Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 9. Lucky Ron, But Harry Benefits

No, no, no! This isn't real. This can't be real. Mum is going to kill me. Ron soon woke up again, finding himself in the empty quidditch locker room adjacent to the arena. He could feel Madam Bones' soft legs under his head as he looked up at her face beyond the fine, gentle curves of her mounds.

She was in her usual long coat, almost all black or dark gray clothes. On her short, close-cropped hair was a witch's pointy hat. A rare look of worry adorned her eyes, her thin lips pressed tight as she looked down at him.

"I-It's November," Ron muttered, calculating. "T-That means you're three months into pregnancy?"

Madam Bones was a proud, no-nonsense type of woman. She talked straight without letting emotions hinder her judgment. "That is true. It has started to become faintly noticeable."

Ron didn't even try to wake up from her lap and frustratingly pressed the corners of his eyes. He could feel his heart on the verge of bursting, "I… I'm sorry, Madam Bones. Mum will probably throw me out of the house, but…" He couldn't believe he was saying it, but he knew he had to man up. "I'll take responsibility."

After all, he knew it was as much his doing as Amelia's. If he had controlled his urges that night, this wouldn't have happened.

"I don't want you to."

"What?" Ron lay shocked.

Amelia's expression changed and revealed her gentler side. The eyes didn't look as sharp, her brows relaxed, and a gentle smile bloomed on her lips. Her thin, strong fingers combed through Ron's hair, caressing his scalp. "I'll turn thirty-six this year, Mr. Weasley. While I hold no desire to marry or love, I always wanted children—especially after Edgar and his children's death."

"Edgar?" Ron questioned, not knowing that name.

"My brother, murdered by the Dark Lord years ago, alongside his children. Only my niece and I live to bear the Bones family name now." She explained and let out a subtle sigh, "I want to be called mother, and I suppose you can imagine the scandal if I were to approach a man just for that purpose."

Ron silently stared at her face, trying to understand her point of view. Especially the face he felt drawn towards. Even his loins were reacting with gentle, warm twitches. Not of carnal lust but of pure desire.

Amelia Bones was gallant, tall, extremely serious, pragmatic, and powerful in body and magic—normally not someone a person would consider desirable. But somehow, Ron felt attracted, finally explaining why he did it with her that night.

"So, you want to keep it a secret?" He asked her at last.

Amelia nodded firmly, "I wish to give my name and inheritance to this child. See them grow and—"

"How would you explain red hair? If the baby has them?" Ron questioned. "Not that many red-haired wizards in Britain, are there? Anyone smart will be able to track where you were nine months ago, and the only red-haired man you met at that time was me."

Amelia smiled, liking the look of worry on his face. It at least told her he was serious about this. "I have thought of that. I'll deliver the child in the States. A potion shall be prepared to change the child's hair in case of red hair."

Ron felt a strange ticklish weight in his chest at that moment. I'm going to be a father? I haven't even finished Hogwarts yet. But…

He looked at Amelia's face, a woman a lot older, and admired it. If she has no problem maintaining secrecy, why should I?

"Can I come and see the baby?" He meekly asked, unsure if she'd want him to be near the child.

"Mr. Weasley, you're seen as one of the most gifted wizards in the world at this moment," Amelia responded, caressing his face, which still had a hint of freckles. "You're tall, handsome, magically gifted, from a respected family—I will be more than happy if you can visit the child."

Merlin's beard, why is my heart pounding? Ron blushed at her words.

"You should return now." The woman stood up as if nothing had happened and returned to her usual, serious persona. "One more thing. You might get called to the Ministry in the coming days for the trial of Lucius Malfoy and the rest of the Death Eaters who attacked us. You'll be asked to give an account."

This was the first time he heard about it. "But I already gave my statement."

"Considering how powerful and rich the criminals are this time, they're being given a chance to defend themselves. That's why it's necessary for you to be there; To counter their defense." Amelia explained and walked towards the school alongside him. "The Wizengamot will vote after hearing all sides."

Eventually, she bid him farewell and headed towards the headmaster's office.

Ron walked alone to the Great Hall for breakfast. He didn't care much about the Ministry's business, but the idea of becoming a father still scared him greatly.

What have I gotten myself into? How is this being lucky?

