Star Of the Weasley Family

Chapter 18. Daddy Ron

Ron couldn't bring himself to say anything. His ears constantly rang with a resounding buzz, drowning all the other sounds. He was prepared for Amelia to give birth to his child, so Fleur's situation came as a surprise. He felt confused, scared, and hurt, unable to understand why Fleur didn't tell him about it. 

Heck, it was Fleur who wanted to do it with him back then. It was she who willingly told him to spill inside her. Why is she pregnant? 

"Gave birth? Where?" He asked absentmindedly. 

Apolline Delacour let out an uneasy sigh, her voice faltering as she spoke. "I-In ze private room, Monsieur Weasley. Fleur did not mean to keep zis from you. Sh..."

"Take me there," Ron requested, somehow unaffected by the women's Vela heritage. Although his heart only knew turmoil at that moment, he maintained calm on his face. "I wanna see for myself."

Apolline agreed right away. Since Ron knew about it already, keeping the matter hidden further was too disrespectful. Moreover, there was also a selfish desire in her heart. She didn't want her precious daughter to remain a single mother. 

"Follow me."

The time it took to reach the unguarded private room was short. But to Ron, it felt like a long walk as his thoughts paced a thousand per second. He only woke up when Apolline opened the door and waited for him to enter. 

"Maman, vat took you so long? I—"

Ron heard Fleur's sweet voice and walked right in, passing by Apolline who closed the door behind them. His gaze was only fixed on the lone bed in the center beside the window, the warm sunlight was pouring down on everything, especially Fleur’s flushed, beautiful face.

"R-Ron!" Fleur panicked and tried to hide the baby in her arms using the quilt. 

Red hair! Ron got a peek at the baby's hair. 

His burning heart was suddenly overcome with a giddy sensation. A sensation he couldn't make sense of, but it made him excited somehow. My baby? 

"Fleur…" He approached the bed with all but a smile on his lips. Pride? He felt something like that while staring at Fleur's pale, spotless face—a little flushed, her long silver blonde hair wavy like a waterfall on her back as she sat there with the head of the bed inclined. "Is it ours?"

"Maman!" Fleur looked at Apolline in panic, hoping to be saved. 

Yet Apolline just shook her head. "I told 'im, Fleur. Zis eez for ze best. You are not a normal girl, ma fille. You are part Vela—eet eez crucial to 'ave a strong man like Monsieur Weasley by your side for a life of tranquility. Eet eez for ze sake of your daughter's peaceful existence as well."

"Daughter?!" Ron lost any hint of frustration, replaced with an unexplainable joy. "I have a daughter?"

Fleur's thin, delicate browns creased together. Facing defeat, she slowly moved the quilt away from her lap and revealed the sleeping baby girl swaddled in soft cloth. "I-I’m so sorry, Ron... I know zat you didn’t wish for zis. I didn’t intend to impose zis burden on you. Zis is not your fault. You shouldn’t feel obliged to bear zis burden."

"Burden?" Ron frowned at her words.

What burden? He had already accepted being a father. Although Amelia's situation was different, this Fleur situation didn't change his mind either. Even less so once he saw that otherworldly cute face of his daughter, her lush red hair far brighter than your average Weasley.

 "Blimey, Fleur, if you didn't look so lovely at this moment, I might've given you a good smack on the head for calling our daughter a burden."

With that, Ron reached for the little girl. He carefully, delicately took her in his arms and hugged her against his chest. Her little button nose, her small pouty lips, closed eyes, her little hands and fingers. It evoked an intense desire to protect her in his heart. To protect her mother too. 

"Were you planning on raising her alone?" Ron asked the young mother of his child. 

Fleur blushed seeing Ron acting so intimately and kind towards her and the baby girl. Somewhere deep inside, it relaxed her worries. "I was, Ron. Maman was ready to 'elp as well. We have a grand 'ouse in ze countryside where we'd live."

