Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 17. Double Trouble

"Come out! Voldemort's dogs—Bombarda Maxima!"


Ron blasted the entire wooden ceiling above himself in a shocking move. But he didn't stop there and quickly fetched five small vials from his pocket and smashed them on the stone floor. 

"Daphne! Get under the fucking table!" Ron roared, throwing the sobbing girl out of her seat and her stupor. 

A sizzling sound came from the floor where Ron had smashed the vials. Soon after, a thick white smoke arose and spread everywhere in an instant like an explosion. The entire dining hall, from the ceiling to every corner got covered in it.

"Crucio!" Ron dared not pull his punches anymore. Thanks to the enhancement potions he drank earlier he saw everything in that thick smoke. There were ten enemies who had fallen from the ceiling. Most of them were already up on their feet, looking around. 

"Avada Kedavra!" 


Green lights blasted all around once Ron shouted his attack. But he was faster and dived to the side just as he had practiced. Midair, he waved his wand again. "Stupefy!"


Ron landed on the floor and kept rolling closer to one of the Death Eaters. As soon as he got close enough he jumped up, slamming the tip of his wand under the enemy's jaw. 



The head exploded with a fiery blast. Blood rained all across the hall, droplets reaching the other Death Eaters too. The scent of blood was something all of them knew, and they smelled it now too. 

"Did you get him?" One of the Death Eaters questioned. 

By then, Ron had moved and reached behind that very Death Eater. "I did–Crucio!"


One after another their numbers fell. They tried to use magic to get rid of the smoke in the room but the vials Ron had smashed still created more and filled everything. With no outlet, the smoke wasn't going to go anywhere. 

The magical flashes continued to blast everywhere. However, no matter how good Ron was, he still remained a mere student who had just stepped into the realm of battles. His luck did enough to help him cast magic, but when it came to getting hit, that luck could only save his life, not save him from bodily injuries. 

Since most of Ron's focus was on not getting hit by one of the killing curses, he was struck by other spells at times. Some slicing attacks, some fiery strikes—bloody wounds, torn clothes, dirty face—Ron gave his all to fight the ten of them. 

Five down! Ron counted again and took out yet another vial. Instead of carelessly throwing it away he crouched and got under the large dining table and reached Daphne, who sat there like a doll, shaken and shocked, her eyes wide open yet unresponsive. 

Fuck it!

Knowing well she wouldn't hear him, he put his palm on her lips and nose to stop her from breathing. At that same time, he threw the vial out from under the table. 

It cracked without noise and let out a tiny drop of liquid that quickly covered the entire room with a heavy odor. This was a poison he had brewed himself, it didn't kill but caused paralysis. 

Permanent paralysis in 'some' cases.

Ron knew one thing before he entered that den of wolves. Voldemort had his stooges in the Ministry, and most likely he'd be able to breach Azkaban someday. So, although he didn't want to kill anyone, he had to take drastic steps. However, he had sadly broken that self-made rule already as one of the Death Eater's heads lay there split and spilled. 



Soon enough the remaining five Death Eaters fell down. But Ron still counted to thirty and waited for his paralysis potion to lose effect. Although injured, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had just won a ten versus one battle. 

"Daphne." Ron let her breathe normally and tried to wake her up from the stupor. "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you run?" 

After a minute of being shaken, she woke up from the daze and looked at Ron's face in the slowly fading smoke. "R-Ron?!" 

"Are you mental?!" Ron hollered. "You have a death wish or something?" 

But in response to Ron's words, Daphne started crying again. She suddenly leaped over to him and hugged him, nestling her face over his shoulder and wailing there. 

What the hell is going on with her? 

Seeing this wasn't the time to look for answers from her, Ron removed the table over him with a simple levitation spell. He still looked through the smoke and double-checked all of the nine unconscious bodies. 

Just to be sure, he fired a few more Stupefy spells at them. 

Finally, he supported Daphne by his shoulder and walked towards the exit. But he kept his wand ready since Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass were still out there. With him coming out as the victor, the two were definitely going to try and silence him as they had already done something evil. 