"Mornin', Weasley."

"Hmm?" Ron paused in his path and turned his head, realizing it was the most unlikely person. "Morning, Greengrass."

"Just Daphne." The blonde-haired Slytherin beauty chirped back with a charming smile, striking blue eyes glittering, and continued walking, vanishing after a turn.

Ron confusedly continued on his path too.

So much has changed ever since I caught Voldemort and won the award.

Who knew being strong and famous would change the behavior of so many people.


The Burrow,

"I can't believe this. Why do they want to invite us?" Molly Weasley was freaking out while holding a letter in her hands. "I don't have anything to wear."

Arthur laughed and proudly continued reading the morning newspaper. It was his own son's interview. Surprisingly, Rita Skeeter had written it, and nothing terrible was in it. "That's how the Pureblood community is. They didn't care about us yesterday, but now that Ron has boosted the family's name to such great heights, they feel obliged to invite us."

"What do they want from Ron?"

"Nothing for now," Arthur muttered. "They just want to be close to a family that's rising this quickly. Ron's future is bright, after all."

"Oh dear, should we go?"

"Of course we should. We'll at least know what they think about us, and if they are planning anything nefarious against our son," Arthur replied and got up. "Since it's a unique situation, let's go shopping, Molly. You haven't bought a new dress in years."

Molly frowned, knowing well how tight their expenses were. "But we don't have any m—"

"Ron paid for his own school supplies this year," Arthur revealed with great pride.

Molly sighed and rubbed her face, "He's grown so much, so fast."

Sadly, only if they knew how much their son had actually grown.


So many things changed after Ron received the Order of Merlin first class. There was simply no other award higher than that. Even though December had come, he was still the talk of every group.

Somehow, Rita Skeeter had also taken a liking to him, occasionally writing articles positive about him.

But by far, the most important thing Rita did was destroy the image of Dolores Umbridge. No longer did the new D.A.D.A professor acted obnoxious, giving painful punishments or forcing dumbed-down education on the children. At that point, she was scared of being let go from her Ministry job.

However, it was a double-edged sword. She became hate-fueled, focused on finding something negative about Ron so she could use it against him. It meant she used underhanded means to spy on him or make issues when none were needed.

Thankfully, he found a little respite in their bi-weekly secret training classes to train themselves in battle magic. Knowing Voldemort was undoubtedly not gone after Harry's continued dream, they found no other way but to prepare themselves.

Of course, Dumbledore fully supported them. With the Minister for Magic also being Moody, there was no pressure from any side anymore.

Like that, Ron found himself becoming the teacher in the secret classes instead of being a student. After all, he was the only one with an extensive amount of dueling experience, especially the experience of surviving the killing curses.

"Why don't you tell Sirius to apply for the D.A.D.A professor position for next year, Harry?" Ron sat down beside Harry after giving instructions to the class. "We can use someone like him to learn better. Our spells are quite limited."

"Ron's right." Hermione chimed in, another 'teacher' at the classes for self-defense. "We need someone with more experience who's willing to teach us dangerous spells. Professors won't help us."

Harry liked that idea, but the whole time, he looked distracted. "I'll try."

Ron, being right beside him, followed the chosen one's line of sight. And there she was, Cho Chang, swinging her wand while discussing how to do it better with her friends. Clearly, Harry was still lovestruck with her.

He's hopeless. Ron sighed but understood the allure. Cho was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful girls in the school. But if he doesn't try, it'll never happen.

"Hmph! Boys." Hermione scoffed after noting both their gaze and left them to talk about 'boys stuff.'

Ron grabbed the opportunity, "Harry, just do what I tell you to if you want to date Cho. Even Cedric has transferred to France now. Give it a try."

"They haven't officially broken up yet," Harry blurted.

Ron scoffed and imparted some valuable lessons to his best friend, "Do you seriously think no girls would throw themselves at Cedric in France? Man has vampire looks—he's definitely going to leave Cho soon. But if you want to have a chance, you better start planting the seeds."

Harry frustratingly rubbed his forehead. "But how? What should I do?"

How is he so dense with women? Ron genuinely questioned; Isn't this the golden opportunity already?

