Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 10. Ron’s Choice

Ron tried to chase after Hermione after the incident, but she entered the girl's dorms before he could reach the Common Room.

"Ron." Harry returned not long after with the biggest smile on his face. "What's with the long face?"

Ron sighed, seeing Harry so full of energy even after all that. "How was it?"

Harry realized Ron knew and quickly grabbed his best friend by an arm around the shoulder to drag him away. "So good, Ron. I can't tell you in words. I-It was the best feeling in the world."

Of course, it was. Ron thought, having seen much of it. Considering it was Harry's first time, Cho had shown remarkable skills in taking his virginity. But when did she become so open-minded? Cedric?

"So, are you two dating now?" Ron asked.

"She said she'll think about it." Harry beamed, "For now, she said we're good friends. She still needs some time to get over Cedric."

Ron felt worried for his friend right then. She's either using him to get over Cedric, wants to be friends with a few more benefits, or is genuinely trying to like Harry.

"Good for you, mate. Let's go to the Great Hall then. Dinner is about to start," Ron said and dragged him away, giving a slight glance at the entry to the girl's dorm while passing. "Hermione will probably join us there."

I hope she does.


She did not.

Hermione continued to ignore Ron over the next few days, always giving him a side-eye glance with a few blushes. It annoyed Ron since he wanted to talk to her, but almost never found a chance to do so.

However, with Hogsmeade weekend coming, Ron decided to use Harry and Cho to drag Hermione along. With Cho's help, he was able to invite her for a get-together at the Three Broomsticks Inn.

Since saying no would have earned a lot of suspicion, Hermione agreed to go out. It was snowy that day. Ashen snowflakes covered the ground and the trees, the roofs, and the roads. Many of the fifth-year students decided to skip the weekend outing, terrified of the incoming O.W.Ls that year.

"Seriously, we should be studying in the library," Hermione complained while following them into Hogsmeade, her feet heavily stepping on the thick snow. Her head was covered by a beanie, her hair loose and sprawling behind her, a pair of blue jeans, a gray coat, and a Gryffindor muffler covered her entirely.

Cho chuckled, her arm holding Harry's closely. "It's just a few hours. Besides, I wanted to go out with Harry."

"It's just a few hours. She's right," Ron agreed, giving Hermione a side-eye, to which she scoffed and folded her arms.

Once again, silence took over, and they soon arrived at the Inn. It was thankfully not full, so they easily found a table for themselves. Right away, a couple of butterbeers were ordered, along with plates of snacks. Harry and Cho sat on one side, while Ron and Hermione found themselves on the other, shoulder to shoulder.

Ron took a sip of the drink, waiting for Harry and Cho to get busy with each other. Until then, he heard Hermione's heavy sighs as she emptied a beer mug in no time.

She's still angry. Ron sighed.

"I'm sorry," He muttered softly, tilting sideways to Hermione. "Can we talk?"

"Hmm," Hermione replied, not even sparing a glance at him.

Fine, I have no choice then. Ron saw Harry and Cho were in the middle of giggling together, oblivious to their surroundings. So he seized the opportunity, grabbed Hermione's hand, and tried to pull her along.

"Let's go outside. It's too hot in here," he said.

Hermione didn't reject and followed him out of the Inn. But Ron didn't stop and took her all the way towards the back of the Honeydukes where nobody could come and disturb them. Once near the middle, he stopped and faced her, the distance between their bodies a mere two feet.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked first of all, "Is it because of what happened?"

Hermione stood there, her chin raised, frustrated. "Yes, because of what happened! What you tried to do was… How could you… in a place like that?"

Wait, she's not angry because it happened?

"I know. I shouldn't have tried to…" He couldn't find words that weren't too direct. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I didn't want to take it that far, but you… You looked so charming that I… Blimey, I'm going crazy."

Hermione finally looked at his face, gazing eye to eye, and her folded arms eased down. "Do you know what would have happened If I hadn't pushed you away? It was my first time, Ron…"

"But I thought your first kiss was Krum," Ron blurted out.

Hermione's eyes flared up with anger again.


She smacked his chest, angrily continuing to do so. "Stupid, stupid… You have no clue what to say, or when to say it. I wasn't talking about kissing. And yes, my first kiss was Krum. But if you had asked me that night, it could have been yours!"


"What?" Hermione stopped, realizing what she just said.

Ron suddenly remembered the night of the Yule Ball. True, he had felt mesmerized by her looks that night and, for the first time, saw her as something more than just another girl and a close friend.

"You'd have let me?" He asked her.

Hermione shyly tried to hide her gaze but eventually looked up into his eyes, his height taller than her. "I… I wouldn't have said no if you had…"

"Would you say no now?" Ron felt a rush of confidence and stepped closer to Hermione, tracing her steps as she instinctively rested her back against the alley's wall. Ron's hand traced the gentle, warm curve of her coat and pulled her body closer to his, his own pressing against hers.

Facing her so closely, Ron looked down hungrily at her lips. There was tension in her eyes but also a silent desire. No refusal was apparent in her body as she placed both her gloved hands on his shoulders.


That's it, Ron leaned down and stole a deep, sensual kiss from her pink, cold lips. His arm hugged her waist tighter while the other moved up, his palm caressing her cheeks, making them warmer.

It was a short kiss, merely lips touching each other.