"Stop crying." Ron tried to comfort her. He'd have been more sensitive if this wasn't a life-threatening situation and his injuries weren't so painful.

Thankfully, he failed to find Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass on his way out. Must have run away. But why leave Daphne?

At last, he was able to slam open the main doors of the mansion and walked out into the open. It was still night, and Ron felt disappointed by the lack of Aurors there. But he still walked a distance away and sat down on the neatly trimmed lawn. 

He helped Daphne sit down as well, in front of him, between his legs with her back against his chest. Her blonde hair was a messy bunch by now, her beautiful dress ruined by the flying debris from the fight and Ron's oozing blood. 

Ugh, as incompetent as ever. Ron grunted and had to take out his own bought potions to heal himself a little. He couldn't afford to fall unconscious yet, not until Moody or someone else was there. 

"So? What's going on?" He tried to talk to Daphne as he failed to hear her crying sniffles. 

But he received no reply from her. Upon checking, he found her already unconscious, limping against his chest. 

What a mess. 



"Finally! I thought I'd have to walk myself to Saint Mungo tonight!" Ron shouted at the figures apparating in. The first one was Shacklebolt. 

Shacklebolt rushed to Ron. "Your owl got lost."


That useless freeloader. Ron cursed under his breath and shook his head. 

"There's ten of them inside… dealt with. Daphne wasn't physically hurt, but she's been acting strange for some reason." Ron gave a quick report. "As for me. You can see it."

Shacklebolt knelt down and looked at Ron closely. He could see some open flesh wounds. "Can you stand up?"

"I can. But not for long," Ron replied. Keeping his eyes open was feeling like a chore. 

Shacklebolt nodded and quickly called some of his men. They grabbed Daphne and Ron and apparated away straight to Saint Mungo's Hospital. 

Luckily, it appeared they had already made arrangements. As soon as Ron and Daphne were brought in, a team of healers got to work. Ron fell unconscious very soon after and got his wounds stitched and a broken finger wrapped. 

Following that, he was placed in a private room for rest and treatment. Same for Daphne, sharing the room with Ron, their comfortable beds just a curtain apart. 


Meanwhile, back in Greengrass Manor, the team of Aurors found the place of battle. None of them said anything, as if they had lost their voices. Shacklebolt stood there in a daze for a moment, waking up only when Moody arrived behind him and pushed him away. 

"I knew it! The boy is born to be an Auror!" Moody proclaimed at the scene of the bloody battle. Not even bothered by the splattered head, rather he admired it. Fighting ten Death Eaters and killing one, knocking nine, all the while being attacked with killing curses—this was something only a handful of wizards could do. And by handful, he meant he could count on one hand. 

Shaklebolt gulped and fixed his headwear. "What should we write in the report?"

"The truth!" Moody boomed but turned solemn very quickly. "But leave out the splattered head part… and the paralysis."

To them, the more famous Ron was the more likely he was going to get involved with the Ministry in the future. Although Moody had lost his shot at being the Minister, he didn't want to lose his department and the perfect protege to raise as an Auror.

"Send out the word. Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass now have nowhere to hide with their task failed. Voldemort will be after their life, so the only safe place will be with us." Moody ordered. "Get to work! Stay vigilant!"


Ron woke up late in the morning the next day. The nurses came over and made sure his wounds were healing quickly. After that, he had his breakfast, a sponge bath, and then changed his clothes. Thankfully, he didn't find any trouble moving around other than some occasional pain here and there. 

"Wait." He just remembered the girl he was sharing the room with and quickly moved the curtain between their beds. "Daphne, how are y—"

Fuck! What's with my timing? Ron froze at the sight. Daphne was in the middle of changing her clothes. Keep calm, Ron. So what if you haven't had anyone in a while? 

Daphne was looking upward while fitting her head through the change of clothes, her previous hospital gown was completely removed and a new gown fell over her eyes. She didn't notice Ron that instant, but Ron noticed every part of her body. 