Ron nodded firmly. He even agreed with the plan since he was still a young man. By common sense, this wasn't his time to become a father. This was his time to date around and fall in love, at the peak of his youth. Yet, once he looked at the face of his daughter and then Fleur, it was easy to make up his mind. 

"Would you say no if I wanted to take the responsibility for this? What happened that time was a game of two, not one. I'm as much responsible for this life as you, Fleur."  Ron spoke earnestly, pausing briefly before continuing with determination. "I would... love to be her father."

It felt like spring had bloomed. Fleur's face lit up, gone was all the hidden fear or anxiety. Her beautiful blue eyes flickered with hope and desire. "Are you sure, Ron?"

Forgive me, Hermione. I'm letting you down with this selfish desire. Ron thought of his official girlfriend at that moment, his heart heavy with mixed feelings. But I don't want to be the cold-hearted git you might think I am.

Ron knew what accepting Fleur and this baby girl entrailed. Amelia wanted to keep their child's father a secret and only wanted a child of her own for personal reasons. Meanwhile, Fleur's case was an accident, a consequence of their combined decision. 

I'm going to hell for this. 

"If you're alright with having me there for you and our daughter, Fleur, I'd be thrilled. I'd love to take on that responsibility and watch her grow up right in front of us," he resolutely proclaimed. He knew it sounded awkward coming from a young man like him. But his records spoke for his prowess.

So charming. That was all he could think of when Fleur smiled at his words. This was clearly what she wanted from the start but was too afraid to ask. 

But before she agreed, she looked at her mother again. "Maman, could we 'ave a moment alone, s'il vous plaît? I would like to ask Ron something."

"Of course." Apolline merrily left the room.

With just the three of them left, Fleur scooted a little to the side edge of the bed and lifted the quilt from the empty corner, inviting Ron over. "'ave a seat."

Carefully, gently, he sat down on the bed first, then raised his feet on it, and finally lay back against the inclined side of the bed. Baby still in his arms, he made sure to not sway her as much as he could.

A moment later, he was lying on the bed shoulder to shoulder, waist to waist beside Fleur. Her maternity glow was too charming, and her scent was addicting. Somehow, her Vela allure worked a little harder on him now. 

Yet, it didn't feel sexual but romantic. 

"Hehe. I weel hold 'er, you look so scared," Fleur chuckled softly as she gently took the baby from him. "Perhaps you weel hold me instead, Ron?"

A beat skipped, a long giddy breath taken, Ron found his arm moving on its own and slid behind Fleur's head. Feeling her rest her head there while squeezing closer to him, being intimate, made Ron feel even more protective of her.

"I should have been careful," Ron apologized. 

Fleur shook her head strongly and tilted a little sideways towards him, to look at his face better. Making a little gap between their lower bodies, she gently placed the baby there, surrounded by her parents. "I don’t blame you, Ron. I 'ave desired you zat night... I wanted you to be ze one to claim me. For so long, I 'ave seen boys chasing after me, trying to win my favor, and I 'ave always despised zat. But you... I truly wanted you."

"Why? I was just a poor Weasley sob back then." Ron asked back, also turning sideways to get a better look at her charming face.

"Zat's not it." Fleur warmly traced her fingers on Ron's face, feeling his skin that had lost the freckles. "In ze Yule ball, you made me regret not accepting your proposal to be a partner. Ah, how funny, 'andsome, and tall—you made me envy ze girl you were wiz. Zen, at ze second and ‘ird task, you saved me and Gabrielle—so strong, so 'eroic, so brave. Since zen, you 'ave 'ad my heart."

Really? She felt that way? Ron was in a bit of disbelief. 

Fleur was considered breathtakingly beautiful. And while he had been called handsome on occasions, he never considered himself on the level of someone able to win Fleur. 

"Zat night, I wanted to thank you for saving my sister and me. I wanted to give you more than just my thanks, to give myself to the first boy I 'ave ever truly fallen for." Fleur confessed her true emotions. Her eyes had turned a little watery by then, her gentle palm was on Ron's face, caressing. 