However, when Ron looked at her again, his other hand joined, holding her face from both sides, his warmer hands making her feel things. The lust, the hunger in each other's gaze was clearly visible. Hermione's anger also faded.

"Would you say no if I took another one?"

"No," she whispered back.

Ron went in with much more fervor this time.

With a whisper of surrender, their lips met in a searing kiss, igniting a blaze that started from within. In that fleeting moment, time stood still, the outside world fading into oblivion. In every tender press and fervent caress of their hot, wet tongues, the tension between them mounted.

With each brush, tongues intertwined in a delicate dance, exploring the depths. Ron's hands went back to her waist and then her hips, kneading her supple flesh over the jeans. His kiss slowly moved to her neck.

"Ummmh…" Hermione moaned, her hands rubbing all over Ron's firm chest.

"Umh…! T-That's enough for today, Ron." Hermione collected her thoughts and tried to stand straight, removing Ron's hands from her rear. "Let's go back now. Harry and Cho might be looking for us."

Oh, Hermione. Why are you always so serious? Ron sighed and respected her choice, moving his face back and removing his hands. The heat in his loins didn't calm down that quickly, however. Should I look for Lavender after all?

But on second thought, he decided against it. Lavender was a loudmouth, and if she said something to Hermione, it would be the end of the friendship that he truly valued.

But can I ever tell Hermione about all the others? About Madam Bones? Ron wondered, Wait, are we a couple now?

"Let's go then." He extended his hand to her.

Hermione blushed and gripped his palm tightly, making it warm with her gloved palms. The two quickly returned to the inn to find Harry and Cho. But, the two were nowhere to be seen.

"They either returned to the school or found a place to shag," Ron muttered unashamedly. "At least Harry's happy now."

"Is that all you boys can think of? Such brutes..." Hermione complained, much softer and jovially this time.

Ron smirked and pulled Hermione's hand closer, feeling her body on his side before whispering, "You're right, Hermione. That's what boys are like… even me."

"You…!" she ate her words back, realizing Ron was likely hard. Remembering his length in her palms from before, she could feel the size in her hand like a phantom limb. "Let's go back."

Ron chuckled and returned to the school with her.


Sadly, despite Ron's many efforts, nothing happened between him and Hermione. On top of that, having to be careful with his actions now, he found his sexual urges turning a little more aggressive.

Sadly, the private tutoring lessons he was forced to give Daphne Greengrass didn't help.

What does she want from me? Ron wondered, looking at the blonde-haired Slytherin princess waving her wand as per his instruction. What's with all the flirting?

But what made Ron's throat dry was how she had discarded her sweater and opened the top two buttons of her white shirt that gave him a view of her uphill mounds, the lacy white bra. Her black skirt was folded up, only reaching above her knees. Meanwhile, her long white socks ended just a few inches below her skirt, giving only a faint, alluring view of the creamy pale flesh of her thighs.

"Ugh! This is so hard!" Daphne groaned after a while; her free, wild hair soaked in little drops of sweat. "I can't form the shield, Ron."

Ron sighed, not really wanting to be in the same room as this girl. He still feared her goal was something devious, a plan to bring him down.

"It's not an easy charm, Daphne. I had just learned it recently too. Only Harry is a natural at it," Ron said, walking to her side. He held onto her naked wrist very delicately as she had folded her sleeves. "Let me move your hand."

"Ugh, not like this." Daphne groaned and abruptly stepped in front of Ron, pushing her whole back against Ron's chest, her supple, cushiony rear deliberately rubbing him in the wrong place. "This feels better now."

But I don't feel so good. Ron felt his sleeping brain get activated, and arousal took over. His erection made a hill in his pants in no time, and there was no doubt Daphne felt it with how much her ass was pushing on him.

"So… You need to get the timing right and move the wand correctly. Try it like this." Ron awkwardly guided Daphne's arm with his hand resting under her elbow. His other hand tried its best not to rest on her inviting, slim waist.

"Oh!" Daphne slapped her rear on his groin all of a sudden. "Ah, I felt something!"

I felt something, too. Ron groaned silently; his mood spoiled since he couldn't do anything. Her scent is so… different. Is this what Slytherin girls use?

Being half a head taller than her, her hair was almost below his nose. The more Daphne moved, the more he felt on the edge, his own breath getting hotter.

"Mmm… I think I can do it." Daphne mumbled, her strange noises not helping the boy behind her.

I need to go to the bathroom. Ron felt his balls almost bursting. The fact that Daphne was an actually attractive girl, one of the hottest in the entire school, didn't help. On the one hand, he felt like grabbing her waist and pulling her in himself, pushing her down, and claiming her luscious lips.

But he loved his fame and name far too much. The Star of the Weasley Family didn't want to be called the Pervert of the Weasley Family now.

"That's it for today," Ron declared.

"But I haven't done it yet," Daphne said, rubbing her hips against his body even more.

Ron stepped away from her, "I have something else to do. I'll see you next week. Keep practicing."

Bloody hell, they're going to explode at this rate.

Ron wasted no time and rushed out. Although he longed for a feminine touch, for now, he had to settle with his tried and trusted hand. No shame in that, he reckoned.

Annoyed that his Sunday was being wasted on Daphne, he quickly finished his business and headed to find Harry to practice quidditch with him. Ever since he joined the team as a chaser, he had found a great amount of success in it. It was great for him, since it helped maintain his name despite being bad at studies.