"Mate, listen and follow. From now on, give her a little extra time when teaching. Help her more, be more gracefully touchy. Stand behind her and extend your arm to guide her wand hand. Breath close to her ears, talk in whispers. If she has any interest in you, she'll blush or giggle like crazy. If she doesn't like you, she'll push you away or step away herself."

Harry stared at Ron's face like he was an alien. "T-That sounds crazy. What if she pushes me away?"

"Try again a few months later." Ron shrugged, "Maybe after she breaks up. But no harm in testing the waters now."

I'd have done that if I was you. Ron thought, never realizing it was his utterly enhanced confidence and lucky experiences speaking.

"So, should I go now?" Harry hesitantly asked.


Ron slapped Harry's back and jokingly pushed him forward. "Go, my boy. Stick to her like you're a bee, and she's the sweetest nectar in the world."

Harry made an ugly face, "I felt a shiver in my body. Never say that again, Ron."

After that, Harry meekly left. But just then, Hermione returned and sat beside Ron, so close that their shoulders touched.

She stared at Harry's retreating back, "What did you tell him?"

"To test the waters. If it's a no now, there isn't much hope," Ron said.

Hermione chuckled, a little self-depreciatingly. "I'm sure she'd give you a chance if you'd try."

Ron scoffed, dismissing it. "Why would she? I never even talked to her."

Hermione looked at him from the corner of her eyes, "Oh please! With how famous you are. Every girl, even from senior years, will throw herself at you if you were to ask."

"And you?" Ron asked back without thinking much. "Would you?"

"I… I don't…" Hermione froze, stuttering. "But you would never ask me. We're friends."

"Why not? You're pretty," Ron blurted again. "I never saw it before, but after Yule Ball, I know you're among the best in scho—Ah, Ginny, you're mental!"

Without finishing his words, he jumped up and rushed to scold his sister for the wrong wand movement. Never realizing how red-faced and flustered his bushy-haired best friend had turned. This wasn't the first time it had happened, nor the last.

In the days that followed, Ron nudged Harry to get closer to Cho. Since she seemed more than happy to entertain Harry, the ship seemed on the verge of sailing. But during those days, Hermione's mood started to turn sour for no reason.

And on top of that, Ron found an unlikely girl asking to join the classes for self-defense.

"You know my family, Ron. We never openly supported the Dark Lord; we only followed the status quo for our own survival. I want to learn how to protect myself and my sister too."

Ron awkwardly looked at Daphne, "I'm afraid that's not a decision I can make alone. I'll ask Harry and Hermio—"

"No!" Daphne abruptly closed in on him, reducing the space between them to a single foot. Her long, blonde hair charmingly draped around her shoulder and back, and her narrow blue eyes were full of determination. Her stature was tall, body athletic; as she looked up at him. "I'm not asking to join your secret little group. I'll be hated by my house for that. No, I want you to teach me privately after classes."

"Why would I do that?" Ron asked back, having no interest in mingling with Slytherins, no matter how pretty the girl was.

Daphne stepped back and crossed her arms underneath her chest, making her charming figure stand out more. She scoffed, blowing out angry air. "Seriously? How can you be so clueless?"

What's she talking about? Ron had no idea why she was acting angry.

"I'll think about it. I don't have much free time to spare these days." Ron shrugged and tried to leave. "Good night, Daphne."

"Even if it's once a week." Daphne tried to stop him, but the proud expressions on her face didn't disappear. "P-Please?"

Please? Since when did Slytherin lose their pride and ego? Ron was confused before, but now he was wary. What's she plotting? Did Draco send her?

"I'll think about it." He still chose to keep his answer vague and quickly left.


"Ugh! You fool!" Daphne kicked the ground in frustration, and her black skirt fluttered. "I hate you, Father. Why make me do this? This is beneath me."

In the end, she fixed her hair that she had intentionally untied to appear more charming.

"Fine, if you want to play with me, let's see how long you can keep up."


A few days passed, and nothing eventful happened. Ron waited to hear about the trial from the Ministry, but nothing of such came. He spent most of his time either in the secret training sessions, quidditch practice, or studying.

Yes, studying. After becoming so famous and respected, he didn't want to be called dumb. Thankfully, he was friends with the most brilliant girl in the entire school.