Ron felt even more guilty. "I feel awful, Fleur. That was your first time, and you're already a mum, and y-you've only done it once. I feel like I've taken away your best years as a bachelorette."

Fleur narrowed her gaze comically at that. "Oh là là, does zat mean you 'ave been wiz many girls?"

"..." Ron felt sweat form on his forehead. "T-That… I… I'm dating Hermione. But I'll tell her the truth. I promise."

"Hehe, I jest. You didn't even know about my pregnancy, Ron. You don't need zo be married zo have babies. I zo not blame you for being with other girls, nor would I ever blame you for it in ze future. We ar’ not married... we are just maman et papa of a beautiful little girl." Fleur looked down at the sleeping baby. 

Merlin's tits! The French and their open minds. Ron was baffled that she was so open about it all. 

"What if…" He measured his words carefully, gulping a lumpy blob of spit. "What if I want to be with the mother of my daughter too?"

Oh, that maddening smile of hers made Ron go crazy each time. The subtle hint of naughtiness and desire had him hooked. "Aren't you already?"

"Oh!" Ron puffed and just went for it. Hell, the girl was perfect in mind, body, and everything in between. Matching her, his hand reached for her face and he leaned closer to her. Her eyes went close and his followed as soon as their hot lips met.

A passionate but slow kiss ensued for minutes. 

His hand soon landed on her nape while Fleur touched his chest. They broke the kiss momentarily to look at each other's eyes. The wild lust was quite evident. 

Their kiss resumed with that as both of them tried to feel each other's bodies. Ron's palm softly traced her shoulder and landed on her swollen breasts. At the same time, Fleur's hand slid underneath the quilt and gripped his hardened manhood tightly in a fist. 

Every time he tugged on her sweet lips it made him feel so possessive about her. His desire for her peaked, wanting to make her his and only his. To protect her from any danger in the world. Of course, he wanted to slide in her right then and there but knew it was impossible with her current physical state. 

So Ron broke the kiss after a desperate struggle. However, both of them didn't stop touching each other. Fleur was already stroking his girthy cock over his pants. Ron was massaging her teets softly and making a soaking, milky mess of her gown. 

The baby was sound asleep, unbothered by the swaying from her parents.

"Fleur." He spoke. "Once I finish dealing with the Dark Lord, you are free to reveal to the world that I'm the father."

The simple gesture made Fleur fall for him yet again. "Are you sure? Hermione might hate you."

"She would, but I don't want to lie to her more or keep hiding things. I want everyone to know that you're mine and our daughter is the proof," Ron proudly declared, a little cheeky nonetheless. 

"Umh…" Fleur bit her lips, her fist on his cock clenched harder. "Too bad zat we can't…"

Ron chuckled and caressed her hair first and then pecked a kiss again. "I'll visit you again in a few days."

"Hmm…" She nodded shyly and stopped stroking him. "Oh, please extend my deepest gratitude to Professor Dumbledore. Without 'is 'elp, I would never 'ave been able to give birth 'ere in such secrecy."

"Dumble–what?! He knows?!" Ron exclaimed, almost shouting. 

Fleur nodded. "I 'ad no choice, Ron. Everyone knew me in France. Maman asked Professor Dumbledore for 'elp, and 'e agreed."

"T-That's so kind of him." Ron forced a smile on his face while his heart raced. What else does he know? About Luna? Lavender? Twins?

Finally, he shifted off the bed and got up. "I'll see you later then, Fleur."

"Let’s decide on a name when we meet next, yes?" Fleur warmly waved at his leaving figure.

"Let's do that." Ron opened the door and stepped out. As soon as he shut the door behind he took a deep, calming breath. 


He looked up at the sudden voice and there she was, Apolline Delacour. Only now did he really notice her face and body, her half-Vela allure was far more intense than Fleur. "Congratulations on being a grandmother, Mrs. Delacour."