"Ah, there you are, Mr. Weasley."

But call it bad luck or a ruined day. Before he could find Harry, he was found by Professor McGonagall.

"You are needed in the Headmaster's office. Please bring a pair of spare clothes with you from the dorms. You may be absent from the school for two days," McGonagall instructed him.

Ron grew serious, "Is it because of the trial?"

"Yes, the date has been finalized for tomorrow. Please report to the Headmaster's office at the quickest." McGonagall left after that, letting him grab his items.

He did precisely that and informed Harry and Hermione before leaving. With a small backpack, a change of clothes, and his trusted wand, he soon arrived at Dumbledore's office. But inside, to his amusement, Arthur was waiting.

"Dad?" Ron exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

"You are to go home for the night, Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore stood up from his seat and fondly walked to Ron before tapping on his shoulder, "Mrs. Malfoy has visited your home to talk about her husband. In return for leniency, she has offered something, and I believe you should hear it once. Madam Bones has left the decision on Lucius up to you."

"What?!" Ron stepped back in shock, "Why are we being so good to them? Isn't Mr. Malfoy a criminal? Why are we treating him specially?"

"Because he's the richest wizard in Wizarding Britain. He may deny it, but those with knowledge know." Dumbledore continued, "Go home with your father, Mr. Weasley. Hear the offer Mrs. Malfoy proposes. If you still wish to ignore it, you may simply say so."

Isn't this too much? Letting a student dictate someone's life and death? Ron wondered and looked at his father. He noticed a particular brightness in them; What did she offer?

"I-I will go home then."

"Brilliant. The trial shall start tomorrow morning, so make a decision before then."

Ron nodded and walked with his father to the office's chimney. They used the Floo Network and directly arrived at the Burrow since it was connected. Much cleaner now, however, since Ron had renovated it after making some money. He had to use it often, and always getting dirty was annoying.

"Ron!" Molly chirped, already standing by the fireplace and waiting. It was just her at home. "I'll make you some tea, dear. You're going to be busy with a lot of thinking."

Never seen Mum act like that. What did Mrs. Malfoy offer?

Ron saw Molly leave for the kitchen, and Arthur led him to the living room. Right as he entered, he noticed a woman sitting on the hard sofa. At first, he felt mesmerized by her looks, as he had always been, no matter how many times he had seen Narcissa Malfoy. It was simply a fact she was beautiful but with a nasty personality.

"Mr. Weasley." Narcissa stood up quickly to greet him and extended her shivering hand. "It's a pleasure to see you."

"Pleasure is all mine," Ron replied, but the next moment wondered if that came out wrong.

Indeed, it was a pleasurable experience to look at the tall woman, her skin so pale it was practically milk. Her blue eyes were so deep and emotional, and her long blonde hair was straight and tied behind her head with a cocktail hat on top. Her voice was cold and clear, her body-hugging clothes a modest gray full-sleeved dress with a tight, short fur coat that went till her ankles, also black.

That fear in her eyes. Ron felt somewhat aware of those emotions by now.

"Let's sit." Arthur broke the silence and gestured.

Narcissa took back her seat at the edge of the long sofa. Ron sat on the single-seater beside her, nearest to the edge, and Arthur took a seat on Ron's other side on another single-seater.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Mrs. Malfoy?" He acted respectfully and politely. He hated her husband, not her. At best, he was annoyed by the woman.

Narcissa lowered her face, eyes closed, and her fingers clenched close on her dress's skirt. "First of all, I wish to deeply apologize for the pain and suffering my husband brought you and your family. His actions, unforgivable, were still done in fear of the Dark Lord's retaliation."

I hate this. Ron noticed she wasn't really genuine about this. Her aristocratic face and high cheekbones still gave off a very proud image and aura. Pride of being pureblood, being a Black and a Malfoy. She's not sorry for me. She's scared for her husband.

Not letting the middle-aged beauty move him, Ron simply nodded. "He tried to kill me with a Killing Curse, Mrs. Malfoy. Not once, but many times. While leading a team of ten who did the same. I'm lucky that I'm still alive. For such a crime, only a Dementor's Kis—"

"No… Please hear me," Narcissa interrupted. She loved her family and could do anything for it. "In return for showing leniency in your statement towards Lucius tomorrow, I'm willing to hand over all the wealth us Malfoys have in our vaults to you."

Ron's brows shot up. Tempting, it was extremely tempting. The Malfoys were the richest, and owning all that wealth was an instant change of life, status, and lifestyle for his entire family and generations to come.

So that's why Mum and Dad looked like that. He realized, and looked at Narcissa's face; That hidden smile. She probably thinks we're still dirt-poor. Ah, Mum and Dad think that too… probably.

He realized he had never informed them how much money was in his personal vault after slaving himself to so many interviews.

"You want to buy your husband's freedom with money?"

"Just some leniency," she responded quickly. "Please, if you have any other demand, I'll fulfill it. Houses, businesses, I will give you everything for just a little… leniency."

"Anything?" He questioned while checking the woman out from head to toe. Held his gaze a little longer on her face, then her hidden mounds, and below at her closed, daintily postured legs. God knows who was boosting his confidence, but he felt he could even bed this woman if he played his cards right.

But I'm not a pervert or a blackmailer. Lucius deserves to die.

