Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 98: Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts

“Am I still alive?” Gongson Su slowly opened his eyes, his face pale.

Before him, Skysword knelt and apologized, “Prime Minister, I’m very sorry for being late.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, so why are you apologizing? Anyway, where’s Mr. Baek?”

“…He’ll be here soon,” Skysword replied hesitantly.

Although Skysword’s response seemed a bit odd, Gongson Su’s attention was grabbed by the chaos around him, namely, the upturned ground and dozens of cut down trees.

“What on earth happened while I was unconscious!?” he gasped in astonishment.

“Uhm, about that…” Skysword honestly explained what had happened. As the Emperor held Gongson Su in high regard, he didn’t dare lie to the old man. Finally, when he mentioned clashing swords with Baek Suryong, Gongson Su’s expression hardened.

“What? Is Mr. Baek badly injured?”

“I’m fine,” Baek Suryong groaned, approaching Gongson Su together with Shadow, his face still a little pale. “Although I did almost lose an arm because of a certain someone,” he added.

“What I did was necessary for confirmation.”

“What were you out to confirm? My identity? Or my martial arts?”

“……” Skysword fell silent.

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Gongson Su chuckled in disbelief, “Mr. Baek, you have some nerve. Did you know who Skysword was before you fought him? If you did, you should have groveled on the ground and begged him to spare you.”

“If words actually worked on this guy, I would have done so. However, this absurd person bullied the man who saved the Prime Minister’s life for no other reason than because he’s strong enough to do it…”

“Enough,” Gongson Su reprimanded.

Baek Suryong shut his mouth. While he didn’t like being scolded, he also had no intention of turning Skysword into an enemy.

Relaxing, Gongson Su laughed, “Hohoho, I would appreciate if the two of you stopped bickering. For my sake.”



The two grown men bowed their heads like guilty children.

Shadow approached to check Gongson Su’s pulse, while the others quietly waited for the escort troops to arrive.

Suddenly, Gongson Su snapped, “Do you two seriously think I wouldn’t notice you having a silent standoff?”



The two men awkwardly cleared their throats and turned away. Gongson Su chuckled at their childishness, and Shadow shook her head.

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Soon, the escort troops for Gongson Su arrived with a rumble. Five carriages and a hundred elite Royal Guards showed up, and it was only this few to ensure that there were minimal travel delays.

Impressed, Baek Suryong remarked, “…Elder, you truly are an extraordinary person.”

“Hoho, you’re only realizing that now?”

“It’s one thing to know about it theoretically, and another to see it in person. Seeing you rolling around in the dirt every day also made it hard to imagine…”

At the honest remark, Gongson Su laughed heartily, “Indeed, I’m quite the important person. Which is why, if you ever need a favor, feel free to come to me.”

“Okay, sir, I won’t hesitate to visit anytime.”

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They smiled at each other. Having already exchanged farewells many times, there was no need for more.

Instead, Gongson Su turned toward Skysword, asking, “Skysword, did you bring what I asked for?”


“Go get it for me, will you?”

While Skysword fetched something from the carriage, Gongson Su told Baek Suryong, “Before I go, I have something for you.”

“Huh? You keep giving me things…”

He had already received ten thousand silvers as tutoring fees. The promised financial support for the Azure Dragon Academy would also go into funding his salary.

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Most importantly, it was thanks to the tremendous amount of contaminated qi I absorbed from him that I reached intermediate mastery in the Heaven Defying Divine Art…

Considering all these opportunities, it seemed he had received more than enough.

“So you don’t want it?”

“My favorite saying is: the more, the merrier.”

“I figured.” Gongson Su nodded, unsurprised.

The Royal Guards who came to escort him, on the other hand, stared incredulously at Baek Suryong for his sheer brazenness.

Shadow covered her face in shame. “Why is it always me who is embarrassed…” she mumbled.

“If I may have your attention, please,” Skysword interrupted, retrieving Gongson Su’s gift from the carriage.

Everyone turned toward him, expectant.

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He announced in a booming voice, “Azure Dragon Academy instructor, Master Baek Suryong! I present you with a royal edict from His Majesty, the Emperor!”

“What?” Baek Suryong’s jaw dropped at the shocking news. A royal edict!?