Yet, Apolline didn't respond with as much enthusiasm. Her arms were folded underneath her voluptuous, bouncy breasts. Her white blouse was far too revealing around her cleavage. If he could even call that a neckline, the blouse only started from around her bosom, while other parts covered her shoulders. A wide square of ‘look at this flawless, pale skin’.

Her wide, soft hips were tightly embraced by a black, long pencil skirt that went below her knees, followed by smooth black stockings. Her hair tied in a mature bun behind her head made her truly seem like his mother-in-law.

One abysmally hot mother-in-law. He had to say it in his heart. 

"Monsieur Weasley, please come with me. Zere are some zings I want you to know before I accept you as my lovely Fleur's man." Apolline's tone was clear; she wasn't asking him.

Ugh, is she angry? Ron had no clue what she wanted. But thankfully he didn't have to go far. 

The room right beside Fleur's was Apolline's waiting room—a tiny room with just a three-seater couch, a study table by the window, and one chair. 

Ron entered when she gestured for him to come inside, and she closed the door behind them. Ron stood there, wondering worriedly what she wanted.

Apolline walked to the table. Standing with her hips against the table's edges, she looks at Ron seriously. With her arms crossed under her magnificent, beautifully formed breasts once again. Her whole body exuded the charm of a mature Vela, judging him, measuring him. Ron felt like a schoolboy getting caught after doing something bad.

But all that pressure didn’t affect his erection, going even harder since her allure was too much. Heck, the way she looked like she wanted to punish him made it even hotter. He could feel the flames rising in his loins.

As if she noticed something, Apolline shifted her cushiony ass, almost spilling right on the edge of the table. As if teasing, the arms around her midsection tightened, raising her big breasts to show even more cleavage. She crossed her legs alluringly. While the hem of her skirt swayed up her smooth legs a little, Ron could feel something ticklish also crawling up his shaft.

"Monsieur Weasley, do you know why I married my 'usband?" Apolline asked.

"No, Mrs. Delacour."

Apolline softly chuckled, her throaty hot voice too good for Ron's young body. But then she stepped closer to him, her heels making resounding taps on the floor. "Women like me, Fleur, and Gabrielle are said to be celebrated for our beauty. But it eez as much a curse as it eez a blessing. Tell me, 'ow do you feel now, after gazing upon me?"

Ron looked up and appreciated her entire body. Hot! Luscious, succulent, so juicy I’d–Damn it… Focus, focus, don't think with your cock!

"I-I don't understand what you mean by t—"

"Zis!" Apoline got too close to him all of a sudden. One of her hands caught his hard, eager cock, cupping it under her palm. "Zis eez what you feel. Now imagine being married to me. You'd be lusting for my body day and night, desiring physical intimacy at all times. Zat eez why I chose to marry a man with a low sexual drive. As Fleur was supposed to."

"What?!" Ron exclaimed. This meant Mr. Delacour was just a sperm dispenser for Apolline. 

Ron’s thoughts froze as Apoline suddenly slammed her achingly swollen twin peaks on his lower chest while staring up at his face. Her hand rubbed the length of his erect manhood the entire time. Ron could feel every inch caressed, wrapped in a warm massaging hand. He almost hated the pants he was wearing right now, the material too thick for his current craving.

"But don't worry." Apolline smiled, the tease and desire evident in her gaze. "You're young and strong, famously so. You may ‘ave the energy to zo ‘et countless times, but I don't want my precious Fleur to get hurt. So…"

Her other hand came up, massaging his chest gently with teasing waves of her fingers. Gliding over his chest and shoulder, her hand caught his neck, pulling him closer to whisper the next words from her seductive red lips, dripping with honey.

"So feel free to seek me, Monsieur Weasley. Whenever you… feel the need to..."

Bloody hell! Is this my luck or is she just that horny? Ron had no idea who to thank for this. But was this necessary? However, just one look at her heavenly body made everything go blank. 