Narcissa gulped, noticing his heated gaze all over her feminine parts. Well aware of that gaze, she knew how many desired to have her in bed as her only true husband did. "Yes, anything."

It was a sacrifice she was willing to make right now.

"Then I want it all. Not just what's in your vault but also all the assets of the Malfoy family dating from the first generation of Malfoys. Your art collections, your business ownerships, your lands, mansions, castles, houses, artifacts—all of it!" Ron boldly demanded. "It's either that, or—"

"One percent." Narcissa interjected, "Just let me keep one percent of money and assets. That's all I ask to sustain myself and my son with dignity."

Bloody hell! She agreed to it! Ron was secretly in shock. He fully expected her to refuse and head home. After all, she could always marry another man to replace Lucius. But this level of commitment to her husband just took him by surprise. Mr. Malfoy lucked out with her.

"I will think about it. Please go home. I'll see you in the Ministry in the morning and inform you of my decision." Ron said so and got up, "Dad, I'll be in my room. I'm not hungry, so don't make dinner for me."

Scared by the uncertainty, Narcissa silently watched Ron leave. Neither Arthur nor Molly stopped him or tried to advise him. It was a decision for him to make. After all, the reward for the compromise was so grand that nobody could bring themselves to decide for him.

And similarly, Ron felt the weight. For the entire night, he turned left and right on his bed. Unable to sleep, constantly thinking about the offer. What he could do with all that wealth, and what it would mean to be that wealthy. It could change the status of the Weasley family forever.

Before he even knew it, morning came. Merely an hour or two of sleep, he heard the alarm bell ring and woke up. With baggy eyes, a tired body, and a frustrated mind, he had made up his mind, but it still felt heavy as a responsibility.

Knock! Knock!

"Let's go, Ron. We need to be at the Ministry. The Minister for Magic has come to pick you himself."

Ah, Mad-Eye Moody. He scares the living hell out of me. Ron wore his dark red suit, combed his hair one last time, and headed out.

Moody stood right in front of the fireplace, his fake eye acting up like crazy. "Have you made your mind, Weasley?"

"I have."

"Good, let's move."

Not even breakfast, and this time, not even Arthur or Molly. He was surrounded by the Aurors and Moody before leaving with them through a special Ministry's Portkey. This time, all the risks were evaluated and dealt with beforehand.



As soon as they landed on the Ministry's main floor, a massive crowd of journalists began clicking pictures and asking questions. Ron found even more Aurors coming and managing the crowd, surrounding him and protecting him.

Right away, he was shoved into the elevator and taken to Level 2 in the dungeons. It was cold and humid, giving Ron the chills. Certainly, not a place one would like to hear they'd be killed or sent to Azkaban.

"You have one minute." Right before entering the gates of the trial hall, Moody stopped as Narcissa Malfoy stood there with Draco Malfoy beside her, sneering at Ron but unable to hide fear on his face.

"Mr. Weasley," Narcissa greeted him again, looking as sleep-deprived as him. But somehow, she still ended up looking stunning.

Ron didn't have the energy to talk too much, "Did you bring all the transfer certificates and deeds?"

"Ah!" Narcissa almost fell to her knees, as if a great weight was lifted off her chest. "Yes, I have. It's all prepared in your name, Mr. Weasley. You only need to sign it."

"Tsk, greedy pig," Draco mumbled from the side.

Ron ignored it, knowing everyone was probably thinking the same. He could feel Moody's piercing gaze already. But the Minister for Magic didn't say anything and allowed him to sign the documents.

"T-Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Weasley!" Narcissa truly had tears in her eyes. Emotions ran so high that once Ron signed the papers, she moved in to give him a short hug in gratitude.

Ah, so soft. Ron felt all of her feathery bosom against his chest. However, he didn't place his hands on her waist. He wasn't in the mood. Not when every Auror there wanted to interrogate him for accepting the deal.

"Move along." Moody impatiently opened the gates and walked in. Inside was a big hall with semi-circular seats made in ascending steps at the edges. At the front middle was the podium behind which Dumbledore stood, and soon Moody joined.

Inside ten, metal spiky cages in the middle were the culprits. All looking dejected, defeated, and dirty. They all watched Ron enter with some expectations in their eyes, but not much hope.

Thud! Thud!

The gravel was slammed on the podium, and the court was in session. It was less of a statement from him and more of a question-and-answer session. He only had to say yes or no.

"Did Mr. Avery try to kill you in that ambush in the forest with a Killing Curse, Mr. Weasley?"

"Yes," Ron replied.


One after another, nine names went by. In the end, Lucius's name came with the same question.

"Did Mr. Malfoy try to kill you in that ambush in the forest with a Killing Curse, Mr. Weasley?"

Can't I just say yes? I already got the money and property. He wondered, but in the end, he chose not to. It'd ruin his name for eternity.

"No, he did not. He was too far away to do anything while being led by others."

Thud! Thud!

"Silence!" Moody slammed the gravel when murmurs arose. "That marks the end of the trial. For the first nine, Dementor's Kiss is all but a mercy. A death too quick against the misery they have caused others. All those in favor of Dementor's Kiss, raise hands."

"All against?"

Ultimately, nobody raised their hands against the Dementor's Kiss for the first nine Death Eaters.

"The case of Lucius Malfoy is peculiar in that he found himself in such a situation again. But we have heard the statements and looked through the evidence. Freedom for such a man is far too perilous, so imprisonment in Azkaban until natural death! All in favor?"