He decided to use the Room of Requirement to study with her. At the same time, being the greatest wingman in history, he invited Harry and Cho to do the same. Although Cho was a year above them, Ron made the excuse that she could help him learn too, while getting a private lesson about defense magic from Harry.

My genius is frightening. Ron giggled smugly while sitting in the Room of Requirement and watching Harry from the corner of his eyes as he blushed and acted all romantic with Cho.


"Are you even listening to me?" Hermione abruptly patted a closed book on Ron's head.

Ron rubbed his head and kept giggling. He quickly shifted in place and dragged his chair closer to Hermione as they sat side by side at a large square table—Harry and Cho on the other side.

"Shh… Just look at them." Ron mumbled very close to her ear. "I think we should give them some privacy."

Hermione already felt strange by Ron being so close, their body brushing against each other on the sides. But when she glanced at Harry and Cho, she went red. The two were holding hands and supported their heads on their other palms. They were adorably tilting their heads, gazing into each other's eyes while talking and giggling.

"You're right, let's give them some space," Hermione muttered, letting out a tired breath before standing up.

Ron also got up and packed all the books in the bag. "Harry, we're heading out. You two continue the 'class'."

"Hmm…" Harry didn't even turn to look.

Mate, you better treat me for this. Ron glared and walked away with Hermione. But would he even try something? He'll never get a better chance than this.

"Wait." Just before Hermione could open the door and leave, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side behind a large support pillar. "Let's wait until they kiss."

"What?" Hermione frowned, "Ron, that's wrong."

"Come on, Hermione. I want to be sure Harry isn't being a wuss. And don't tell me you're not interested." Ron blurted and pulled Hermione in front of himself, pushing her onto the pillar while leaning to the side to stare. Hermione's head was below his as they peeked.

Hermione, sadly, couldn't entirely focus on what was ahead of them as she felt Ron's entire body push against her back. His firm chest, his stomach, and his crotch were perfectly fitting her rear curves. "R-Ron, step ba—"

"Yes! Yes!" Ron cheered in whispers. "Finally, they kissed… wait, why is she touching him there?"

"What?" Hermione looked too and lost her mind in an instant, her hand moving to cover her gaping mouth.

It was no longer just a lover's kiss. Harry and Cho now stood by the table, suckling on each other's lips. Their tongues nastily swept into each other's mouths, sucking and pulling on each other's watery, flushed lips.

While Harry's hands hugged her waist and went down to caress her ass, Cho was rubbing Harry's erection with one palm while the other slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Bloody hell, forget the goalpost he's going straight for the golden snitch. Ron felt his throat going dry, his eyes bulging out, and another bulge rising. Why is she kneeli—Oh!

Never in his wildest dreams had Ron imagined this to happen. After making out so intensely, Cho unbuttoned Harry's pants and went down on her knees. She took Harry's length in her hands and lowered her parted lips.

Her tongue came out, licking Harry's girthy pole slowly from the base, coating him with her saliva. Then, she allowed his cock to enter her mouth, suckling gently, pulling and pushing him further and further in. Her head started to bob as her tongue twirled on the soft skin of his cock, giving Harry even more pleasure.

Being his first, Harry couldn't help but move his hips a little, struggling to go slow as the urge to fuck her face started to take over. Wet, spluttering, and gulping sounds echoed through the room, intermingled with faint grunts and whimper from Harry.

Harry's head fell back with a wide smile on his face, one his friends hardly recognized. Judging by the helpless grunts that left Harry's lips when Cho went faster, it most certainly felt good. The sound painted goosebumps down Hermione's arms until she shivered.

Ron stopped thinking and simply watched the show. His own erection now stood at full mast in his pants, unaware of how intensely it was probing Hermione's supple, soft rear. But she didn't say anything either, watching and also being aware of Ron's manhood.

My boy! Ron cheered inside with pride.

However, his own throat was starting to dry, affected by the heat oozing out of the lustful couple.

Ron gulped and looked down, noticing Hermione's bushy brown hair, the small opening at the collar of her white shirt, and her ass that was moving on its own over his bulge. He could feel the brush of the cloth between them starting to tingle on his crotch.

He leaned forward on Hermione's body and held her waist from behind, his hand slowly traveling up her belly, and pressing his straining shaft on her rear even more.