Ron's hands reached for her waist just then, already falling into a daze of lust. His palms started feeling her smooth curving back, exploring her wide, plump hips. He gulped the drool forming in his mouth, thirsty to feel her lips and tongue, swirling inside.

"Let me ask again, Monsieur Weasley. What do you feel right now and… what do you want from zis madame?" Apolline interrogated, clearly a sexual matter at this point. 

Ron’s gaze couldn’t help but trail down at her cleavage. Perfectly smooth, flawless, and glisteningly inviting. All he wanted to do was bury his face in that alluring valley, not even wanting to come up for air. His fingers slid down her hips and sunk into the cushiony gentleness of her bottom flesh. So heavenly soft, almost making him want to grip them with all his strength.

His fully erect cock started to strain against his pants, pulsating with a beastly urge. Yes, he needed it right now. But he still felt hesitant. Back then she had no connection to him, but now she was his mother-in-law, though unofficially. 

"M-Madam… I want to push you against that table and have my way–,” Ron’s eyes widened at his own lack of control. “Respectfully..." he added awkwardly.

“Really?” Apolline smirked and tapped her lips with her finger as if in thought. Then, she stepped away from him, seductively walking over to the table. She leaned down with her sizable hills smothered on the tabletop, looked back at him, and playfully hooked a finger at the hem of her skirt.

"Show me your ‘way’, Monsieur? All… of... it…" Each syllable dripped with a challenge from her red lips. Ron could feel a throb on his cock with every mewling word.

The way she bit her glossy lips after made him go crazy. Without thinking, like a mad hungry wolf, he came closer and lifted her skirts, his fingers dragging across the silky stockings. He was amazed that she wasn’t wearing anything as alluring as before, but her sleek black underwear and thigh-high stockings felt quite erotic under his palms. 

His hunger couldn’t wait anymore, and he quickly pulled her underwear down to her calves. He kneaded her smoother-than-silk ass, drunk with the softness that enveloped his digits. The pink slit hidden between her plump flesh peeked out from time to time.

He felt the strong desire to bite into the jelly-like, ivory ass, but he settled for a kiss, licking the jiggly flesh between his fingers. 

“Ahh… As naughty as always…” Apolline shivered, her breath starting to grow uneven as a blush bloomed on her cheeks.

The heat and the scent enthralled his mind, subconsciously making him kneel down and worship. With both his hands still massaging the magnificent flesh of her ass, he extended his drooling tongue, flicking her kernel of love, and slid up with a wide, single stroke to her back.  

“Umm—” Apolline moaned for the first time, shivering in delight. She loved the way her young lover took his time, gently teasing her petals with his tongue, suckling on her salivating core.

Her knees buckled when his tongue finally found its way in, stroking her silky walls as it wiggled and twisted inside her. Like a slithering beast, it curled and pulled her nectar out, more and more as he gulped down her Vela sweetness.

Ron lost himself from the taste, her dripping elixir of life. He enjoyed the way she wiggled her ass, her hands on top of his, begging him to clench tighter. She was practically opening herself up for him, wanting his tongue to go deeper. 

He allowed her to do it herself, as his own hand slid up and down her stocking-covered thighs, so full and meaty, sleek and damp with her own juices and his saliva. He ate her to his heart's content, tasting her delicious creamy walls.

“Ohh..ohhh…” Appoline moaned louder, her body shivering as Ron swirled his tongue around her clit, teasing her lower lips with repeating strokes.

He could feel she was coming closer to that final moment of ecstasy. Her body was freezing, her muscles knotting up, and her petals throbbing uncontrollably. It was as if her lower lips wanted to suck his tongue in, obsessively wanting to keep him in there.

But Ron wasn’t going to waste that glorious moment with his tongue.

He pushed back, standing up and quickly pulling his zipper down, allowing his pants to fall to his ankles. 

“Oohhh~ Monsieur, please…” Apolline mewed, reluctantly coming back down from such a high. She looked back at him pleadingly, but her eyes instantly lit up as he saw him pull out his swollen rod, fully hard for her.