"All against?"

Thud! Thud!

"This marks the end of the trial…"

As expected, Lucius got a long Azkaban imprisonment instead of a Dementor's Kiss by the majority. Ron honestly felt death was better than Azkaban, but if Narcissa wanted it, who was he to oppose?

"I hope you pondered well before making that decision." Dumbledore came to Ron first, patting his shoulder, "Sometimes, what may appear the shiniest isn't the most valuable."

He's disappointed in me. Ron felt it through the tone of voice. Everyone probably feels the same.

Gathering some courage, Ron looked towards the stands and noticed Amelia Bones staring at him intensely. He noticed a slightly bigger baby bump on her belly. But he knew he couldn't smile at her; Her disappointment would take away the charm.

I hope I did the right thing.

That day, nobody came to greet him after the trial was over. Narcissa hugged him again, but he silently left the place. Hiding from the eyes of the journalists, he used the Floo Network to arrive at Gringotts.

Officially, Ron Weasley had become the wealthiest man in Wizarding Britain.


Ron arrived back at Hogwarts late at night after his lengthy meeting with the many Goblins of Gringotts. It took a lot of time to count everything and make estimations. Truly, even with the one percent Narcissa got to keep, she was one of the wealthiest witches alive. That was the insane extent of Malfoy's fortune.

Ron knew the Daily Prophet's evening edition had already brought the news of the trial and his scandalous deal with the Malfoys to the school. However, Ron slept really well back in his dorm bed.

I think I made the right decision. He thought as he closed his eyes with a big, wide smile.


The very next morning, Ron arrived at the Great Hall with Harry. As expected, all of Gryffindor ignored him like a plague. Only Harry and Hermione stayed by his side, sitting on each of his sides at the breakfast table.

"It's alright, Ron. We can understand." Harry said, trying to make him feel better.

Hermione was the same. "We know your family situation, Ron. Everyone will soon forget about this."

Ron didn't react much and started eating as if it was his last meal.

"Don't do that, Ron." Hermione scolded him. "If you eat like that, they'd think your wealth's already gotten to your head."

"Hah." Ron chuckled and kept eating the sandwiches.

Hundreds of eyes from all the tables speared into him. The Slytherin table was especially hostile, but at the same time, proud for some reason. Even the usually quiet Hufflepuffs let out a few scoffs while passing behind him, making it known they hated him.

Hoot! Hoot!

Right then, owls began flying into the Great Hall, dropping the latest edition of the Daily Prophet on the tables. From the students to the teachers, all the subscribers received one.

Of course, Hermione had a subscription. And she was the quickest to open it as Ron's folded front page image was visible to all. His portrait took almost half of the page, while the rest of the front page had the headline and the article on him.

What truly caught everyone off-guard, however, was the headline. Immediately, all faces looked at Ron for a split second before going back to reading the article in groups. The same was the case at the professors' table.

Hermione read it aloud for Harry to listen, and also Ron, who still ate like no tomorrow.

[Richest Wizard for A Day! Ronald Bilius Weasley, The Most Virtuous Man Alive!

The uncrowned Champion, the vanquisher of the Dark Lord. Words of the famed Weasley youth making a scandalous deal with the Malfoys to acquire their wealth have been thrown and blown out of proportion, writes Rita Skeeter.

What we initially believed was a result of the young Weasley's greed turned out to be an act of righteousness the likes of which never seen before. Readers must know before reading further that the Malfoys were the richest in wealth in all of magical Britain.

So, what did Ronald Billius Weasley, the richest man in the world, do with all that wealth? I know what I would have done. I'm sure many can dream of what they would have done. Imagine mountains of gold, countless castles in your name, and lands spanning counties.

But not the young Weasley—He gave it all away.

MAGI, Magical Aid and Guidance Initiative—the name of the foundation that Ronald Billius Weasley started with all that wealth. Its aim? To support poor wizard children to pay for school education, food, supplies, and even support back home in case of abusive circumstances in both magical and muggle sides. To help squibs pay for lessons in muggle occupations so they can make a life for themselves. To aid all wizards suffering from financial woes—studies, lodging, or health.

Despite having it all, Ronald Weasley gave it all away. The richest man for a day has returned to join the likes of us, common wizards and witches.

For such courage and a righteous heart, I have nothing but respect and adoration.

By Rita Skeeter.]

There was so much silence in the Great Hall that even the distant clanks of spoons and coughs became audible. One by one, as they finished reading, their heads turned to silently stare at Ron who was still eating.

Yes, he ate like a pig. Not because he was hungry, but because he wanted to hide his sorrow.

Merlin's Beard, it still hurts knowing I gave it away. It's so fucking hard being the good guy. Of course, he felt a little troubled. It was so much money, after all.

"You did what?!" Hermione put the newspaper down and grabbed Ron's right hand, closest to her. "Is this true?"

"As true as an average red-headed boy beating the Dark Lord," Ron mumbled. "Oh, I'm the chairman of this foundation. You and Harry are Co-Chair, while Professor Dumbledore is the enforcer in case someone tries to steal."

Harry did feel speechless about his best friend. "You thought of all that?"

"Most of it, but I had help. Anyway, stop talking about it now, or I will start crying." Ron ignored them and picked a cup of pudding, "It was so damn much."

