Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 99: I Know Just the Place

(At the Azure Dragon Academy student cafeteria)

“I’m jealous,” Ak Yeonho confessed.

“A temporary instructor teaching from the first semester… that’s amazing,” Myeong Il-Oh murmured.

The two young men stopped moving their chopsticks, their gazes fixed enviously on the two people seated opposite them.

“Jealous? If you’re jealous, maybe you should try harder,” Baek Suryong smirked confidently.

Jaegal Soyeong, however, offered an awkward smile, seeming a bit embarrassed. That morning, the four of them had scanned the course registration lists posted around the academy, only to find that only two of them had classes assigned to teach.

  • Ancient Murim History - Jaegal Soyeong
  • Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts - Baek Suryong

Struggling to hide his irritation, Ak Yeonho stirred his soup and muttered, “Okay, since Miss Jaegal topped the instructors’ exam, I get why she was chosen, but I was the runner-up. Why do I get no classes while Hyung-nim gets one?”

“Do you really not know why?”

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“Okay, I know.” Ak Yeonho clicked his tongue and nodded. By now, everyone was aware of the wager between Baek Suryong and Namgoong Su over their students’ entrance scores, which Baek Suryong had won.

Reflecting on yesterday’s events, Myeong Il-Oh said quietly, “Surprisingly, Namgoong Su took his loss quite calmly.”

Just the day before, all the instructors at the Azure Dragon Academy had gathered in the conference hall to allocate the semester’s lectures.

“…I have something to announce. I will surrender one of my classes to Mr. Baek Suryong,” Namgoong Su declared.

Of course, not everyone approved.

“Hmm. That’s problematic. Changing classes at your discretion, what does that say about the academy? Mr. Baek, perhaps you should reconsider…”

“I agree. We have promises to keep with the students…”

“I’m worried whether a temporary instructor can handle Mr. Namgoong Su’s class…”

Vice Principal Kwak Cheolwoo had subtly tried to challenge their bet, and Namgoong Su’s supporting group of instructors joined in, but Baek Suryong had his own backers at the academy too.

“…A promise between men should be honored,” Mae Geuklyom said in his deep, resonant voice.

“Hoho, it sounds interesting. If both parties agree, what’s the problem?” Noh Goonsang, recently in a good mood due to Gongson Su’s sponsorship, nodded approvingly. Gazing at Baek Suryong fondly, he added, “Anyway, our dear Baek… I mean, Mr. Baek, which one of Mr. Namgoong’s classes will you take?”

“Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts.”

When Baek Suryong had announced his choice of class during the meeting, everyone had given him puzzled looks. Even Namgoong Su had clicked his tongue in disapproval.

“Why are you throwing away such a good opportunity?”

Ignoring Namgoong Su’s sarcasm, Baek Suryong stood his ground.

Known for his multitude of popular classes, Namgoong Su was dubbed the “Crazy Workaholic” of the Azure Dragon Academy. While most of his classes were sought-after and held at prime times, a few weren’t as appealing.

Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts, despite being taught by Namgoong Su, didn’t attract much student interest. It was more of an elective, chosen by students who needed extra credits, with the only appeal being Namgoong Su’s teaching.

“If you had picked swordsmanship, movement arts, or even outer arts, it would have been far better…” Myeong Il-Oh pointed out. These were all popular courses, taught by Namgoong Su during prime slots. Any of them would have assured Baek Suryong a solid performance appraisal for the semester.

However, Baek Suryong simply offered a mysterious smile in response to his younger brothers’ worries. “I had my reasons for choosing it.”

If he had chosen swordsmanship, movement arts, or outer arts, he would have been limited to teaching only those subjects. Defense Against the Unorthodox Arts, on the other hand, gave him a lot of creative freedom.

A class about understanding and countering unorthodox sects’ martial arts? That gives me lots of teaching flexibility. Plus, it’s an elective for all grades, and offers plenty of chances for practical lessons.

“Well, knowing Hyung-nim, I’m sure you’ll excel.”

“Yeah, even your most outrageous antics usually turn out well.”

Baek Suryong looked bemused. “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

The two young men quickly turned away from Baek Suryong, directing their attention to Jaegal Soyeong.

“Miss Jaegal, you’re truly impressive.”

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“To secure a class from your first semester, you really are the top newcomer.”

“Hey, why are you so mean to me and so kind to her? What’s with the gender bias?”

Jaegal Soyeong blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear, overwhelmed by their compliments. “Well, the previous instructor for Ancient Murim History retired this year, so I got lucky,” she admitted.


“Smart students always sound so modest!”


Truthfully, Ancient Murim History was the least favored subject among students. For youngsters eager to master martial arts, enduring a history lecture felt like torture.

“I’ll give it my all! I’m sure there are students at the Azure Dragon Academy who love history as much as I do!”

The two men clapped, showering the enthusiastic Jaegal Soyeong with praise.

“If anyone can make it work, it’s you, Miss Jaegal.”