Due to the unfortunate circumstances, she wasn't provided a fresh set of underwear, but it was very fortunate for Ron. He couldn’t pull his gaze away.

Without a bra, her breasts were jutting forward, tight and sizable, beautiful and milky pale. Her belly was toned and heaving, her legs full and soft. Her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, messily swaying left and right as she wiggled her arms and body into the dress. Ron almost gulped as he imagined the dress that slid down her breasts and waist were his hands, sliding up her curves.

I’m such a pervert. Self-awareness was not lost on him.

And despite no makeup on her face, she looked amazing. Ron felt hard in an instant. 

"Ah sorry!" Ron stopped admiring and quickly closed the curtain. 


The curtains were moved again a few moments later. This time Daphne walked out and approached his bed. Thankfully, she held no expression of anger or embarrassment. 

"How are you?" Daphne asked him, measuring his body from head to toe to see how many places were bandaged. "Does it hurt?"

"I can walk, speak, eat, and fuck—I mean, I'm fine. Just a little pain here and there." Ron cursed his funny thoughts. Being a horny young man wasn’t always the best. "What about you?" 

"I…" Daphne didn't answer right away. Instead, she sat down on Ron's bed without asking and laid down right beside him, her head on his pillow. She looked at confused Ron, who was still sitting on the bed. "I was supposed to die yesterday."

"What?!" Ron exclaimed, all his arousal gone in an instant. He relaxed back as well but rested sideways, supporting himself on his elbow. "Why?"

Daphne breathed deeply. "Did you forget what happened between us in school?"

Ron frowned. "But it was only oral."

"Not to them. Not to the pureblood families." Daphne answered and laid straight, closing her eyes. She hugged herself with her arms as if she was cold. "I was ordered to court you completely."

Ron pulled the quilt up to make her feel warm. He also stopped looking at her and laid flat, shoulder to shoulder beside her. "I know. That's why I didn't go all the way with you. Doing that would have ruined your name."

"But you did go all the way." Daphne blurted in response. "To them, to all the families, the fact that you appeared at my house meant that I succeeded… I succeeded in sleeping with you."

Bloody hell! Ron had an epiphany and realized why everything happened the way it happened. But he let Daphne continue. 

"Father wanted me to do as the Dark Lord commanded. But once I told them that you were coming to our home, he changed. H-He removed me from the family tree, the inheritance, and ordered me to die alongside you, the blood traitor I slept with. To clear the taint on the Greengrass family."

So she sat there waiting for her death? Ron had guessed that already. He couldn't help but turn towards her and gently place his palm on the other side of her cold face to make her look towards him. She had accepted her death… Betrayed by her own blood. 

"I thought Slytherin were cowards," Ron commented. "You proved me wrong."

Solemnly, Daphne's blue eyes tremble, holding back tears. "R-Ron!"

She suddenly jumped up and wrapped her arms around Ron's head, pushing him back down as she fell over his chest. She hugged him tight as if finding a source of warmth and safety in him. 

Ron didn't fail her as he embraced her back, both his firm arms held her tightly around her back. His one hand soon caressed her hair, combing his fingers through them. 

"W-What should I do now, Ron?" Daphne asked him while her face remained hidden beside his ear, over the pillow. Her voice was muffled. 

Unbothered by her weight on him, he let her stay that way for as long as she needed. She had lost her entire family in a single night. They may be out there alive right now, but their end destination was predestined to be Azkaban. 

"I lost everything!"

Ron sighed and clenched her tighter against himself. "You're not alone, Daphne. I mean, I may not be your friend but I'm here. I'm not the strongest but I'd gladly jump into a battle to save you if the need arises, I'm a Gryffindor, after all. Mm… I can introduce you to my friends too. You're a top student, you'll love seeing Hermione."