A fierce aura radiated from Skysword. “Prepare to receive the edict!”

Baek Suryong quickly knelt on one knee, bowing his head. “I, Baek Suryong, hereby accept the Emperor’s royal edict.”

Skysword, nodding in satisfaction, began to read the edict. “Baek Suryong, born on the seventh day of the Yang Wood Dragon year1 in Huichang, Jiangxi Province, has rendered great service by protecting Prime Minister Gongson Su from treacherous rebels and assassins, thus averting a significant threat to the nation. I, the Emperor, hereby present him with a Royal Certificate of Merit… along with one hundred gold taels and ten hectares of land.”

The Royal Certificate of Merit was a commendation given to officials who had made significant contributions to the country.

Are they just giving this out like candy? Baek Suryong thought, receiving the certificate with a bewildered expression.

Gongson Su smiled. “I specifically asked His Majesty not to grant you a government position, but don’t feel slighted by it. I did it because I doubt you want to constantly be harassed by powerful figures out to exploit you.”

“…Yeah, that would be terrible,” Baek Suryong agreed, grateful for Gongson Su’s thoughtful consideration.

“This isn’t the end. Shadow, bring it here,” Gongson Su said.

“…Yes.” Shadow brought over a black wooden box that looked exceptionally luxurious at a glance.

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“Open it.”

Carefully opening the box, Baek Suryong found a black rod about the thickness of a finger and about one foot long, resting on golden silk. “What is this?” he asked.

“This is a teacher’s pointer that I used to use. Try holding it.”

Baek Suryong took the pointer out of the box, only to discover that it was heavier than expected. Looking closely, he saw a dragon coiled around the entire length of the pointer.

“It’s called the Black Dragon Pointer. Because of an incident where he was scolded with it, His Majesty still shudders at the sight of it.”

“What?” Baek Suryong’s mouth twitched. Did he really hit the Emperor with this?

Even the Royal Guards seemed taken aback by the story.

Gongson Su chuckled, “Hoho, it’s made of Meteor Iron, so it won’t break easily. Feel free to use it however you want.”

“…Can you really give me something so valuable?”

“Well, I don’t need it anymore, so I think it’s better to give it to someone who will make good use of it. Now, try injecting your inner qi into it.”

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Baek Suryong did as he was told. As he infused his inner qi into it, the Black Dragon Pointer made a clicking sound and doubled in length.

“Normally, it’s about one foot long, but with inner qi, it can extend to three feet.”


The Black Dragon Pointer was truly a formidable weapon, and it was far more useful than even most treasured swords.

Gongson Su looked warmly at the Black Dragon Pointer, fondly remembering how it received every scuff, then at its new owner, Baek Suryong. “I hope it’s helpful to your teaching.”

Baek Suryong smirked. “Oh, it will be.”

“Don’t just use it to beat up kids.”

“Why are you ruining the moment? I was just about to get emotional.”

Gongson Su chuckled playfully and addressed the Royal Guards, “Hoho, now that I’ve given everything I wanted, it’s time for me to go. Guards, prepare to depart.”


In an instant, the preparations were complete, and Gongson Su boarded the carriage.

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As Baek Suryong followed to bid farewell, Skysword sent him a telepathic message.

[I’ll keep quiet about your martial arts. After all, I’m not a murim warrior, and the Prime Minister holds you in higher regard than you might imagine. Still, keep that martial arts hidden from others, especially from skilled individuals. If they see it, they won’t let you go so easily.]

Baek Suryong maintained a calm expression but sighed in relief internally. Phew, if Skysword had decided to investigate the Heaven Defying Divine Art, it would have been a major problem.

[Thank you for the advice,] he replied.

He was already well aware of the problem with the Heaven Defying Divine Art. It’s characteristics were so distinctive, he had no choice but to suppress it and keep it hidden, especially from masters like Namgoong Jaehak.

While having a brief conversation with Skysword, Gongson Su climbed into the carriage. “Thank you. Let’s meet again someday,” he said.

“Don’t forget to train regularly like how I taught you while you’re in the palace.”

Gongson Su laughed. “Definitely,” he promised.

Shadow, sitting beside him, also offered a farewell, “…We’ll be off.”