“If you need any help, just let us know!”

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“Tsk, I can see right through you guys,” Baek Suryong clicked his tongue.

Despite both being assigned unpopular classes, Baek Suryong and Jaegal Soyeong were still envied by Ak Yeonho and Myeong Il-Oh, who couldn’t teach and were merely class assistants.

“We have about two months left, right?”



The temporary instructor period lasted three months. After that, based on how well they did, some would be hired as full-time instructors, while others would leave. Thus, whether one was assigned a class significantly affected their performance appraisal.

“So, do either of you need a teaching assistant?” Myeong Il-Oh asked eagerly.

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Most classes at the Azure Dragon Academy had a teaching assistant due to the hands-on nature of martial arts classes, which frequently included demonstrations and sparring. It was often easier to partner with an experienced instructor than a student, so temporary instructors usually filled this role.

Ak Yeonho promptly began promoting himself, offering his meat side dish to the two and winking. “Hyung-nim, you know I despise unorthodox sects so much I’d annihilate them on sight, right? Miss Jaegal, I’ve always been fascinated by history. If you pick me, I’ll study diligently and be a huge asset. Hehe, please enjoy this.”

“Tsk, is that all you’ve got?” Myeong Il-Oh, a year older, clicked his tongue in disapproval, reached into his pocket, and stealthily slipped two thick pouches into the teaching duo’s pockets.

Then, bowing like a shady official, he whispered, “…Please accept this. It’s a modest token of my sincerity.”

Watching this exchange, Ak Yeonho was dumbfounded. “Hey, Myeong-hyung! Bribery is cheating! You’ve crossed the line!”

“Isn’t your meat side dish a bribe too?”

“How can you compare that to slipping cash into someone’s pocket?”

“If you’re so outraged, you should have come better prepared. I was merely showing my resolve.”


“Uh, sorry, but I don’t really need a teaching assistant…”

“Hey, can we just eat quietly?”

As the four of them chattered animatedly in the cafeteria, a new voice suddenly interrupted, “Excuse me, fellow instructors…”

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Had it been just the voice, they might have ignored it, but the profound inner qi in it made them all turn their heads simultaneously. A middle-aged man with a meticulously groomed long beard stood there, hands clasped behind his back.

He was Pung Jinho, a respected instructor at the Azure Dragon Academy for nearly two decades and, more importantly, Namgoong Su’s most prominent supporter.

In a warm yet firm voice, Pung Jinho scolded, “…It seems you’re getting a bit too lively with so many people around. It’s good to see young people having fun, but please refrain from actions that lower the dignity of the Azure Dragon Academy.”

“…Do not make Pung Jinho an enemy. In some ways, he’s more formidable than Namgoong Su.”

Recalling Mae Geuklyom’s advice, Baek Suryong stood up. “Sorry for the disturbance. We’ll clean up and leave soon.”

Ak Yeonho, Myeong Il-Oh, and Jaegal Soyeong also stood up, their expressions tense as they apologized.


“We’ll be more careful.”

“I-I’m sorry…”

Pung Jinho stroked his famous, voluminous beard, a well-known symbol at the Azure Dragon Academy. Seeing the nervous faces of the temporary instructors, he chuckled gently, “Hoho, do I look like I’m here to pick a fight?”

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Namgoong Su’s faction was the largest at the Azure Dragon Academy. However, Baek Suryong had clashed with Namgoong Su since the entrance exam, and the trio close to him were also gradually becoming disliked by the faction.

Why did he come over all of a sudden?

Is he looking for a reason to fault us again?

We should’ve kept our voices down…

Contrary to their worries, Pung Jinho extended an olive branch instead of picking a fight.

“That’s not why I’m here, so relax. With the semester about to start, it’s pointless for instructors to be in conflict.”

“Oh, yes?”



Everyone but Baek Suryong breathed a sigh of relief.

“If any more conflicts arise, I’ll mediate, so don’t worry. I came to tell you that,” Pung Jinho told the group, then turned to Baek Suryong with a smile, “Mr. Baek, I have high expectations for you. Since you arrived, a fresh breeze has started blowing through the Azure Dragon Academy.”

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“…Thank you.”

“One request, though, please avoid further clashes with Mr. Namgoong. Even I find it hard to mediate those,” Pung Jinho smiled brightly.

Baek Suryong responded with a polite smile, “I’ll do my best.”

Despite having already burned bridges with Namgoong Su, he had no intention of making enemies with all the instructors, especially not someone as influential as Pung Jinho.

Avoiding him too obviously would be foolish. I should try to use him to my advantage instead.

As if reading Baek Suryong’s thoughts, Pung Jinho made an unexpected offer, “I appreciate your understanding. How about a drink this evening if you’re free? I have some things to discuss… oh, and of course, it’s on me.”

Baek Suryong’s eyes sparkled at the suggestion. “I know just the place.”

That evening, they met at a large establishment in town, coincidentally owned by Bok Manchun.

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