Ron knew he was just yapping at that point to calm her down. Daphne may not be the kindest or the most goodhearted witch, but she wasn’t evil. Not by a long shot. Nor did he want her to become evil, which was a possibility after her traumatic experience. So, he wanted to give her as much help as possible. 

"Even if I'm a Slytherin?" Daphne pulled her face back all of a sudden and stared down right at his. 

Ron scoffed. "I'm a pureblood too, but am I evil?"

"No, you're not." She smiled softly, beautifully. "Not at all, Ron… Not at all."

Then you're wrong, Miss. I'm an absolute scumbag. Ron told himself. Shouldn't Madam Bones be here in the hospital too? It’s been nine months already. 


"Hm?" He focused back on her.

Like a flower, Daphne bloomed, her sullen and depressed face seemed bright. Her elbows were at both sides of Ron's head while her fingers were caressing his hair. "Can I ask you something?"

"As long as it's not my life."

"Hehe, no. Not that." Daphne exhaled softly on his face. On lips, in particular. "Half of the wizarding Britain knows, and the other half will know soon."

"Know what?"

"That..." Her porcelain face lowered a bit. "That Daphne Greengrass slept with Ron Weasley and gave him her virginity."

Ron jolted a little at the scandalous rumor. "But that's not true."

"Then make it true!"

"What?! Ummm…!" 

Daphne smothered his lips with her own, pulling his head to come closer as she pried his lips with her tongue. Her hot breath filled his mouth as she struggled to taste his heat.

Ron was shocked at first, but accepted it willingly, hugging her back and pressing her body onto his. How could he not? She wasn’t one of the best-known beauties in the school for no reason.

As their heated exchange continued, Ron could feel the slight tingle starting to rise in his loins. The short-lived sense of shock had turned to a fervent urge, a craving that knotted up his lower belly and twitched his loins.

Ron recklessly rolled both their bodies to the side, his tongue tirelessly tasting her scorching mouth while his hands explored the smooth curve of her back, up and down, pressing her onto his body with hunger. Rolling further, Ron got on top of her as he kept kissing her. 

But then a sudden realization hit him. He broke away from the kiss and sat back up, his knees spread, straddling her slender waist.

"Are you sure?" Ron asked, staring at her face below with passion.

Daphne nodded firmly. "Only you… It can only be you."

Her tone was practically asking him to take her. So Ron quickly took off his hospital gown, pulling it up and off of his head; eagerness oozing off his every move.

After all the hard work he had put in, his muscular body was now quite defined, earning a gleam from Daphne's blue eyes. She never knew the redheaded boy was a man under all those clothes.

"My turn." Daphne proudly asserted. 

Ron chuckled and got off of her, then off the bed. He rushed to the room's door and locked it. When returning, he ditched his underwear too, and approached the bed as naked as the day he was born. 

"Blimey…" Ron exclaimed at the gorgeous beauty. 

Daphne was already waiting for him, sitting there against the head of the bed, resting her back against the metal bars. Her unblemished chin tilted up a bit, almost as if she was proud of her delicate and sensual form. 

She knew her worth and relished the way Ron looked at her. Her fingers gripped the headboard railing, caressing it; hinting at the way Ron could make her grip it tightly.

She was fully naked, her pink budding nipples hardened already. Her legs crossed on top of the white sheets, one on top of another, rubbing together coyly. 

Ron couldn't help but gulp at the sight. Her legs hid her wonderful slit other than the peek of her pale brown pubes. He wanted to pry them open as soon as possible and count how many licks it would take for him to reach her gushing release.

He gently climbed onto the bed, crawling forward on top of her body. He wasn’t in a hurry, letting the smooth skin of her legs brush against his dangling erection, teasing her with the heat.

Daphne wiggled a little in response, her own craving taunted. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, anticipating his manhood to tease her core and fight for its way in when he held her legs apart.

He came closer and closer, putting his feet on each side of her hips. 

Daphne couldn’t wait anymore and opened her eyes. To her surprise, Ron was standing on his feet, aiming his hardened, twitching cock at her face as his body loomed over her.