“Safe travels.”

“……” Shadow’s eyes seemed to hold a hint of regret, but she said nothing more and bowed her head.

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Baek Suryong stepped back a few paces, and the carriage started moving.


“……” Baek Suryong watched the carriage leave in silence.

As the sun began to set, and five carriages raced towards the horizon, the student who had been with him for over a month left him.

“Elder, I’m the one who should be thanking you,” he whispered.

Initially, it was just to earn ten thousand silver, but after seeing firsthand how desperately the old man worked to achieve his childhood dreams despite his declining health and strength, soon he genuinely wanted to help Gongson Su succeed.

Before I knew it, I was cheering for him.

Hyonwon Kang and Wiji Cheon, who trained with him daily, probably felt the same. This was a feeling he never experienced as a martial arts instructor in the Blood Cult. If he had realized this a bit earlier… he might not have made so many mistakes.

“…No point in dwelling on regrets,” Baek Suryong sighed deeply and shook his head, brushing off his lingering feelings. He wasn’t one to hold onto regrets for long. Instead, he thought about his present and future.

The Seventh Shroud died without giving me any information about the Blood Cult, and Skysword seems to have recognized the Heaven Defying Divine Art. Additionally, the strength of the Ten Supremes…

Baek Suryong recalled his fight with Skysword, feeling a vast gap between them. If that wasn’t jarring enough, Skysword was considered the weakest among the Ten Supremes, and was there mostly because of his symbolic significance as the Imperial Palace’s strongest warrior.

Skysword is undeniably a great master, but Namgoong Jaehak is stronger. Strong enough to contend for the title of the World’s Strongest. If Namgoong Jaehak had been the one to witness the Heaven Defying Divine Art instead of Skysword…

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Baek Suryong shivered. He was lucky this time, but there’s no guarantee he’d be so fortunate again.

If I want to freely control my physical transformation, I must master the Heaven Defying Divine Art to at least the seventh star.

However, reaching the seventh star wasn’t just about accumulating inner qi.

“Sigh… I need to teach the kids, improve my martial arts, and deal with the Blood Cult… Classes haven’t even started yet, and already there’s so much to do…” Baek Suryong sighed, then turned and started walking towards the Azure Dragon Academy.

The first semester and his first class at the Azure Dragon Academy would begin in a few days. That also meant that he would have more students from now on.

“Already feeling tired, so tired…”

Despite his grumbling, the expression on Baek Suryong’s face was one of excitement, and his steps were light and quick.

A few days later, the academy buzzed with the arrival of both new and returning students. They crowded around the bulletin boards, eager to see the list of classes open for enrollment this year.

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  • Advanced Swift Style Swordsmanship - Namgoong Su
  • Practical Bladesmanship - Kwak Cheolwoo
  • Advanced Movement Arts - Mae Geuklyom
  • Ancient Murim History - Jaegal Soyeong
  • … (and more)

The students’ preferences for classes varied greatly depending on the course and instructor. Classes with low popularity often faced the gloom of empty seats, while those in high demand sparked fierce enrollment duels among the students. These reactions shaped not only the instructors’ reputation but also their treatment and salaries.

“Who’s Jaegal Soyeong?” a student asked, scanning the list.

“A new teacher,” another replied.

“Who’s going to take Ancient Murim History though…”

“Think she’s pretty? Maybe I’ll check out her first class.”

This year, among the temporary instructors, Jaegal Soyeong seemed to be the only individual who was teaching a class, but a more careful inspection revealed another intriguing entry at the very bottom of the list.

  • Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts - Baek Suryong

Translator’s Note: I needed to try very hard not to type Defense Against the Dark Arts…

  1. Yang Wood Dragon year: i.e. Gapjin year (甲辰), the name for the 41st year in the sexagenary cycle (60-year cycle), a method of counting years historically in East Asia using sixty terms, each corresponding to a year. The first word in each term is a number from 1-10, representing a Heavenly Stem, which also represents one of the five elements + yang/yin, so “gap (1, 甲)” represents the yang wood element. The second word represents one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, and “jin (辰)” corresponds to the year of the dragon. Coincidentally, this year, 2024, is also a Yang Wood Dragon year. ↩

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