Realizing Hermione didn't react, simply staying in place with blushing red ears, he felt bold and placed both palms on her shirt-covered breast.

"Ah!" Hermione quickly covered her mouth, sternly whispering, "Ron! Stop it! No… Not here! They'll hear… us…"

As if he didn't hear her at all, Ron's hands started to knead Hermione's plump bosom, sometimes even pinching the small lump he felt under her clothes, letting them slide between his fingers. He lowered his head into her hair, taking in the sweet scent of her shampoo. His hip ground her flesh from behind, tugging her up to sink his hands deeper into her perfect mounds and press his chest on her back.

Hermione quivered uncontrollably, feeling the heat buildup inside her loins. She bit her lower lip, unable to suppress the involuntary movements of her own cushiony ass, driven by her own craving. Drunk in desire; she imagined what Harry and Cho were doing as something she and Ron could do too.

Hermione kept her eyes looking forward, trying not to entice Ron to do too much, but the view caused her to flush in heat even more.

They both noticed that Cho was already pulling down her white panties, slipping it down her leg from below her skirt, and kicking it to the side. She took a few steps back and sat on the table, spreading her legs wide.

Ron was a tiny bit irked that he couldn't see her pretty pink petals since he and Hermione were directly behind her. But he noticed how in awe Harry's expression was, marking how it was obviously something good.

Harry gently approached Cho, slowly lowering his head as his hands brushed up Cho's smooth, pale legs. His head leaned down even lower, sinking below Cho's form, blocking his friend's view. However, from the slurping and wet sounds that came and Cho's heated gasps, Ron knew his best buddy was enjoying a warm meal.

Sensing his own hunger creeping up on him, Ron couldn't take it anymore and brushed Hermione's hair aside. He leaned down and started kissing Hermione's nape, licking in titillating circles as he felt up her receptive body shivering.

"Umh… Hermione…" He whispered her name, clearly in a yearning tone.

Hermione was still quiet, letting him do as he pleased from behind.

"Her…Mione… can we?" He kept nibbling at her skin as his hands kneaded her mounds a little rougher, pressing and pinching her cloud-like flesh.

"'Can we' what… Ron?" Hermione asked back, sounding like she didn't care. However, the flush on her ears, and the movement of her hips told Ron that she was merely playing hard to get, still sending him that lustful mixed signals.

Impatient, he placed both hands on her shoulders and turned her around. Ron paused for a long moment, taking in Hermione's blushing face, sipping her own lips in nervousness as she looked at him with dreamy, watery eyes. He felt a slight pang of guilt for feeling like he wanted to devour that innocently sexy look from her.

Getting impatient with Ron's stare, Hermione abruptly jumped on her toes and kissed Ron, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their tongues intertwined, pushing and shoving inside their mouths, exchanging heat.

Ron's hands hungrily crawled down her waist and hips, letting his wide palms claw her mellow ass cheeks, pulling her skirt up with their movements. When the hem of her skirt was finally up to her waist, his cold hands finally found their way to her pastel pink panties, diving under the band to touch her burning, ivory skin. The difference in temperature made them even more notable on her skin.

He could feel her muted moan in his mouth, feel the tremble of her muscles, and sense the burning desire in her as he sunk his finger into her jiggling flesh. He went even further and pulled her panties down towards her thighs while his tongue kept exploring her mouth.

When Hermione's panties fell to her ankles, Ron bent down to help her take them off her legs completely. But he didn't stand back up as she expected. Ron pushed her back against the pillar.

Hermione stifled a yelp, pursing her lips in surprise as Ron lifted one of her legs and placed her knee on his shoulder, giving him easy access to her most special place. Already sweltering with sexual tension, salivating for his touch.

With both hands on Hermione's squishy thighs, anchoring her down on him; Ron widened the flat of his tongue and brushed it against her shivering portal from below, trailing up to her swollen kernel and twirling around her molten need.

Oh, I love her scent. Ron felt surprised by her odor.

Hermione couldn't see what he was doing, buried under her pleated skirt. However, the moment she felt his hot, wet flesh on her pink petals, her lips parted wide, exhaling a heated breath as her eyes closed, drowning in pleasure. Her back arched against the pillar, pushing her cave of love towards him.