Daphne had to look up as he was really too tall. His saluting cock was right there, front and center, calling out to her with each throb. It was like a troll's phallus, thick, veiny, bulging with a mushroom head. 

She had seen it up close and personal before and still admired it. Still thirsty to know how it would feel inside her wet core, stretching her to the fullest.

Ron clenched his hips and yanked his cock on its own, letting it playfully pat Daphne's nose. 

"It's asking for some attention." Ron cheekily said. Though he wondered if this was appropriate. 

Daphne smirked and suddenly gripped his cock with one hand, squeezing it very tightly, letting her slender fingers slide over his veins. Ron could feel the shiver rise from her delicate digits, spreading to his lower abdomen.

“Hmmm…” She leaned in and kissed the tiny slit of his crown, then probed it with the tip of her tongue. Her tongue slithered around him, licking his purple rim thoroughly before taking his straining staff in her spread, glossy lips. 

She went slow, coating him entirely with her slick spit. Her other hand joined, caressing his naked thighs and family jewels while her own legs still rubbed together excitedly.

Ron breathed deeply, staring down at the pleasuring view. Daphne’s head moved back and forth as her thin lips slid up and down his bumpy flesh. She licked and slobbered all over him, taking him in as deep as she could. Sucking and milking desperately with her eyes closed, as if she was enjoying a delicious, hot meal.

How many boys in Hogwarts chased after her? How many times has she rejected them? Ron almost wondered if this was his luck at its peak.

Ron could feel the way her throat moved, instinctively contracting to swallow the large ‘object’ in her mouth. It massaged him completely, pressing his cock head against the ceiling of her mouth, sucking out his precum in waves and gulping down. Her tongue swirled around him, as her pearly whites gently scraped over his sensitive skin.

It was sweltering hot, almost causing him to melt into her right then and there. His body reacted, nearly thrusting into that sought-after bliss. But Ron held himself back, letting Daphne pleasure him like the good girl she wanted to be.

After a few minutes of sucking, licking, and thoroughly soaking him in her drool, Daphne suddenly suckled hard. Ron nearly felt like that last barrier of ecstasy cracking.

But Daphne pulled her head back and popped his cock out of her mouth, leaving strains of gleaming saliva in its wake.

"I ran out of attention," Daphne said, smirking at him from below. 

Ron smirked, feeling like he should get back at the naughty, teasing girl in front of him. “I have plenty to spare.”

He got down on his knees, loosely straddling her plump thighs. His hands slid down her satiny neck, caressed her shivering shoulder, and gently pushed her body down to lay flat on the bed.

Then his palms went down her chest. He gave her perfectly shaped mounds all the attention they begged for, molding them between his fingers. He placed his cock right between her pale clouds, pushing them together with his hands. His soaking cock wiggled and slid between her breasts, enjoying the soft squishy snuggle as his hands kept fondling her and pinching her nipples. 

“Oh Ron…” Daphne moaned in delight. Her tongue came out, aiding Ron’s cock with twirling flicks, and sudden suckles. 

The squelching sounds of her spit echoed with primal lust, covering both her breasts.

“Gh… Keep going…” Ron savored the sensations. The slippery wetness, the gentle yet tight constraint, the heat of her mouth on his cockhead, her lustful moans; every bit of his urged his hips to move faster, fuck her swells harder, and reach that glorious release. 

Ron finally felt like he was on the edge, his sweat rolling down his neck and abdomen, tainting her skin. But much to Daphne’s mewling reluctance, he stopped and slid down her body. 

Finally, he settled between her legs and pulled them apart, getting a clear view of her pussy for the first time. It was as tight as he expected, virgin depths, never explored, now seeking his attention with all its dripping juices coating her petals. 

Daphne looked away, feeling shy for the first time. She had never imagined that a man would look at her drooling core so closely before. She felt like she knew what was coming next, but being a virgin truly had its limits. When she widened her legs to let Ron settle between them, she was startled to feel his hands grab her ass from under, lifting her hips higher.  


