dust, and their eyes were full of exhaustion.

Solemn really kept his promise and put people back.

“Why did you come back?” the 1st company commander asked.

These soldiers were sent out by the 1st Company.

“Report to the company commander.” The highest rank of the leader was a second-level non-commissioned officer, with a somewhat embarrassed expression: “They left us on the edge of the defense zone and let us come back by ourselves. We ran all the way back…”

“They didn’t take your information?” the 1st company commander asked again.

Several soldiers shook their heads.

Xu Xingguo said to the 1st company commander: “I know my old comrade-in-arms. He is a proud guy. Maybe he doesn’t need to use the intelligence from these soldiers to defeat me, hum!”

“Then now…” The 1st company commander pointed to a few soldiers, his eyes glazed towards Xu Xingguo.

Xu Xingguo said, “Since we’re back, and we haven’t been injured or killed, we need people to use them now, so let’s bring them all.”

The six soldiers were fully armed, and they were originally light reconnaissance. Now they are going to participate in the assault mission. It is also easy to use. Just follow the plane.

“Okay.” The 1st company commander turned around and said to several soldiers: “Go, return to the team immediately, we are going to perform the mission.”

Eighteen minutes later.

At the airport of the “Red Army” brigade, six Z-8 transport helicopters have been turned on, and their propellers are accelerating.

The Red Army scouts from two companies entered in batches, and there were four Wuzhi next to them preparing to take off, and they were responsible for escort.

“Quick! Move quickly!”

The officers in charge of the command of each aircraft stood by the hatch and waved their hands continuously.

The soldiers lined up in two lines and trotted onto the plane.

A few minutes later, the helicopter took off, and the nose was a little bit, avoiding the front-line reconnaissance range of the Blue Army, making a turn, and all of them rushed towards the rear at a low altitude.

Area 2, a headquarters of the Blue Army Brigade.

Looking at his watch solemnly, almost 30 minutes have passed.

“about there…”

He muttered to himself.

Next to him, Niu Shilin said, “Captain, do you think Commander Xu will be fooled?”

Zhuang Yan was slightly startled, and then smiled: “Yes, I mentioned that I know him well. If it were someone else, he might be better. If it were me, he would definitely be fooled.”

Niu Shilin said: “When I was in the scout training team, I felt that he really wanted to win you, and then he lost to you again. I think he wanted to eat you.”

“It’s not that serious.” Zhuang Yan wrote lightly: “We are just a military competition, nothing else is a problem. After the exercise field, I can also invite him to eat Sunite sheep.”

“Batch commander, there is a situation.” A technical non-commissioned officer turned his head to look at the computer next to him: “We are still 20 kilometers away from our camp, and a group of helicopters from the Red Army is flying here, all flying at ultra-low altitudes.”


Niu Shilin grinned as he looked at the moving bright spots on the computer screen.

“This flight route is the same as what you think, battalion commander.”

Zhuang Yan said: “To break into the No. 2 area, those are the secret routes. If the weather is good tonight, a few people will be able to see clearly. Is it that difficult?”

Niu Shilin was a little bit eager to say: “Then… how do you untie it?”

“How do you do it?” Zhuang Yan still smiled: “The National People’s Congress came all the way here, if we can’t wait for you better, you should inform immediately, all the attacking detachments will occupy a favorable position, surround the airborne field, and tell the nearby air defense troops to prepare their Missiles, if there is an **** Wuzhi, get them all for me, and leave none of them.”


Just as Niu Shilin was about to leave, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com solemnly stopped him.


“What’s the matter, battalion commander.”

Zhuang Yan said: “I have explained it many times. I know how to hit their helicopter, right?”

“Understood, don’t rush to fight, wait for most of them to land, and then knock out the last two fights.” Niu Shilin said.


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