But it was not his, or the Weasley Family's. Just that simple fact was enough to discard it. Neither his siblings nor Arthur and Molly felt he did anything wrong. If anything, they felt proud of their name, 'Weasley'.

Look at their faces. Ron still felt a little annoyed and baffled by his fellow schoolmates. One minute, I'm the most hated, and the next most loved.


"Oh, hey, Ron."

"Good morning, Ron."

"You're the best!"

"Come for practice on time."

Ron walked towards the seventh floor on just another Sunday. It had been six days since the whole money matter, and he still remained the talk of the school. The respect he felt coming from every greeting and every smile from a passing girl made it all seem worth it.

Sadly, I still need to teach that damn seductress now. He sighed and arrived at the empty classroom on the seventh floor. Let's end this today. I don't want to deal with her anymore.

"You're late."

Tiredly, Ron didn't even register Daphne with his eyes and walked in. "I know, I overslept. Did you practice the shield charm?"

"I did."

"Did you make any progress?"

"I didn't."


"Did you say something?" Daphne stared daggers, "By the way, are you dumb? Did you fall on your head when you were born? Are you a monk?"

"What?" Ron looked up at last annoyedly and lost himself, staring at her absolute shameless beauty.

She stood facing away from him, only turning her waist to look back at him. Her cascading hair fell to the side, her one hand rested on her waist, almost hips. While the other moved up to the back of her neck from where she moved a bunch of her hair to reveal the golden, small huggie earrings.

What the fuck?! Ron's eyes widened.

As she leaned forward for unexplainable reasons, her very short skirt lifted up on its own, revealing her full, lush thighs of cream and her snowy white panties tightly covering the petals that gave away their shape.

"Do you have any idea how much money the Malfoys had?" She said, continuing to lean forward and revealing more of her rear. To Ron's further shock, she stretched her right hand further below her hips, between the junction of her thighs, and seemingly pulled the skin of her rear, stretching the middle strip of her panties to the side, which revealed a very faint sneak peek of something gloriously pale pink.

Ron couldn't avert his gaze. How could someone be pureblood with an aristocratic upbringing and yet be this much of a seductress? Her perfect ass, her curving thin waist, and the rising mounds took his breath away.

"Actually, I know exactly how much they had. Yes, it was a lot," he replied, not stuttering at all. This was his straining effort to focus.

"Oh." Daphne abruptly stood straight again, taking away the view. But then she raised her black sweater from her waist and took it completely off. Her hair turned a hot mess right away, "Yet you gave it away. Do you not want to be powerful, rich?"

Ron looked left and right to see if someone was spying on them, and this was a trap. "I'm rich enough, Daphne. Too much of anything can be bad for my health. Let's get back to training now."

"I forgot how to move the wand. Can you guide me?" Daphne asked, clearly playing games.

Ron begrudgingly sighed and stepped up to stand behind her. Like the last time, he placed his hand on her wrists. This time again, Daphne kept pushing her hips back towards him more and more. Her soft gelatinous ass pressed up against him until he felt like his growing bulge was engulfed.



Ron stumbled on Daphne's carelessly thrown sweater on the floor and fell down on his back. Daphne also fell on him, her rear slamming on his pelvis, thankfully not hurting him, but aiding in his aching swollen shaft to get a sneak peek of how tight she could be.

"I'm so sorry," Daphne muttered and turned around to look, her brows furrowed and her full lips seeming extra juicy. "Are you alright?"

Ron simply nodded as the words were stuck in his throat. He didn't know if he should gulp or speak, almost falling into a daze.

Daphne exaggerated a sigh of relief and quickly tried to stand up. Her ass deliberately swayed back towards his face with an erotic curve as her hands supported her body on his thighs to straighten her body and stand up. She placed one leg on each side of Ron's upper arms.

Ron couldn't move, as if he was stuck to the floor. The view above him caught him by surprise, causing his loins to twitch and urge him to look for more.

Daphne tilted forward a little and looked down between her legs, relishing the sight of Ron's gaze fully hooked below her skirt, at her panties and legs. Se could see his Addam's apple bob with every gulp, staring at her most secret places.

His gaze traveled up her white stocking he yearned to rip, up her fleshy smooth thighs he wanted to pinch and knead, and finally ending up at the sweltering heat of her cotton-covered slick wet heat he hungered to taste.

Wet? His eyebrow twitched a little.

Of course, he didn't miss the damp mark left on her panties. The succulent folds curving down from the hint of her tight lower belly he could see below the ban of her skirt. With her panties so thin and taut, he could trace where her petals met in between, wanting to part them free with his straining need.

"Enjoying the view?" Daphne commented all of a sudden, a faint giggle in her voice.

Ron flustered and forcibly looked away, "I'm sorry. Let's end the lesso—"

"How about a better view?" Daphne started pulling her skirt up and slipped her dainty fingers into the ban of her panties while standing.

Raising one foot after another, she took it off completely. Each brush of cotton against skin caused Ron's heart to thump, pumping more and more blood into his loins. Each movement she made teased him to no end.

After completely taking it off, she looked down once more between her legs, raising the front of her skirt to fully reveal her sweet warmth to Ron, twitching with a hint of wetness.

"So, what do you think?" Daphne continued to play with her fingers on her lower belly, taunting him to touch her lower lips.

Ron breathed so deeply that he felt his erection almost burst through the tight zipper. "It-It's amazing… Daphne."