“Relax. I’m giving you all the attention you wanted.” Ron whispered, pulling her lower body up to make the underside of her knees rest on his shoulder, her back arched up.


Ron’s tongue started to dance around her pink petals, sliding up and down her drenched slit. Daphne shivered uncontrollably as she felt every bit of it. Shivers ran down her arched spine as her pussy juices rolled down her belly.

Ron lapped up her nectar as her pussy throbbed, gaping and clenching as if it was trying to catch the slithering invader. He teased her fleshy kernel with wide licks, and plunged into her depths from time to time, giving her slick, inner walls a nice teaser for the fucking she was about to get.

“Oh oh! Ahhh… Ron… nooo…” Her face flushed, a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. Her hands tried to reach for his head, but all she could do was hold both her thighs, spreading her legs wider for his feast. 

As his tongue fucked her more and more with curls and wiggles of its flesh, her ass jiggled and shook against his chest. His palms kept her plump flesh up, massaging his fingers into her tender, sweating body. 

He suddenly felt it, her body tensing up for that dazzling undulation. He suckled her clitoris harder, swirling his tongue on the swollen nub, pushing her over the edge of infinity.

“Ahhhh!” Daphne cried out in a fiery, cataclysmic response. 

Ron didn’t mind getting dirty, wanting to make Daphne's first her most amazing experience. He savored down her sweet honey, curling his tongue to pull more and more out as she withered in his hands.  

As she went through that last wave of climax, Ron felt painful stiffness in his cock. So he decided to get to the main course. 

He gently let her lower body down and allowed her to take a few calming breaths. 

“Need any more attention?” he jokingly asked as he left butterfly kisses on her undulating breast. His kisses crawled up to her chest, licking and kissing her smooth skin until he reached her neck.

“Always…” Daphne giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “But be gentle, it’s my first.”

“First? Alright…” Ron had plenty of ideas on how to satisfy his craving, as he had done so plenty of times before. But if the beauty asked, especially with that flushed face and innocently begging tone, he wasn’t going to go too wild. Not for her first, at least.

Ron took hold of his straining cock, aiming his swollen knob right onto her damp, moist needy place. He could feel her body tremble as he pushed in gently, slowly, and steadily. She grimaced for a moment when he finally broke through that veil of purity with a short and swift thrust. 

Ron almost wanted to stop, but before he could, Daphne had already circled her legs around his waist. 

“Take me, Ron. Take me, ma–ke me yours…” She whimpered, staring at him with passion and hunger. 

Releasing a weary breath, he leaned down and kissed her lips passionately, suppressing her whimpers as his hips pushed in again. He started slowly, sliding through her tight walls as delicately as he could. He could feel her unexplored depth clenching around him, trying to adjust to his size. Her hips wiggled and trembled for him, as her moans were stifled by his tongue.

A short moment passed with his cock nestled balls deep inside her, soaking in the tight strokes of her core. When he felt she was ready he started to move again, sliding in and out of her as gently as he could, but her pussy kept clenching, begging for more. 

Ron couldn’t hold it in anymore, all he wanted to do was thrust into her sweltering depths mindlessly. So his rhythm started to quicken, his hips moving as if it had a mind of its own. He dug in to the hilt, clenching both her breasts tightly.

“Ahhh! Ron!” Daphne cried out as he broke away for air. “Ahhh… so b-big! You feel… so… ahh!”

She couldn’t help herself, feeling the stretch in her pussy. It stung yet pleasurable, aching yet blissful; the confusing sensations took over her senses, pushing her towards that final moment of ecstasy. 

Ron knew she was on the verge as her lower lips clasped tight around him. He wanted her to feel that frenzied explosion of exquisite sensation before he did, completing her first time with fond memories.

His hips pumped faster and faster, striking as deep as he could. His mouth found its way to her flushed nipple, suckling and pinching between his clamped lips. The room no longer smelled of medicine but of bodily pleasure. The metal bed creaked while the erotic claps hastened.