She quickly used both hands to cover her own mouth, worried that others would hear her cries. Her head swayed left and right, trying not to lose herself too soon. She could feel Ron's tongue slithering in and out of her sheath, curling inside and capturing some of her juices, gulping down and going in for some more.

The tiny bumps of his tongue brushed against her sensitive petals, stroking her inner walls as far as it could. His hands continued to squeeze her thighs, sometimes even pinching her creamy flesh.

Hermione felt conflicted since this was the first time someone had kissed her down there, but she was somewhat glad that it was Ron. The notion that Ron wanted her, her body, and to go that far made her quiver all over. Her lust took over and sent her over the edge.

Ron could feel her lower lips throb, trying to catch his tongue with her clenching muscles. Suddenly, her muscles knotted up under his movements, her hands clawing at his red hair, pushing his head deeper between the junction of her thighs.

With a silent gasp from her parted lips, pulling in a sharp, cold breath; Hermione's sweet lava flowed with a profound shudder. Her clear honey flooded onto Ron's mouth as he sipped and slobbered his tongue all over the slick wet heat of her, gulping down the sweetness.

Coming down from her high, Hermione panted each breath with a blushing red face.

"Ah!! Ah… Ha—Harry, yes!" Cho's moans suddenly echoed from behind the pillar.

Hermione quickly turned aside to peek while Ron came up from under her skirt, peeking below her. They both saw that Harry was now standing in front of Cho as she lay on the table.

All of Cho's front buttons were opened, her breast heaving up and down as her body squirmed in delight. Harry's hair and necktie were disheveled, his pants clinging dangerously low on his hips, as his straining flesh was shoved deep inside of Cho. The sounds of their colliding flesh echoed with slaps and grunts.

Harry was gritting his teeth as sweat trickled down his forehead and chin. His cock pumped in and out of Cho as he held her in place by her sensually curving waist. Then his hands moved towards Cho's beautifully formed bosom, nipping her exposed bud with his fingers. His body leaned lower into her, thrusting deeper and deeper, stretching her walls to oblivion.

Hermione couldn't take her eyes off of them, leaning in to see even more clearly. She was feeling a bit wrong, a bit bad, a bit… envious. But suddenly, she felt the cold wind as her skirt was again pulled up to her waist from behind. She turned her head and saw Ron already holding his iron-hard cock out, stroking and aiming for her moist pussy.

Hermione, with only the upper part of her body turned back, looked at him with a scowl, mouthing a 'No.' Her hand pressed against the muscles of his belly.

Ron thought she was playing again, after what she allowed him to do before, and pulled her leaning body up by her arms. He pressed her back against his chest while his stirring manhood found its place between the marshmallow-soft flesh of her bottom.

He held her chin to look back at him, invading her mouth with his tongue once more and sliding his length between the damp base of her thighs. Slow and steady, his swollen head finally found its way through her gates, parting them with a slick thrust and gently pushing in the head of his swollen shaft.

Hermione felt it for the first time, a stinging sensation, her tight core struggling to stretch to his size and her body instinctively aiding him with more and more of her juices leaking out.

Oh Merlin, she's tight! Ron felt the shiver crawl up his spine.

He felt the hard clenches of her inner walls pushing down on his cockhead, her muffled cry of pain and a small hint of pleasure, filling his mouth.

"Ahhh!! Yess!! Yess!" Cho cried in bliss on the other side, clawing at Harry's shirt to pull him closer. It earned Ron and Hermione's attention.

"Gkh! Gaah…" Harry couldn't control his loud grunt, feeling every bit of Cho's massaging pussy engulfing him.

He leaned onto her body, kissing her wildly as they both came at the same time. Their fluids mingling and mixing, sploshing out as Harry kept thrusting hard, shoving in the last bit of his seeds. His cream dripped out of the corners of her pussy, rolling off the table as their bodies stiffened up, sticking to each other like glue.

Harry looked into Cho's eyes, almost looking surprised at what they had done, but Cho's lips simply smiled in their kiss, continuing to stroke Harry's hair. Their deep long kiss continued, none of them thinking of pulling out Harry's gradually relaxing cock.