She was smooth and well-maintained, smelling sweet with the heat of lust. Her moist, needy place was pale pink with a slightly darker flush of red in the middle, like a flower freshly blooming. Gleaming with hints of her nectar starting to form drips that could roll off at any moment, her pussy salivated for him. The shivers of her body made her slippery softness subtly twitch and throb, reaching out to him, wanting to be spoiled.

With her feet still feet at the sides of Ron's upper arms, she locked eyes with him with a turn of her head to look back. A sultry gaze filled her eyes, full of meaning.

"I've heard rumors that you're big." She muttered, and knelt down on her knees, her legs straddling his chest. "Would you let me see for myself?"


Before Ron could ask what she meant by that, she leaned down towards the bulge under his pants, unbuckled his belt, and pulled his zipper open. The entrance of her femininity shoved towards Ron's face, so close that if he leaned up a bit, his nose could brush against her pink petals easily.

Her dainty, slim fingers pull out Ron's throbbing manhood. Extending her red tongue on his base, she slowly licked up and coated his cock with her saliva in one go, wanting to get a reaction out of him. She couldn't help but smirk slightly when her tongue caused a breathy moan to escape Ron, and it was clear to Daphne that he liked it. She sucked him deep into her throat, slowly shoving all his length in and massaging his cock with her tongue inside.

As Daphne took him into her mouth, bobbing her head gently, leaving sticky strings of saliva all over his cock. She suddenly felt both of Ron's hands on her ass, cupping her cloud-like softness with his palms and pulling her pussy down, closer towards his face. Ron's tongue started playing in no time as his hips tried not to thrust up too much, craving that sensation.

He dove in with abandon, sinking his slithering tongue into her hole. He pressed two fingers and pulled at her lower lips as she hissed at the wide stretch, lapping his tongue across her clit to distract her from the sting. He buried his face in her pussy until he felt like it was hard to breathe, flicking his tongue across the swollen bundle of nerves before sucking it between his lips.

Sweet noises flew out of her lips as he slowly thrust his fingers into her tight hole, curling them up until he found the spot that made her gasp between sucks. Ron could feel the vibrations of her throat on his dick, causing him to eat her up even more frantically. He could feel the tightness of muscles trying to keep his tongue and fingers inside, clamping down with pleasure.

Daphne could sense the throbs of his cock in her mouth, almost at the edge of a release. She continued to suck harder, her hands massaging his family jewels with gentle care and her tongue pressing his cock to the roof of her mouth.

"Gk! I—I'm going to …" Ron whined in bliss.

Daphne suddenly pulled his cock out with a long last suck, allowing him to spray drips of his seed all over her cheeks, neck, and upper chest. Dripps of long white cream stuck to her ever-stroking hands, lubricating and squelching with each movement.

Daphne also felt like she was tittering on at the edge of oblivion, but stopped herself. She didn't want to come in his mouth like this, and quickly got off of his face. She turned around and faced Ron, the lips of her soaking wet pussy placed on his relaxing cock.

She leaned on his chest as her hips swayed, the wetness of her portals grinding on his cock to wake him up once more. Her pale white hands unbuttoned his shirt buttons one by one, caressing the skin of his chest with her hands as his toned body was slowly revealed.

She tilted her head lower and licked his chest, slowly wiggling her tongue between the contours of his body, her ass still humping his slowly returning erection.

Daphne suddenly stopped as she felt Ron's hard erection poke between her soaked petals.

"You're good with your wand, aren't you?" She said with a chuckling smirk, "Let's see how goo—oh—d!"

She couldn't finish her words; Ron had suddenly turned them both over and taken control. He dropped her to the floor, turned her face down, and straddled her smooth ass, placing his cock between her plump rears.

He brushed his aching cock between the base of her thighs, letting it slip and slide in their juices. Holding her arms behind her with one hand as the other clawed on the soft, curving flesh of her ass. "Then, let's get on with the lesson…" he growled.

He pressed down on her body, his hands moving between her and the floor, capturing both mounds in his hands as hard male heat slid into the tight embrace of her warm, fleshy thighs and entered the gates of her heavenly core. He allowed the crown of his cock to slip between her petals as he felt the ecstasy of her glutinous thighs engulfing his cock

He kissed and licked the soft skin of her nape, gently thrusting in with his hips. His hands fervently milked and pinched her nubs while he took in the pristine and hot scent of her blonde hair. He knew he struck gold as her body quivered under him, her tight legs throbbing and kneading half of his iron-hard cock.

Her ass aided him in bouncing against her body, matching his fluid movements. Her hips moved against him in hot, wet abandon, leaking moan after moan from her glossy pink lips.

Ron never knew that even her thighs could give him such pleasure while his cockhead scraped and brushed her hot lower lips with its mushroom-like head to no end. It felt like the pleasurable treasure at the end of a heavenly tunnel.

"Oh… ahhh—Ron... yes! Deeper! Deeper!" she cried out in agonizing bliss. Even when her petals were welcoming Ron's cockhead, she could feel his bumpy length tease her puckered hole with slick brushes. It made her go crazy with lewd hunger.

Being pumped from behind like this, with his whole body pressing her to the floor; it really made her drown in ecstasy, smothered in all that incredible sensation as his mushroom rim kept teasing her petals, flapping it and stretching it constantly. She wanted more and more, harder and deeper. All she could do was claw at the floor, trying not to come so soon from only her petals and clit being teased.