This woman is dangerous! Ron took a moment to admire the begging, mature Vela beauty, holding on to her own wide ass spread, presenting her drooling pussy to him like a gift. The image might be seared into his brain forever.

Without another word, he kicked off his pants, and slammed his cock in one go, almost pushing her up, tighter against the table.

“Ah! Yes!” Apolline cried out in bliss as the table slammed against the wall on the other end. Her pussy instantly throbbed, clenching around his cock like no tomorrow.

Ron’s hips started to move, violently slamming into her again and again. The table thumped against the wall as their bodies collided. His hands crawled from her soft thighs, kneading her ass, and clenching her hips, traveling up her slender waist as he continued to thrust.

“Yes! Monsieur, harder! Ohhh…” She moaned, loving the way his flesh slapped against her blushing bottom. His cock plowed in, striking her deepest walls over and over. The way his bulging veins scraped against her petals, the way he unleashed his greed for her; everything.

“Oohh Oui… Je l'aime tellement.. Show me yo–oohh’ur way, Monsieur! Take me–eeh, harder! I’m all yours!” Her ass gyrated in circles, causing Ron’s cock to feel the almost rotating sensation engulf his cock, twisting and massaging him to no end.

Ron leaned into her, his hands slipping between her breast and the table, fondling wildly. He loved the way her heavy set of honey-soft clouds were pressed against his palms. His hips kept thrusting as he kissed her nape, drowning in her Vela scent.

“Oh Merlin…” Ron groaned into her skin, licking and kissing her neck as if he was drunk. “You're too perfect… Madam.”

“Ahhh.. Donne m'en plus… Je veux plus de vous…” Apoline lost herself in the bliss of his cock, moaning out recklessly. Her body shivered uncontrollably, shimmering in spasm. That strong, lovely sensation began to claim her, gushing out like a cracked honey pot.

Ron couldn’t stop, as he felt the squelching, slippery heat envelope his cock. The warm juices only aided him, enhancing his pleasure. He grimaced with ragged breath as his body finally found what it craved. With one last slamming thrust of climax, he spilled into her most tender flesh, painting her wet walls white. 

He embraced her body tightly from behind, hugging her, both twitching and shivering with their near-simultaneous release. They were both out of breath, but thoroughly loving the blissful feeling and the warmth.

Apolline slid one hand down to her soaking pussy, scraping their combined climax onto a finger, and brought it up to her glossy lips. She took a lick, giggling, "Ummm… I zee why Fleur wanted it so badly."

It made no sense to Ron, too tired to even think. Finished, spilled, and finally calming down, he fell back onto the soft couch, pantless and panting. His eyes never left Apolline, so hot and inviting. Somehow he still felt no regret or shame. 

I really am going to hell. 

"I should return to Fleur, Monsieur Weasley."

Ron watched as Apolline pulled up her black panties, fixed her clothes, and her fabulous ass teasing him again as she walked in front of him and reached for the door. His gut twitched, but he was too exhausted to even move.

Call it post-nut clarity or the sudden realization of responsibility. He felt really shitty about himself the more he thought about the past year or so. Yes, he loved all the attention from the opposite sex. Yes, it was absolutely ravishing to spend intimate time with the girls. But now he had to bear the responsibility for his actions.

"I'm a father now… I'm a father!" He repeated to himself. Mind empty, seated on the couch alone in that room. 

Soon, he felt an intense desire to go and see his other kid too. So he fixed his attire, got rid of the scent of sex, and walked out of the room. After just a few turns on the same floor, he arrived in front of the guarded room of Amelia Bones. 

"Could you let Minister Bones know that Ron Weasley wants to have a word with her?" Ron demanded firmly.

The two Aurors nodded respectfully and one of them walked into the room. Ron may be young, but his deeds were enough to earn him admiration and respect from most. The same was the case for Aurors. 

A few moments later the Auror returned. "Minister Bones has called you in."

