Special Years

Chapter 1370 - kept in the dark

Is there any news from Lone Eagle’s side? “

Half an hour later, in the command center of the Red Army brigade, Zhang Chengyuan looked sideways at his chief of staff and asked.

Liu Xu shook his head: “No.”

Zhang Chengyuan raised his head and suddenly sighed: “Xu Xingguo and Zhuangyan have both trained in my team. If we talk about personal ability, Zhuangyan really wants to overwhelm Xu Xingguo… After so many years, it seems that it has not changed.”

Liu Xu didn’t say anything.

Zhang Chengyuan said: “Look, Xu Xingguo just sent out eight teams, but so far, four have lost contact. If I guess correctly, they were caught by the search force of the Blue Army Brigade.”

Liu Xu remained silent.

Zhang Chengyuan looked at the time and said, “Fortunately, our technicians have monitored their communications. The current intelligence is enough to support our decision-making. After half an hour, we will launch the general attack on time.”

Zhuang Yan squatted on the ground, Li Lei in front of him had already loosened the rope on his feet, but his hands were still tied backwards.

After reading the items searched from Li Lei’s body and the car, what interested him most was a map.

If you put it in normal times, the map will not fall into your hands.

But this time Li Lei missed and was captured, so the map is still there.

There is not much information on the map, just a cross and a few red lines.

Solemn felt that this was their path forward.

Generally speaking, when the Beidou signal is affected, the traditional map and compass can play a great role.

Obviously, from the clues on the map, the Red Army brigade focused its investigation on the right flank.

From this point, it can be judged that the false information released by oneself is effective.

In fact, after learning that the communication was being monitored, Chen Manzhi made a decision to keep the old channel, but use it for “acting” and start a backup plan. The real command system has been transplanted to the new channel.

The information that the Red Army Brigade is currently listening to is all false information, and it was deliberately made to be heard by the Blue Army Brigade.

From the information monitored by the Red Army brigade, it can be concluded that the heavy troops were arranged on the left flank and strengthened the Moon Mountain Heights.

Actually this is also reasonable.

The Red Army’s sneak attack was on the left wing, and the main attack was on the Moon Mountain Heights.

Strengthening the deployment of troops there is absolutely understandable and reasonable.

But Chen Manzhi set up an ecstasy array.

The heavy troops were actually placed on the right flank this time.

Only two companies remained on the left flank, and there was only one battalion in the frontal defensive direction.

But the right flank was guarded by two battalions plus a company, and there was a tactical plan – only one company at the front, feigned resistance when the Blues attacked the line, and then began to retreat.

The purpose of the retreat is very simple, of course, to lure the enemy into the depths.

As a Red Army brigade, I have been exhausted all day and night. Since there are signs of breaking through the defense line and the support of intelligence, I will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue and expand the results under the mentality of quick battle. The balance of the Blues’ defence.

This kind of operation is absolutely high probability.

Once the Red Army brigade broke in, it was actually equivalent to entering the pocket set up by the Blue Army.

When a company in front of the right flank withdrew, the Red Army brigade would pursue a five-kilometer pursuit and enter a three-sided high ground that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

A battalion placed on the flank quickly attacked to cut off the Red Army’s back path, while a battalion in front of the Red Army’s brigade’s attack quickly gathered up a retreating company and turned to attack.

Under the fairly rapid change of the situation, the Red Army brigade is bound to suffer heavy losses because of fear and difficulty, and may even be caught in the urn and eventually wiped out.

This is Chen Manzhi’s package plan.

The clues Zhuang Yan got from Li Lei showed that the Red Army had been tricked.

Even better, they don’t know they’ve been tricked.

Handing over the items to the soldiers and sending them to the staff, Zhuang Yan felt that there was nothing to ask Li Lei.

As the staff officer of the reconnaissance battalion of the Red Army brigade, it is impossible for him to reveal the slightest information.

The significance of capturing alive is not only to obtain information, but more importantly, to destroy the morale of the soldiers of the Red Army.

There is very little chance of being caught alive in the exercise, and if there is, it will be a shame.

Zhuang Yan believed that as long as he let go of Li Lei’s hand, he would shoot himself without hesitation.

“Take him down and take care of him first.”

Two soldiers came over, put up Li Lei and escorted him down.

He walked to the radio station solemnly, picked up the microphone and asked for the staff.

“It seems our plan has been successful.”

“How to say?”

“The brigade commander’s smoke confused the direction of the Red Army’s attack. We caught Lao Xu’s reconnaissance staff. From the clues on him, Zhang Chengyuan’s weak defense was on the right flank.”

“That’s fine.”

Serenity couldn’t help laughing on the other end of the radio wave.

He said again: “It looks like Lao Xu is still going to lose.”

Zhuang Yan thought for a while and said, “Not necessarily, for the time being, he has suffered a lot. We arrested four teams in one hour. To be honest, I felt a little distressed for him. At this rate, maybe Next time our guys catch more than just the reconnaissance team.”

Listening seriously, my heart suddenly became clear.

He knew who the “next time” that solemnly said might be.

“Okay, you continue to execute according to your plan. My side will be busy soon. There are still many people in Kaoxu lurking in our defense area. As for how to clear them out, it’s up to you.”

“Okay, I’ll do my best.”

“It’s not to do my best, but it’s a must. Certainly, Lao Xu is not a dry eater. To be honest, when I think of him still in our defense zone, it feels like a knife has been put on my back.”

After that, both of them laughed.

When the fifth team lost contact, Xu Xingguo couldn’t sit still.

In twenty minutes, the general offensive of the Red Army brigade was about to begin.

But in this short one hour, he had nothing to say, and lost five reconnaissance teams all at once.

Fifteen people in total.

Xu Xingguo felt that his head was swollen, as if it had grown bigger.

What went wrong?

This question kept revolving in his mind.

These soldiers are trained by themselves, and most of them are veterans and young officers.

What do you mean by being caught?

Is the reconnaissance battalion he solemnly trained really that powerful?

Time passed bit by bit~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xu Xingguo kept pinching his eyebrows, trying to keep his tired brain awake as much as possible.

Suddenly, a terrible thought flashed through his mind.

“I know what’s going on!”

He screamed, got up from the seat, and hit his head against the roof of the car.

“Signal soldier! Give me a brigade command right now!”

He turned his head and shouted at the signal soldier because he violently hit the golden star that was flashing in front of him.


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(End of this chapter)

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