Why is she even okay with this? Oh, Merlin! She's so tight from behind! Fuck! Ron couldn't care less anymore, simply indulging in the wonderful sensations that her body gave him. So tight and compressed, he wanted to melt into her.

"Oh Rooon… Your cock feels s—so good!" Daphne kept yelping each time their flesh collided.

Her dirty words tickled his ears, down to his twitching cock. He wanted to see it. He wanted to see the lewd expression she made as he plundered her cave of wonders, and instantly decided to move and take her fully.

He quickly pulled her up to stand and pushed her against the wall. He trapped her between his arms and went in for a hot, wet kiss. He didn't care where their lips had been. All he could taste was her warm, sweet saliva. As their tongues struggled for dominance, his left hand lifted up her right leg under the knee, slowly aiming his cock back into her burning core.

"Umph!" Daphne yelped into his mouth as she felt his girthy length enter her once more. This time even deeper, as the flesh of her bottom wasn't in the way.

Ron's right hand went down her slippery neck, glistening with sweat, and eventually found its way to her breasts once more. Molding them into bloom as her flesh slipped between his fingers. His rock-hard cock ascended into her pussy with thrust after thrust, his crotch colliding with her petals.

"Ooh oh oh Ron! Oh my god..." Each syllable cried out every time her body jolted from his heavy plunges.

Minutes passed by this way, both echoing grunts and moans throughout the classroom. But eventually, Ron felt a little tired since he had already released his seeds once. He moved faster, trying to reach that sweet, sweet bliss before exhaustion took over.

With each pump going in deep, Daphne finally reached her climax. Her body stiffened up as all her muscles contracted, pressing down on Ron's cock. Wave after wave of rapture lapped up against her last barrier, releasing the floodgates in her loins.

"Aaahhh!" Her soaking, silky walls finally burst out with a torrent of nectar, engulfing Ron's cock.

Ron finally paused, feeling like he had given her what she wanted. He leaned his head on her shoulder and halted, taking in deep, cold breaths that dried his throat. His body pressed against her, trying to calm down after a good workout. His straining cock was still inside her, but he didn't want to let his loins spill into her right now.

"This is enough, right?" He asked, thinking he could just finish it by himself without the risk of getting someone pregnant again. Especially not someone he couldn't manage or control.

However, to his shock, Daphne wasn't done yet. "Who said that?"

Daphne pushed him off her while her hands clutched his loose collar. She pushed and pushed, eventually pushing Ron down to sit on the floor with his back resting against the wall, back in the original position she wanted. Ron was now trapped between her legs, his flag poll aiming straight up.

Daphne lowered her body while she held up her skirt, letting Ron see how his dick entered her, inch by agonizing inch. He could feel her walls throbbing and contracting, slowly gulping him down. Her flushed petals stretched to his size. He couldn't help but place both hands on her waist, feeling the smooth sensation under his fingers.

She started to move her ass in circles, then humped him as her body jolted and her breasts jiggled with every jump. Ron could feel the amazing sensation, his cock struggling with the pressure from her loins, milking him completely.

She leaned in even closer, placing both hands around Ron's head, pulling him in to suckle on her perfectly formed mounds.

How could he refuse? They were immaculate, with pink rose buds and creamy smooth skin. He suckled and nibbled, circling his tongue around her areola and nubs.

"Ahh… Ron… Fuck, yess! The rumors were… true! Your cock is… amazing! So big... so good!" She moaned, her words melodically going up and down every time her body jolted on his cock, riding him nonstop.

"Argh… F-fuck!" Ron grunted as Daphne slammed her hips down, and her pussy clamped around his girth, squeezing the life out of him. His toes curled all of a sudden, and wild convulsions arose from his waist and hips, thrusting up.

Daphne felt his twitching cock almost on the verge of release. Her wild self-impaling stopped abruptly, and she slipped Ron's length out of her heat. Her hand quickly gripped his girth and started stroking intensely.

"Gimme all of it, Ron!" Daphne whispered in a panting voice and spat down on his cock while stroking it.

Ron hated the lost sensation of her tightness wrapping around him, "W-Why did you stop? Ugh!"

Before he could get an answer, the dam broke, and a bursting release escaped the swollen head of his cock. Her tight strokes never stopped, her other hand playing with his bulging jewels. Soaking wet from her pussy juice, Daphne squeezed him dry.

A sizable puddle of white collected at his lower belly, mixing with her juices, making the sight a nasty mess of fluids. Daphne's own hands were a sticky mess with long, web-like stretching whiteness between her slim fingers.

"Heh… You came so much, Ron." Daphne mumbled, and leaned down on his body, uncaring if the mess dirtied her belly too. Her mounds landed with a plop on his chest, and her lips claimed his tongue for a quick, hot smooch. "Ummm… Look."

With one hand, Daphne scooped some of their sticky juices from between their groins and raised them to the side of their faces. A slimy, white, sticky mess dripped from her fingers with no end in sight.

"This only goes in me after marriage."


Ron, dumbfounded, felt his heart skip a beat. While he collected his thoughts from that awesome sex, Daphne didn't even waste a minute to swing her wand and donning her clothes without cleaning anything.

"I'll see you next Sunday, Ron."

"What the…!" Ron cursed, still on the floor; When did I say I'd marry her? Wait, I'm not even dating her!


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