Special Years

Chapter 1369 - loss

“Stop! Stop!!”

In the heavy rain, several black shadows suddenly appeared from different directions on the side of the road.

The dark muzzle was aimed at Li Lei in the car.

As a reconnaissance staff officer, Li Lei is also a dime, and he is definitely a good person in terms of psychological quality.

He calmly stuck his head out of the car window and shouted at a Blue Army sentry not far away: “My own man! The repair camp.”

“Password!” The sentry didn’t put down the muzzle, looking very vigilant.

Li Lei followed the headlights and vaguely saw the rank of the sentry.

is a sergeant.

It seems that he is in charge of the post here.

So he replied: “The king of heaven covers the earth tiger!”

Then he asked back: “Return!”

“Go up the mountain to fight tigers!” replied the sergeant.

Everyone immediately relaxed.

The sergeant stepped forward, walked to the car door, hit Li Lei, and then saluted: “Lieutenant, I’m sorry, we have to check your documents, a scout from the Red Army Brigade touched the position of the artillery battalion before. , and ended up killing our company.”

“Okay, okay.” Li Lei was very calm.

He pushed open the door, got out of the car, and put his hand in his pocket.

You must get off the car now, otherwise it won’t work.

He has no documents on him, the license plate can be forged, and he can’t forge the Blue Army’s military ID card.

It seems that it is still necessary to strike first.

As soon as the man landed, a black shadow suddenly emerged from under the car, and swiftly stepped forward with both hands to hug his legs, and swiftly threw his legs.

Li Lei rose up in the air, screaming badly in his heart, and he didn’t even care that he would smash his mouth and chew the mud. He was still in the air, and his hand had already touched the holster of the pistol.


He knew that he must have been exposed.

I don’t have time to think about what’s wrong, at least I can pull a pad.

Unfortunately, he has no chance.

Even though he was a lieutenant officer, a reconnaissance staff officer.

But after all, it was a sneak attack, and I was caught off guard.

The sergeant in front stepped forward, put his hand directly on his arm, and pressed him directly to the ground.


Li Lei almost fell to the ground, slammed into the mud, splashing a lot of mud in his mouth.

Almost at the same time, the sergeant pressed his waist all at once, then took his hand that wanted to draw the gun, and twisted it back.


Li Lei sucked in a breath of cold air.

This sergeant is really playing his mother’s face, and his arm is twisted like this, and it feels like he is about to dislocate.

It was purely anti-joint grabbing that forced him to succumb.

No matter how arrogant you are, you can’t break free.

Besides, it really hurts.

While subduing Li Lei, gunshots rang out around him.

blah blah-

blah blah-

The other two Red Army brigade scouts in the car had no time to react, and thick smoke was already coming from their helmets.


Soon, Li Lei was tied into a dumpling by a few Blue Army scouts with a smile.


This was Li Lei’s first reaction.

There are not many people who can be prisoners in the exercise.

This is fine.

His dignified reconnaissance battalion reconnaissance staff was actually taken prisoner.


It’s really better to blow yourself up with one shot and let your head smoke as a corpse!

“How did you find out about us?”

He was indignant, but still wanted to know why.

How did you not act like a Blue Army soldier?

Or is there a problem with dressing?

Or the license plate?

Or was the act of getting out of the car arousing vigilance?

His mind was spinning fast, but there was still no answer.

Several Blue Army scouts ignored him, still smiling.

“What’s wrong with me? How did you find out!”

Several blue army scouts began to search their bodies, confiscated their equipment, and the individual radio station turned over the car again, looking for all information.

“Can you just give me a word!”

A jeep pulled up and stopped on the side of the road. The person in the car shouted, “Caught the fish?”

Sergeant nodded arrogantly to the person in the car, and then said loudly: “Well! He’s still an officer! Two cents!”

Li Lei’s lungs were about to explode with anger, and he continued to struggle, repeating the previous words in his mouth: “Tell me, what’s wrong with me!?”

The sergeant couldn’t hold back this time, looked at the soldier opposite him, and looked at Li Lei, who was like a mud worm on the ground, hehe said with a smile: “What about the Heavenly King Covering the Earth Tiger? Why don’t you talk about the Pagoda Town River Demon? Haha. Ha ha!”

The surrounding soldiers all burst into laughter.

Li Lei was a little confused at first, but then he always understood, it was just a trick…

“You know we’re listening…”

The sergeant continued to laugh, and everyone carried Li Lei, who was tied into a zongzi, into the jeep.

After everyone got into the car, the sergeant said again: “Yes, you thought we were fools, but turned out to be fools yourself.”

“battalion commander……”

The correspondent’s face was ugly.

He sat on the desk and took off his earphones.

Then he looked pale and looked at Xu Xingguo across from him.

Xu Xingguo suppressed the fire in his heart and pretended to be quiet: “Speak.”

“There are 4 groups that can’t be reached…” The correspondent said, “I now communicate every five minutes. It seems that there are more and more groups that have had an accident. It was fine, but suddenly I lost faith.”

Xu Xingguo had heard this kind of news three times before.

If a reconnaissance team cannot respond, except for the damage of communication equipment and poor signal, there is a high probability of being killed or captured.

EMI has stopped for the Blues, so it can’t be jamming.

Interference can also be heard, and there is an interfering current sound.

But now it is quiet.

It is as quiet as death.

This shows that something happened to these four groups.

The four groups accounted for half of the group sent out, a total of twelve people.

It’s only been sent out for about an hour, and I haven’t obtained any information. How can I get caught suddenly?

What annoyed him the most was that he had just contacted Chief of Staff Liu Xu, who told him that the electronic countermeasures team had obtained a lot of important information by monitoring the blue army communication channel.

Hearing these words in his ears, Xu Xingguo felt that he was punching himself in the face, and it was hot.

If the electronic countermeasures team can easily obtain intelligence by monitoring, why do they have to work so hard to infiltrate?

He felt ashamed.

However, how could the soldiers trained by oneself be captured so easily?

And were they captured in a short period of time?

There’s no way this can be said!

Son of a bitch!

He started to curse again in his heart.

The first thing that flashed to my mind was solemn.

This guy is too cunning.

The correspondent said: “The battalion commander, the chief of staff is looking for it.”

After speaking, he handed over the microphone~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xu Xingguo was slightly startled, and then took the microphone.

“Gu Ying, the brigade decided to launch a full-scale attack in an hour. At present, according to the information, the blue army’s right flank has the least troops, so the main attack direction is placed on the right flank. At that time, you must monitor the movement from the left flank and the front line to the right flank at any time. Blue forces, if possible, try to harass them, delay their movements, and report to me in time.”

The second general attack is about to start?

His heart trembled slightly.



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