Will he have red hair? Ron calmed his heart and walked into the open door. With desperation, he looked left and right at the sizable room. A bed was by the window, empty. A cradle was beside that bed where he could notice a bundle of clothes. 

"I'm not pleased, Ron." 

The same old mature, booming voice pulled his focus towards the side of the corner room. The tall figure of Amelia Bones stood there by the window, looking outside. Her attire was just an oversized maternity gown. Her hair was short and combed, but she still gave off the authoritative vibe. 

"I'm sorry, Madam Bones. I tried to come ea—"

"Not about that," Amelia Bones turned around to face him, her usually stern eyes filled with an uncharacteristic concern. "Once more, you have acted dangerously and recklessly. I received the report on the Greengrass Manor incident. You walked into a trap, fully aware of its nature. Have you forgotten the promise you made?"

Ron averted his gaze and looked down, embarrassed. "I just... I thought if we could cut down their numbers a bit, then, you know, they wouldn't be as strong when they came at us."

The stern look on Amelia's face changed suddenly, taking a softer approach. She walked up to Ron and rested her hands on his shoulders. "Ron, we have discussed this matter previously. If a sacrifice must be made, it shall be mine. You would then be granted legal custody of our child and ensure he is raised with the utmost care and propriety."

Ron's fist clenched on its own. The memories of that night he had spent with Amelia on the run were something he could never forget. The heated moment was not a bad memory at all. Amelia Bones wasn't a bad woman either. 

"No," Ron replied and looked at her face, eyes almost on the same level as she wasn't that shorter than him. He was nervous, but he took a leap of faith and gripped her thin waist with both hands. "I don't want Edgar to grow up without a mother."

Amelia frowned. "This is not the time to be sentimental, Ron."

He still shook his head. "No, this is the first time I've had such clear thoughts. I'm done lying and hiding things."

"What do you mean?" 

Ron closed his eyes, not wanting to face Amelia's fury. "I… I had a daughter with Fleur Delacour just a few doors from this room. She kept it a secret, and I only found out today when I saw Apolline walking in."

There was a long silence. 

Ron forced his eyes to open and look. Amelia hadn't moved at all, and there was no fury either. Instead, there was shock and smiles. 

"With Ms. Fleur?" She asked softly.

Ron awkwardly nodded. "T-Things happened between us after the end of the Tri-Wizard tournament."

"She hid it from you?" Amelia interrogated. Perhaps an occupational habit.

Ron nodded strongly. "She wanted me to… To finish… Um inside that night. She didn't want to burden me. But I told her I'll take responsibility! I'll take responsibility for everything, Madam Bones. For Fleur, my daughter, Edgar, and y—"

"Shhh…" Amelia tapped her finger on his lips. "You don't have to."

"I know you want to keep this a secret." A little bit of frustration leaked from his tone. "But I want to be close to Edgar. This is the right thing to do. I… I'll come clean to Hermione as well." 

What am I saying? Hermione will never forgive me. 

"Hmm, you've grown strong and well," Amelia said, stepping closer until her chest nearly touched his. Her hand gently caressed his hair. "I don't hold you responsible for what happened, nor do I harbor any hatred. In fact, I'm glad it happened. My dream of being a mother has finally come true, and it's all thanks to you. Your desire to be close to Edgar only brings me more joy, so don't burden yourself with guilt."

"Really?" Ron felt the restlessness in his heart fade away. He intently gazed into her eyes and felt his heart beat a little too fast. She was still as charming as before. Sure, not in the same league as the likes of Narcissa. But Ron felt a different charm from her. Her serious persona and her confident smile were hot. 

I'm sorry, Hermione. I'll tell you everything once I'm back at school, and you can kill me. But right now…

His confidence bolstered by his hands on her waist, Ron gulped and glanced at her thin lips. 

"I… I know you want this to be a secret but…" He gathered the final courage to say it. "Can I kiss you, Madam Bones?"

Stupid, stupid, stupid! She's not Fleur, you dumb boy. She obviously has no feelings for—

"Only today."


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