“Ahhh! Ahhh!” Daphne cried out, riding the wild and wonderful waves of sheer ecstasy. Her nectar gushed out onto his iron-hard, pumping cock. The squelching sounds of their fucking continued, mixing in with her moans like a melody of sexual pleasure.

“Gkkk…” Ron grimaced, finally reaching his own release. He quickly pulled out of her loving slit and leaned onto her belly. He stroked his cock hastily, scared to lose that edge. Soon his grunts echoed and his magnificent body shuddered as he flooded himself onto her smooth skin, spraying that white hot cream as far as her flushed red mounds and neck.

As exhaustion settled in, Ron stayed there, holding both her warm, soft legs on his sides. The sight of her flushed pink slit, drenched to ruin, was just too hot.

Finally, after a few deep breaths, he rolled to the side and laid there beside her.

As soon as Ron looked over, he saw the mess he had made and quickly got some small towels from the bedside hospital tray. "I'm sorry, Daph. I got lost in passion and…"

"It's okay." Daphne smiled back. She relaxed in the bed, feeling too sore to even move. "I-I'll clean up in a mo-oh-ment… Bloody Morgana! You're too big, Ron."

Ron embarrassingly scratched his head. This wasn't the first time he had heard this. "I hope it wasn't too painful."

The blushing smile refused to fade away from her lovely face. "No, it was amazing!"

Finally, Ron breathed a sigh of relief and got up. He cleaned himself up first. But instead of putting on the hospital gown, he wore a regular set of clothes. He wanted to go out and get some fresh air after the labrous fucking. 

"I'll be back in a moment, Daph." Ron chose to get used to her short name. "Want me to bring anything?"

"Ice-cream!" Daphne chirped. 

Ron chuckled and headed to the door. "Alright, ice cream it is. Cover yourself, I'm opening the door."


Finally, he left the room and got a look at the outside. It was a long corridor on both sides. Feeling rather confident, he walked towards the childbirth section of the hospital, hoping to find Amelia there. 

It wasn’t easy to find the place since he couldn't ask anyone with the disillusionment charm set on himself. He simply strolled around, followed the signs, and soon climbed a few floors to reach the desired area. 

That must be it! Ron noticed two Aurors standing outside a single door, looking too odd in that hallway.

He removed the disillusionment charm and approached the door. Easily, the two Aurors recognized him. "You can't go in, Mr. Weasley."

But I want to. 

Ron had no way to contact Amelia inside and make her give permission. "I heard she gave birth. How did it go?"

"It's a healthy boy, Mr. Weasley." One of the Aurors replied with a sneer-like expression. 

Looking down because the father is unknown? Ron coldly glared at him. But there wasn't anything he could do. Not yet, at least. I need to get stronger… Much stronger. 

"Then I'll go back." Ron turned around and decided to go buy ice cream and spend time with Daphne. Maybe get to know her, her dreams, her likes and dislikes. 


Ron bumped into someone just as he turned a corner to go downstairs. 

"Ah, I'm so sorr—"

Ron froze in place. He looked back into the corridor once and then back at the woman before him. A storm brewed in his mind in an instant, his heart a little shaky. 

"Mrs. Delacour, what are you doing here? Is Fleur here?" 

"M-Monsieur Weasley!" Mrs. Delacour exclaimed, as if in panic. “W-What a plez-ont sur-preeze.”

Ron looked back at the corridor again. "Why are you in the maternity section?"

Mrs. Delacour avoided meeting his eyes, her fair skin looking a little paler for some reason while a beat of sweat formed on her forehead. "We 'ave come for a regular checkup, Monsieur Weasley."

"We?" Ron caught on. "Where is Fleur?"

Mrs. Delacour looked visibly distraught at that, her immense bosom heaved with her heavy breaths. "F-Fleur is… Fleur…"

No, no, no,  no, no… Not her too! 

Ron screamed under his breath, begging to be proven wrong. “What happened to Fleur?”

"She gave birth!"


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