Special Years

Chapter 1331 - We are locked!

In the Z-8 helicopter, Xu Xingguo and his commandos were sitting on chairs. In the darkness, only the faint wall lamp in the cabin reflected on everyone’s face covered with camouflage paint.

This kind of oil paint is beneficial to help hide their tracks at night, and it is easier to blend into the night.

Outside the idle window, there was a fire in the distance, and there were constantly interfering bombs rising into the air, or flashes of smoke bombs exploding in the air.

There is the N1 channel, the main battlefield.

The current self is a sharp knife inserted behind enemy lines.

In order to avoid radar, the helicopter flew at a very low altitude, only more than 100 meters above the ground.

There are no forests here, so don’t worry about bumping into mountains and cliffs.

If there is anything good about the Prairie Town Synthetic Training Base, it may be that the terrain is relatively flat.

The messenger sat beside him.

Xu Xingguo turned on the Beidou system and watched the target coordinates get closer and closer, and he felt a little nervous for no reason.

After thinking about it, he turned his head and said to the correspondent next to him, “Connect to the front investigation team.”

The call was quickly connected.

“The fifth group, how is the target state?”

There was no immediate reply from the radio.

is silence.

Xu Xingguo’s heartbeat seemed to rumble beside his ear drum.

He suddenly had the urge to order a return flight.

There is no reason for this impulse, it just flashes in my mind like a shooting star suddenly appearing in the night sky.

He rubbed his hands vigorously.

A question popped into my mind.

Is it a trap?

Everything seems to be going too well?

The level of solemnity, is that all?

He looked across to the left.

Saw six soldiers released.

The solemn seems to have done what he said, and the man sent it back to himself.

This gave him some confidence that he had overheard the conversation between the Blue Scout battalion instructor and the correspondent outside the door in the room.

There can be no problem.

Not so lucky…


While he was still hesitating, the fifth group’s response came from the microphone.

“This is a group of 5, the goal has not changed, and the big man is still in it.”

The voice was very low, perhaps for fear of being exposed.

“Have you carefully observed the surroundings? Is there anything unusual?” Xu Xingguo was still worried.

“No problem, I have checked it N times. After they entered, there has been no movement here, except for those sentries in charge of security. I have marked the positions of the sentries on the map, and you can see the battalion commander in the data terminal.”

“I saw it.” Xu Xingguo’s hanging heart dropped slightly.

He looked down at the PAD terminal.

The above is the terrain data shared here from the 5th group through the data link.

There are more than a dozen small dots marked on it, which are densely covered around the target point.

When Xu Xingguo saw the strength of the guards, he was even more convinced of his own judgment – the Blue Army’s brigade finger was located in the No. 2 area.

The foreman shouted from the cabin: “Five minutes left!”

Although the sound of the propellers and airflow was very noisy, everyone shouted and made gestures, repeating the time, so that everyone noticed.

Xu Xingguo stood up and shouted to everyone in the cabin, “Check the equipment! Prepare to land!”

There are five minutes to reach the target landing field.

There are three airfields, all of which are open spaces behind the high ground. Choosing this venue and using the high ground can block the line of sight. Even if the enemy finds out, they need to climb the top of the **** when they come over.

The airborne team is the most vulnerable during the downhill process, and every step must be interlocked.

Drop rope, glide, land, guard, deploy, assault…

A ring on a ring.

If there is a problem in one link, it will disrupt the rhythm of the entire team.

In general, the shorter the downhill time, the better.

But it’s not a blind landing either.

There are now a total of six Z-8 transport aircraft, each with thirty combat members.

It’s not a good idea to slide down in an open space, and it is easy to be set on fire.

So there are three places in total.

About 100 meters apart from each other.

The three venues are one for the 1st company, one for the 2nd company, and one for the commandos led by Xu Xingguo.

Immediately after landing, attack from different directions.


The tally light is on.

That means, there are three minutes left.

The commandos who checked their equipment were divided into two teams as usual, and they were close to the first hatches on both sides of the Z-8 transport aircraft.

Soon, the plane hovered and the altitude began to drop.

Landing in unfamiliar terrain at night can be risky.

Because you don’t have ground guidance, you can’t know the specific conditions on the landing site. Therefore, helicopters generally do not choose to land directly on the ground, which is too risky.

If there’s a swamp below, you’ll sink in.

The plane might even be on the wrong side if there are jagged rocks underneath.

This is the most suitable way to use a rope drop.

Another advantage of cable landing is that when the helicopter hovers, it does not need to take off again when it is attacked. It takes a lot of time to take off again. It may be that the aircraft has already destroyed the aircraft before it takes off.

The foreman threw the two rolls of downhill locks out of the left and right port doors.

“Go down!”

He stood by the door, waving to everyone.

Like the Zhi-8 hovering in the air, the commandos and scouts quickly fell one by one.

The four Wuzhi began to spread out and circled in the air, providing protection for the Zhi-8.

The pilot held the control stick, the instrument panel in front of him was glowing with luminous light, and the two large screens displayed various flight parameters and coordinates.

From the rear seat, the weapons operator scans the ground with infrared thermal imaging.

As long as he finds an enemy hidden on the ground, he will immediately blast the opponent into pieces with a 23mm caliber cannon. If it is an armored target, it is easy to do, reward the opponent with a red arrow -10, even a tank will become slag. .

beep beep-

Suddenly, Wu Zhishang’s radar system issued a sharp warning.

“We are locked!”

The pilot was shocked!

What is locking itself! ?

Is it a shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft rocket?

Before scanning the vicinity of the landing field, no one was shown in the infrared thermal imaging!


beep beep-

The piercing siren continued, and the red light on the instrument panel was flickering frighteningly~www.mtlnovel.com~Wuzhi-10 kept making high-angle maneuvers in the air to evade, and the so-called “Angel Wings” kept popping up on both sides. “.

This is a statement.

It’s actually an infrared jammer.

Just looking at the night sky, the jamming bombs that are constantly popping up look like open wings.

However, it all seemed too late.


Another more.

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