On the other side, Ron kept kissing Hermione, feeling the pleasure of her drooling pussy around the head of his cock trying to slowly push in his entire length, threatening to stretch her more and more.

But seizing the chance, Hermione suddenly moved forward, leaving his cock out of her. She turned around and weakly pushed him away with her palms on his chest. Then, with tears in her eyes, she picked her books from the floor and ran away without picking her panties.

No, no, no! Why, Ron, why? How did I become so dumb? When the madness of arousal calmed down, and he saw her tears, he realized his mistake right away. Fuck, she's a virgin. Of course, she'd be angry doing it here.

He quickly pulled his pants up and picked up the books and Hermione's panties. One last time, he glanced at the table and found Harry already giving Cho a second round of pounding, unaware of what had happened just a few meters away from them.

You win some, you lose some, I guess. He groaned, knowing Hermione would be angry at him now. What makes her happy? Books? Chocolates?

Deeply frowning, he left the Room of Requirement as silently as possible. The corridor was empty, it being the seventh floor.

Wait, she's the one who kissed me first. Ron connected a few dots. Does she like me? Why?


"There you are!"

"Wha—?" Ron woke up from the stupor and stared around. Someone had pulled him to the side as he was turning towards the seventh-floor staircase. "Daphne?"

Her blonde hair was tied in a neat ponytail, and her brows creased intensely. She pressed both her palms on Ron's chest, keeping him pinned against the wall. Her one long white socks-clad leg rested between Ron's knees as she leaned closer to his face, spewing warm breath from her nose.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I really don't have time to deal with this." Ron blurted and tried to push her away. A wrong move, as he forgot this was a girl, and pushing her chest wasn't the way to go.

"You!" Daphne looked down at his palms on her soft mounds, which were quick to retract, and then she looked back at his face, her own eyes already red with a mix of anger.

Fuck, my mind's a mess right now. Ron cursed his luck; If she makes a scene now, my name is ruined.

"I'm sorry. But I'm in a hurry, Daphne." He tried to defuse the situation. "Why are you even angry? I never promised anything."

It only angered Daphne more, her pride hurt. She had never dated a boy in the school despite being well aware of how sought after she was. She was well aware of her beauty and how useful it could be.

Yet, when she showed interest in a boy who should, in theory, be throwing himself at her feet, he was ignoring her.


"I thought you'd be willing to help me." In the end, she was a Slytherin. Having a few tricks up her sleeves was the norm. So, she turned her eyes watery, on the verge of tearing. She pushed herself further against his chest, allowing her lusted-after, curvy mounds to be felt.

This is definitely suspicious behavior. Ron gulped, his member rising quickly since it was left unsatisfied. But he maintained his logic and looked around. Are there any hidden Slytherins with cameras?

But there was nothing, nobody but the two of them. He looked at her face and Merlin's beard… she looked like an angel from fiction. Her pristine, aristocratic skin was unblemished, and her high cheekbones, sharp features, and combined with blonde hair made her an almost perfect woman.

"Can't you spare even a single day to teach me?" Daphne swallowed her pride and acted like a damsel in distress. "Just once a week?"

Very suspicious.

"I-I will…" Ron just wanted to run away, but his damn hands found themselves on her thin waist. "I will tell you about the time and place later."

"Umh…" Daphne suddenly rested her forehead on his chest, just below his chin. Her hands moved, sliding under his arm and hugging him. In turn, that pressed her hot globes tightly against him. "I won't let go unless you tell me a time and place."

Ugh, bloody smart Slytherins!

"Sunday morning!" He blurted whatever came to his head since his erection started to hurt. The sensation of her feminine mounds was out of the world, but he didn't want to touch her anywhere further. "I'll see you…"

"Here?" Daphne fed him words.

Like hell I'll bring you to the Room of Requirement. Ron thought he saw through her scheme.


Immediately after, Daphne released Ron from her embrace. "I'll see you then."

Blimey, she's one devious girl. Ron wasted no time and strode off with wide steps.

Smirking alone in triumph, Daphne watched him go. She chuckled to herself at how easy it was to sway him once his masculine senses were teased.

In the end, you're all the same—boys. She sneered and headed back to her dorms.

But was it really her doing? Or the magic of fate once again at work, twisting things around until they benefit a lone, clueless, redheaded boy.


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